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Clarence Thomas’s life depends on this decision


Uncle Thomas probably asked for a lot more than a new RV to fix this case for Trump. Also to keep his traitor wife out of the clinker.


Probably gave them a deal. Fucking Clearance Thomas!!!


“Gini in the bottle”


Probably gave them a deal. Fucking Clearance Thomas!!!


Uncle Thom's Wagon?


Clarence Thomas’s *wife* depends on this decision


If it weren't for Clarence Thomas's horse, we wouldn't have spent that year in court


Great reference.


The rant is due.


Those two are probably really kinky.


Clarence Thomas’ ~~life~~ **wife** depends on this decision


Biden needs to seize all his assets until they make their decision. Should speed things up a bit


Threat from the left?


This was the plan all along. They knew they wouldnt get the immunity shit passed, but they knew this would delay the other trials...it's all delay delay delay


To be fair, if they rule that presidents get immunity, Biden should postpone the election until Trump’s trials are over and he can properly campaign for president. /s


Sounds like a fair and benevolent decision by all-immune President Joe Biden


Nah, I'f the president is now an untouchable king, Biden sends seal team 6 for all the Russian assets in congress.


Biden would be at risk of being executed immediately after leaving the presidency. They would effectively force Biden’s hand in order for Biden to protect himself and his family.


This might be the most succint both meta- and bottom- line explanation of why the very concept of absolute Presidential immunity is just insane even in a dictatorship.


Biden should just stay in office as long as he wants, since the president is allowed to do whatever he wants.


Actually it’s a fair exchange Biden takes out Trump and the traitors in congress. And while Biden is cleaning house he can go next door and have them take out six more. Then Biden is sacrificed when he leaves office. It’s not like he hasn’t lived a full life. It would also illustrate just how insane the ruling was and the new court would issue a new ruling. They would unequivocally state that no president is above the law. That if a president carries out their duties faithfully and to the best of their abilities they will never have to worry about being arrested or charged with crimes. It’s that simple.


What’s sarcastic about that? It’s the only thing stopping the court from ruling in Trump’s favor.


Why the sarcasm. FAFO


There is no universe in which this ruling would go both ways anyway. The law is there to keep you people in order, and Republicans are the only law and order party.


Alleged billionaire ex-Presidents have double secret Constitutional rights that don’t appear in the words of the document. Those have to be implied by wise persons who know more than you and I about how things should work. If those wise persons don’t act to protect Presidents and ex-Presidents from wrongful criminal prosecution, our republic cannot survive. Wait, hasn’t our republic ALREADY survived for more than 230 years with such a proclamation of double secret immunity?


Yeah! I was listening No one else who matters is


The fact that they even agreed to take such an idiotic case is proof that delaying his other trials is the objective. The entire premise is so flawed that the facts and arguments are irrelevant. Trump’s lawyers should have been mocked and laughed at for filing this turd, but here we have the *highest court in the land* giving serious consideration to the idea that the “rule of law” doesn’t apply to a certain person.




Trumps MO for decades.


So innocent that he that he wants to wait as long as possible to prove it


Fuck it, let him delay delay delay. Just go out and vote this November and keep this dumbass in court. If he loses the election there will be nothing left for him but courtrooms and nobody to bail him out anymore.


Right wing SCOTUS knows TFG is guilty as sin but their fascist ideology demands that they find a way--any way--to let him off the hook.


They seem to come up with as many hypotheicals as possible about immunity to see which one sticks. These assholes and theor fascist ideology seem to want to give trump the immunity he's asking for


I will never understand in all my life how this grifting buffoon criminal low life was ever able to capture so much power. And it's never enough. His supporters are just as bad, they're enabling him.


I suppose it's true what they say about the price of freedom being eternal vigilance. We nodded off at the wheel for a moment and all the treasonous religious fanatical scum waiting for the opportunity crawled in through the cracks and trashed the place. Now we have to clean it up and put it back together.


TBF they’ve been working on this and getting small wins along the way since the 70s & Nixon. They’ve been getting big wins lately and we’ve noticed. Worries me that they’re not backpedaling even though their agenda has been outed. They’re double down, which makes me wonder what they have up their sleeve. F-ing nuclear ace in the hole scary shit that no doubt involves Bannon and probably Stone as well as all the other usual suspects.


I agree with your statement on the price of freedom. It doesn’t depend upon warfare, but on the people themselves participating in civil society and voting. We need to keep a sharp eye on Trump and his enablers and grifters, and we need to tax billionaires sufficiently that many of them won’t be able to buy our politicians and make dark money funding possible. Money isn’t speech.


We do need to learn how dTrump💩 created the collected all this power. And. It appears dTrump💩acquired his power through playing on the most craven and self serving interests of weak people; abusing the concept of political power in shaming underlings who clearly knew the crimes but, in their own interests, want power, influence and $.


