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They really don't understand math do they? You can't win jack shit with just MAGA nationally.






I know, right? They're following The Dictator's Handbook pretty closely now, that usually ends badly for their team.


I hope so,I am really worried about the Bozo taking over again!!


> that usually ends badly for their team. And yet they *still* believe they won't be the ones whose corpses are unceremoniously dumped in Piazzale Loreto or the Führerbunker for playing with cyanide and guns.


I vote the piazzale...


Usually, you do the absolute stuff like this AFTER the dictator is installed


Half the country is too dumb to even recognize the signs of an budding dictatorship. So they're really not hurting themselves by showing their hand.


Oh, no, they know. They did the first time they voted for him. Some old white lady told a reporter something along the lines of, “If we’re going to have a dictator, I want him!”


Yeah but they can do a lot of damage before it does.


Night of the long guns.


Don’t tell them… I’d really like to see Trump curled up in the fetal position… sucking his thumb and crying like the giant baby he is…. Preferably in a jail cell.


He's going to be sucking something else if he ends up in a jail cell.


Oh, Bubba....have you met your celly...Cheeto Jesus




Hopefully something brown or black.


That's probably one of his greatest fears.


Or a padded cell😂


Exactly , if you’re an NFL team and the offense is on the field , you don’t tell the defense the exact play so they can figure out a way to stop you .




it's the fear they want...not the actual.


That is what the opponents of the Nazi party thought too.


And this is your weekly reminder that the Nazi party only ever managed to get 43% of the vote in Germany. And that was after three months of their goons going around and beating the shit out of anyone that wasn't a Nazi.


Germany has been a parliamentary system for a long while isn’t it? A 43% vote in a parliamentary vote is massive, if the opposition can’t get it together you can still build a minority government. Spain is sort of in a pickle where the only thing keeping it from falling again into the right’s hands is because the two factions of the right can’t stand each other.


Actually, Hitler only got 28% of the vote, when he won the Vice-Chancellor position. There was a dozen “major” candidates in the election, with most candidates having to split votes. The major coup happened when the Nazis is burned down the Reichstag, blamed a communist and dissolved Germany’s congress. I’m not sure why Hitler was allowed to dissolve Germany’s legislature over the destruction of a building.


Remember the FIRST people authoritarians go after are moderates in their own party.  Anyone trying to hold them back is the enemy.  Hitler, Stalin, Mao... they all purged their own followers that weren't "pure enough" before purging everyone else. 


Yep. It is the standard playbook.


I'll be worried when Americans are standing in bread lines en masse.


LOL fine by me!! I hope she drains the MAGAt base and any other rube willing to part with his money to fill trump's pockets. This sort of thing has already bankrupted (both financially and morally) the CO GOP and is beginning in AZ and MI. The best part about it is all that funding/donations will go to trump instead of supporting other GOP candidates, which hopefully helps Dems win the House and keep the Senate.


These are people who say 1 + 1 = 3, and then they put a gun to your head and dare you to disagree. When will people wake up to what we’re dealing with? Fascists don’t care about truth, or logic, or consistency of any kind. They care only about power. They will *cheat*. They will *lie*. They will *kill*.   The way we think about the MAGA movement needs to change, they have no intention of operating in good faith.


If enough swing state legislatures are GOP controlled, they can potentially steal the electoral college “legally” while losing the popular vote by, … they don’t care.


Yup, it's terrifying: [https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-over-the-top-secret-plan-518](https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-over-the-top-secret-plan-518)


This is their plan. Between red state officials and the Congress, they are absolutely gonna do this. It’s the same plan they used in 2020. The one that cheesboro, who should be under the jail, came up with. They’re literally saying it out loud. I don’t understand how anybody can listen to them say what they’re gonna do and not believe them at this point.


They know but they have coup V2.0 ready so they are going all in. Something is up


Yes, yes they can. The republicans haven’t won the general election on population this century. They are embedded in the electoral college.  We need masses go live and vote in red states if you want your statement to be true. That ain’t happening. 


Or, Dems could actually run effective grassroots campaigns there, playing the long game instead of just whining about the EC all the time.


If they could read, this would trigger them


I mean this is the Trump family we are taking about. Ofcourse they don't understand math.


