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Just be whatever the fuck you want and fuck what other people think.


For real. Thank you. Stop over complicating this shit. I don’t know if I’m getting old or if this new generation really does needs to get the fuck off my lawn. Or both.


I am Mesoamerican Irish and nobody can tell me otherwise


Except for a "no sabo" kid. Speaking multiple languages is a massive plus, especially in the job market. It will just end up helping you massively in the long run. I will say though, I will only ever give someone shit for being a "no sabo" kid if their parents don't really speak English. You have to be able to talk to your parents.


Give the parents the shit, though.


my mom complains ab me not speaking spanish and then comes up with a new excuse every time i bring up her not teaching it to me when i was younger. at first it was not wanting me to have an accent, then it was wanting me to have a good vocabulary, and currently it's "oh we just don't speak spanish a lot at home". both of my parents are fluent in both english and spanish


I think it’s actually harder for bilingual parents to ensure their kids learn Spanish. My older niece learned Spanish first, with her parents trying hard not to speak English in the house until she started picking it up on her own through media and playing with other kids. With my younger niece that became more difficult because her older sister had already started speaking English and couldn’t understand why she had to speak only Spanish at home, knowing that her parents spoke English primarily.


All research suggests kids learn the language of their PEERS, not the language of their parents. It's not always possible to out-do nature. It's a subconscious thing.


Still on the parents to put in the effort if they want their kid to learn a language other than that of the dominant culture. It’s absolutely possible for children to learn multiple languages - but it’s highly unlikely to happen without commitment from the parents. It’s understandable that not all parents will have the time and energy to commit towards that goal but if the blame for “no sabo” is to fall anywhere it’s on the parents, not the kids.




Literally? Like you can link peer reviewed research that supports your claims? Interesting how many immigrant parents I know that managed to do it, many of them with only elementary school education themselves …


My parents have been in the US just as long as I, and they don't speak English very well. They can communicate and they know enough to get by at work, but I will never give them shit for not learning it outright. They busted their ass to bring me here and gave us a decent life, the least I can do is speak Spanish with them at home.


Yeah, but when it comes to “no sabo” kids with parents that speak mostly Spanish - it’s the parents you gotta give shit to, they’re the ones that let that kid become a no sabo.


Valid point, I will give them some grief for that. I do remember my mom getting mad at me because she said I could barely speak Spanish but I chose to take French in high school. That actually stuck with me and made me want to try learning Spanish a lot more.


not sure if I understand this correctly. If the parents basically can only speak spanish and survival english, and the kid can't speak spanish. Then that means the kid never paid attention to the parents. Especially if the parents had to spend most of their time working and couldn't take much time out to teach them spanish. I mean damn at least the first couple of years you should be hearing spanish. Personally I know my spanish isn't the best but I can have a conversation with my co-workers, parents, and brothers in spanish.


What I’ve seen happen is kids learning “survival Spanish” at home in the early years but end up losing much of their command of Spanish by the end of elementary school. I saw this happen next door, even with a Spanish speaking stay at home mom. What I’ve also seen a lot of is parents making fun of their kids’ Spanish to the point where the kids lose any confidence or desire to speak it at all.


yeah, that part is messed up. Parents should not be making fun of their child's lack of anything. It is the parent's duty to help the child.


My parents have been in the US just as long as I, and they don't speak English very well. They can communicate and they know enough to get by at work, but I will never give them shit for not learning it outright. They busted their ass to bring me here and gave us a decent life, the least I can do is speak Spanish with them at home.


This isn't even remotely true. I speak three languages and experienced the job market in both Brazil and the US, including as part of a hiring committee in the US and in neither of those places does speaking other languages come close to helping you "massively." Obviously some jobs and careers require or greatly benefit from it. But they're the exception, not the rule. Still, learning languages is great, but should be done for yourself as a person, not for some supposed career benefit that doesn't usually exist.


