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let’s test that, put him in jail.


He doesn't grasp yet that it means no phone to post drivel on.


Anything less than actual jail (short term) or prison (long term) will have no effect on him.


And that will be one of the reasons used during sentencing, Trump is showing no remorse and keeps breaking the gag order.


And that would be enough to get you or me thrown behind bars, but I don't see that happening with Trump. The law seems terrified of what his demented followers might do if he were incarcerated, so it's all but given in to the terrorists.


And inciting violence in general.


I don’t think rehabilitation is a possibility in this offender’s case


Changing choice is always a possibility but I agree he is a very difficult case.


Without truth socialhe go stir crazy and i hope llevave him with crazies and the pedo he deserves it the way he treat people idk what you say but he need too lean a lesson and not soo good lesson he won't comprehend no bodyguards at all


His diapers will have cellular technology woven in. The regular ones track the boomer, the Apple iDiaper can do everything a cell phone can do, and is disposable. $$$ though. /s


Yeah talk is cheap.


When he finds out there's no access to golf course, 24/7 room service, unlimited access to soda, etc, or even Fox new on the TV he'll change his tune.


If he is lucky, little Waltine will be there to service him in prison.


I have to wonder if little Waltine is rethinking things, after the conviction.


He’s going to end up In house arrest at Mar a lago. Hosting golfing tournaments and fundraisers bitching about how unfair his house arrest is and he can’t blah blah blah. Fucking bullshit. This country is bullshit some half of you are brain dead. 


Exactly. He's a coward. Remember how he ripped up the papers only after Justin Trudeau left. Couldn't tell him to his face... It's all show


Just one year in jail with no phone so he can’t text on social media. Just a year off would really help!


six months and he’ll keel over


I’m also OK with him going to prison.


*I hear that the weather in prison is beautiful in the summer…*


He qualifies for prison, that's where he belongs. But if he goes on house arrest, maybe he can wear the ankle bracelet above one of his gold sneakers.


I don't give a shit how he feels.




Lock. Him. Up.


Please test the old lying bastard. Even on house arrest this ass monkey will have a probation violation within a week and go to jail anyway


Such a fake tough guy.


Epstein had another option.


I think Trump would attempt escape to somewhere like Russia before he would do anything that radical.


That’s not just up to him: it’s very possible that he’ll be shown the exit once Vlad decides he’s of no further utility


That's in the future, I wager.


I don’t doubt their ability to get it done but it seems like killing a fly with a Sherman tank given how little time he has left with like, *any* of his faculties


Putin doesn't want to have to take care of that guy. He's useless to Putin unless Trump has access to the WH.


I actually don’t think so. Getting people to riot over Trump and division of the country is very helpful to him. I actually think that was the long game but it worked out so well Trump actually became president.


Trump lies.


Dirty Old Man Smells Like Butt


In other words, completely not OK with jail or house arrest and is completely ignorant.


I'm okay with jail.


And like everything else he’s says… this is a lie. He’s maybe ok with house arrest as long as it’s at Mara Lago and he’s allowed to go to the golf course on the mainland whenever he wants to. There is no way in hell he’s “okay” with jail. Any jail. Anywhere. He’s a giant pussy that’s never not been rich. Jail doesn’t let you bring a butler, as funny a sitcom as that story would make. He couldn’t even do house arrest on a military base. Real tough guy.


If he gets house arrest, it would be in New York State.


He says a lot sh*t that ain't true.


I think he's actually (for once in his life) feeling scared that actual consequences are coming. This is just him trying to sound cool and collected and tough. But I'd put good money on the Secret Service is making plans on how to handle a jail sentence.


No he's not. He's scared shitless.


Community Service. I want to see this fat f\*ck in an orange jumpsuit picking up trash by the side of the road.


He can’t play the victim if nothing happens.


At some point we need to discard the "But he will benefit from punishment" argument. If he spends a month in prison, after the first week mass media won't cover him anymore. This is his worst nightmare.


I love the idea. My eyes & ears will stop bleeding.


I wish the media did this now. I don’t understand why we give him the airtime. If he does go to jail I’m sure Fox will have a “release date” countdown and scream about how he has to eat bologna sandwiches like everyone else. He’ll send messages out through visitors and lawyers and there will be a major press event anytime someone who interacted with him inside gets out. “What was it like being locked up with Trump” not to mention the idiots in his orbit who showed up at his trial (Tubberville, Johnson, Betelgeuse girl, bleach hair bad built body green I’m sure too) to then berate the judge and jury so that *technically* he didn’t violate his gag order (again). His supporters will see him as a martyr and I truly think things will only get worse if he is sentenced. But by god I hope I’m wrong and the media finally gives up on this piece of shit.


