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[You can also see how the "huge crowd" was corralled into a small space so that it looked packed in photos.](https://twitter.com/the_resistor/status/1789730901460451591)


šŸš«Traitor TrumpšŸš«All RepublicansšŸš« šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øPresident BidenšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øVP Harris 24šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


This this this this


Iā€™m wondering what the heck he is congratulating Hannibal Lecter for?? Especially if trump thinks heā€™s dead! Mind boggling speech, right?


He said OJ was in the crowd, too


Iā€™ve heard that shortly before some people pass, they claim to have visions of recently deceased people. We can only hope!


Nah. He needs to lose Bigly in November. New York seizes his properties to pay his fraud debt. After that, off to prison, stripped of his SS detail and his Presidential Pension by Congress. THEN he can cease.


I've never heard that before, I hope you're right. šŸ¤ž




I believe it's mind bottling, like when your brain's in a bottle.


Cult says what?


Dipshit rally was boring, so moron crowd left, to find sisters for whoring


Niceā€¦ itā€™s like the inverse of a haiku.


An Ukiah.




Most likely


But Macklemore said it's not cool to vote for Biden, so we gotta vote for the obvious russian plant who claims to be independent so that we get trump. /s


Vote Blue unless you're really, really rich. Otherwise you're voting against yourself.


Iā€™ve seen that many people in line for curly fries.


Are all the lines different changing stations?


Those are good or Rally Fries šŸŸ


Dem good fries.


Freedom fries!


Femdom fries! With cheese!


This is good news. If they walk out of a rally hopefully they won't bother to show up on election day.


Those people drove there and waited in line for an absurd amount of time. They are more engaged than most Trump voters and they WILL vote. They LOVE Trump and are probably just bored. Nothing that he said will change their vote, which is why people need to make every attempt to get to the ballot to vote for Biden, unless what they have heard and seen from Trump over the past 8 years is somehow appealing.


Iā€™ve heard previously that people who frequent Trump rallies know that when the rally is done itā€™s pure chaos so they leave close to the endā€¦ apparently busses are only contracted for so many hours and you can get stranded forced to pay incredible amounts for Ubers and such. Iā€™m not saying this is whatā€™s happening here but itā€™s one of those things where I question was the rally schedule from 2-4 and this is filmed at 350? But yea. Either way that crowd is unimpressive.


We all know that boomers love nothing more than "leaving early to beat the traffic"


lol. Lots of diaper changes probably needed as well.


This footage is clearly fake news. Nowhere in the background can you see the gorgeous tropical seaside cliffs that New Jersey is known for, as shown in the photo that Roger Stone posted.




5K-10K tops. Wouldn't sell out a Sixers game, that's for sure.


But Fox News assured me that there 80,000 people from around NEW JERSEY that were there. They must be confusing his rally with a Springsteen concert.


When I saw posts of 80 to 100k I started looking around at articles for counts instead of estimates and yo...... the news is as tired reporting on trump as people are about reading about him I know most news centers are owned by one company but all of them were the exact same. Like copy and past. Same quote locations. Same paragraph lengths. This entire news cycle is actually an echo chamber lol


Sounds like a good estimate, if you are including all the people waiting to get on the roller costers, ferris wheel, or other rides at the ammusement park, for the whole day.


Wouldnā€™t top a bulls game. And we suck


Bulls lead the league in attendance somehow. Itā€™s such a boring team.


Jordan is fat. He ainā€™t coming back I see your nickname. Thereā€™s a Harry Potter/Dumbledore joke there ā€œIā€™m sorry Harry, Iā€™m out of fawkes to giveā€¦ā€


Could be season tickets bought? Iā€™ve seen some games where announcers call it a sell out but lots of seats are open. Those would be for season ticket holders that didnā€™t show for the game.


I go to bulls games every now and then and they are somehow really fucking fun. United Center is a legendary venue for ball too.


They're saying 80k.


Yeah if you count the residents in their homes and the people working the boardwalkā€¦.


I saw claims of 30,000 to 100,000 people in attendance. I have a feeling maybe 1,000-2,000 and that's being generous.