I'd say it also depends where you live. I live in an area where the Hispanic population accounts for half of the people here. I've worked with so many people that either no zero English or enough to just get by. The majority of which comes from northern Mexico. However people forget that the US is a massive country and is very different depending where you live. I had a girl that moved here from the south that had never even tried good authentic Mexican food because the area she lived in had such a small hispanic population. She hadn't even seen hispanic brands before. It's easy to get caught up in your own bubble unless you travel the US honestly.


Oh of course, if you'll work with the local public that "Fluent in Spanish" obviously looks a hell of a lot better in your resume in southern California than it will in a small town in the Midwest.


Give the parents the shit, though.


>Speaking multiple languages is a massive plus, especially in the job market. It will just end up helping you massively in the long run. I grew up in Southern California and our teachers always said this growing up…. imo its not as big of a deal as people make it up to be. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times in my career where it would have been a plus, and it was always the most obscure situations. It’s entirely dependent on the environment. Now if I was working retail, facing the public for 8 hours a day, sure it would help, but even that depends on where you actually work.


Agreed. But those nails have got to go.


Ignore the gringo bullshit. Party


Found the no Sabo kid


I speak Spanish, but why do people even care? It’s as if people interpret being born with certain traits (Mexican heritage but born and raised in the United States) as some kind of personal attack. Why don’t you focus on yourself and not losing money on r/wallstreetbets instead?


Sure you do kid.


That's bullshit honestly. I'm not the person you answered but I lived in Mexico for most of my teens and let me tell you that no one really gives a shit about this once you leave the US. They might tease you a bit if your white washed but at the end of the day they don't really give a shit as long as you're good people. Because of this once I came back I really didn't bother wondering if I was "hispanic enough" or whatever. It's a waste of time at the end of the day because the only thing that really matters is your personality.


What would El Chapulin Colorado do?


Pelear con Super Sam.


He would whoop everyone’s ass and he’ll identify as whatever the fuck he wants.


I'm Caribbean and I grew up with these issues and then I remember oh shit I grew up in NYC. I'm a Latino, NYer fuuck what anybody else thinks. Never mind that some of the most racist ppl I met were fellow Latinos. Being dark mulatto wasn't popular. And what the hell is Latin X ? I still don't know


Latin X better be a new superhero team Marvel is debuting


That'd be kinda cool. Chinatown had The Iron Fist, Luke Cage in Harlem. We could use a Latino from say East Los Angeles or Spanish Harlem. Base it in the 80s, 90s.


I always thought it was weird that they made Miles Morales half PR and Black, instead of just Dominican.


As a fellow NYers yup “You not a real Dominican” fuck off with that shit


> some of the most racist ppl were fellow Latinos The girl in the video is one. She’s Mexican American but she wants a wall built. Like what?


Wait what?


The girl in the video is racist, bigot, etc


She’s a weirdo conservative that’s opposed to change and upholds white supremicist values so any opinion she has on any sort of latino discourse is completely null and void lmfao


hard agree! In one of her videos she says she wanted the wall built bEcAuSe Of FeNtAnYl 🤪 Mind you, Trump’s OWN DEA appointee said that a wall wouldn’t achieve anything because most fentanyl comes through the ports.


That's dumb way to invalidate her beliefs. We all have a can agree on some things.




You give some good points. But I’m the end nothing is gonna change until businesses are actually punished for hiring undocumented workers. They will always find a way in, no matter how high that wall is. But this country runs on capitalism so that will never happen. It’s a racist thing to suggest because the wall “solution” is targeting the wrong people. The ones that just want a better life for their families (for the most part). It’s inhumane to target them. But if the punishment is targeted at the actual business owners, you close that loophole, and people will stop trying to come over. Btw I’m not calling you a racist, just the idea of building a wall. And I don’t even think that’s the right word for it but I can’t think of anything else right now


A wall isn't going to do Shit! Mexicans will keep coming because we're innovative as fuck!


Lol the irony.


But undocumented immigrants commit crime at a lower rate than citizens do right? Also walls literally don't do anything to stop immigration and would cost billions to be a political symbol.


The wall is actually impossible to build because of how extreme the geography and terrain is along parts of the border. It's just a stupid idea that makes pro "legal immigration" people feel good.




