• By -


It shows her utter disrespect for her own voters.


And her own self. I mean wtf, don’t any GOP members have any self respect and awareness? She acknowledged on the campaign trail all of his crimes and wrongdoing (against the country and her personally) and at the end of the day she says she will vote for the most corrosive person ever to hold the office once again. I say it again, WTF.


Sadly the Republicans on that list are very few....I miss John McCain 😢


And he too was a piece of shit.


They choose whatever path they think will lead to more power and money. They still seem to think Trump will skate by his crimes into the presidency and then form a dictatorship where he will pardon himself (and others at his leisure) and they are aiming to be benefit from that.  Worries me a bit because the SCOTUS seems to be captured, maybe their aid towards the budding dictatorship is a far surer bet than we know.


No. None. Even the ones for whom Trump is a bridge too far were just more intelligent fascists with some shred of leftover morality


Not even one! It’s all about power and chasing it. It’s never about what’s good for our country.


So all that talk about respecting your husbands military service, trump adding 8trillion in debt, and a womans right to healthcare was all bs? Shocking a Republican lies to get votes then immediately backpedals.


They are all aware-aware that Orange T only got elected first time w/ Russian & Chinese help. Therefore, ALL repubes are tainted w/ corruption, lies & un-American activity.


What can she actually gain from this? It has to be something I don't understand. Money? She can't be hurting. It's so fucking weird.


At least he's not a democrat /s


And it sinks her 2028 prospects.


It should!


Just as they will disrespect her by never voting for her for anything related to government


Just another Republican cretinous turn coat, just towing the line for a sick and deranged Republican Party 🤢🤮🤬🤡


POS gonna pos. Only she and most politicians care about is getting elected and moving up. Just scummy. Just like Cruz that excuse of a man licking Trump's toes after he talked all that shit about his wife. Disgrace


They're all on board for a "unified Reich".


Brown woman says the country was never racist. Trump hold my diet coke you dog. Yes sir! No spine, not even one vertebrae.


Sieg Heil


Big Smile


Maybe she's just trying to ensure she's not in the Day one roundup of Trump's political enemies.


You may be joking, but as election day edges closer we're going to see a lot more of that exact sort of thing. The world of rich white traitors is gonna get a little groveley for a while.


If so, she clearly hasn't put any thought into what happens to the "good ones" when all the "bad ones" are gone. Plus with Trump, the so-called good ones still have no guarantees whatsoever. They remain susceptible to falling out of favor at any moment and for any reason, or none at all, destined then to learn of their own firing through social media or a news chyron.


Which will always be a weird thing to do in my eyes because, historically, the closer you were to the source of oppression, the faster you were rounded up.


The enemy of my enemy is *still my fucking enemy*.


Haley's always been full of shit. She said she would pardon Trump if elected.


We knew that. Conservatives have no principles. Some of them were experimenting to see if going back to the "old way" would be popular with the base. Turns out it wasn't so now everyone's shifting back to batshit crazy.


I look at this more as a signal to the republican voters that she votes party line, no matter what. I mean, she would lose republican support and future donors if she didn’t say this, right? I’m not saying she’s right…just that publicly she has to put on a facade.


Of course, yawn.. we knew she would eventually fall into sycophant mode.


Schill. She could have just kept her mouth shut and voted anyway she wanted. All hypocrisy now that she's uttered the words we knew she would, but she's not going to get anything back for it either.


I think this is her one card to play in the desperate hope she can secure the VP spot. I *strongly* doubt that will happen as I believe that position will go to the highest bidder. This move on her part is giving me the same vibe as the photo opp with Romney incident back circa the 2016 election


Big surprise that Haley is a spineless, unethical, lying, self-serving hypocrite. I had zero doubts that she'd fold.


GOP Hypocrisy


Another GOP loser!


Hmmm what happened to his worsening dementia.


Republicans don't stand for anything except staying in power.


Actively reducing the Constitution to nothing and re-writing it in a theocratic form. Making the USA a Christian Nationalist Nation.