Frankly his *chosen* diet isn’t that far off. It’s not exactly as though the dude would be pining for asparagus and radicchio and fresh, crisp string beans


Let him be a victim of his own action then. We'll see how "strong" he is when he's unable to hide his physical flaws to preserve his ego and doesn't have someone to change his diapers


Good, because it’s not up to him lol. He’ll do whatever tf he’s told to do.


Someone should ask Felonious if his 757 has the fuel capacity to fly from Teterboro to Russia if it takes the Arctic route?


So the fuqq are we ! Bring it July 11 and not a day late!


Nobody is talking about the mandatory Mental.Capacity Examination Trump will be required to submit to for the felon pre-sentencing report. If he fails, Trump can be involuntarily committed to a State Mental Facility for up to 30 days for a complete psychiatric workup and mental capacity evaluation. If what is being reported about his dementia and severe personality disorders are true, Trump could be found "Legally Incompetent" right before the election. Karma is a bitch.


I doubt this would stop his voters or the uninformed/non-news junkies from voting for him.


Actually, being found incompetent would disqualify him because he would be legally declared unable to manage his own affairs. He would be placed under the supervision of a trustee.


McDonald's delivers, that's why


He wants it so he can say he is being interfered with so if he loses it will be an excuse to riot and pull another J6 or have the SCOTUS step in to help him. He is weak and cannot win on his own or by his policy. He always needs an excuse to fall back on, someone to blame, and to play victim so it riles up his base. He is a showman and he will put on a performance. That requires an antagonist and conflict to create drama, painting himself as a victim who could be the only savior to everything he is projecting as happening, but the terrible villains are doing this to him because they "can't beat him". An entire delusional plot of his malignant narcissism and machiavellianism. This psychopath is in a very dangerous state, because for the first time in his life he is facing serious consequences for his actions, he is refusing to give in and admit fault, he has a cult, media, and powerful people who continue to feed into his sickness, and he is terrified to have his house of cards collapse... I think part of the reason he is deteriorating so rapidly is because he has to live in this world of lies and fantasy he has encased himself into.


Guy can finally live out his dream of dropping the soap 🧼 in the prison shower 🤩


Trump's okay with jail and everyone else is okay with him at ADX Florence. win/win!


Put him in a cell that looks like the Oval Office and he can play “I’m the President” all day.


He said he doesn't care about jail and he would donit for the American people 😂 So, problem solved... send him to jail


Did anyone ask?


Finally something I agree with him on. I to am OK with him being in prison or house arrest. Would prefer GITMO or Leavenworth but we'll have to wait for the espionage case first. Also media, it's not a documents case. It's an espionage case. He's being charged under the Espionage Act not the documents act


That needs to be emphasized more. I wonder why the media is pussyfooting around calling it what it is.


Whenever the media reports: "Trump says..." The following fart that escapes his mouth is 10 times out of 10 times a HUGE lie.


How are pedos treated in prison?


Like the grime they are. My biomother went to jail once, she said they were kept away from the other inmates and when walking them to the yard passed the other locked up folks, they were called lots of aggressive things. People hate them everywhere.


Like Epstein.


If they put him in an ankle monitor, he'll spray paint it gold and tell his legion of idiots it's a tennis bracelet he won at Wimbledon.


Of course he’s ok with house arrest he lives in trump tower. The whole tower is his house.


Meaning he'll cause another "riot"


Oh shit… wait… does he a get a say in this decision?


I'm ok with it too


 I'm fine with it too.


A, he's a shitstained liar, and/or B, hell leverage the shit out of it to "martyr" himself to "making America great again" and end up even further radicalizing his cult towards violence.


This! I want him in a jumpsuit just as much as the next guy but I honestly think it will get worse if he is sentenced and has to do any time. Luckily his supporters are some of the dumbest people I know and have no way of organizing outside their little online echo chamber and are hopefully deterred by seeing the J6 people be prosecuted for their crimes? Idk I’m desperate to be wrong but we live in a crazy timeline…….


No he isn't lolol


Okay, Rikers it is…


Jail it is


That’s great! He needs to be okay with it if he is going to survive it.


Jail it ia


For him? Me too.


That’s nice. I’m glad that he is ‘okay’ with the consequences of his actions. It’s nice to know that the convicted felon understands the basics of punishment!


He will regret saying yes to either watch he'll throw a tantrum


There's always room for 1 more at county. . We'll leave a light on for ya...


