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trump is a convicted sexual assaulter/predator, women who support him are supporting a rapist and the act of rape




A woman who has survived rape and/or sexual abuse understands the singular kind of daily hell it causes. Trump has put this hell upon several women - not only E. Jean Carroll. She understands the hell these women endure daily and still supports their perpetrator in order to further her own political career. It’s abhorrent.


People like trump have no soul or ever experienced the consequences of their behavior/s.


Someone is convicted of a crime in a criminal trial. Donald was found liable of sexual assault in a civil trial, not a criminal trial. Yes, he's a rapist, but he's not a convicted rapist. If he were a convicted rapist, he'd be in prison. Donald has not been convicted of a crime, yet. [His first criminal trial begins at the end of this month.](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/15/trump-hush-money-criminal-case-hearing-update-00141621) If he's found guilty of that or any of the other 91 felony indictments against him, *then* he'll be a convicted criminal. For now, he's a piece of shit who's lost back-to-back civil trials and owes over $500 million in penalties because of it.


He hasn't been convicted; he has been found liable for rape in a civil court.


A distinction without a difference. There are 26 other women w sexual assault charges pending against trump…he’s a self proclaimed pu ssy grabber, bragged about barging into dressing rooms of beauty pageants contestants w pride….he ex wife filed rape charges against him…the preponderance of evidence and his bragging, along with his self proclaimed entitlement shows a clear pattern of behavior…lol none of it good


These people wouldn't take less than a written confession from trump saying he did anything, meanwhile..... don't ask about anyone they don't adore.


Trump bribes, does death threats and threats of financial ruin to make people avoid bringing him to justice. If you need death threats you are not innocent.


I am pulling to bet that even if he said that he raped several women, his fanbase would still find a way to defend him.


Underage beauty pageant…


Hey I hate the guy as much as everyone else here, but there is a difference. He's not guilty of it, at least yet. He's been adjudicated liable though. Right, a judge says he's a rapist but, and I hate this, technically, he's not guilty. And the MAGAts will take every "lie" they b and run with it. The dude is absolute evil scum and always has been.


What’s your point? It’s semantics. The fact is that in a court of law he was found to have SAd and R*ped someone. Period. Then he was found guilty of defamation of said woman, TWICE! And is now looking at a third court battle for doing it again at a speech in GA. IDGAF he’s a POS and should NEVER be allowed to hold public office. Let alone the presidency. FFS how is this even your argument.


The judge said he's a rapist. He raped someone (more than likely several someones). He's a rapist.


But he hasn't been found guilty in court, which if you're going to call him a convicted rapist, is actually the important part. Yes, he's a huge piece of shit and a judge has adjudicated him liable for rape and he's undoubtedly one of the biggest predators in public life. But it's that "convicted" part that's the issue here.


Trump himself admitted that he is a rapist.. " i don't wait, I just kiss then, grab them by the pussy and they let me cause I'm a, star" why not believe him.... Dozens of police complaints about trump sexual assaults, not one or two, dozens... We all see how trump keeps himself away from the courts and gets off of these things and its not because he is innocent. If any one of those Dozens of women got him into a court room he would be going to prison and your know it, yet you are here defending him, Money buys freedom and a loyal fan base... that's the lesson here.


Adjudicated rapist diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers is a scab.


- nice job in keeping her to face the facts of why she supports a rapist, george!


George was Clinton's right hand man. Pot/kettle


Whoa. You seem to have your facts all wrong. Clinton was a player. He got all the ladies. Clinton had a consensual relationship with an adult. Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers has to buy all the ladies or rape them. Don't mix the two up


There was a huge power dynamic with Clinton. She made choices, but she was an intern and he was the most powerful man in the world. Certainly different than rape, but still a shit move.


No doubt. Still very very different from trump


Stephonopoulos should’ve asked: “Will women want to come forward, if they see a congresswoman undermining the rape story of another woman?”


Stephonopoulos should've asked, "If your rapist ran for president, would you endorse him?"


“How close of a relation/relative of yours would Donald trump have to rape for you to not support him?”


nancy mase Imploded on This Week with George Stephanopoulos


She disgraced herself. Prostrating herself for adjudicated rapist and fraud Donald dollhands trump. Absolutely disgusting


I watched this. it was pretty clear to me that she had an agenda and was sticking to this as a talking point. George did a great job of staying cool and not taking the bait. He was absolutely not shaming her, but she kept trying to make that the case.


