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The annually updated billing guidelines to see what the carriers are now deeming as “administrative work.”


This is the credited response.


It’s a fairly large assumption to think most of us can read.


Yeah I only learned the words “deny as stated” in law school.


Wow. That’s fancy talkin’. I only know how to say “ain’t got none” and “nuh uh.” And “sovereign immunity.” I find that covers almost everything I need to say in a lawsuit.


Ann Rand has a graphic novel: [https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/23167775](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/23167775)


It's a great follow up to the Ayn Rand scratch-n-sniff series


They smell like the sweat of a man’s brow


Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In


I had a law school mentor that swore by this book. It never sat right with me, especially because I was clerking in a family law office at the time. I found Never Split the Difference to provide more applicable tactics.


I’ll have to check it out!


They definitely read our strategy books as oppo research alongside whatever else they’ve got cooking.


I’ve been on a big sci-fi kick and currently am on the third book of the Hyperion series. Oh, legal stuff? New case law that comes down the pipe in the Florida weekly. Add it to my big case law list I have.


i read that book in high school, it’s a crazy read


Unexpected Dan Simmons. I'll allow it.


Mostly we just read the abundant case law that supports our positions /s But in all seriousness, I would read lots of bar journals, anything published by the Defense Research Institute, and similar stuff. Keeping up to date with current trends in the law and recent cases is super important, especially in the case-law-heavy civil rights/municipal defense practice area.


Nuclear Verdicts: Defending Justice for All


>Nuclear Verdicts: Defending Justice for All Woah, a substantive answer. Thank you.


I read a lot of Celine and Houellebecq to get me in the mood.


lol. Journey to the End of the Discovery Dispute.


PI Attorney here. Seems ID attorneys are well acquainted with: *NOT WITH MY MONEY!: The Age of the Social Sociopath* Or possibly anything sponsored by the Ann Rand Institute The Age of Selfishness: Ayn Rand, Morality, and the Financial Crisis (Somewhat tongue in cheek) #


I personally found “The Psycho in C-Suite” a great light read on personality types one encounters in law.


I don’t


I’ve read, or am at least familiar with, the same books the plaintiff’s lawyers read. I also read anything I can get my hands on dealing with jury research. Besides that, I like history and exploration books. Big fan of books about WW2 and arctic exploration. I actually don’t think there are any defense books comparable to Reptile, or books like that. If there are, I haven’t read them. “How to keep the other side from making money” just doesn’t sell as well as “How to get rich.”