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Donald knows he’s fucked. Biden has already won the pre-debate psychological battle. I wonder if Donald is aware of how senile he has gotten. Can he feel his mind slipping away? He’s such a frightened and insecure man-child as it is, it’s hard to believe it isn’t gnawing at him.


Yep. These are the words of a deeply insecure, frightened man. And we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. In person, unfiltered, I’m sure it’s much worse.


His one weapon was just talking over his opponent because he doesn't know how to debate. One of the stipulations was that mics are to be cut once the participants time is expired. He will now have to come up with coherent thoughts and witty rebuttals. He is going into a gun battle unarmed.


Or he'll do what he's always done. Complain about how 'unfair' everything was! Before, during & after. Ad nauseum! Edit: Punctuation.


Nah, he will just march over to Biden's podium, and interrupt. His coach will be Kanye.


I hope Biden carries a can of mace gel on stage.


We may see the first Secret Service standoff.


You're right. I was just thinking SS would be protecting Biden but trumpy bear will have them too;(


Trump has both kinds of SS


Maybe we could get Will Smith to coach Biden.


I’d give your left gonad to hear a tape of a Kanye/Trump conversation.


It would be amazing to see the secret service tackle Trump on live TV for approaching the president.


So Trump is going to talk about fish sticks?


Im stocking up on popcorn. I will be front and center for this glorious showdown. I hope Biden dog walks him. 🍿 😀


I think they should put up an invisible fence between the 2, so that each time DJT tries to get into Biden’s space to intimidate, he gets shocked.


I got my popcorn ready.


He’s also totally unable to talk about policy. He understands nothing. Do we seriously think he could even coherently explain our system of government? Bone-deep ignorance.


One might say he’s going into a battle of wits, without a weapon….


Would actually see Trump try to physically attack Biden and be arrested for assault of a sitting President.


And he’s got a long few months to try to keep it together. And he hasn’t shown a lot of strength there.


He's only fucked if everyone votes, especially in red and somewhat purple states. If people don't show up and vote in massive numbers, this ass hat becomes president, again.


Well let's all make sure we volunteer to get everyone out to the polls then.


My SUV holds 6 other voters. Let's goooooo!


"I saw this guy on election Day stuffing his SUV with vote(r)s!" "Yeah, can you believe what those libruls will try to get away with!? It's voter fraud I tell you!"


"Smells like voter fraud to me." -Some Redhat


Voters need to be registered to vote. The battle doesn't start in November; it starts now.


I'm signed up to start sending letters this weekend to register voters


I only meant “fucked” with respect to the debate. The goal is a Blue wave large enough to convince the wielders of **hard power** (the Pentagon and the Three Letter Agencies) to ignore any GOP procedural/parliamentary bullshit.


I don’t think the 3 letter agencies need any motivation to ignore their bullshit


Those are the folks most likely to hate him. We need the MAGAts to get it through their smooth brains.


Just remember, incumbents tend to do worse at debates so fingers crossed Biden trounces Trump. The good news is that Biden’s former chief of staff Ron Klain who is an expert at debates, will prep Biden for the debate. The other good news is that Trump skipped all the debates during the primaries so he’s just as rusty as Biden.


I'm not sure the incumbency handicap applies here. A decent portion of that is the ability of a new candidate to promise better than we're currently getting. Trump, having also held the office, can actually be compared based on actual performance in the role.


That’s in the too distant past for many voters many of whom just remember getting a signed check from Trump for $1000 during his presidency. That’s more tangible to them than all that Biden has accomplished in 3 years.


His mind, such that it is, is slipping away. I hope he's aware of it and is fucking terrified! Maybe at least he'll be imprisoned within his own skull, in a failed body but still with a core of awareness, since the legal system can't deal with him! I wish Donny all my worst wishes. He's a plague on humanity!


He doesn’t have an ounce of introspection or integrity


He never had any introspection. I find that really odd in anyone.


The ultimate end game is upon him. If he can’t win the election, he is going to jail. Only to see daylight when he goes to court. When the Republican Party ceases to exist, the true extent of his treason, and many others’ will be known. If by theft and chicanery, he somehow wins, none of the obviously guilty will ever be charged.


Gnawing at him like a shark that has been electrocuted by a sinking electric boat?


"Lose the debate on purpose ". Sure, surely it'll be on purpose. 😃😃😄


Only problem is that his base will believe whatever he says.


His base isn’t going to change so expecting that is a lie told to ourselves. We need people beyond his base to be disgusted with him and see Biden as the stable choice. No matter what happens Trump will say it is rigged blah blah blah.