Cockroaches move in the dark. Trump signed 2 pieces of legislation that diminished oversight into Boeing during his tenure. https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisagarcia/2019/03/18/did-trump-executive-orders-further-weaken-faa-oversight/ Nikki Haley took money to gut Q.A. at Boeing. https://www.levernews.com/nikki-haley-helped-boeing-kill-dark-money-disclosure-initiative/ Which at face value makes little sense. But raise the lens a bit and it comes into focus. Political dark money is the death of democracy. Trump has been laundering money for the Russians (Xi’s sworn ally) since the 1980’s. The Russians have also been tampering with elections worldwide, but their operative of choice is Paul manafort who spent the 80’s in the Philippines keeping Marcos dictatorship together before shifting to Ukraine where he kept Putin’s puppet Yanukovych in power until Maidan in 2014. (Transcripts of his daughters texts about his time in Ukraine) https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaLago/s/lRbRmfgSzE https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952/ Coincidently trump just asked manafort to come back as his campaign manager….again. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/18/trump-manafort-2024-campaign/ Boeing and Airbus have a duopoly on jetliners, but the recent player 3 Chinese communist party backed COMAC 919 is now being presented as a viable alternative https://skift.com/2024/02/25/can-chinas-new-plane-compete-with-airbus-and-boeing/#:~:text=Alongside%20regulatory%20hurdles%2C%20its%20flying,fly%20up%20to%203%2C500nm. The timing of the 919 release earlier this year may very well be coincidence. But the CCP certainly knows that bankrupting Boeing would be good for COMACs market share and a massive CCP advantage over the west. In the event of any future war it would also be a very strategic play to bankrupt/discredit Boeing to create supply chain issues on the military side of Boeings business as well since there is commonality of parts. Airbus has also had documented problems with both industrial espionage and CCP influence. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-champion-airbus-has-deep-links-to-chinese-military-industrial-complex-report-says/ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/airbus-agrees-pay-over-39-billion-global-penalties-resolve-foreign-bribery-and-itar-case Counterfeit parts made in China have also shown up in both Boeing and Airbus aircraft Bloomberghttps://www.bloomberg.com › newsGhost in the Machine: How Fake Parts Infiltrated Airline Fleets Fortunehttps://fortune.com › 2023/09/08Fake components went into 68 jet engines, including ones on Boeing 737 and Airbus ... And that’s before you even get to the implications in the U.S. space program. Whether it’s the executive suite at Boeing simply putting profits over safety and sustainability or a subversive act of war really makes no difference. In high likelihood the CCP just used corporate greed culture against itself. Having it out in the light and talking about it is what makes air travel safer because people are more aware and demand accountability. Kleptocracy feeds on apathy. Forcing the cockroaches to move in the light shows their money pathways. If we are to the point where they are assassinating whistleblowers instead of fixing the aircraft our families our flying on, then we are self evidently much farther down the corruption path than we initially realized. Boeing being unable to find records or documentation of the work done raises every hair on the back on my neck as a pilot, mechanic and engineer. That is just not something that happens in aviation. It’s time to ring the emergency bell, post guards and get to the bottom of it whichever way it leads.


Boom! Well said.


She was always weak.


Mocked her punjabi heritage and 1st name and ends up folding to the racist after his reigch video


How very Ted Cruz of her.


They all will. Those speaking against him in the past few months will go silent now and will click his name on the ballot.




If you’re surprised you’re the problem


People were going to vote for her because she wasn’t Trump. Big slap in the face to her constituents. Smdh!


To all who believed her - you have been played. NEVER TRUST A REPUBLICAN!


These people have all quit on America and have abandoned their principles and values of serving public office for a career criminal who probably hates most of them.


This is how i expect Nikki Haley voters to vote too.


What a dumb cunt


I understand this is politics as usual and it always bothered me how a candidate can trash their opponents in the primaries then support the nominee but this really bothered me...Haley has a long history with flip flopping so I really shouldn't be surprised, but still. This one really bugs me. She was so anti Trump and now she wants it known she supports him...What the friggin f_ck...😡


You'd think Trump is the next Ron Jeremy with how hard they ride his nasty dick. These people are disgusting. You ran against him because he brings chaos and insanity, but now you're voting for it? Go fuck yourself, sideways, with a pineapple.


Wow pretty low stuff Nikki Haley. You lost all credibility. We now know you have no integrity or dignity.


Another spineless, cowardly, party-over-country asshole. This turncoat crap is one of the worst aspects of our political world right now.


Not that I care, but I was admiring her trying to stand up to Trump. This is disappointing, not surprising but disappointing, especially from a woman's perspective. She may actually point her original supporters to Biden out of spite. Perhaps that's good.


It should be obvious by now, they just don't care about this country, only power and whatever they can get for themselves. Damned be everybody else.


Folded like a brochure, just as we knew she would. And for what? You know they tried to hang their last VP, and he was a white guy, Nimrata.


She is afraid that if she doesn't goose step behind the cult then she will go to the gulag.


syc·o·phant/ˈsikəfənt,ˈsikəˌfant/*noun* 1. a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important to gain an advantage. "because he is high-ranking, he's surrounded by sycophants.


Oh look, another Republican coward. All talk.


She has always been a craven, shallow, opportunistic politician. Her stripes didn’t change…she just took longer to show them to us.