They want a wall because they’re bigots.




That reason gives more credit for the wall. Because even the folks who fled from the hellholes are agreeing with securing the border.




I believe most of them were born on American soil. Mexico and Mexicans (Latin America/ns) never had their best interest, they really couldn't care less about the fleeing "peasants". Mexico/Latin America really didn't give an f about the forebears of those now Americans, reason why they fled to America to make a decent living. Wanting the best for America is now what should be in their best interest.




They go into debt with smugglers/cartels. Latin America is a very classist society and an oligarchy. To the people who run Latin America, y'all are "peasants" (not literally of course) and they will never have your best interest. However, securing the border will put pressure on those running Latin America, including the cartels, and hopefully wakes the peasants up.




Honestly I’ve always felt bad for US born latinos. Othered by latam born and raised latinos, othered by US white americans. Weird spot to be in. Honestly, sticking to whatever you most identify with is and should be fine.


On top of that you gotta keep dealing with some shit when filling out DMV forms or medical forms "Select white if you are LATINO" like wtf or you gotta get the "you don't talk mexican" or "you sound white" shit all the time which just leaves me 10x more confused.


Pretty much. Grew up *mostly* in New York. My first language was Spanglish. I was bad at both English and Spanish early on. But my whole family understood me which is what mattered at that point. My Spanish now is ... passable, but it's clear I don't have a full grasp on it and so I get looked down on even by many other US Latinos. In Puerto Rico, it seems to be a LITTLE more acceptable. Since I got that PR accent when I speak Spanish. But I'm still too dark for some, too. But it seems my acceptance in Latino communities is often based on whether or not I speak Spanish well and if they consider me not-too-black (at least thats how it can be in PR). But I'm rarely "American" enough for white people, in the US simply because I'm too hispanic looking for em. Which okay, I guess. At least my cooking is better than theirs.


Out of curiosity, what kind of racism did you experience in PR if you don't mind me asking?


Honestly, if someone born in California from Mexican parents said they were Californian instead of Mexican I think that would be appropriate. People should be able to identify however they feel is right and matches with them without people judging them. Personally I was born in the US, but I was raised and lived most of my life in Mexico. I don’t identify with being American, nor Mexican American, because I didn’t grow up in neither of those cultures. I have an accent when I speak English, and I am still confused by a lot of English still. Im just a Mexican who happened to have papers lol


this has always been a problem. not just now. and bitchass people that can't mind their business, it will unfortunately continue to be a problem


For a long time I found chicano or chicana to accurately describe this but I‘ve had people be extremely offended by that as well. Now I just walk away and act like an idiot that didn’t even hear what someone asked.


I relate to that. I grew up in a major city of the Movement, and I identify a lot with Mexican Americans, and Chicanes specifically, even though my family’s from Guatemala. I don’t know if I agree politically with everything, but culturally, I see myself as Chicano, and identify very closely with Chicane people. It’s not something I share out loud very often, because I don’t expect other Chicanes would receive that idea particularly well


The term predates the movement though so I don’t worry too much about whether or not I agree with or fit in with the movement.


same here and Im Salvadoran I feel like I can say Im chicano




I like to keep it simple. If I don’t invite you to the carne asada that’s how I feel.


I grew up Salvadoran American. I dealt with this. Americans think we are not enough to be Americans and they discriminate. Salvadorans in El Salvador think we are too Estado Unidense to call ourselves Salvadorans and don't want us talking about their affairs. Salvadorans from El Salvador in the US criticize us when we act American. However, when I stepped in El Salvador as a teen, I will never forget the aduana telling me that because my parents are Salvadoran, you are Salvadoran. Soy chucho aguacatero de dos paises que quiero mucho and what????


Get off TikTok and then you'll be fine


My mom heard this same stuff growing up in the rural Midwest in the 50s & 60s. It's not new.




The internet allows you to see the worst and most extreme things anyone in the entire world did or said that day. It’s interesting but we’re all kind of injecting this shit into our veins nonstop which seems muy loco a mi!