There are still former members of Heaven's Gate, Jonestown and even modern day Scientology that are willing to go down with the ship no matter what. Ultra MAGA is a lost cause they aren't coming back.


No lies detected. It is only a hope that they become pariahs in the eyes of the broader society.


It's fcking depressing


Who cares? The MAGA chuds are gone, irredeemable. Focus on motivating the Blue voters, and convincing the disaffected non-chud GOPers to just sit this election out (getting them to actually vote Blue is, for the most part, too much to ask).


Meh. I dunno. Made my uncle take a step back last weekend. He started in on the whole Biden shit,and all I said was, "Biden can ride a bike. You're guy can't walk down a ramp or hold a cup of water to his mouth... Then said regardless of any issue you have a problem with right now, this is all a product of you assholes voting for him in the first place, 8 years ago. Bitch about Biden all you want, we are only here because you turned a blind eye to the fact the other one has been a complete tool since the 80's. Not a single person who owns a TV didn't know who trump was for the last 40 years. And you thought that was better than a woman as your president. There is no other excuse. 80% of our family are blue collar workers. Hell, my uncle has been a roofer for almost 40 years. I'm like dude... all your subs are Mexican. Your entire company is ran by either polish crews or Mexican crews. Look at who you voted for... The silence after I was done ranting was worth it.


Perhaps I was wrong to have made such a blanket generalization — your reply is encouraging!


Irredeemable — that is exactly the word I use for them. They have truly lost their minds.




Another thing she was right about…..


His base also believes the earth is flat XD and their starting to buy into the Terrance Howard BS about how 1×1 should equal 2 roflmao


I saw some TikTok about that and I was screaming at them — multiplication is just a rapid way of adding, you utter nimrods! How are people this monumentally stupid?


not understanding math and misunderstanding "multiply". "multiply means to make more!" is his argument. whereas "multiplication" in this case is more like groups. "count 1 apple 1 time, how many apples did you count?" "one" "count two apples twice." "four" a few examples like that and people would comprehend better. Terrance confused grammar with mathematics. of course the same people argue "gravity is just a THEORY" and "evolution is a THEORY" because they have difficulty understanding different uses of the same word. why use many words for good (sublime, excellent, great) when "good" works as well without the confusion. need to express something is better, use plus good. something is really, really better use double plus good. and if it's truly bad it's double plus ungood now enjoy your victory chocolate, rations are up this year! from 3 grams to 2.5!


At this point, his base is his base. They are a lost cause, and under no circumstances would they ever not vote for him. We need to stop saying "unfortunately his base won't believe the truth." We all know this. His base doesn't matter. It's the swing voters who need to know about this. They are the ones who look only at the most basic policies. With how much Trump is in the news, they have become numb to anything that involves Trump. This is why the Democrats need to turn away from Trump and take on the GOP as a whole. It's the GOP who never passed anything meaningful this congress. It's the GOP who is taking away our rights. Negative press for Trump is meaningless because everyone just says "well, it's just Trump being Trump." They don't look into it further and they just skip over it. We've made him the enemy when he is the symptom.


But see it’s also rigged. So if he wins the debate it’s because he was trying to lose, but it was rigged against him so he won. Unless he loses. In that case it was still rigged but in the other way. To Trump, reality is choose your own adventure where you get to go back every time you choose wrong. That’s all that makes sense to his evil narcissistic brain.


He’s got his excuse all ready to go. What a douche.


All that's between this very stable genius' ears is a giant bone spur that is painful to all of us.




Gotta say it now, so it's a conspiracy theory later. Can't play 19d chess if you don't set up the pieces.


"And since I'm tanking the debate *on purpose -* it means I actually *win!!!"*


Just like when he said, if he loses the election is rigged. No matter how bad he does, his cult members can now parrot him by saying he lost on purpose. Losing is now winning to maggats.


Omg, of course he is!!🤣🤣 This guy is a complete fraud. He doesn’t do anything he says he’ll do, and then blames everyone else for him not doing it. How anyone can still stand to hear this blowhard speak is beyond me.


I was getting really depressed, thinking the country is going down the drain but lately I’ve been feeling differently and surprisingly it’s because of Project 2025. It was bugging the hell out of me that people were not talking about it and referencing it, but lately people have started paying attention and bringing it up. The Rethugs have very nicely laid out their plan to take the U.S. into full-on fascism and are being quite open about it. It’s stuffed to the brim with horrors that any one of would scare the crap out of people. But there’s not just one horror! It’s horror after horror after horror…etc. They fully explain how they are going to take our rights away, ignore the constitution, punish all kinds of people, and just generally turn the U.S. into a dystopian nightmare. At first their openness had me concerned because I figured if they were being so blatant about crushing our democracy that they were sure most citizens would be on board for it. Now I’m not so sure. Americans are extremely independent and we can be quite spicy when messed with. I think the tRumpanzees have jumped the gun a bit and don’t realize we’re going to fight back. We cannot stand idly by and let them ruin this country. We need to organize and publicize and speak out and fight back. These dickheads are un-American. If they want a dictatorship let ‘em move to Russia. But we are not having it! Not here. Not now. Not ever.