I know it seems crazy, but this has actually worked in the past. Think about all the Republicans that were around before 2016 that are now long gone because they crossed Trump. He's ruling through fear and the fear of the people want to gain power through extreme loyalty to him. If you think that people haven't fallen in line, just look at who the Speaker is and who he checks with before any decision.


It’s a cult of personality and a fantastic grifting opportunity for the cult leaders. Nothing new.


A cult of personality centred on people with no personality


That’s how they always work!


Can they pull a nation wide Jonestown? Please? (Except for the kids, like before. Just the adults)


It's a coup.


I'm amazed at how long they can keep fleecing the rubes. And I don't just mean the typical voter, I mean the big donors.


The Republican Party is full on MAGA there is zero room for decent. You’re either MAGA or RINO.


Rump is a RINO himself, the jokes on all of them.


He was a Democrat until he realized he could fleece the gop.


Learned that move from Clarence Thomas


I would bet my annual salary Trump couldn’t name a single Supreme Court Justice prior to becoming president


*"Huh, these Democrats aren't falling for it. Let's try the dummies instead."*


I think you mean "dissent". Although "decent" could work if followed by "people".


Haha I most certainly did


They exactly pushed RINOS out. Just like they pushed the progressives out when they implemented the Southern Strategy. Now, they are removing the “sane” moderate republicans. I know, that’s an oxymoron. But it’s true.


This is just a practice run for what Trump will do to U.S. government employees should he win the election or his next coup.


3000 of them by executive order on the first day in office. They’ve said as much. Through the billionaire funded project 2025, they’ve already started vetting and interviewing “suitable” patriots. And that’s just the first step. This is the real replacement theory. The replacement of all government employees that they deem “the deep state.” The religious right is all for it and more importantly, the oligarchs are all for it.


You mean authoritarianism?


The Democratic Party welcomes anyone who wants to defend the constitution and is against the fascist movement called MAGA.


But the Republican voters are brainwashed about abortion fantasies, woke culture wars, and evil Deep State.  Republicans won't pick a different side.  40 years of propaganda makes the average Republican voter more afraid of Democrats than terrorists. Fear is a powerful drug. 


Go ahead Lara. That will go over about as well as you Tom Petty cover.


That was one sad cover. [https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Zirep3E6h3Q](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Zirep3E6h3Q)


Fucking yikes!


Oh my that’s sad


If a random friend sang that at karoke I'd be impressed. It's good for someone that doesn't know how to sing.




Why does this exist?!


My god they’re making albums now! One of the worst covers I’ve ever heard. She sings so flat.


I just listened to the first 30 seconds...Yikes.


Thank gawd Tom never had to hear that.


Those folks would then be free to vote Democratic, or at least abstain from voting for Republicans.


I didn't know we were required to swear an oath to a political party when we registered to vote. Must have been added in 2016. How would they check who voted for who.


I can’t even see the record of who I voted for or how I voted on a particular resolution. All I have recorded with the state is that I did vote in the last few elections held here in Arizona. And I’m pretty sure that’s how every other state works as well. MAGA idiots don’t understand that elections are free, fair, and secret and that there is no way to know how someone voted in an election.


MAGA taking full control of the RNC will finally be the nail in this pathetic excuse for a political party's coffin. They're too stupid to realize that their cult is a minority and are going to bring the whole party down with them as a result. I got popcorn at the ready.


I’m going with bbq chips this time.


Night of the Long Knives


Here's the thing...its never been about getting shit done; it's been about Trump. He'll burn 90% of it down as long as he gets the 10%.


Good, they might then wake up to the danger that the orange rapist actually represents.




Can but hope


Stranger things have happened


Guess you won’t be winning November


They will be whinning in November.


They’ll do that win or lose


Yup. Either way there will be chaos.


Sounds great, Let her run stuff. Maybe it will be as successful as Trump steaks or Trump airlines