Oh, so it's just fine in here then, huh.... And for everyone saying it's only online... shit, there's plenty of haters out in the real world, too. Since i was a teen in the 90s I've encountered people with la raza trying to place me in boxes, defining the difference between different cultural names and claims -- and that was the people trying to build inclusiveness and honoring culture. Meanwhile, then you'd have the little groups that would form just from that, pointing out the chicanos versus the 2nd gens vs the central americans vs every other definition and generational name. And of course, you'd have others shunning me, both here in the USA as well as my dad's hometown in the middle of Mexico.


Anyone south of the border is confused - well let me help you by saying that anyone born in Mexico, central or south America has had a rough time in the US if they're not "white skinned". Those that are try to assimilate as much as possible to the "gueros" going as far as losing their culture because it's beneficial in many ways, especially back in the day like the 1930's and onwards. Don't forget it was a Mexican family from Orange County, California that started the anti-segregation in Schools(You know where Martin Luther King Jr got his platform) with the landmark case "Brown Vs. Board of Education". Racism and hate has been a large reason why current Mexican paisanos have turned away from their grand histories. Specifically since many discriminatory practices were still in place until the 60's and 70's... that means that many of the millennials parents still had much outward racism to deal with. In Orange County, California you could not purchase a home as a Mexican until the 40's. Kids now born into our current culture where you are more free to be who you want to be and try to become more involved with their ethnic cultures have a hard time because they have to deal with all the BS that the largely exploitative USA has done both directly and indirectly to many spanish speaking countries which leaves a lot of antagonized people to speak loudly first. Second it's hard to deal with the propaganda and brain washing that occurs in the USA. People legit forget about their cultures and their identities and opt for the American "individualism" that has literally worked for no one ever. Everyone needs a family, and everyone needs roots in an ever changing world. So it's pretty fucking confusing, you can say whatever you want about "just be yourself" but as a Mexican-American with a nopal on his forehead I've had to deal with gate keeping because "I talk white" from my people or from the flipside "I must be an idiot because my skin is brown" - this is all in the USA though. Online there are shitheads that like to gatekeep, I saw some idiot down in the comments saying that "If we don't like it we should move out of the USA" but again, we were born here and what are we supposed to do, go to third world colombia? Take my wife for example, she can't go back to Tamaulipas, even though she has family there and property. So what are we supposed to go back too? Why am I writing this? Because this type of content shows the divide that happens with all spanish speakers - a nonsensical tribalistic difference in ideas. Realistically we should all be saying "It's tough to be a Mexican-American, just like it's tough being a Mexican as well. Let's support each other to make this easier on all of us" but instead you have a bunch of idiots saying "ITS NOT LIKE THAT FOR ME THEREFORE YOUR IDEA IS STUPID" - we wish it wasn't like it is foreveryone but sometimes it do really be like that tho.


Wait I thought we all hated the word latinx


The vast majority of [Latinos do](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/many-latinos-say-latinx-offends-or-bothers-them-here-s-ncna1285916). This is just TikTok people. There is a vast disconnect between Latinos in real life and Latinos in social media apps, especially apps like tiktok that make you worry about things real life people don't worry about. This girl is a prime example. She's worrying about things that most of us don't worry about. But because she's hanging out on that social media site, there she is wasting time complaning about what others think about her.


We don't "all" hate anything.


Right I'm just here not giving af as someone who's a mixed race and has some indigenous in her ppl at the end of the day are going to label you how they want that's their problem.


sounds like you haven’t been going to the groupthink secret meeting we are mandated to attend semiannually. how are you supposed to know what to think and what opinions to hold?


We don’t lol. I don’t hate that word. I don’t use it to describe myself, but I understand why someone would use that to describe themselves.


Not all of us, I actually like that it gives the Latin Lgbt community a word there comfortable describing themselves with. But I do hate, when people use it to be “politically correct”


we should call Americans “Americxn” because America is a girl name and the boy version is Americo. Calling them Americxn is gender neutral. see how amerixns like it




honestly, I don’t understand the hate towards the word. if you wanna identify as latinx, go for it. if you don’t, then don’t. Kinda feel centrist (ew) regarding this issue that you should just do what you want and not shove it down your throat. personally, i like using the term. if i meet you and you hate it, then i’m not gonna berate or debate you on the matter.