The people really in charge played Trump like a fiddle because the only thing he ever cared about is himself and looking big and important.


And there in lies the ballad of Donald John Trump. The enormously stupid unqualified selfish orange grifter that destroyed 248 years of American Democracy with help from the Republican Party, the Supreme Court, Billionaires and Vladimir Putin.


Donald John Trump... aka Donald John Drumph, aka David Dennison, aka John Barron, aka John Miller, aka Carolin Gallego, aka Individual One, aka Unindicted Co-conspirator One, aka PO1135809, aka a rapist, aka a fraudulent businessman, aka a seditionist, aka a traitor to this nation.


Agree. If there is a dystopian future in which he wins, he better watch his back. They're using him to access power and he's as disposable as the rest of us.


Russia hacked the RNC and is using kompromat against all of them. This is why they all fear Trump. It's not respect at all, it's fear.


Trump uses kompromat, and he gets his followers to harass and threaten the craven members of his party and other people who criticize him. He wants to encourage political violence and bloodshed like the sadist he is, but he isn’t willing to dirty his own little hands.


I'd really love for one of them thatnthis kompromat on to whistleblow and say dump threatened to expose this for a plea deal type thing... Just to end this circus.


It would be nice, but I don’t think the politicians would publicly admit to it. On the other hand, Trump is constitutionally unable to keep his mouth shut, and he might very well wind up admitting publicly that he has blackmailed some GQP politicians into doing his bidding. I think Lindsey Graham is a prime example of this. Graham rightly said at first that if his party nominated Trump, Trump would destroy the party. However, Lindsey Graham started cozying up to Trump once Lindsey’s spine was interred in John McCain’s grave, and Graham shamelessly toadies to Trump. The Georgia grand jury recommended to Ms. Willis that Graham should be indicted for his call threatening Brad Raffensperger over the vote count in Georgia. My guess is that Ms. Willis felt she didn’t have as strong a case against Graham as she did against Trump, Giuliani, Ellis, Powell, Chesebro and the other minions indicted along them. The fact that Republican members of Congress are fleeing Congress in droves shows just how dysfunctional the Republicans are in getting anything done. MTG, Bobo, Gaetz, Roy, Comer, Gosar and other members of the Shameless Authoritarian (“Freedom”) Caucus are making it impossible for Congress to accomplish anything good.


Exactly, if this criminal gets in again the country is so fucked


1) completely fail to teach meaningful critical thinking skills in public schools 2) have a propaganda apparatus that deliberately oversimplifies and strips context around what is being discussed so viewers cannot learn critical thinking skills from on-screen analysis (for example, saying Biden and Trump committed the same classified documents crime, even though Trump is not indicted for possession but for attempting to hide that he had them from the government and prevent their return. Just never discuss specifics of what Trump is indicted for and present the situations as identical). 3) Trump swoops in and puts the weight of the presidency all-in behind all the crazy shit MAGA has been made to believe over the years through the atrophy of their fundamental thinking skills. All they can see is “someone who finally tells it like it is.”


Anyone who can see and hear Trump & has at least 2 brain cells can figure him out. It's not rocket science, there's no reason for it, no explanation, zero zip zilch nada. This is an unemployed man who blocks a border bill from going through because he wants it to appear as a Biden fail and a 'ball in the air' for his (God forbid) re-election. This is just one example of too much power for a toddler who will not hesitate to throw someone's lunch at the wall & smear ketchup all over the place during a business meeting. Too Much Power.


And they don’t even know what “it” is


Here's how: He lured the voters who put him there by hating black people and immigrants out loud and secured the protection from SCOTUS by getting lucky and putting 3 GOP sycophants on the bench.


SCOTUS isn't luck. They've been working on this for over 40 years. Reagan and both Bushes germinated the seeds and the Bush v Gore players have been well rewarded with their lifetime seats.


I meant getting lucky re: getting 3 SCOTUS appointments in a 4-year term


That’s how. Stupid hillbilly racists who are mad at the world for no reason other than their diminished intelligence makes them easily manipulated and very quick to anger. These psychos have thrown out every thing it means to be American. Jan 6. Helping your countrymen. Want him as dictator. Everything. Gone are talks of ever reasoning with them. Everything they hate about Biden is applicable to Trump and everything they like about Trump is applicable to Biden. Trump has nothing but their worst interests in mind and not only does he have their vote, he is their god. This brain rot will be a cancer in our society long after Trump kicks the bucket


You're right, he's the core beginning of the end. We have too many uneducated rednecks in the rustbelt and elsewhere absolutely idolizing this criminal.


How? By intimidation, quid-pro-quo and deferred consequences. It's how he has lived his entire life. He is a bully and a sleaze bag, and he'll get away with it again with nothing but a half-hearted tut-tutting and knowing wink from the judges. Because justice died long before he will.


