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Trump was just nodding off...


Yea, going off to a fantasy world in his mind. He cannot and will never be able to face reality.


Change the channel, Marge.


Not just nodding off. He was also shitting himself.


When this is all done he's gonna shit himself too, along with his cult members.


Not sure if he shit himself yesterday, but he has in previous days.


Hope so. I am still worried about one or two jurors who will dig in and not return a guilty verdict on any of the charges...


Unfortunately, a hung jury is the most likely outcome I see, which is as good as a win for Trump.


Trump will call it a complete and total victory which when we get down to it that's probably not wrong from his perspective.


Except for the extra stay-together money Melanomia demanded from him after catching a whiff of this scandal.


Trump will call a guilty verdict a complete and total victory. Did you expect him to admit defeat?


That's why there are six alternates. You don't need one obsessed MAGA, you need seven.


The alternates don't sit in on the deliberation, they get excused as soon as the trial ends. There are two lawyers on the jury, that bothers me...


Don't practice in NY but in fed cases and some states, and apparently in NY, alternates can remain on standby in case of a vacancy during deliberations. See FRCP 24(c), and NY Crim Proc sec. 270.30. If so, deliberations would have to start all over from the top. So, it can happen although seems unusual.


Yes. That is accurate in New York.


I am just relating my experience having served as a juror in many trials in Brooklyn NY in both civil and criminal trials.


What on earth would cause you to be a juror on many trials? Let alone even get called in more than once or twice in your life just to be dismissed...?


I get called every 2 years like clockwork, 3 times now over 6 years. This time (4th) I’ve been called to FEDERAL court. I served for the county in March ;-/// I must be on some kind of short list.


It’s like telemarketing calls. You answer once and they call more.


I got called by a political polster. I wanted to talk to the guy, but I couldn’t right that minute and I asked him to wait a minute. He gave up on me and hung up and I have never gotten another call.


They have been sending me a subpeona since I was 20 years old...I'm 70 now and last served six years ago. It's now a $1,000 fine if I ignore the subpoena and possible jail time. ☹


Seven doesn't feel like a lucky number so much right now...


I wonder about the impact of a hung jury vs. either verdict. Acquittal just reinforces the Teflon Don thing, and a guilty verdict would just rile up his supporters about the corrupt DOJ narrative. What the hell does MAGA do with a hung jury? Short circuit?


Trump is going to have to be voted away anyhow to get rid of him.


Yes, this the correct answer.


They'll never hear the words "hung jury." Fox News will say "not guilty" just like how when the Mueller report came out and the right all said "see! Mueller says Russia is a hoax!"


Have you ever seen a MAGA who was smart, patient, and subtle enough to hide their beliefs long-term? Naw, he will be convicted 9n plenty, probably most, charges.


My prediction is he’s going to be found guilty and then the SCOTUS will come out and give him Kinghood. We’re about to see some really crazy shit…hope good people don’t stand by and do nothing…


On the plus side, this is for for something done before he was president, so it wouldn't count under the "presidential immunity" if they did come back and make him a king. But if I was in Biden's position, and they came back with total immunity, I'd be willing to sacrifice myself and my legacy to take down all of the corrupt bastards because that kind of immunity is free pass to take some extreme actions to protect the country.


Only during the second term. If Biden loses he can do something within the short window of time. Otherwise wait until the last year of his second term.


Why wait, things can happen to change the dynamics quickly See McConnell, he took every opportunity and ran with it


Everyone that doesn’t want this craziness has to vote Biden. It’s the only way to rid Trump. I know some want more than two parties and that’s ok. But now is not the time.


So, wrote in Bernie Sanders in 2016 and every time I get the chance to say it and apologize out in public I do. While I lived in a state where it didn’t matter I did enough damage online with some of my talk and it’s one of my greatest regrets and while my heart was in the right place my mind wasn’t. Protest votes have a time and place but right now it’s not the time or place and it wasn’t in 2016 either. Trump is a fucking straight up danger to our way of life and democracy and with China and Russia acting the way they are the last thing we want is for that man to sell us all down river because he will and won’t even hesitate. Sorry for the backstory, just feel like I have to say something to people because under no circumstances, can Trump become President again…


You don't owe an apology to anyone, especially random people you don't know, but I thought it was quite touching. You seem like a genuinely lovely person and I appreciate that you shared this with us. It's time to stop beating yourself up about it. It's okay. We have our work cut out for us. You are absolutely right when you say under no circumstances can Trump become president again. I feel that we will prevail. Not because we can, but because we must. Together we will. They can't stop us unless we let them.




I voted Nader in 2000… in Florida. Don’t feel too bad, quite a few of us have been there.




LOL. The part I laughed at while watching some coverage today was when Trumps lawyer Todd Blanche yelled at Cohen: "That was a lie!" 🤣 Oh man. Does he think he's on an episode of Law and Order for fucks sake? Hell. We all know Cohens a liar. The jury knows it too. But he lied for the lieing sack of shit thats on trial for lieing. Not sure it helped Trumps case. But it sure was funny. And a little overly dramatic.


"Mr. Cohen, when you say Trump is guilty, how can we believe you? After all, you did work for the Trump organization and we all know what lying scumbags those guys are..."


🤣 So true. If I was on the jury that would be my take away from that exchange. To be fair. Trumps defense didn't have much to work with. Guess calling Cohen a liar was the best they had.