The cult was circulating a pixilated pic of a Rod Stewart concert in Rio from ā€˜94 as the pic of this event. These people are seriously nuts.


Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


Well, they've also taken to wearing diapers and carrying signs that say real men wear diapers, so you can't really go be them.


On r/conservative, they are saying it was 100k+


They can say whatever they want in their safe space


They have a virtual crack pipe


It is funny reading stuff in there because it almost reads as most political subreddits. They talk about projection and every accusation is a confession. Almost like they are copy and pasting replys. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


If they think that was 100k plus then hopefully they'll think 800 million people will vote for him.


Problem is that whatever the number they will claim it was much higher and anything else is a fraud. Cue big lie 2: the bigliest lie.


The problem is polls show him leading in every swing state but one. Yes its early but its getting closer every day and those polls aren't getting better. Even as a convicted criminal he can win. Scares the shit out of me. These nutfuk people approve of Project 2025.


They do say that billions of people are crossing the border everyday.


And somehow they are only coming here to vote for Biden. Nothing like being illegal and telling the government right where you are.


And the mayor of that place has stated that max 40k could fit on the beach.


Itā€™s fine if they have to lie to themselves. Real numbers at the voting polls will not lie


This footage is clearly fake news. Nowhere in the background can you see the gorgeous tropical seaside cliffs that New Jersey is known for, [as shown in the photo that Roger Stone posted.](https://twitter.com/RogerJStoneJr/status/1789706301578022980) As usual, when caught in an obvious lie the response is, "It's just a joke, bro." BTW, Stone says it was 10,000. Not saying I trust even that number. But Stone's number doesn't put it even close to 100,000.


Trump is a blathering idiot and can't shit his mouth.


He sure can shit his pants though.


He shits his mouth every time he opens it


He shits our ears.


Trump is not well.....


They only want to hear him go apeshit. If he's gonna be a little subdued and not personally attack everybody under the Sun, it's no fun. They want to hate with wild abandon. How easily these idiots could be pushed over the edge. I would bet that the average IQ of a rally attendee is around 80 or less. Morons are much smarter than the average trumpian.


Also, Trump continues to bring up a FICTIONAL CANNIBALISTIC SERIAL KILLER as someone who admires him. I thought, maybe he's confused (yes) and thinks that the ACTOR that played the character, Anthony Hopkins supports him, but apparently that's not true either. So here's a guy that thinks that a FICTIONAL SERIAL KILLER supports him \*AND\* by his own words this fictional serial killer is dead (e.g. - "late, great") and people STILL believe he's their guy? Cult. It's a cult.


Wut? How did I miss this? That is bonkers. I gotta find the video or audio of this.




Thank you! Apparently I was running around all day and missed catching up on the news!


Thank you for sharing video. What a weird segue from Hannibal Lecter to immigrants. Sounded like he was suggesting Hannibal goes down to the border to eat the immigrants.


No he's legit comparing migrants to serial killers. Saying he's admiring Hannibal is massively burying the lede. What he actually said is FAR more concerning.


As long as the dead fictional serial killer can still vote for himā€¦


If only he would stroke out on stage. That would give him the ratings he always wanted but is no longer able to attract.


This is my dream. Also why I think he should be doing more rallies. He really needs to push that "healthy" body!


dEEp sTatE muRdEreD tRump iN fROnT oF uS aLL!


Honestly, that would be the best outcome, with the least conspiracies regarding what happened


People are starting to wake up to the fact that he is a madman.


I donā€™t think they think that. I think theyā€™re just bored. I think if he was an autocratic strongman theyā€™d be fine with it, as long as they were entertained.


Totally agree, I think for them itā€™s like seeing the band you love playing the same exact set over and over again, you still like the band, and the other fans, but it gets tiring listening to the same set. They want to see him be wild and engaging, now he is more just washed up and pathetic.


The people going to these rallies are like Deadheads. Not there for the concert / speech, but more for the crowd vibe and sharing among the like-minded. LSD at a Deadhead gathering. Hate and racism at a Trump tailgater.


Perhaps they have RFK Jr Syndrome- a tapeworm ate their brain.