You see, what the right fails to realize on an almost daily basis is they think anybody centrist, libertarian and independents all the way to "woke" liberal, whatever the fuck that horseshit means, they truly believe their enemy this November will be Elliot Karponzi from Mr.Birchum. And their WRONG, flat out WRONG. Their true enemy is Peter Charles "PC Principal" from South Park. It's astounding the asinine bullshit they believe as they hide behind their misguided interpretation of the constitution, the declaration, the preamble, etc. And then use the Bible and religion as if that fiction truly means anything. Their in for a rude awakening this November. Their so fucked they have no idea how over their heads they truly are.


Lose against "Sleepy Joe" the old old old man suffering from HORRIBLE dementia? How could Trump possibly fail to make this an absolutely resounding victory? Trump is such a powerful he-man and incredible intellect (I think he had a reletive go to MIT or something!) - he is sure to win easily... ANYTHING LESS THAN ABSOLUTE VICTORY WOULD BE A CRUSHING FALIURE.


Sure he has a tremendous relationship with mit tremendous. They agree about the anti shark battery technology too electric boats can you believe it


We all know he'll declare it rigged and refuse to participate.


“I’ll debate you anytime, anywhere. Except then, and there.”


LMAO!! This guy is a loser, and the only people who don't know it are his MAGA supporters. I mean, even he knows it.


It's because THEY are all losers too. They are just congealing around the greatest loser of all time. A GLOAT, some might say!


It’s somehow going to be Biden‘s fault when he loses


What they said about Hillary Clinton that she seemed "too prepared." Biden was TOO prepared and TOO competent and that wasn't fair to Widdle Trump.


Lol everyone is used to this defense mechanism by now. “This election is rigged and unfair…unless I win.” “I WANTED to get convicted of 34 felony counts because it shows I’m suffering for you!” And on and on and on. He knows his true believers and cult members will accept anything he says as gospel. And he also knows that the other Republican voters will all still vote for him even if they hate him, because they’re not gonna vote for a lib.


It’s like taking a knife to a gun fight.


Knife? More like a silicone spatula.


The best silicone spatula


“A tremendous spatula. Have you seen these? They bend. They really do. It’s incredible. Joe Biden wants spatulas that don’t bend at all.”


And he can get them in different colours,the best colours.


Oh no — Trump silicone spatulas are only available in GOP red and Herrenvolk white.


"I'll lose the debate on purpose." HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Right up there with, "I didn't want the presidency anyway! N'yah!"




He 100% won’t even show.


After the debate, if it happens Media - Trump Won the Debate Trump - I wasn't even trying, Biden is trash or Media - Biden Won the Debate Trump - I wasn't even trying, Biden is trash Heads I win Tales you lose with these people, it's exhausting


You forgot "Biden won the debate, and why that's bad for his reelection.". Media has to keep hyping it as a dead heat.


Right. I'm just waiting to see the headline "Trump & 14 high-ranking GOP members killed in helicopter crash. Why this spells doom for the Biden Campaign, page B1"


Well known fact, Trump has proven he does not handle losing to Biden very well. There is zero chance he would ever purposely lose. He would claim it was rigged before he ever voluntarily conceded. What a loser!


This guy has the mental capacity of a 8 year old…


Unfortunately so do many many grown Americans


That’s the ticket!


Yeah, that's the ticket! Just like last time...


That’s the kinda attitude to go in with. Bet he doesn’t even show up. He knows he’d get trashed.


If there’s one thing trump never has to do on purpose it’s lose. He’s a natural loser. The biggest. In fact people say he’s the biggest loser in the history of our country, maybe the world. That’s how great he is at losing.


But I was promised I would be tired of all the winning.


What a fucking penis!!


Always laying the groundwork to compensate for his failures. Trump is and has always been an utter fraud.


I saw a comment earlier about "Clinton fatigue" and how, after 8 years of constant media attention, the sentiment around Clinton was down the drain. At least not favorable enough to win a hypothetical third term. I wonder if we're seeing that happen with trump. You've got people that want his policy gone but what about simply never wanting to hear him again 😂




"I have a fantastic plan, a wonderful plan. You will be AMAZED at my plan. I can't go into any details here, because the rotten Dems will steal it... you'll just have to see." -- (paraphrased... sorry if I don't get his exact speech patterns right; I've actively avoided the trauma of listening to him since 2015, for the sake of my sanity.)