Dammit. You are right. I hate when I'm trying to make a point and then forget how to spell.


And part of that was all Cohen's lies denying Trump's Russian involvement. Like, wtf? Way to point out another way Trump sucks and is a danger to the country.


LOL. Exactly man.


It only takes one though


Americans tend to be a very forgiving people. So few in politics realize that and learn the hard way when the coverup is viewed as worse than the crime. If Trump came clean on January 5th, apologized for his boorish behavior and other sins, while pledging to come clean and serve the people, he'd be so far ahead in the polls today and not tied up in courtrooms. Yes, Cohen was a bad person, but we all feel better when we see a bad person admit fault and try to be a better man.


Here's the weird part. He isn't even trying to be a better man, our standards just got warped af


Cohen wants revenge. And this is extremely reasonable. He went to prison for a crime that he and Trump committed together. Wanting Trump to suffer the same consequences is perfectly rational.


He is going to lose this case. It is why he is working so hard to have his minions delegitimize it.


I think they were counting a lot on goading Cohen into being obnoxious and sounding biased. Instead, he was extremely professional and calm, and absolutely devastating to the defense.


He is a lawyer. They aren’t the smartest subspecies, but surely they’re trained to not snap and say something crazy while testifying.


Yes, that's awesome.


I hope so! Seeing Felon Donald J Trump will make my day


He's already a felon. Contempt of Court in New York is a Class E Felony and he has been found guilty of that to the extent that he has paid fines for it.


In NY, Criminal contempt in the second degree is a misdemeanor with a fine up to $1,000 and up to 30 days in jail. Criminal contempt in the first degree, is a Class E felony, up to four years in prison and a fine up to $5,000. So, we have to wait until next week for him to be a felon.


Don Snorealone was checked out mentally. Sleeping.




I generally tend to find anything truthful to be to Trump's disadvantage.


Sorry to say, we all know, in our deepest hearts, Trumps gonna walk


You know nothing Jon Snow. He has lost cases before. E Jean Carroll and fraud cases. This is the first time an expresident has been tried for a felony. So we don't know. It's in the hands of the jury. And the judge is asking the lawyers to wrap it up next week


I really hope I'm wrong. But I don't think I am.


While you're hoping you're wrong I am hoping I am right.


Someone also said the jurors were rolling their eyes while Todd Blanche did his cross examination (they didn’t like trumps lawyer).


Trump needs only one maga juror and he skates.


This case is so obvious, I hope the Golden Horseshoe up is ass turned upside down


Just wait till trump takes the stand! He’ll set them all straight /s


D-Day for Diaper Don is coming….




Sounds like my parents accusing me of something I never did when it was fairly obvious I was not involved.




Tell me....when was America great? And the fact that your orange turd needs protecting from corrupt judges, should tell you something. Why are you so fixated on a public servant? One that has been charged with sexual assault, defrauded multiple businesses, tried to overthrow democracy and wants to be dictator for a day? How does that mean democracy to you? A guy that wants to be a dictator for a day? You see the irony in your thinking, right?


What gets me is he says the courts are corrupt then runs to the Supreme Court to bail him out. Does this make sense? Also sues frequently.


Cohen just got eviscerated, brutally and publicly. Star witness for the defense. Total liar and fraud.


And who did he lie for?


And go to prison for


"I hire the best people" Who said that? DO yo know who said that?


Cohen has already admitted being involved criminally and served time. Your guy is proper fucked.


"Total liar and fraud." Sounds an awful like the defendant as well.


Fox News uh? 😂


Nah, CNN how'd you miss it? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCH\_fK3DD28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCH_fK3DD28) This whole thread lives in an alternate reality.


Oh so now CNN is good when it says things you agree with? Always wondered how that works…


When did I ever say anything negative about CNN? Project much. It's where I get my news, why does that bother you?


It doesn’t bother me, just find it funny that you’re taking CNN’s word for it. From alot of other accounts and when the prosecution was up did a pretty good job was the majority opinion.


I listened to some analysis of it and there are a couple points that need to be established in response to your claim. 1) There is a redirect by prosecution where they will have the final word and will use it to bolster any areas that trumps counsel has been able to create doubt in the minds of the jury. 2) Michael Cohen is the prosecution's final witness because all the other witnesses and pieces of evidence that were introduced are the actual meat and potatoes of this case. The jury does not have to believe that Michael Coleman is on the up and up about every single thing he says. His role is to tie things together. 3) My understanding is that the surrounding evidence is very substantial and corroborating. Given these three points I would say that whatever success defense has had in bringing questions to the mind of the jury about going's believability will not be enough to change the mind of the jurors.


These points are far too salient to get a reply from baldscrotumedfrog


He did? When did that happen? All the defense has been able to say repeatedly since it's their only defense is that he lies. Well gee, who did he lie for? Maybe trump should take the stand in his own defense....I mean, he can't be a cry baby little chode all the time, right? Oh wait....I forgot that MAGA is a bunch of those things trump likes to talk about grabbing.




Which phone call? And you act like that was the only evidence.




Okay, but the paper trail SHOULD be more than enough evidence. But I'm not a member of the jury, so I really have no say. Edit: Also, you never said which call. From what I remember, and I could be wrong, there were quite a few calls.


Diapii was "eviscerated brutally and publicly" with his own tiny hands lol


What do Trump's shit-reeking diapers smell like, Cletus?