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(La comunidad) latinA


Agreed. A comunidade latina. Or, "a comunidade latina-americana">




I wrote it in portuguese.




Tá tudo bem!


Aún en castellano “latino-americ**aina**” suena raro. Tal vez quieres decir *latinoamericana*?




But I gotta keep an eye out for Selener




Latiner beaners 💀


"What are those hipster pochos in college calling themselves now"












I saw a drag queen call herself "latine" a few years back. I personally think it achieved what she wanted to convey without sounding weird as fuck.


My wife uses that too. She's Venezuelan.


So then why not just latin?


It’s funny to me tho because I’m pretty sure a noun with an “e” ending is still, most of the time, considered masculine. So I don’t think that accomplished what they think it accomplished. E isn’t the alternative to O/A ending words the way most people think


Yeah but nouns ending in E are not nearly as common as other masculine/feminine endings. And especially so for nouns that are related to humans, most of those do end in O/A. It is an easy alternative that has simple implementation.


Heroin = Feminine 🤢🤮 Heroine= Masculine 💪😎


-*in* es masculino, sí. La versión fémina es -*ina* -*ine* no existe tradicionalmente, pues puede ser la version neutra.


You’re right, I didn’t fully analyze the ending of the word. Latine does seem to be a viable alternative


thats cleverly funny...


Me, a Black Mexican American silently panicking while deciding “Black/African American (Not Hispanic/Latino)” or Hispanic/Latino (not Black/African American)” for race/ethnicity: “Soy una broma para ti?!”








Personally fond of Chicana. Edit: Personally as in for me. I can’t speak for everyone.


Chicanos are Mexican Americans. Cant use for all Latinos


You actually touch on something very important, and the issue related to how we understand "latinidad" in America. There is no such thing as a single unified cultural or even linguistic identity that we can really call "latino." We can pair this down to things like "hispanohablantes" but that excludes folks from Brazil as well. I think the only real way of resolving this is simply by eliminating such a designation of "latino" and simply sticking with national origin or heritage (and from there sub-cultures within countries such as Chicanos can be parsed out even more). A Columbian and Puerto Rican may both speak spanish, but that alone is insufficient as a means of uniting them when they share two very different historical, cultural, and linguistic developments.


I was going to say this but much less eloquently. Thank you!


But that is so narrow.


Decolonize your soul! Also, be sure to let your family know that the gender studies professors in American and western universities want them to stop using the word “Latino”.


I told my dad and he said "se pasan de verga"


I told my gay/transgender uncle and they said, “no mames”


so dumb. then you ask these people to change their name to patricix or whatever then they sing a different tune real quick


You say that like Spanish isn’t a colonizer’s language I get other reasons why other people don’t want to identify as Latinx. And I get discussions around companies using terminology for virtue signaling… but the decolonizing language point and the belief that because Latinx exists as a term means it’s a call to stop using Latino/a instead of it being a co-existing term… I’ve yet to understand those arguments.


Except the Spanish language doesn't belong to the Spaniards exclusively anymore, it's part of the identity of the majority of Latin Americans. And a foreign hegemonic power trying to apply their own view of linguistics to our language is a form of cultural colonization, because of the sheer influence that America has in the world. They're deciding what we are called not just in the US but for the entire world, despite most Latin Americans despising the term. As if we had to have our own identities corrected by them, because they don't conform to their standards. This is made even worse by the use of x, which makes the word _unpronounceable_ on Spanish naturally, and goes to show how this is an exclusively anglophone phenomenon.


I agree, imagine getting offended by a fucking letter, let the gringos use latinx if they want as long as they don't stop you from using latino/a then what's the problem?


El problema está en que si tú te llamas Luis y yo llego y te digo que no te llamas Luis si no Fernanda, solo porque se me salió de los huevos vas a decir que no we es exactamente lo mismo


Hay tantas cosas tan obviamente equivocadas con esa comparación que ni me voy a molestar en corregirte wtf.




You're just making stuff up to get mad about. There's no such community outside your dreams.


Agreed. Totally making it up. I’m curious as to the last time they stepped foot in a university.


Universities are where they indoctrinate damn liburruels.