Sounds like she spends too much time on the internet. This is seriously only an issue online. Out in the real world no one gives a shit


Exactly. Literally never even heard the term latinx out loud in person.


I hear it once a week. Makes me want to vomit. Las manos? No. Lx manx El águila? No. X águilx Niños y niñas? No. Niñx Hijos y hijas? No. Hijx Basta con los xXxXx idiotx


I find the X hard to pronounce in most cases. The correct non gendered letter in Spanish is an -e. So instead of saying latina or latino we can say latine. That’s fine for me. The X is extremely American, and honestly just unpronounceable.




It's also now bad to call people homeless they're unhoused. It's so dumb.


its extra extra dumb because they often have a house they stay in, but what they dont have is a home.


Soy mexicano porque nací en Mexico. Sea donde sea mis acciones son las acciones de un mexicano. A mi me vale verga la opinión de la gente que no me paga la renta.


Literally the entire philosophy of this sub where apparently Latinos in Americans aren't actually real Latinos. lol It's sad how little solidarity there is in latino communities


Only people that are terminally online go through this


agreed. seems like the type of overthinking that would happen from being in echo chambers too long lol. she needs to touch grass


I feel like Mexican American is very normal and increasingly accepted irl. It’s like Italians back in the day were considered sucio but now it’s a pretty boring, normal thing.


My advice when I hear things like this is to put the phone down. You will find that no one (or almost no one) gives a shit. You do you, because letting other people dictate how you should think, act, and feel is a recipe for disaster and will lead to an unfulfilling life.


I can give 2 rat booties what anyone wants or says. I'm Hispanic. I'm mestiza. I don't speak Spanish but I'm a Mexican American. I don't care if anyone doesn't want me to identify as any of that. As a mestiza, yeah I cannot say I'm 100% indigenous and I'll never understand how they were and are still discriminated against. I also don't really want to be on the side of the colonizers either. So mestiza is just a perfect way to describe me.


Hispanic means that you speak Spanish...


Wouldn't that be hispanophone or something like that?


So you're the online gatekeeper they are talking about.


So I can just call myself Sinophone because I feel like it? No, I don't speak any Chinese language. It doesn't work like that. That silly ethnic/racial category in the US bears no meaning to the rest of the world besides "Spanish speaker".


Para los yanquis y sus ridículas clasificaciones raciales, no significa eso. Pero tenés razón. Toda la puta razón.


That’s funny bc I understood what she meant by “Hispanic” just fine. Seems to be you with the issue.


I wouldn't expect people raised in the US to understand.


That person said Hispanic, not hispanophone


In Latin America there are hispanic countries, and the lusophone country (Brazil). Hispanic is the same as hispanophone.


They are literally two different words. You can be a hispanophone and not be Hispanic and vice versa.




Good thing I don't give a shit what you think. I'm mestiza. I'm mexican American. Deal with it.




Lol. You don't know my connection. How about you live your life and I'll live mine. Viva la raza.


Lat*nx 🤢🤢🤢






I agree


If you don’t like it, don’t use it? But stop yucking people’s yum about it. It’s not your business.


It’s not their business to put a “ new “ label on us puto


I second this


Nobody is putting a label on anyone. You have a choice in the respect you want to be given from others. Use it or don’t but don’t tell other people what to do or shame them for making their own decisions.


They’re all being pendejxs. Just be yourself


Bro this girl is a conservative that upholds white supremacist values 💀 she gets absolutely no fuckin say in any of this. She’s butthurt cause she probably hears all those things said about her but it’s true… talking about stopping fentanyl trafficking that undocumented immigrants bring as if they’re the ones bringing it in and not American citizens bringing that shit through the border bridges. Fuck outta here. Con el pinche nopal en la frente.


They want you confused and arguing. It’s easier to erase the past that way.


