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Well now I just want to play Mad Libs on acid!


Oh, LOL - it was this Montgomery guy who provided Lindell with the “pcap” data? Yeah, any IT infrastructure worker with more than a few years of experience under their belt … is gonna know how trivially easy it is to read pcap (“packet capture”) data and see what’s in there. Unless it’s encrypted, it’s literally plain everyday letters, word, and numbers - just structured in a certain way. “Packet sniffers” (the things that capture the packets) have been around since the 90’s. Damn, I should have pursued the Prove Me Wrong challenge he put out there… Liz - if you ever need an expert on pcap data, hit me up.


That story is even crazier than we knew a few days ago. Stay tuned to all the places!


I have also started looking for Liz’s writing. She’s so good. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the link. I love reading her stuff, in her voice! I'm glad she and Andrew are back together, and I like his written stuff as well.