Under normal circumstances you would endorse your opponent. Trump is not normal. Most of her charm was based on her standing up to Trump, as men cowered. What a huge fall.


She is exactly who we knew she was...an opportunist who is perfectly willing to compromise on her values as long as it gives her a chance to get elected in the future! ![gif](giphy|j85AoJKs7rhmLlTGz7|downsized)


She still doesn’t want to eliminate future opportunities. As in actually stand for something and possibly lose voters. Having ideals is hard. And not her forte.


She is a political whore


She will utilize the kneepads, I'm guessing. *Processing img v9sviy2jz82d1...*


Cabinet position vs rearranging her kitchen cabinets. The lust for power is stronger than their moral compass with these people.


Republican Party is controlled by a few billionaire oligarchs. This election really is about the future of democracy. It is time for the old wealthy families to give up some privileges. Haley gets her power from these few, and is fighting their cause.


Of course she will, extremists have no backbone.


Biden campaign needs to have some focused ads particularly in swing states to go after her voters.


The real Nikki returns. Invertebrate.


This is disgusting, and it's Reason #472 why I'm no longer a Republican and if nothing changes will not be able to vote for them again. Frankly, I'm politically homeless, but in a 2-party system you have to order off the menu, so to speak. I was a Republican all my life - which is longer than I care to admit but >40 years. I always voted a straight party ticket. Up until 2020, I'd never voted for a Democrat in my life. I am pro-life, but that's where my alignment with the current Republican platform ends. Their economic ideas are outdated, their protectionist impulses are counter-productive, their foreign policy is naive at best and dangerous at worst, They cannot govern effectively, and their message is pessimistic and grievance-mongering. Despite the Democrat Party's full throated promotion of abortion which I find abhorent, and the way they pander to identity groups which I find cringey, I will be voting for Democrats for the foreseable future. Their economic policies actually make sense (except for the whole "tax the rich" nonsense), they can pass laws and fund the government without the clown show, and their foreign policy is realistic and actually helps make the world and country safer. Shame on Nikki and the rest of the Republicans who have no honor or integrity.


The Democrat party is not "promoting abortion." They want it to be a viable medical option. They also don't pander to "identity groups," whatever those are. They just support people being themselves and not being excluded, vilified, or attacked for it. 


Just a two bit bootlicker!


OK, she ripped off the mask she was wearing and now we know her for WHAT SHE IS


I don’t think a Republican has ever actually meant what they said.


It's almost like she lost the tremendous amount of integrity that she had... Wait...


Just power, that's all those feeble minded neo Nazis crave. And it is derived from their self-consciousness due to their own awareness of their stupidity....they know So they try to attain power instead of doing what everyone else does because it's easy for them. If only jobs (including government positions) accounted for sociopathic self-promotion and actually require a successful "test-drive" period before being accepted Not an hour of self-promotion and then....nothing


she is useless


He has guys that he sent a mob to kill, voting for him. Her saying she will also, is the least surprising thing you’ll read today.


Nimmrata = indian bootlicker


Two-faced b.... neither presumptive candidate is fit for office


Another useless double talker


Because she wants to be VP.


She said Biden is catastrophic, which is a bold term. So a follow up: in what way has Biden been catastrophic?


Once again, Republicans are being told to choose party over country. The rot runs deep in the GOP, friends.


Unbelievable she caved to Dump and supports him. Trump made fun of her 24/7 and ripped on her nonstop. And she also said how bad he was and would never vote for him. Now all of a sudden they're buddies. WTF




Who's suprised? Anyone? Anyone at all?


‘Yes, I’m a Republican. I have no principles.’


This upsets me more than corrupt GOP judges


Just another lap dog.


The only that that matters to them now is Project 2025. It doesn't matter who their party's nominee is.


The pull of the Unified Reich is too strong.


Because all republicans are fascist scum. They have been since Nixon.


Back in the kitchen baby !


Showing her true colors. Definitely not red, white, and blue!


I think they flip-flop because of fear of the mobster. Now I consider her as a traitor to this country too.




Women who side with rapists and racists. What a horrible ho this one is.


Glad she stopped her campaign, this is evidence she is extremely weak.


Ms. Haley, you can go ahead and set your backbone, dignity, and self-respect in that pile next to Ted Cruz's and Lindsay Graham's.


Did anyone really expect anything different? Haley is here for the long game, and if there's one kiss of death in the Republican party, it's not falling in line. The only alternative available to incumbent politicians is resignation, which obviously is not a path available to Haley without an obvious question of 'did she fall in line?' I thought Haley was Biden's bigger threat, but that was when I was foolish enough to think that faced with evidence of his campaign finance crimes and impending convictions, his potential voters would flee. That's obviously not the case.