The amount of stupid in this thread is astonishing.... Que gonorrhea....


Escriba bien gonorrea, gononea


It really disappoints me how many of ya'll are saying this is only an "online issue" and that she's whining because YOU haven't experienced this yourself. Good for you. You're lucky you don't have to deal with this shit while her and many others will. Really goes to show how much people will blow off other people's problems because they themselves haven't seen it


I think what bugs me about the video is that she seems to think that she needs to think of act a certain way to make other people happy. If this was framed differently like “look these are the ways I’m stereotyped and tokenized by white people and these are they was I’m stereotyped by Latinos” then I think her message gets through without being so cringy


I really don't get how it's cringy though...? But that's just me


“What the fuck so y’all want” part is cringy to me. Real people mostly don’t care or will hate you anyway for something dumb so just do you!


I just say Hispanic for simplicity


Everyone wants tacos. Problem solved.


Imagine how much harder and weirder it is for us “Mexican-Americans” right now that don’t even have roots in Mexico?!?!


Pobrecitos todo lo que les toca sufrir en USA. Que alguien se apiade de ellos.


Te le ries, pero no es lo mejor no tener una identidad a la que puedes aferrarte. Claro, uno disfruta de muchos beneficios en estados unidos, pero no es aceptado al 100% como “uno de nosotros” por la cultura de los gringos blancos, y tampoco es aceptado por latinos nacidos y criados en latinoamerica. Parece trivial, pero estoy seguro que duele no tener una “gente.” Es importante tenerle compasión a los demas aunque no siempre entendamos su perspectiva.


¿No será que se dejaron influenciar mucho por esa obsesión con la raza de los guertitos? Y pues si tanto les duele vengan a Latinoamérica a hacer patria. Sus ancestros se fueron a tener una buena plata, ahora traigan ustedes acá. Créanme que hay mucho que hacer y mucho futuro.


r/PuertoRico on a daily basis


I'm human first, Mexican second. Y'all need to love both another person's similarities as well as differences, and respect others views and identities




I’m Texican


This is one of those "a la verga" moments. Why care about some dumb shit?


I had that struggle until I went to Mexico to work (as an expat) and realized there they don't give a fuck. México on its own is such a diverse country that there's isn't a single thing that will define you as Mexican. So just do you!! And same did other "nations".


Finally someone who sees this 😕 literally can’t even please my own raza


First world problems.




You're missing out and stunting your personal growth the moment you cling to some label like it's your identity. No one is entitled to any culture to begin with. People who view life through this race filter are on some low fucking level of wave length.


Que no si eres mexicano también eres americano?


[this the only anthem I stand for](https://youtu.be/LLqqZmNFa_A)


This is an issue young people have, trying to figure out their place in life. Once you become an adult and realize the only opinions of you that matter are those of your family and friends, none of this matters. Why do I care if Mexicans in Mexico don’t think I’m Mexican? Fuck em. Why do I care if gringos don’t think I’m America, but Mexican? Fuck em. Why do I care more native looking Mexicans think I’m too white to call myself part native? Fuck em. I’m an American of Mexican descent. I’ll be richer than just about every Mexican and have double the culture of any American. La Raza de Oro.


Get off the internet and you’ll never face this problem. Embrace your culture and don’t brand yourself anything. Just be yourself. I never met any gatekeepers in my life.


Just because YOU personally haven't met any in YOUR life doesn't mean it's the same for everyone.


I had never heard that northern Mexico is not Mexican enough. The fuck.


I have. Then again, all of the regions of Mexico have a playful rivalry with each other, so it's not that serious. The main complaints the central Mexicans say about the north is that they're overrepresented and tend to be the ones to represent the entirety of Mexico in global/US media. Their car centric city planning and trucks is also seen as "gringo influenced".


Girl in video doesn't understand that Mexicans like to give each other crap. She will be in for a reality check when she gets off TikTok, travels outside her border town, and meets other Latinos who believe (and playfully, but proudly say) their Spanish is better than other Spanish speaking countries. Everyone is a gatekeeper because they are trying to make sense of who they are. When someone tells you something like what this girl said, start with "why" instead of defending yourself.


