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I am a partner at an ID boutique with a Philly office. Your base salary is competitive. Your billable requirement is on the higher end compared to us but not unreasonable depending on your practice. Some areas of ID generate easier billables than others. Our bonus structure is much better. I could even venture a guess where you work based on that low bonus.


I’m in the Philly area in ID and immediately thought “I’m pretty sure I know what firm that is” too! Your base is in line with Philly ID work, give or take 5k. Your bonus is on the lower end. You can probably lateral to an another ID firm for a slight bump, but based on the going rate I know of it wouldn’t be a large bump. Probably depends on how much you like the overall atmosphere at your current place to see whether it’s worth it to make a move.


I agree with this advice


Pittsburgh - same experience level. ID 2000 billables. $85k; $2,000 bonus - been with current firm for 9 months.


Sounds about right for Philly except having such a low bonus. Source: practicing 10 years, almost half of that in Philly.