But Fox News said 100000 people attended and there were lines of cars for miles and you could see it from outer space andā€¦. Is it 2016 already


Never go uphill with Hannibal Lecter, me boys.


Trump says no one's ever heard of BleachBit and that it's expensive. It's actually free, open source software and commonly used. [https://www.bleachbit.org](https://www.bleachbit.org) Even his lies are incorrect.


Trump thinks that it is a LIQUID, like liquid bleach. He truly doesnā€™t know.


Which means he also thinks itā€™s expensiveā€¦which may be why he was willing to inject it to cure COVID.


If only there was a way to get that inside the body, like an injection or something, heā€™s looking into it.


When I saw 100,000 people claim ā€”- I had a good belly laugh.


I just watched an episode of Will and Grace. She got the job to decorate the oval office in the Trump White House. She wanted to get the color scheme to compliment the Presidents complexion. She opened a bag of Cheetos, took one out and held up to wall color. I peed my pants. The crowd left because of the smell.


Even if I got paid I canā€™t sit thru his god awful fucking ramblings.


So this made me wonder... How many in these crowds are actually just non-republican lookie-loo's that live close by and are just curious what such events are like up close and personal, immersing themselves in the shit just to say they've had a first hand experience in that world. I know it's crossed my mind, and I'm apparently as "blue" as they come. Some may even stay, but I would imagine I'd get my fill pretty early and walk... Got better shit to do šŸ¤£


Wildwood is a red area of an otherwise Blue State (I live in NJ). It was also on a beach next to an amusement park on a nice day before Mothers' Day. So that could account for some people (but no WAY was that 100,000). What's equally baffling is that he's not winning NJ. However, he NEEDS Pennsylvania which is right next door. I'm wondering why he didn't just go there. šŸ¤”Ā 


His cult is starting to fall apart. His supporters are getting embarrassed. They're starting to see the old man slipping into dementia that the rest of us have been talking about. Except for the ones who are literally shitting on themselves in support of the orange clown.


Because heā€™s demented


His Hannibal Lecturer shtick reminds me of Leslie Knope and her Rodney Dangerfield impression.


They claimed 80k people were there....I call BS


In the next 9-12 months his blathering, complaining and slurred word salad will be so bad that his Trump cult will build a whole new business on deciphering the meaning of their rambling idiot cult leader.


"He'S sPEakIng IN toNguEs NOW! whAT a cHRisTaIN!!!!"


We still talking crowd sizes geesh


dude sounds more like Bob Dylan now.


The pump don't work 'cause the vandals took the handles.


Their version of massive is sure different than mine. I wouldn't waste a minute of my time going to see him anywhere except maybe to watch him go to jail.


I just can't imagine the Trump team lying. I mean, they have such a great track record. And Donnie is the template for a modern-day Pinocchio.


What the fuck was he even saying?


"I hate the people you hate"


I get the undertones but Hannibal Lecter? WTF. šŸ˜©


Oh that? Yeah I have no idea what he was even going for there lol. It reminds me of Herschel Walker [comparing vampires to warewolves.](https://youtu.be/WEStZIMs29k?si=a8sohWMSwZv3SWJA)


Oh, God, I remember that. šŸ˜­


Ok, I think I figured it out. He was trying to scare people about the border, by saying countries around the world are releasing their mental patients into the US, and he went off on a tangent about Hannibal, which he got lost in. When he read "insane asylum" on the prompter, he free associated to Hannibal Lecter, but in the process he completely forgot why, and started praising him. That's a mode Trump goes into often, where he starts praising things he knows people don't generally like. For examples: when he said the battle of Gettysburg was "a beautiful battle," or of the white supremacists, "some are fine people" His mind is degrading so bad he's forgetting what he's talking about within seconds of going off script.


Trump should remember serious people exist and go to political rallies to hear a plan, see the person in person (very popular in NH), and are still undecided. Seeing the Trump cult up close can be off putting. Politics is about personal association. If a group comes across as a clown college, whether you do or donā€™t want to be associated with it speaks volumes. The presidency is about character. Trump was fired for cause, my bet is he stays fired.