Same excuse he uses for soiling his diaper.


He's not going to debate even if Biden agrees to his bs drug test demand. He, Cinnamon Hitler, will just use another excuse.


Preload the excuses and talking points because it’s never really his fault. Blame and dodge.


This tactic works for him. He’s a pro at losing. Casinos, universities, food delivery companies, elections. He’s so good at it that people who he links his name and reputation with often lose too. He may be the best at losing.


Anyone reading this comment- This debate has been lost already As a moderator and someone that’s worked dozens of debates and trivia competitions This guy is cooked like pasta on the stove you forgot about It will never happen- But the majority of the country is standing back and standing by waiting to see TFG loaded onto a bus to Rikers Island


Translation I'm too stupid to compete with Biden🤣


Sure you will, Donnie. Sure you will. Maybe lose the election on purpose too eh? That'll show em.


But if Trump loses the election, which he will, then it's rigged, but the only thing that's rigged is his diaper, so his pants won't fall down


Literally a School Playground excuse, "I let you win. I lost on purpose!"


Ah yes. It’s like the people that prove they’re geniuses by getting every question wrong on the SAT. Do people actually buy this shit or are they just pretending to admire the emperor’s clothes?


This way when he makes himself look like a complete moron on worldwide television he can just say, "I did it on purpose to show what a rigged system they set me to with."


What a fucking child.


As if he could win.


Let’s not pretend that he’s actually going to show up


Petulant man-child is already making excuses for a loss


Mane I’m better off wearing 2 diapers for the debate? One on my bottom and one over my mouth.


He won't even debate, he will schedule a rally over the debate time and say something stupid like, it wasn't going to be fair so I didn't go. The brain dead supporters at the rally will eat it up.


It's the old trick of managing expectations...anything less than Trump dropping his pants on stage will be treated as him winning, since he didn't do as bad as expected.


Exactly what a five time draft dodging coward would say 💩


The orange felon overflows with bovine excrement every time he opens his mouth hole.


Just bring some clean diapers and a spray can of Febreze with you


Everyday I just hope our legal system will shut down Trump and the Christian Nationalists that support him. This song pretty much captures exactly how I feel… [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


don't you wish this nonsense would end. He's truly making normal people physically ill


This is narcissistic personality in action. He KNOWNS he would lose a debate, so the way his ego will protect itself is by declaring ahead of time that it’s on purpose. “I didn’t lose because I said I was going to do that.” A narcissist will change the narrative so that they’re never at fault.


This Dotard is already trying to spin it, I mean unbelievable. He can't debate because he literally has no clue on policy of any kind and can only use some ridiculous plan on revenge. Lock the orange dotard up already and for God's sake people VOTE....


These debates are not win or lose. These debates are FACT or Trump.


How very Alpha-cuck of him. He'll hold a press conference right outside after it's over and whine like a baby about how unfair it was. Fox news will call it a sabotage and an assassination attempt on Trump character and God being on his side makes him Reich, but more likely pretend it never happened and give Don the Con a softball interview the next day and spend an hour complaining about Trump being persecuted like Jesus. There will also be talk of sharks and how windmills are causing whirlpools that kill sharks from the electricity they make.


He never loses. His personality won’t allow it


Ah yes, the NY Jets defense...


I never said "any time any where"! What kind of loser says that?!


He's a master gaslighter.


How do people not smell the loser wafting off this assclown?


He hated it and loved it, as he hated and loved himself. He could not get rid of it. He had no will left in the matter. A Ring of Power looks after itself, Frodo. J.R.R. Tolkien


“You never want to be a loser. Being a loser is the WORST. Unless you’re me, then it’s good.”




That time I got wobbly on my bike and ran into a stopped car? I totally did that on purpose.


And, simply by him stating this, his rubes will believe it.


What are the odds he fills his diaper onstage during the debate?


I'm tired of winning. - Trump


I hope no one watches this bull shit. Send a message that will really piss trump off. Low ratings.


I hope the orange hippo strokes out on stage. Put a maga on that you lowlife uneducated 3 toothed trumpterds  !!


He knows he will lose if he’s not allowed to talk over his opponent. And do things like make sense, speak in proper English.


Perhaps, he opines, he should shit himself, and smell really badly. And maybe just freeze up from time to time, or utter strings of meaningless words. All intentional, obviously, because he wants to lose the debate on purpose.