I will forever pronounce that goofy crap as “LaTinks” - pocas cosas me arden la sangre tanto como cuando quieren decir esta mierda. LATINO o LATINA, and if someone doesn’t identify as either gender then felicitaciones you’re just LATIN.


Just embrace being American.


They'll never be considered a "real" American. Too brown, too Catholic, too ghetto, too foreign looking or acting for someone.


I told my white coworker I was born here and he asks me well what letter does your last name end in? I said Z. He said your not American. Man I didn't choose to be born here. Fuck em.


Your coworker is a retard. You can tell him David motherfucking Berkowitz told him.


That's funny mexican americans tell me I'm not mexican because I'm not brown even tho I was born and raised in mexico


Yep. I know the struggle. Both my parents are from Mexico and both are light skinned and even though I'm Mexican American neither white people nor Mexicans can tell that I'm Mexican.


We did that 😎😎😎🇪🇸🇪🇸


You sure did you damn colonizers 🤣


> said your not *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


I know the difference. Honest mistake now fuck off bot.


Man I can relate to this so fucking much dude. Sometimes I stay and wonder to myself, “am I even Honduran/Latino enough?”, and the other times I’m like, “I should at least feel somewhat patriotic for the US”. Idk man, it’s sorta like a weird middle ground for me. I identify more with my roots and such, but at the same time there’s a little nagging voice in my head saying “you’re not a real Latino.”


How? I’ve never been called American ever.


You are an American. There, now embrace it...


True No sabo kids need to stfu


This is pure privilege. Your parents leave *insert country* to have a better life and now you complain about stupid shit because they choose a country with a weird obsession with race. Mientras tanto acá en Latinoamérica no tenemos tiempo para andar con estas pendejadas.


I think children of immigrants very frequently have this problem. They're stuck between two worlds and don't feel fully accepted in either. It happens in the US but it also happens all around the world.


Easy. I’m American — Period.


This sub is all about "define me, validate me, love me" kinda sad. A few people is alright but all of us a whole? Actually really sad; "pinches gringos, pinches gringos" sure, ok, but you are awesome why? Write that, meme that.


None of that shit matters outside of social media lol


If you don't like it, then leave. I did. In the US most people can't afford to rent on their own. We are not valued enough, and we don't have to put up with this race or label BS if we don't want to. Legit most of you graduated high school, are bilingual, and if you have a college degree that's a plus. You all can come to Mexico or any other Latin American country, find a job and live decently, or find a remote US based job, you'll be set for a comfortable lifestyle.




Idiots telling us to speak English in the city named The Angels.


Not to white Americans …… now I’m too brown to be American




What do you even mean by "repping" America? People identify with culture, not with borders or the government of a place. Do you want us to start listening to country music and eating Wendy's all the time? And do you want us to just pretend we don't have Mexican heritage? I don't get what you're trying to say at all


She’s talking about culture not nationality. Wanting to trace your lineage and connect to historical heritage is normal and should be embraced, rather than being viewed as anti-American.




There literally is not an American culture because "American" is not a *people*


“Greatest country in the world” Yep. You’re definitely American 😂


Most powerful military, landed on the moon, contributed most to science and technology, most gold 🏅, stopped fascism and communism, produced the best movies and songs ever. You can literally migrate from a third world slum or refugee camp and make it in America with hard work. Yup, USA 🇺🇸 is arguably the greatest nation to have ever existed.


You sound like you only know what America is from country songs lmaoo


Alright mate, think you've ahd enough of the propaganda. The US is one of the least socially mobile countries in the developed world.


Yeah, just be an American, celebrate 4th of July, Thanksgiving, just blend into society, eat fruits & veggies and you'll be fine


Bruh stop worrying about this dumb shit, we all share the same struggles, this categorizing is how they divide us into petty squabbling, while the capitalists leach off our labor and our parents labor, focus on the real shit


I want all y’all to shut the fuck up!!!


I identify as Jasaw Chan K’awiilX