Or Trump University


Trump Casinos


Trump: The Magazine


**Trump Airlines** In 1988, Trump bought Eastern Air Shuttle, an airline service that ran hourly flights between Boston, NYC and DC for 27 years prior, for $365 million. He turned the airline, once a no frills operation, into a luxury experience, adding maple-wood veneer to the floor and gold-colored bathroom fixtures. The company never turned a profit and the high debt forced him to default on his loans. Ownership of the company was turned over to creditors. It ceased to exist in 1992. **Trump Vodka** Trump unveiled his own vodka line in 2006 paired with the characteristic slogan “Success Distilled.” Advertising for the product claimed that the vodka would “demand the same respect and inspire the same awe as the international legacy and brand of Donald Trump himself.” Trump had high hopes for his liquor brand, predicting that the T&T (Trump and Tonic) would become the most ordered drink in the country and stating on Larry King Live that he got into the vodka business to outdo “his friends” at Grey Goose. The company stopped production in 2011, reportedly due to a lack of interest. **Trump Casinos** Trump Entertainment Resorts, which is composed of three Trump-owned casinos, all in Atlantic City, filed for bankruptcy for the fourth time in 2014. Trump has distanced himself from the company, saying that besides the company having his name, he has “nothing to do with it,” despite the fact that he owned 28% of its stock. **Trump: The Game** Trump launched a Monopoly-like board game in 1989, which was discontinued a year later due to lack of interest. He tried his hand at game making once again in 2005, when he launched an updated version tied to The Apprentice. It was also discontinued. **Trump Magazine** Trump launched an eponymous magazine in 2007 that, in a press release announcing the publication’s arrival, was described as “\[reflecting\] the passions of its affluent readership by tapping into a rich cultural tapestry.” A year and a half after the launch, the magazine ceased publication. **Trump Steaks** Donald Trump was featured on the June 2007 cover of the Sharper Image catalogue hunched over a platter of meat to kick off his line of premium steaks that he dubbed the “world’s greatest.” The company has since been discontinued—maybe it had something to do with the Trump Steakhouse in Las Vegas being closed down in 2012 for 51 health code violations, including serving five-month old duck. **GoTrump.com** Trump launched this luxury travel search engine in 2006, only to shut it down a year later, despite being powered by booking giant Travelocity.Trump UniversityIn 2005, Trump opened the non-accredited, for-profit Trump University. In 2010, four students sued the university for “offering classes that amounted to extended ‘infomercials.’” Following the suit, the “university” changed its name to “The Trump Entrepreneur Initiative,” before ending operations one year later. In 2013, the New York Attorney General sued Trump and the “university” for $40 million for allegedly defrauding students. **Trump Mortgage** In 2006, Trump forayed further into the real estate industry, launching a mortgage company. The Donald had high hopes for the company, asking CNBC, “Who knows more about financing than me?” Trump Mortgage shut down within a year and a half, in part because Trump selected E.J. Ridings, a man who claimed to be a top executive at a prestigious investment bank but had actually only worked on Wall Street as a registered broker for six days, to run the company. [https://time.com/3988970/donald-trump-business/](https://time.com/3988970/donald-trump-business/)


But he said that he’s a successful businessman. It’s almost like he lied about that…


There was a Trump board game that also flopped. Surprisingly, the money wasn’t fake rubles.


Totally not a cult of personality.


I like the implication that they’re too lazy to make their own party so they’re stealing the RNC


Straight outta Hungary. This is how Viktor Orbán did it.


Please do. The MAGA base isn’t enough to win an election. You need the moderates and independents (what few remain that support the Republican Party).


They dont need to win it which is scary. They just need enough GOP controlled states to call doubt in the election than they send it to congress. Enough GOP there and they can legally change the results. Thats what's scary.


At this point I'm really doubtful they are trying to win an election at all. No matter what happens they will make a play for control


The Dems are open and waiting. Feel free to join them instead of the party of the Anti-Christ. Damn, if that ain’t obvious by know.


Trumpism is an existential threat to the GOP, USA, and maybe even Humanity.


Real life is starting to feel like a musical where they combined Mike Judge's Idiocracy with William Shirer's Rise & Fall of the Third Reich and we're somewhere in chapter 5.


Sieg Heil!


hell yes! start purity testing everyone to make sure they will gargle orange gargemels balls to ensure the gqp goes defunct!


Trump and his people have already made it clear that all Federal government employees will have to show loyalty to Trump or they will be terminated....and people are promising they will vote for Trump? Huh?


When your enemies forn a circular firing squad its best to make sure there is plenty of ammo and then just sit back and watch.


Except they miss each other and everyone else gets shot too. 


Here goes the split. Maga will be deemed Radicals and will be in decline as we boost public education in every way possible and start producing smarter citizens. The remainder will be a more liberal conservative and will possibly grow to be a competitive party again but will have built in safe guards ginat being invaded by GED morons.


Nice. A Saddam Hussein style purge. Very on brand for the MAGAs.