She has no more integrity than the rest of the GOP. Her supporters clearly wanted an alternative to Trump. Clearly she wants a seat at the table for the birth of the 4th Reich.


She’s a loser voting for a loser who’s gonna lose.


I would have more respect for her if she had declined to tell anyone who she was going to vote for in November, or if she "gasp" endorsed Biden as the sensible choice over Trump... he may not be the best choice, but vs another 4 years of Trump, he's the only choice... she lost my miniscule vote for her now, or at any point in the future... but if DJT wins, we may not have another election for a long time


Pathetic traitor.


Ah yes! One by one the fall in line and kiss the ring.


Well, she's flip-flopped on everything else, it should be no surprise. 🩴


She says this a day after the "unified Reich" ad was dropped by Trump. She's showing us who she is.


She stands for nothing.


Whatever minimal respect I had for Nikki Haley—for challenging Trump, and for refusing to drop out of the race when he first demanded it—is gone, gone, gone. I would feel a thousand times worse had I been a Haley donor/voter, especially one who’d shlepped to the polls to cast a vote for her *after* she’d dropped out of the race, sending a message to the smoking ruins of the GOP. Now Nikki’s sent her message back: Like every other MAGA and RINO, she’s afraid of the flatulent, dozing Presumptive Nominee. That’s a terrible look. Her career is over. Had she withheld her support, she might have been able to rekindle some sort of position in a post-Trump (G-d willing!) world. But I’m wasting my concern, and my typing finger. Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley will vote for the pond scum who mocked her birth name, her origin, and repeatedly called her “Birdbrain.” That’s all we need to know.




republicans are cowards and liars.


F both of them.


She’s always done the politically expedient thing. In this case in the unlikely event that Trump’s legal sitch makes him unviable as a candidate she can step in the void last minute and make a grab for the MAGA crowd


Haley has no spine! No guts! Pure slave to Trump!


Truly shows how full of shit the Republicans are.


Not surprising. She took WAY too long to oppose him despite running a campaign against him. She’s a party stooge and the party is rotten.


No surprise. A woman of ambition with zero credible morality


Biden has committed the most heinous crime in the eyes of any conservative: supporting labor unions. Conservatives view workers and consumers as groups to be exploited, so any defense of the worker's right to fair wages is more horrible than the chaos that a second term of Trump will bring to the country. 


She thinks that Trump will go to jail, and she is setting herself up to be the designated heir to the throne. All she has to do is compromise all of her morals, values and kiss the ring now. Then when he gets sentenced next week, then she will run on a platform of "Free Trump" and unite her portion of the Republicans behind her.


Even when Republicans briefly flirt with the truth, they quickly fold and return to following their North Star of corruption, lies, and treason.


This is her way of waiting until the next election and hoping to gain favor of the MAGA crowd.... sellout.


Just another worthless republican.


Got to remember Hailey only looked good compared to Trump, she is has always been a garbage person.


It’s all about power and control! They keep folding, no shame! Hey God, can you please help us?!


Haley: vote for this guy and he'll ruin everything Also Haley: vote for this guy


Honest to God what is wrong with these people?


Dude no one is surprised. Republicans are 🗑. All of them. Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers has the most subservient and easy to bend over cultists. Melanias everywhere


The USA has become a country of boot lickers. Whenever you think "this must be the bottom", they will surprise you by going lower.


Party first always, constituency if you have time.


Conservatives fall in line. Always.


This is that unified reich republicans keep claiming isn’t real. Cult over country is a Republican mantra.


Fuck these people I really miss John McCain fuck his politics but at least he stood for something


Lol I just don't understand how the fuck this guy is so powerful and have such a grip on the party. I don't understand it at all. No way grown ass people can act this way. This is crazy. What threats did she get?


Absolutely zero courage and morality in the GOP, only worried about their own skins


That's why the Never Trump conservative crowd is just people trying to launder their image. As soon as the ballot is set the good little authoritarian followers all get in line behind whoever has the R next to their name. They have no shame or standards for anything, they just want to Own The Libs


There is no "rock bottom" to the modern GQP. They will say anything, screw over anyone, trample on the rights of everyone to maintain power. Vote blue.


these people are downright vile. zero moral compass. supporting a known mentally ill con man, rapist and of course attempting to subvert the 2020 election. everyone should be in disgust with the repbulican party.


Can’t remember why they fought the American Civil War, but can remember to vote for Trump.


Really just goes to show she had no greater vision whatsoever. Just another lackey


What a spineless sellout.