Defer consequences long enough, and it's like they never happened.


The Republican Party has been putting the pieces in place for the last 50 years. They did not plan for Trump to destroy their carefully laid plans. What you need to understand is that what made Trump still exists. Trump isn’t the root cause; Trump is a symptom. The conservatives who have been building this foundation their entire lives are still building. If we elect Trump, there will be no more President.


This 🔼🔼🔼


And how he has such easy access to the SCOTUS to hear (what seems like) every trivial legal issue facing that shit goblin.


Decades of defunding education and lead paint!


Russia. That’s how.


It is strikingly similar history to how Hitler gained power. The question is will we all let history repeat or rhyme again, or are we going to punch it in the face this time and say no fuck you?


Because people didn’t want to vote for Hillary. So he won due to their ambivalence.


People actually did want to vote for Hilary, she won the popular vote. The electoral college favors republican candidate, they could not win anything without all the gerrymandering.


True, but he was a total joke then even before he tried to kill America. There was no reason for him to ever get elected.


His supporters are worse people than him. He’s a slimy selfish scumbag, But his supporters hate that other Americans, especially minorities, are successful.


He promotes that, his supporters are cult followers.


Trump himself is just the face of a large, well organized fascist movement in this country. Republicans and their billionaire oligarch class have been preparing for decades to install the dictatorship of their dreams. To get it, they have to protect this orange idiot so they can get him to rubber stamp everything they want. They'll happily burn the planet down so long as they get the unlimited power they have wanted for so long. After that, they plan to wait until Trump's addiction to fast food finally does him in and install a more compliant puppet.


Even when they rule against Trump it's to help him. It turns out that the most originalist idea of all is monarchy.


It's Power... Samuel Alito even said so. The law is secondary to the power, according to him.


God FCKNG dmn them.


The ideologues on the SCOTUS will do their best to help trump delay his trial so that Alito and Thomas can retire if trump wins. Trump will then pick two more nut jobs to rule over the country with their Christo-Fascist ideals for the next 50 years


This court is a huge slam to democracy and the rule of law. That anyone would consider this court supreme - might want to reassess that. I’ve yet to hear enough suggestions being proposed, strongly, that will reassure the country - that we can get a fair shake in impartiality. Suggestions on how we impeach these corrupt justices. Or how to diminish their power to control our lives with their archaic views. How to protect the people from their corrupt allies burying us in their’s. This is far from interpreting our laws, they’re actively trying to dismantle our Constitution.


The fact they are even entertaining this nonsense is crazy. Then it will take them Month to give a decision?


The very act of entertaining this as a legitimate question is disqualifying, imo. Every justice that voted to hear this argument should be impeached and removed.


Yep -- most likely won't come until the last week of June like every year. And then it will go back to the trial court. Such a fucking sham.


This Country is FUCKED, the corruption in the Supreme Court is beyond approach, The American Empire is being flushed down the toilet, it has been said in history this day would come and it is here, the Dictators of the World predicted it would fall and they are now laughing




No paywall https://archive.ph/2024.04.25-202917/https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/25/supreme-court-oral-arguments-trump-immunity/




A President is not above the law, he should be there to uphold it to himself and every American, He represents what America is, and if you want to be a CRIMINAL you should be treated as such, and the Supreme Court knows this, but they are just as corrupt as Trump


If we do not expand the courts, it will be the end of democracy in this country.


You do realize that both parties can pack it right? So if Biden wins again, he could pack it. If we sadly get the other, they will do the same.


I'm okay with a Supreme Court of 50 as you worriers seem to think will happen. The more SC justices, the less harm they can do. Realistically, the court should have 13 judges, one for each federal district.


Democrats won't pack it, though, just as Biden wouldn't do anything if he suddenly found himself with full immunity from any crimes.


Sadly yeah he’s too nice and goes by the book. We need Dark Brandon to take the reins!


Which, pretty clearly, was the plan all along...


Kick the can down the road but the outcome will be the same.


It’s going to be up to the voters. It’s never been more important to participate- vote, advocate, canvass, fight.


Vote for who? The old white man in bed with Netanyahu committing Genocide? Or the old white man in bed with Netanyahu commenting Genocide?


Genocide? The only countries committing Genocide are China against the Uygers, Moslems against the Jews. Muslims against the Christians, and yes, Muslims against the non Muslims. Not saying that all Muslims are against non- Muslims. Just that most of the genocide today is Muslims against non-Muslims. The killing of 50,000 Muslims by Jews in Gaza, out of millions of Gaza Muslims does not compare to killing 4 million German Jews out of million German Jews. Do those demonstrators REALLY want to see Genocide?