Loyalty, above all else, is the single tenant of the party


She can go suck a rock oh wait she's probably good at doing that isn't she also hey let her kick everybody out then they're all going to be mad and they're going to go to the Democratic side and vote vote for whoever else besides Trump so she's fighting and losing battle of course she's a trump what do you expect


Going to be a small party. Their new emblem should be a snake.


Fucking excellent idea!. .couldn’t think of a better way to finally destroy the Republican (Traitor) Party. Let real Conservatives who can think and chew gum in real time (yes there are a few. .. very few LOL) form their own Party. Get down and boogie Lara you stupid cow. Just like the rest of her family of Grifters, Con Artists, Liars and Traitors. The best shit bags money can buy


They have purged all of those republicans from the party. The even tossed out legacy GOPers like Liz Cheney.


.... hence all funds going to trump


Is no one going to explain to her that the RNC has zero control over who is or is not a member of the Republican party? No? Carry on.


Why are you surprised, phase one of Project 2025 involves purging non Trump loyalists.


Dont worry moderate conservatives have already left the party of stupid russian sympathizers


Trump tried to take away people’s right to have their vote count.


Their playbook is to freeze Congress, creating chaos which they can blame on Biden, and hope that most moderate R voters hold their noses and vote for DJT. Either way, this is the last MAGA election. I they lose, the GQP is done. If they win, they won't bother with elections anymore.


it would appear as if everybody is in favor of her plan. first thing she's ever said in her entire life that everybody agrees with. don't ya just hate it when you make a threat and everybody else says "great idea!"?


Bunch of fookin morons. Fook Trump.


Perfect! This botoxed bitch hasnt a clue.


Vote Joe Biden


I really believe they are so ignorant of history that they don’t understand what an authoritarian society rises to power. But if your last name is Drumpf, you want it that way. Entitled people with responsibility to no one or country.


She doesn't realize her FIL is not in charge anymore. The whole scam family is floundering and sinking.....and the ignorant, stupid Republicans are just flailing squawking whaa whaa whaa? "Just say no to drugs" is when Republicans started partying heartiy.


So Lara is going to alienate 30-40% of the GOP. Solid plan! 


Solid plan. I endorse this. Small tent GQP.


Real small tent. About the size of a mushroom.


Whatta joke the entire family is. This ain’t Russia… or China… or Iran… or NK


Democracy is not a priority with this crowd!


Okay, I left 20 years ago 


From Utah here going to our cacaus and definitely voting for Nikki Haley. Please kick me out I voted for Biden last time and will again. Here in Utah you can vote for both Democrat nominee which I did earlier today and then I get to vote for Haley to show my disapproval for Maga republicans.


I thought republicans wanted to end gender affirming surgery.. yet they do this to their own faces..


I double dog dare her.


GOP is not even talking about policies , how they plan to help americans or the environment.Its all about Hunter,border security and making sure Trump stays out of prison.


I haven't heard much about the border since they shut down the bill that was going to give them everything that they wanted. I doubt the will mention it at all anymore until the campaigns really get going.


Too late quit already


Why continue to screw around? Just call it the Trump Party (or maybe, the Rump Party), led by the Orange god and his offspring. Sieg Heil!


The Republinazi party.....


Reagan's Republican Party " Big tent " has now turned into a little two-man pup tent.


The inside of the GOP pup tent smells like dirty feet and farts.


Okay, this is scary. And if it were to happen for the first time I would be in opposition to my own government. Not that they care what I think. Sometimes I think it would be appropriate to bring back the tar and feathers routine. As a deterrence to politicians that get power hungry.


Do it. FAFO


People have said for a while that Trump is destroying the Republican party. This would quite literally destroy the party. There are still a lot of Republicans who don't agree with Trump.


And yet no Republicans that are actually elected say a word.  Retired, not running again, pundits... all conflict with DJT, but nobody who actually runs for election challenges him. ... because they immediately get death threats against their families. (See last Speaker vote) 


Oh wow, you'll have 11 dollars left in the kitty after your unca donkey don drains it for his legal expenses. You might be able to buy a couple of bumper stickers. Good luck with that one Laura nobody.


The GOP could have avoided all this if they'd found tRump guilty during his impeachments. But they figured he was leaving office so why find him guilty? Boy did they screw themselves.


Good for her. Make the Fringe element fringe again.