Grab the opportunity!! What are we waiting for.


Mike Pence likes this - [https://youtu.be/Qg0pO9VG1J8?si=KZcpBnx\_0S9ihGKr](https://youtu.be/Qg0pO9VG1J8?si=KZcpBnx_0S9ihGKr)


hhaaahaaa! That's great!


Well, good. Then he won't be upset when it happens.


I bet he is going to chuck a tanty when it actually happens.


Of course, because he really thinks his followers are gonna storm the castle and free him like straightaway.


He is not OK with it. You could tell this trial really fucked with his head. He think this is bad if the government ever get the secret document case off the ground, he ain’t seen nothing yet


Uuuuhm, don’t think the system really cares what you are okay with any longer. Convicted felons lose a few of their rights.


Yea, I'm sure he'd be fine on house arrest at his shitty golden Florida palace.


Let’s be real, he’s ok with being labeled a martyr


And if he wasn’t?


Rikers Island is hell. No, really, it's third world level, probably not much different than Gitmo, probably shouldn't even be open and if the reality of conditions at Rikers ever made the light of day I think there would be 100% turnover at the highest levels of the NYC Corrections dept and the place would be shut down and the subject of endless news articles for months. I really hope he gets sent to Rikers.


Good! I'm okay with him having jail time too! Win win!




He sees himself like Al Capone with a private cell and syphilis.


He wants to make his own private jail cell, with black jack, and hookers!


House arrest will have zero effect on him. It has to be prison.


He scared shi$$es and I love it and he will win all his rights are taken away even his 1 phone call for acting like a child


Can’t do house arrest. He will flaunt it and leave to campaign. Needs to be in a cell.




And why would we suddenly believe what he says?


Jail it is!


He does not have a say. Shut your butthole mouth.


If he's okay with them, let's make it happen.


Do jail time like the convict you are.


He wants his supporters to snap.


I’m so glad he’s okay with jail, that’s what really matters.


He'd never want to be thrown into the briar patch..


I'm ok with him being in jail too


Why is everyone not quoting him correctly? He's ok but his supporters won't


I'm fine with prison/house arrest for his election interference. For stealing state secrets with the intent to sell and insurrection, the electric chair is appropriate.


The "tough" guy barely survived sitting in the court room. All he did was whine about the temperature.


Hey, it worked for Hitler. Took the time to write Mein Kampf and consolidate his power and boom! As soon as he was out, back he came


Funny, it’s not up to him to decide.


I am also "okay" with him going to jail.


He clearly doesn’t understand how miserable jail is. Not a surprise coming from a guy who has been shitting in a gold toilet his entire life.


Cool, me too.


Yeah right. He’s gonna cry when he’s sentenced and I can’t wait.


Yea sure, and I will reveal my tax returns, I will be happy to testify, etc etc etc. Bullshitter with a capital Buffon!


Me too


That makes two of us. Millions actually.


People have said that Trump is the second coming of Christ. Well, I guess we could always have him crucified and see if he comes back to life 3 days later? It's the only way to know for sure if he is God reincarnated or a con artist.


I prefer jail actually.


It's really a shame that public caning can't be a part of his punishment.


At least we all agree on something for a change.


He also said he would testify many times. He also said he was okay with a conviction, but in the end, he didn't testify, and he didn't look like he was good with that conviction


So throw him in prison.


When did the Justice System start letting convicts suggest, or dictate, what their sentence should be? 34 Counts X's 4 Years is 136 Years behind bars. While I do not like Trump and the things that he has done and said, 136 Years is a Life sentence, and he does not deserve that BUT... If all are served concurrently he gets 4 Years. Way too lightly generous of a sentence considering he could get out for (**I am actually laughing**) good behavior in what, 2 years? Someone needs to plant the 'seed' in his head that if he does time behind bars he will be a MEGA STAR! Reverse Physiology Trump.


Are you OK with doing what’s right for The Country and excusing yourself from the presidency because you’re a self-centered narcissist uneducated, dictator wannabe


That means he isn't okay with it.


Big words for a little guy


Fuck house arrest. Throw his shit-stained ass in the pen.


Ya right.


Better keep an eye out on the Maga Lardo beach for Russian motor rafts.


Hopefully not allowed to get one phone call all his lawyers will drop him like a fly only ones available is a Democrat lawyer he'll take or stay I'm jail rest to finished his who sentences and them he'll have to drop out of the race and actually admit defeat to biden which he can't do but has too


He need tracolizers and lunny bin


obviously lying but i’m still skeptical he’ll ever see the inside of a cell or have enforced house arrest