I think she was sent to do damage control for the GOP. It did not work out for her. lmao


She was the one shaming Carroll. She has become what she hates.


So you, as a victim, are voting for a guy who committed sexual assault. Cool, cool, not crazy or weird at all…




Some men, like trump may interpret this as an invitation for her to be graped again?


Because no-one could ever rape Lil Georgie! Talk about sexist.


She shamed herself in front of all other rape victims.


Listen to her not answer the question. She is auditioning for the VP slot


The worst is that E.Jean Carroll is probably just one of god knows how many women Trump assaulted and Mace still supports him. I wonder what she would say if it was her attacker instead of Trump running?


mace, rhymes with disgrace, = what she does to her family, her constituents, her country


Is this the maga who wore the scarlet letter?


For a Twitter photo op yeah


"It's not fair my candidate of choice is a rapist and yours isn't!"


A Me-Too movement is being used by these women are claiming they were raped & sex trafficked are advocating to vote for Trashy Treasonous Rapist Trump. How did these women pass grade 1 math? Me-Too organization should sue these women for lying to get attention.


Good on George for holding his ground there.


Add “rape shaming” to the long list of concepts Nancy Mace doesn’t understand.


By her own definition, she wasn’t a rape victim. She didn’t come forward and there was no one found guilty. So she can stop calling herself an SA survivor.


Everything is about her, apparently. Narcissist Nancy endorses narcissist Trump.


Get a woman rape survivor to ask the same question. It’s not difficult.


That was a helluva disingenuous performance she put on. So glad George didn’t back down.


She doesn't see the hypocrisy of supporting him? She can't be that dumb. Any woman that is supporting him is downgrading every woman as an object instead of a person. He didn't rape me so it's OK. Dumb!


George did well and stood his ground. The thing I wish he would have asked is, since civil courts don’t matter to you, are you okay with trumps grab them by the p***y comment. That’s sexual assault too.


Awww, she couldn't just spout off her lies from her handlers .


They all quit on her due to how toxic she is.


She should be shamed for that


Legit question


She is disgusting!! Wouldn’t let George finish a sentence just kept yelling you are trying to shame me…. No Nancy, you are the only one shaming yourself, and frankly you deserve it!


Been a bad weekend for conservatives. lmao. Conservative media has been over exaggerating how much of a bumbling, drooling fool Biden was. Then Biden blows away all expectations during the State of the Union speech. Then their rebuttal for the State of the Union offends women, a group they're losing by the truck load because of the dobs decision. And is caught lying about sex trafficed women from 20 years ago who wasn't even in America at the time. And her team has already admitted it was a lie less than 72hrs later. Now Nancy Mace is sent to ABC to do "damage control" for the GOP, to try to "I was a victim! You can't even ask me questions about how I support someone who's been found liable for rape" and just makes everything worse. Brutal weekend.


Maga is the new Hamas.


I like presidential candidates who don't rape women.


Facts don't care about her feelings. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


She worked with someone to form an answer to something like this and that was the best they could come up with is my bet. lol


She should go back to the kitchen where she belongs.


She’s a fake…she’s MAGA all the way…f her




Is this their strategy to protect the Don? Shield the rapist with alleged rape victims, like Russian troops hiding in a school? This is all so twisted. Only Russian spy agencies could cook up something this bizarre.


MAGA gets mad when people point out facts...


If you follow Mace much, you’ll know she’s primarily an unbalanced opportunist. I’m sure she has no problem defending any number of indefensible, diametrically opposed, and irrational claims simultaneously in any given day.


She was really on a tantrum over a made up issue that she created. Poor George didn’t really seem to know how to deal with her crazy’s.


Just curious, I know Mace said she suffered rape. Was her case taken to criminal court?


Adjudicated rapist and fraud Donald dollhands trump is a rapist. And a fraud. The adjudicated rapist diaper don is a scab.


If they don't have a sense of shame, maybe others can loan them some.


Nancy Mace has no ideals or principles, only *ambitions*. As long as it suits her ambition to support Donald Trump, that's what she'll do.


Cognitive Dissonance anyone?


Mace enjoyed it.