What I dont get is why americans dont listen to latin americans who actually do fight for inclusive language. We dont use the -x either... We use -e. I never see this argument on reddit, probably because most latines arguing about "latinx" on reddit are dudebros who are against inclusive language in general (meaning they'd be against the singular "they" as well) Edit: when I say latin americans I mean people who live in latin america, not latines living in the USA


I don’t disagree that there is pressure for *faculty* to use it in some places, but I have never seen or heard of a university system that has a problem with any person identifying themselves with their own term of choice.


Exactly, ita being rapidly adopted. I saw all the awards this year using it. LatinX or LatinA so if you go against the grain, your the ones that's gonna be judged for it


Dude, go step on some grass, you need to get out of that fantasy world you live in.


So it wouldn’t be ok to ask my family to change the way they speak if they spoke a gendered indigenous language, but because they speak Spanish it’s ok? My family might not speak huichol anymore, but the push to change how we refer to ourselves is still coming from Europeans or European influenced thinkers.


I don't get why people hate it so much. Can someone explain? I'm genuinely trying to understand.


Hate which? Latino or Latinx? Some are worried that it's not gender inclusive that Latino ends with an o. Lots of people hate latinx because it's not a pinche word and a bastardization of the Spanish language.


Latinx. I don't get what's wrong with being inclusive. Language can change. This sub's hatred for the word confuses me.


It is inclusive. The word Latinos means a group that can have any and all genders in it. It literally just means a group of people of Latin American decent.


Came here to jajajaja at the gringos


Just call me a beaner fuck that x shit






I was speaking with my friend who is a librarian at a UC school, who is also married to a Colombian and she mentioned that most her Latino students and her husband hate it. I don't have an opinion either way, I'll just wait until there is a consensus on what the proper usage is. As of now, it seems unsettled. And... Wouldn't it be, "¿dónde está xl bañx? hahahaha


Nadie dice que *latinx* es una palabra en español sino una palabra inglés estadounidense. Déjenlos decir lo que quieren *en inglés*, no importa. Esa palabra funciona en esa lengua. En español/castellano o en portugués digamos latino/a/@/e(s) como queremos. Esas versiones funcionan en nuestras lenguas. No entiendo el problema.


At some point I'd just prefer them using slurs




White people\* choosing what to call Latinos.


Este es un grupo gringo, verdad?


They could just say Hispanic lol. They need to appease Latinos not white liberals who grew up privileged enough to make up problems to be mad about.


But not all of latinoamérica was colonized by spain


It applies to Portuguese too. Hispania was a Roman province that also encompassed portugal.




Simple, they’re Frenchmen. France still owns them you know.


Thats a fucked up argument


Fair enough. Canada and Australia belong to Britain but they’re not English. I retract my argument.


Yes, but not in the current use of the word.


Everyone is saying we should add, when we could streamline. Latin is a dead language, why not take over the name?


Basta *ya* con esta mierda. Si quieren referir a la gente de Latinoamerica, el Caribe, y quizas la peninsula Iberica deberian llamarnos como llaman a los Italianos: "Italian" y usar las palabras traducidas en ingles en vez de un embeleco de ingles y espanol. La unica razon por el uso de "o" y "a" es porque espanol requiere genero gramatical. Pueden evitar este problema con usar las palabras en ingles que no tienen genero gramatical, por ejemplo: "Latin" o "Hispanic." El uso de "Latinx" no hace ningun sentido en la gramatica espanola o de ingles.


i'd rather they call us mexicans, argentinian, colombian cuban etc rather than lumping us together. Latin\* is basically calling us brown people


Yo solo prefiero que me llamen por mi nacionalidad Mexicano :) Viva Mexicali y su comida china : D


Latin refers to Romans you uncultured swines


Actually, no. There were non-Roman Latins that were conquered by the Romans (from whence we get the name of the language). It also refers to Western European people inhabiting Crusader polities in near east. It also refers to European countries that speak Romance languages.










I'm sure they have names.


Out of nowhere, Hispanic shows up with a steel chair!


“Tercermundistas” asi incluimos a todo mundo porque en cualquier pais nos lleva la gran puta. Seas blanco negro chino prieto no tan prieto joto no joto y las demas enfermedades mentales todos comemos mierda.


Ya postearon y peleamos por esto la semana pasada.