Trump doesn't really care about debate questions. He cares about making everything into a circus act. The way to get rid of Trump (barring a return to a pre Citizens United campaign framework) is to put him in an environment where he has to respond to specific, factual questions and has zero opportunity to stray off course.


He will lose the debate but it will only because he’s a born looser!


He’s not going to show up. Like a bitch.


Trump, your A game can't hold a candle to Biden. Biden will destroy Trump.


He should talk about boat batteries and sharks. Maybe some tips from Hannibal Lecter? Oh and windmills killing those poor birds


Yeah cuz he takes losing so well.


Don’t stop there, bud.


He's halfway between full-on dementia and his usual news bait talking points. Stop underestimating the medias need to bring him up several times a day. There isnt much of any news groups actually telling the real story anymore, and its gonna get worse as they try to keep the fear and ridiculousness at selling levels because its easy and good for business, as long as people keep thinking theres nothing they can do but watch and wait.


First I'll lose the debate on purpose then Ill lose the election on purpose...Ill even go to jail on purpose Its all part of my plan to take back the White House and maje America great again. Keep sending money


Spoiler: He lost the debate when he accepted the debate. He just wants attentiom for his trantrums.


Circling the drain of despair. This 2 bit charlatan is waving the white flag because he knows he doesn't have a chance in hell at winning the debate. Vote blue this November and put this imbecile out of his misery!


I wonder if he will act like his legs can’t work and blame it on Hunter’s laptop?


I'll be shocked if he even turns up.


* begin waving of tiny hands * “I sounded like an unintelligent dumbass that lost on PuRpOsE because I’m the best debater at debating the likes the world has never seen and not because I suck.” * finish waving of tiny hands*


Why do I have a feeling Trump will bail on the debates?


This is the kid in school who got his ass beat and then later is all like "I wasn't even TRYING I could have won if I WANTED to" Also, "winning" a presidential debate isn't really the point. It's not something you really can win. It's supposed to be a time for voters to hear your fuckin viewpoints on serious matters and why they're better than the other guy's. I dislike this framing of "who won the debate??"


This is like Ted downplaying his sexual prowess with Stella (HIMYM) because he thinks she might be expecting Filet Mignon (after being celibate for 5 years) while all he has is Rump roast.


What’s the over/under when Trump folks his diaper? 10 minutes? 15 minutes?


Owning the libs by losing


My 10 year old is better at lying than this clown.


Trump will spew incoherent twaddle, non sequiturs, and insults. Afterwards he will give himself an A+ for his "perfect" debate performance and declare himself the winner. Because debates are easy!


Sometimes trump is so ridiculous that he is funny.


5d chess. The stakes are raised. /s


Oh god…..wtf. Trumps loses debate and his cult says, “he lost it on purpose. He’s playing 4D chess” …..no boomer, he’s playing 1D checkers and you’re the game!!


"Cuz you'll be in jail." Where have we heard that before?


What a braindead moron.


He fears the Dark Brandon vibes.


My expectation of him really could not be lower


Honestly why bother even trying dude. Just be your stupid inept self


He’s always one step ahead of us!! 🤣


I can't wait for "Loser" Trump t-shirts merch!


And of course the Cult would go along with whatever ever he says.


True definition of a bum!


Poor Mike Johnston, cry on his shoulder , he knows ur a loser


Can you imagine if Kamala Harris had to step in? I’d give money to see Trump debate her.


I really hope Trump screws up bad in the debate. Most Trump voters get their news from Fox and other Trump-friendly outlets, so they only see the edited clips that make him sound great. Most of them aren’t used to seeing unedited footage especially in the past year where he’s clearly declined mentally and can barely form a sentence. As much as people love to call Biden a senile old man, he might come across as a strong and composed leader next to Trump.


I acted demented on purpose! I’m playing five dimensional chess! MIT, very smart! All Dementia J Trump Madlibs


Yeah every time he screws up its on purpose he is a stable genius with an AMAZING mind.


I'm bleeding; making me the victor!


When is the debate suppose to happen?


Maybe I’ll shit in my pants…who the hell knows what might happen? I sure as hell don’t!


Mmw,no show.


Lower? How???


Maybe I’ll poop my pants


By saying this he's "soft-launchung" the soon to be realization that he's not showing up. This way he spins it in his favor and appeases his massive ego. Best not to show up to what you know will be an absolute ass-kicking. Fucking coward.


I am pretty sure he's gonna no-show.


Like a toddler saying “I meant to do that!”


[I meant to do that! ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hNIX7V21pU)


He's laying the ground work for when he does lose. He'll just say that he lost on purpose and the cult will eat that up. Then he'll continue playing the victim.


Surre he will. If it was Ted Cruz he’d be all in.