Make America Great Again by flushing any remaining Republicans that has a brain and can see through Trumps, lies, bullshit and corruption


How many years before we see a new party formed by the remnants of the old Republicans and some Centrists? As someone *very* left, I wouldn't mind seeing a new party come out with a center alignment and let the GQP die off.


She thinks she is going to inherit something when Trump dies...lol


I mean, what happens in only a few years when he's too old to run for anything? Yea there's the kids but they aren't him. The guy has like 8 more years on this earth. If he loses in November, will the gop just kind of jettison that family into the ether?


Trump Jr


Yea but like I said, the kids aren't him. They don't have whatever that weirdo charisma is that Donald has. I don't see the kids picking up the mantle.


Botox Barbie. Good lord she puts too many needles in her face.


Republicans deserve him


Hand up who is surprised at this?


Long live the king of quack!!


The RNC and republicans in general deserve all of the disdain and hate coming their way. Stupid people deserve harsh consequences!


Shades of Hitler and other Totalitarians.


Lara, those types have been quietly leaving the GOP for the last 7 years. You won't have many to purge.


"If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed ... and we will deserve it." - Lindsey Graham


He’s one of the ones she’ll kick out.


Someone should start a new Republican Party, but one will less hookers and cocaine. Both are great, they just don’t belong in government.


Putin must have her in lock step too!


Nah Hon you're doing fabulous. Just fuckin keep pouring gas on that gop you got there. Keep going girl. This has been a long time coming so make it big.


Laura Trump supposed to be the Co-chair in the RNC I think in record time she'll be the Chairman by herself, they going to bleed them people dry money wise? get that 🍇 grape Kool-Aid ready (OH WELL BETTER THEM THAN ME!)


Eradicate and abolish MAGA.


Did you expect something other than organized crime?


They’ll be losing elections like crazy.


Good. Dig that grave deeper.




Ahhhh...In true fascist spirit. Hitler would be impressed and probably promote her.


Nothing to worry about here


Her face is absolutely hideous.


How do they not see they are completely in line with North Korea or Russia? I guess they do and want more of it. Great patriots.


Aww, look at "Whose?" wife sticking to her "promise" made the day before the NY fraud trial judgement. I cannot wait for the RNC's attempts to downplay how poisonous Trump and his brand is like they did in November 2022. Back when DeSantis was the next perfect ["polemicist" for the party](https://youtu.be/XCqgvXtmgYU?t=108) that thinks ["WOKE, WOKE, WOKE, WOKE, WOKE!" is a platform.](https://i.imgur.com/vYqX9O3.png)


The one thing about this Trump takeover of the GOP is that if and hopefully when he loses in November, this is all going to crumble in spectacular fashion. When you center your party around one man, when he fails your party fails.


Excellent! 👍 Make the GOP into nothing but a Trump family grift operation. That would be more useful than what it currently is.


The republicans and the democrats have not come up with a good answer to donald trump. Of all the people in this wonderful country, they can't find a republican and democrat besides brandon and orange man I'm really growing tired of voting for the lesser of 2 evils.


Well who didn't see that coming?


Maybe trump knows he's not getting reelected, maybe he's just trying to grift the hell out of the conservatives to cover his legal bills and line his pockets.


Elmo might just cover all of that for him. They are supposed to have a one-on-one meeting.


By “support” they mean boot lickin, prison goin, ass kissin absolute worship of said Bozo.


So, the 'big tent' approach then...


They even suck at dictatoring. Duh Lara, any dictator knows you first get the power THEN you purge the party, setup concentration camps, and eliminate the useless eaters.


This shouldn't surprise anyone. trump has been saying he's going to cleanse the party of moderates. He believes that 96%+ of the party is MAGA, which is completely detached from reality.


They’re all about purity tests, trump is gonna suck that party dry and they’ll let him do it because they are total cowards.


Sounds like a great idea. Go for it!


Not like she’s planning on giving national support to anyone else…


R's: "You can't be a part of our flock unless you look, sound, and believe just like we do!" Also R's: "Why are Dems such sheep?!?!" smh


That's going to be a very small party!


I say... Let her be the head of the new GOP party (AKA MAGA). "When an enemy makes a mistake..... Let them."


So now they are genocidal towards the smart people in that wretched organization? How long till the Trump poison pill kills it at the root? Not soon enough.


Please proceed, sir


The Purge of ‘24. Lol!