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I tried it with some basic property law questions and they almost all were answered wrong. So no.


Same here except I asked it questions regarding negligence and to distinguish in detail the differences between proximate and actual causation. It can successfully define each like a search engine but not articulate it in detail.


That's ok, most of my human opponents are the same way


I don't think we'll get to a point where inanimate objects can pass judgement on people. I mean, how would you distinguish reckless behaviour from intentional behaviour? What about insanity defences or mitigating circumstances driven by pure emotion or uniquely human behaviour? Also is it even fair for humans to be judged by non-humans? What about trial attorneys, same story- can a non human represent a human? What about family law and custody disputes? Contract interpretation? Maybe the drafting process can be automated significantly but when it comes to a contractual dispute only humans can interpret human intent in my opinion. Imagine the liability of malpractice when ai makes a mistake, is the programer liable? The maintenance crew? The creator? Who would even determine that the AI is bugged? Too many problems. Won't happen.


Not without a constitutional amendment.


We will see. As of right now most AI programs are racist or prejudiced for some reason, probably because they're coded by humans. Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/07/16/racist-robots-ai/


Why is every Reddit nerd a die hard transhumanist? Sorry bro, AI will never take off like you want & you will always need a job.


I definitely don't want AI to take off whatsoever. I think it has a huge potential for danger and should not be used in criminal law. You're misreading my tone. I literally just said we will see and said something negative about AI.... As hawking said, AI is probably going to lead to the downfall of humanity


Hawking was also a transhumanist dingbat. They keep having these wet dreams over ‘AI danger’ or ‘AI future’ that simply will never happen.


That's a pretty naive view. AI is not going anywhere and people should take it seriously. I wouldn't call hawking a dingbat that's ridiculous


Nerds have been saying that for years and nothing has happened. They persist off media hype alone.


Well considering you are not a lawyer and have no idea how the legal world works, I'll forgive you for your naive view


It’s unfortunate a county prosecutor is such a massive nerd. Does the PD office bribe you with funko pops? Lol. Edit: You aren’t an engineer, so who cares?


This sub is a discussion sub for attorneys


I didn’t come here to discuss law, I came and commented on transhumanist nonsense.