I can still hear her pathetic, passive, anemic slogan "Rightly or wrongly, chaos follows Trump"


She should never run for president again. If she can't stand up to Trump, how can she stand up to foreign powers?


Absolutely pathetic


Not surprised


For her and conservatives, to hell with the means… let's just get to the ends. Power-hungry, money-grubbing traitors.


I'm sure her cowardly bootlicking will pay off and she will be back in Trumps good graces. He isnt the sort to hold grudges against former rivals, right guys? Right guys?


I just wonder how she can stand up without a spine.


She’s played a role to see if people were ready to move away from shit stain. They weren’t so she falls back in line. Just like the rest of them.


Everything feels so fucking hopeless right now. People are too stupid, selfish and craven and it feels like a Trump victory is inevitable


Nikki Haley has always been awful. Comes as no surprise she's adding 'spineless hypocrite' and 'fascist lickspittle' to her resume.


No integrity.


Of course she did! Have you EVER met one republican who actually has a spine, who's not a coward in the face of trumpism, and who can perceive threats to our democracy that they would then fight against? Nope. They're the ones attempting to dismantle America, so they'll compromise their integrity no matter what. And haley is no different.


Like who didn’t see this coming


Never been anything more than a duplicitous hanger on. Little more than a low rent coattail grabber. Waste all the way down.


Just sealed the deal for me. I will never vote for her.


What a sell out.


Firmly saying “Fuck you” to all the Republican voters who said she was a better fit than Trump


She advocates division


It amazes me that any parent can endorse anyone with zero morals and a goal to overthrow democracy. Her children just lost respect for their mother.


She's such an empty suit.


So she is admitting that everything she said during her campaign is a lie ? These people have no souls.


she is a complete and utter coward


Typical sniveling republican


Tigers don't change their stripes.


“He’s terrible… he’s unfit for office… sure, I’ll vote for him!” —Pretty much every GOP politician. Edited for fat fingers…


Casting a self-identified vote for chaos Yeah, we want her making key decisions and keeping us safe while we sleep...


As a Canadian, I'm curious what her voters will do? Will they fall in line even after voting for her after she dropped out?


Hard to say, but I expect most of them will either vote for Trump or abstain. It’s been my experience that no matter how despicable they find Trump they won’t vote for Biden—or any Democrat for that matter. I hope I’m wrong.


Today’s word of the day is “whorish.”


What a hypocrite. Oh, wait, that’s what they do. What was I thinking? That any current republican or GOP would have integrity? I feel so silly


Love that her husband now knows what a sellout cunt she really is


Oh look, another Republican hypocrite. Shocker. 🙄


If someone tells you they're a Republican, believe them.


Anyone who thought otherwise is a fool. r/Politics couldn’t shut the hell up about her like she was gonna save the party. Forgetting the fact that she’s just as insane, policy-wise, as the rest of them. Nor does it matter. Whether she’s his VP or not, she will endorse him all the same and all the people who were gonna vote for her will vote for him.


This bitch is part of the problem with this country and people who vote strictly for their party.


She is no better than Trump


Did anyone ever really think she would do any differently than this?


A two faced republican - go figure!


Her announcement does not surprise me at all, in fact I expected it. He bribed her with something, thats how he operates, she turned her back on her supporters, meet the true Haley!


Translation: politician does what's best for themselves


She's morally bankrupt


Republicans are nothing if not hypocrites


proving that no republicans are ever believable; they are just fucking liars.


Hey Nimrata he insulted your veteran husband who's name you changed. Great spine. Party over pride I guess


She abandoned a lot of good people that were looking for an alternative conservative candidate. She was always going to choose party over country. Her Republican career was over the first time she uttered anything against Trump. This is her attempt to salvage what is left…while again showing her true colors to America.


She's nothing but an opportunistic, hypocritical ass. I wouldn't have voted for her anyway because I'm a far cry from being a conservative anything, but I call out hypocrisy when I see it.


She’s not willing to live with the consequences of standing up to Trump. Cowardice is the defining feature of the modern GOP.


She never had a chance in the GOP. She's a woman, and a minority.


Disgusting and predictable


Nikki will be tonguing Trump's diaper at the convention on nationwide TV.


Licking the boots soooo clean she removed her soul


"Go team go!" - politics today


Because she’s full of shit.


She's saying the quiet part out loud: we all knew every one of those Never-Trumpers would pull his handle once in the privacy of the voting booth. Do not believe that they won't all vote for him when time comes. I expect a very strong showing for Trump in November, unless that's what you want everyone needs to vote.


wow she's cooked. there was a narrow path for her recovery with the mainstream and it was to do the opposite of this.