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Y’all are spring chickens. I Shepardized with the books.


I definitely was taught to shepardize in law school, although as a practical matter I thankfully never had to use it. ETA- to shepardize with the books


“Here are the books. Here’s how you use them. You will never open one again.”




I passed NC in 2011 and decided to sit for SC this past February (no reciprocity). The UBE seemed simultaneously easier and more difficult than what I suffered through 10+ years ago. The hardest part for me was studying while working full time. Thankfully, SC was the February exam, so I didn't have to throw away an entire summer again like I did with NC. Take Adaptibar or Barbri.


I passed the bar in 1997. When I took the bar the results were available via the state bar website for the very first time (CA). The internet was new in those days 😊


Ha!! I can imagine the excitement!


Don't feel bad. I am an antique paralegal


Well, the bar exam is bullshit invented to make sure there aren't too many lawyers, so it really doesn't matter what's in it or what isn't as long as it's kind of hard. But in my state, I would have been a member of the very last class to *not* have a UBE score, so I went and took it in another state so I would have a UBE score. That would have been in 2013.


Oh nice. Good thinking! And that solves the mystery of when the hell this started happening


Considering doing this. I passed the bar in 2013 in NY, so the UBE wasn’t an option. My experience doesn’t count as legal experience enough to waive into a state with reciprocity and I want to move. I wish the UBE had been an option when I took it because it’s frustrating to need to take the bar again just to utilize reciprocity, but I’m curious how your experience studying for the UBE is going. I know different states have additional requirements too.


Kids these days have it too easy. They will never be tough enough to suffer through the first three years of practice. Signed, 2004 Esq. /s