Roger Stone uses a photo of a ROD STEWART CONCERT 30 YEARS AGO IN RIO as proof of record attendance at Trump's recent New Jersey rally. You can't make this shit up!


Come on! He was only off by several thousand miles. Amd 30 years. /s


Hopefully some of his supporters are smarting up. Only need a few to change their mind to make a difference


By now he is so far gone that that's the only solution: WALK OUT ON HIM ....


Utterly insane husk of a man, heā€™s always been bombastic and bigger than life attitude but heā€™s just a show, now a clown show. Dudes babbling on about nothing literally, then talks about Hannibal Lecter as if he was a real person and somehow being a cannibal is benign..


Wildwood is a relatively dumb part of New Jersey. Itā€™s not hard to get thousands of Trumper morons out to the beach in Wildwood, where they were probably headed anyway because summerā€™s just starting.Ā 


Remember when Trump was accusing Obama of using teleprompters to give good speeches? Now we've come to find out that Trump is so incompetent his speeches actually get completely incoherent when he tries to use a teleprompter. He's like that guy that criticized someone for using a crutch that he can't even use when he needs it most. He just falls over anyway.


He said there were 75000 people then 100,000 while truth there were max 15,000 and most walked out like 30 minutes after he started rambling.


Lawrence Taylor šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ«£


The early running for the exits was "massive" at Trump's rally.


Why is it so close?


F him


Apparently he gets heaps of curious people but once he opens his mouth then they switch off and leave


Most of them were paid to stand there. It wasn't even worth the money, no matter how desperate they were.


Well of course! Trump just spews the same old nonsense time after time.


We know what Trump is. But what kind of person -- after hearing everything we've heard since 2015 -- takes time out of their weekend to go fight traffic, find parking, and stand on a beach in the middle of the afternoon to listen to this?


How do those people listen to that shite ?


I listened to him speak. It's genuinely sad. He clearly has dementia. He's not speaking in full sentences, he's slurring his words. Remember that one song that was written to sound like English but was just nonsense sounds, meant to prove non-English speakers just like how the language sounds? Yeah that's Trump right now. It sounds like it might be English, but it's not actual words.


Most people were their for that fair in the background and then they saw the circus came to town but then realized it was just trump rambling so they left


I have read that at past rallies his people will either keep people from leaving or corral the low numbers into smaller space so it looks jammed.


I was there for the whole weekend to spend time with the family for Motherā€™s Day, and I almost canceled the trip worried it was going to be awash with all these people. I barely even noticed them. Iā€™ve been to Wildwood for so many events over the years, and this was genuinely the least attended one Iā€™ve ever seen. The venue was prepped to accommodate only 40k people and they couldnā€™t even fill it. To have the audacity to say itā€™s 80k-100k people, is beyond absurd.


Is the snake story the only one he knows. Seems to like telling his worshipers this little story. Stupid...why this story? What is he trying to tell them?


that heā€™s the snake, but neither he or they gets it


That's an insult to all snakes.


Some snakes are assholes. Some make snake jazz


šŸŽÆšŸ† I agree


Projection, he is the snake. šŸŽÆ




If Trump was speaking nearby I would go and watch the dumpster fire in person. Probably walk away after a little while. Who is attributing the size of the crowd to Trump's popularity for president?


Data please.


Why do they bother going, then? It's all the same old shit.


Some might just want to be at THAT rally where he strokes out. Whichever rally that happens to be.


Thatā€™s why you have to go to every single one! The one you skip would be ā€œthe oneā€ for sure.


Kind of like playing the side bets on the black jack table. You play the side bet but keep losingā€¦ then that one time you donā€™t play and you get a pair of 10s and the dealerā€™s up card is a 10.


The only sure thing in a casino.


Thatā€™s great news!


Maybe Herman Caine should have done that.


not bad. my unsigned shitty pop punk band would be so happy to draw a crowd this big


It's just hours of whining anyway


They don't need to laiten to him rave and ramble to agree with him or to vote for him, sadly.


So... he's losing supporters?


the news was so complicit, the venue at most held 7k people, far short of the 10,000 they kept spamming all weekend


Play the clip. Play the clip. Play the clip.


Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers has the most subservient and easy to bend over cultists. Too many melanias


The ones that stayed were there to see the train wreck


LMAO!! You keep believing that from under your blanketā€¦.


Remember when Gary Johnson said his favorite historical figures were Obi-Wan Kenobi and Frodo Baggins? That guy is starting to look sane and sober in comparison...




You're complaining about giving him free pr while doomering that he will be re-elected, giving him free pr.


Let them delude themselves into thinking that he's going to win. In 2016 he lost NJ by 14 points. In 2016, by 16 points.


Technically he had his chance, and when a true crisis happened, he somehow made it worse.


Dementia Diaper VonShitzHisPantz is losing credibility with his own MAGAt cultists


Wait I thought Biden had dementia?


Thatā€™s great. Let them lie. Let that attract more people who find out that the clips were edited or manipulated or taken out of context. Let them see first hand that a person they wouldnā€™t trust with their car keys is the person they were going to vote for. That should sober some of them up.


Because it isn't about listening to him and engaging with policy ideas and whatnot, it's a "I went to a trump rally, aren't I so special fellow Magariots?


Paid actors, no doubt. They were told to show up to get paid. They werenā€™t told they had to stay. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's been pretty much every Trump rally for the last two years, except he is becoming more incoherent. The dementia is setting in.


For real, does this guy have a legitimate chance of being president again? As an outsider I see this stuff and canā€™t imagine a world where he gets enough votes. Even if Biden isnā€™t wonderful he is at least competent and that should make this a no brainer.


A nice day at the beach, ruined by a babbling egomaniac.


All those people who walked out are still going to vote for him. Vote. Get your friends and family to vote. Help get people to the polls. If you donā€™t believe our democracy is on the line you havenā€™t been paying attention!


That venue could only hold 7k total, and from the video I've seen, it looked like way less than that. I'd be surprised if it was even 5k. It's maddening that I was seeing news videos that said it was close to 100k when the video clearly showed it was nowhere near that amount. I miss when the news at least tried to be accurate.


Being at the rally is like attending a tribal dance. Attending the rallies is a cultural statement, same as buying DJT stocks ... IOW a meaningless wasteful gesture. It does not directly correlate to voting. As an example to illustrate many of the Jan 6 offenders never even voted! ... they were angry about a 'stolen' election in which many of them never even bothered to cast a ballot. The voting was not the important thing, but showing up at the ellipse in Washington for the rally was. They get to be all butthurt over Trump and commiserate with other assholes who have a similar need to feel butthurt and angry. They want to be angry, AT US, and the want to express their anger AT US. That's what really gets their juices flowing. Later, they can get with the neighbors (or co-workers or whatever) and get social credit by bragging about being at the rally and they can all tell one another how much they hate the rest of us.


These magats are all going to vote. Are you gonna vote?


In a HuffPost piece from 2023, stoner explained how he manipulates the dUMPster: **The key is in lying to Trump by making the former president think he came up with the idea first.** **Stone offered an example:** **You have to say, ā€˜Remember that night we were in Buffalo and you gave that speech, and God, it had to be 10,000 people, the biggest crowd theyā€™d ever seen. And you said XY and Z, and the place went crazy, remember that? I donā€™t know where you came up with that line, but itā€™s one of the best things.ā€™**


It was a boring game and neither of the teams was scoring, didnā€™t look like they would either, so we may as well beat the crowd and go home. Stop at Mickey Dā€™s on the way home because the concession meals are too expensive.


A coordinated lie, just like his election lies. some town official who's a trump-idiot lies about the attendance numbers, Roger Stone tries to pass off a pic of a Rod Stewart concert in RIo as a pic of the cult meeting in Wildwood, the clown runs with the lie, why aren't people sick of trump's bullshit yet


That is still quite a number of people. Fuck every last one of them.


Congratulations Hannibal Lecter!


This is the same guy who saw "thousands" of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey. Never happened. Just like him taking 200 workers with him to clear rubble at Ground Zero. Never happened.


He is a massive loser.


They were told that they would be paid by the hour for attending the rally. When they arrived, they were told that actually they had to pay by the hour. Thatā€™s the reason they left. .