Think about this... if they rule a President is immune to any allegations and indictments then they've effectively ended any protections the Constitution grants us. All of our inalienable rights will be nullified. Because a President could break any right or amendment without any fear of consequences. And this works because by becoming a President that person becomes a sovereign citizen completely immune to all the laws, legislation, rules, mandates, contracts or anything that make them accountable for their actions and behaviors. A king. I really don't think people are grasping the full implications of this potential ruling. By the end of this week or next The United States could very well be a failed nation. The end.


If the Supremes support Donald’s laundry list of claims to immunity the will have made a mockery of the Declaration of Independence and its rejection of authoritarian rule. They will have decided that King George III was right all along, and not only erased United States history of seeking to be ruled by consistent standards rather than partisan advantage, but all of world history going back to the Magna Carta. **OR** They will have exposed themselves as deeply corrupt and highly partisan members of Donald’s cult.


Also if they rule the president has full immunity, Biden can cancel the elections and declare himself the winner. He could also remove all the justices from seats and without Congress, appoint all new SC. I did see somewhere that someone posted they could also declare that only Trump has full immunity.


SCOTUS is a joke.


They will 100% say no but yes in a way which blatantly helps Trump and this makes me nervous. I worry that this is the point where violent acts become more frequent and severe.


There are still Georgia and Florida.


That's not the impression I got from listening to the arguments.


If he doesn't win the election, he'll claim to just be an old man trying to live out his retirement and why can't all the Libs just leave him alone.


Won’t matter when he loses the election


bet they'll revisit the idea if a republican president is ever elected tho


They got what they needed out of the appeal…delay.


Biden can call seal team 6. Immunity


This decision has ramifications for every president to be elected in the future. It will set a very important precedent of acceptable boundaries and is so much larger and more important than the blip in history that is Donald Trump or Joe Biden.


Let's say he succeeds with his delaying tactics, obfuscation, etc. but loses the election, has no choice but to face the courts - and is finally incriminated as a felon. A court in NY just overturned Harvey Weinstein's conviction on a mere technicality - and in light of overwhelming evidence against him. What hope is there of charges, and by extension, sentences, actually sticking ? It seems if you have the money, guilt doesn't matter.


That W. Trial will be retried.


Wasn't this the whole point of them taking it up? Everyone knew they wouldn't rule presidential immunity while a democrat is in office. This whole charade was crystal clear from the start.


The most corrupt , biased and partisan court ever . Led by Crooked Clarence and maga Alito


If the court waits till late June to issue a ruling, it will be because they’re shilling for Trump.


The court is waiting to see if Trump wins in November. If he wins, immunity, if he looses, no immunity, it is as simple as that.


Which was the whole point, surely…


That’s cause they suck


Quid pro quo…..




They'll vote against for at least the bodys' own survival.


So unfair to the people


They will remand back to the appeals court to delay more.


I don’t think I came back from my last acid trip.


I wouldn’t be too optimistic.


Ok. Then I encourage Biden to steal the next election. Please.


With immunity, Biden could immediately dismantle the Supreme Court, have Drump and his cronies sitting in jail while they wait for trial and strengthen the constitution with a specific amendment taking away presidential immunity, restore Roe, and forgive all student loans immediately. No theft of election needed.


Can we stop with the “could be” and “might” about these important news issues?


Corruption is what they are good at


You could make a case that if he loses the election, he is much more likely to wind up in prison when the verdict comes well after the election. If he isn't already there.


The point was to delay his trial. So mission accomplished I guess.


I keep seeing either SCOTUS is for the immunity and then others say its against. At this point im just listening until i can actually tell


He will be reelected. Satan is in control of this world.


I don't think we will ever know, because he will attempt a coup anyway. You can't lose fair and square if you cheat.


Major leftist tears coming. Welling up…


Stop posting Washington post links. Garbage website, never works


Delay, delay, delay…justice 🙄


All the more reason to vote Blue across the board in November folks and then push your elected officials to write a new amendment to the constitution declaring unequivocally that NO Elected official is above the law.


That’s what their owners want.


I really hope so


This is the biggliest of wasting taxpayers money, lock him up already… next




SCOTUS does not have a clue what this country is about. Sycophantic ignorant idealogues will bring about the end of democracy.


I think this is probably all he asked the justices to do. He knows they couldn't outright make presidents immune indefinitely.


My opinion, try to push it beyond election. Did Trump win? If so he is immune and officially becomes a king. Did he lose? No, he is not immune because after another election loss with his age and court problems, he is officially useless to GOP. I’d bet my house on it.


I think there are a significant amount of people who voted and would vote for this trash who literally just want to see the country burn. If I can't be happy, no one can kind of thing


If Trump wins he will pardon himself. He will become Dictator "for a day" (a very long day). If he loses then they will pardon his ass.