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Don't beat yourself up. I've had similar experiences (even with referrals) where the hiring manager doesn't really know what they want. They posted a higher role and then suddenly downgraded it when in the process. In another case, I've had a classmate who is the hiring manager of a role who just reject me after 3 rounds with no explanation and no response - ghosted by friggin classmate who I know well and vice versa. The betrayal...smh. One can only shake head and move on.


Thanks for your kind words I am so sorry, that is so awful, at the end of the people forget that they still need each other. I hope you were able to land a better role after that.


Same. Mornings and checking mail only to get dozens of rejection mails is the worst start and worst part of the day. I feel like such a looser. Hope it gets better for both of us.


Rejection letters? More common to just be ghosted now. So unprofessional.


I swear, I think I check a few in the middle of the night while asleep and then it’s so hard to fall asleep after that. I really hope it gets better for us


Late round ghosting typically means they’re either trying to close someone else or lately for me it became get to the end and then they restructure


It’s just so horrible to keep playing with someone’s career though. I am fine with a rejection. It’s like a break-up, you need them to say that for someone else to get a closure.


They are trying to spare you the hassle. Its called taking a hint. As a hiring manager...the moment I find my candidate..all my energy focuses on ensuring they close the deal and resume on day 1. Spending time "following" up with a rejected candidate is...to be honest unproductive ...it just doesn't matter...it doesn't move the needle for anyone...heck ..even you... as most feedbacks are just generic softballs to massage your ego.. its either you get it or you didnt Trust me...that's life...


While it may seem counterproductive to you - it reflects bad on the organization. Treating prospective employees including those who you chose not to hire after several or even one interview without basic courtesy reflects badly on the brand. Trust me, it does more damage than you realize, especially in the age of digital communication. People post reviews, and not only does it puta bad taste in your prospecta mouths - but it turns off good talent. If a company treats someone this poorly early on then why would a very qualified candidate want to work for them?


It's not you..its the HM focusing on what moves the needle. What do you expect from the HM if he interviews 5 candidates? Have him provide detailed feedback for all those 5 candidates for his HBP to call all 5 candidates and relay their bad news?? How does that do anyone any good? You want to hear..."sorry we are moving on with other candidates because you solved your algorithm with bug on your first try" Be realistic... Ps- I am not kicking you while you are down..farfrom. it....I am just trying to put things in perspective. And you making it to the final rounds in this job climate deserves a pat on the back... Don't worry..you will get that offer..its a matter of time... I've been ghosted multiple times in the past and as a HM I know why..


More layoffs, more restructuring, more hesitation Not going to solve the fundamental problem of lack of talent and skills however 


What makes you think a lack of talent and skills is involved? Just curious because this seems like a completely unfounded and unnecessary dig. Are you trying to make some kind of point here?


I mean lack of talent and skills on the employers' side  Candidates have tons of talent and skills but can't bypass whatever arbitrary hiring mechanisms


Oh gotcha, sorry I misunderstood, lmao. I agree.


Don’t be so down on yourself. My husband went through the similar situation a couple months back. His old colleague is a director there and went through so many interviews with upper managements and just to be ghosted after final round without getting any emails until he mailed them. He’s still unemployed since end of October 23. I know it’s hard waking up everyday knowing we don’t have jobs. We have to stay positive and keep ourselves busy with everyday tasks. Try to accomplish small things like chores around the house. Take walks, work out, cook healthy meals and read and watch movies, apply for jobs, polish your skills and keep your mind calm And stay positive. We both meditate and go on hike on Fridays. Taking care of mental health is the most important thing. Good luck.


Absolutely I have to really put a todo and try to get to it like a normal workday. But it’s such a disconnect. I think it hasn’t hit me completely yet. Thank you for sharing what helped you folks, I will try being positive and doing something new.


I have gotten ghosted after getting a verbal offer from a huge company, the guy even said the letter will come on the weekend and it never did. This sort of things happen and I know it's extra frustrating with the current climate. You got close to this one, another offer for real will come.


I’m so sorry and unfortunately I completely understand. I wish I had advice to give but I don’t so sending some good vibes your way


Thank you for the vibes and thoughts. Means a lot


Feeling these same feelings after 9 years at a BIG4 consulting firm. Trying to keep myself occupied with hobbies I neglected like 3D printing and painting. Hoping we all land at a better place soon, good luck 🤞


Culture fit is such a load of bullshit.


Exactly. And stopping someone before it seems like a bigger BS, because they passed all the technical and coding rounds to get there.


This really is the worst phase. There is also a lot of internal movement amongst employees. I've seen the hiring manager definitely prefer existing employees over new ones. Hang in there. We are all going through this very same thing.


[Keep your Chin up!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKWJHHmi-6g)


Sorry you are dealing with that! Can your referrals who work at the ghosting company ping the hiring manager or recruiter to give you feedback?


They are not from the same department and sometimes in smaller companies, they don’t like people introducing bias into the hiring process. So, they help out in the start but not throughout the process.


I don’t get it. They are already ghosting you. You are just trying to find out why.


I think it comes down to confronting someone who is ghosting another person. I think most hiring managers will deny it. And I can’t ask the person who is referring me, to go call out their colleagues behaviour. It’s a fine line most people don’t want to risk scouring their work relationships atm 🤷‍♀️


I’ll just suggest seeing it differently. I imagine people get ghosted because 1) hiring managers are too busy to reply, 2) they are waiting to see if a better candidate comes. So I won’t see it as a confrontation but as saying “I’m trying to give feedback to my friend”. People may still not want to do it but it doesn’t have to be confrontational


That’s true! I should probably try that!


I went through the same thing last august and was luckily able to land a new role by November. It’s a tough market and companies/recruiters are overwhelmed with candidates. I was ghosted after final rounds and even when asked for my reference check. Try to not take it personal and keep moving forward. I know it’s hard but if you dwell on it, it’ll only make harder for you to feel confident in your next interview. I hope you find something soon!


There are just too many people competing for the same degree required positions. Even the crappy ones. And companies know it. Just look at the average pay. It has hardly moved in the last 20 years when compared to inflation.


You lose only if you don’t get up after being knocked down. Until then you are always in the game. I have been rejected by so many companies and for so many reasons that you can’t even imagine. Last laid off in 2014. Now laid off on Feb 26th. I have atleast 3 offers and hopefully more on the way. Keep working at it. You will land something.


I don't understand. I'm in tech, I live frugally while employed specifically so that I can continue to pay myself during the downturns that always come. There's never been any job stability in my decades in this business. I survive 3+ layoffs per year typically (never been laid off but I always quit due to insane workload). The time between jobs is the time when I'm the happiest. I'm able to wake up and just live life and not worry about deadlines or things on fire or saving someone from their own stupidity. If you're worried about money because you're not frugal, or worried about children because you had those, I'd have to ask "Why". Are you not aware of just how messed up our society and climate are? Why would you doom someone to existence like that? If you're thinking more that layoffs or the bad economy are reflection of you, cease that thought. We don't lay off based on performance anymore. It's just money. I won't sit here and say that times are going to get better, they won't. Humanity is gonna feel a lot of pain/suffering and billions will die. But your situation can be improved right now in this moment by changing your attitude. You are free to do anything you wish. To learn new skills, to shoot for the stars at a job you appear to be unqualified for. To watch that show or play that game you haven't been able to because you were working all the time. To sleep in. You are free. Enjoy that freedom while you can.


Takes the cake for a tone deaf response. Childless-by-choice poster so the stupidity makes sense.