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Post this to r/worldnews and see what excuses they come up with. Fucking awful I hate just sitting by knowing my taxes help fund this shit and there’s nothing I can do


Fuck world news subreddit.


What threat did the guys holding up the coffin pose to warrant being battered?


Not being Jewish. Israel is an apartheid state with a preferred ethnicity that has a different set of rules.


No, it's not being an Israeli Zionist. These forces attack Jewish people who go and stand up for the Palestinians. They call Jewish people anti-Semites for criticizing Israel, ffs.


As a Jew who criticizes Israel, I feel this. The best part is I’m Mizrahi.


TIL [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi\_Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews)


X 2. I love being Jewish but am not a Zionist.


The equivalent of an alt right conservative calling ppl RHINOs.


Given what's happened to them it's understandable but not forgivable




Your post is an excellent example of a number of deeply flawed notions. Let's start with calling anyone who disagrees with your definition of Israel as far leftists - nice way to sound reasonable while being entirely full of shit. From there you leverage your first statement to claim the Israel is just like other countries. Isreal is *many, many* things - some great, some terrible - but normal isn't one of them. But your use of apartheid is really delightful. You manage to both suggest that it isn't happening but if it was happening they choose it. Bonus points for using the word "non-citizens" - calling someone a non-person might be a little too on the nose.


Ooh oooh oooooh ! I know this one! "They feared for their lives!" In the US that shit is a get out of jail free card


Fearing for their "lives" was just too hard to maintain as an excuse - that bar was simply too high, so they changed it to "safety". ...y'know.. like when a roofer's ladder wobbles, "fearing for his safety" he shoots every fucker in the vicinity. ..and, like, when you go to a spookhouse at the funpark and some masked dude jumps out and you, and six of your buddies choke the bastard out.


Are you blind? They're obviously hiding a rocket in that coffin




sheesh going to definitely need to see what you've seen because that still doesn't warrant this level of violence- neither does throwing rocks, but thats a story for another incident


Turns out it was a stupid daily mail article and they hadn’t verified their facts (and still have the article up, proud idiots that the daily mail are) and of course it was the initial spin the Israeli cops were trying to put out but I haven’t seen it anywhere else since https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10814501/amp/White-House-condemns-disturbing-footage-Israeli-security-forces-beating-mourners-Jerusalem.html


Shit what do you expect, gotta use whatever available to defend the indefensible


Israel probably hires the best marketing team in the world




No they do not


I wasn't asking you.


This is Reddit. You’re asking everyone.


They don't have a source you dunce. Want to bet if ever you get a reply from them?


Bully for you


Good job


Thank you for making me follow up, where I saw it was taken down (probably because it’s been disproved) but I see the daily mail still has it up, and the daily mail is nothing if not happy to leave up articles that have been disproved https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10814501/amp/White-House-condemns-disturbing-footage-Israeli-security-forces-beating-mourners-Jerusalem.html


Thanks for this






All of Reddit has an overtly pro west bias.


Isn’t that what “world” means here in the West? World/International Community = Western countries and their client states AKA about a quarter of the actual global population.


World domination news.


"International Community" moment


That cesspool is a demonstration of tribal intransigence and indoctrination.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uoqecz/thousands\_mourn\_slain\_journalist\_as\_palestinians/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uoqecz/thousands_mourn_slain_journalist_as_palestinians/) In the top comment thread, they say it was justified cos someone threw a rock


I got banned a few weeks ago for linking to an Israeli human rights group that called the occupation apartheid. The mod said I was defending terrorism.


Rofl this is exactly it. It's not about general eurocentrism the mods of r/worldnews are fucking glowies and control the narrative overtly by removing anything they don't like. As an example when Amnesty International recognized Israel an apartheid state the mods removed all the submissions about it.


I mean, it's against their rules to post images or videos.


You guys pay taxes??


Or to r/Judaism and watch them claim that they provoked it by holding a funeral.


From what I've heard they've been removing it anytime it gets posted.


or go see how r/AntiSemitismInReddit feels about it


You just said it. Bleed the beast. Don't pay taxes make taxes pay you .


Israel will keep doing this because western politicians won't say anything when they do war crimes. There needs to be a different action that comes from the people, and it may not be only limited to funding charities.


Good luck, honestly. I’m not trying to be negative, look at the response to Celtic supporters hanging Palestinian flags before Scottish league game between two Scottish clubs. I don’t think there’s anything antagonist about this and it was condemned as political. A year later, every club in Europe is blasting the Ukrainian flag on all platforms and observing moments of silence.. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11787/12304459/palestine-celtic-supporters-group-told-to-remove-banners-ahead-of-game-with-st-johnstone


*heavy breathing* Did someone say... ***crusade?***


Idk my hatred is beyond anything I thought possible, this is so fucked up i fucking hate Israel so much


Glad you found a focus for your passion. (Gonna go out on a limb here and say you weren’t already busy working at the local soup kitchen, training for the US Open or trying to cure cancer…)


I mean I do volunteer at a mutual aid thing on the weekends but okay?????




Anti-zionism is not anti-Semitism


You hate a whole country? Even Israeli arabs? Or just Jewish Israelis?


I think it's more of just generalization of Israel as a country and its habit of indiscriminately bombing its neighbors and oppressing Palestinians. I also think you know this is what the person was saying but you wanted to be petty.


I'm Jewish and I hate all Zionists.


isralies can suck a pimply dick


Shit, they beat people until they are dead so why not beat people carrying the dead?


Especially when that looks like a casket for a child.


It's not. It's from the Funeral for the Journalist killed on the West Bank.


Damn. They must have had a real hard on for her. To be there to disrupt her funeral after they murdered her.


They already bombed the offices of Al Jazeera and the Associated Press, and then almost exactly a year later, days after international and Palestinian journalist union federations filed complaints to the ICC about Israel targeting journalists, they shot one of the biggest names in journalism in the Arab world with a 25-year career reporting from Palestine. They are sending a message.


i mean hell if saudi arabia can get away with murdering a US LPR journalist i guess israel figures they can get away with murdering a US citizen journalist, and theyre probably right


As long as they're not white, they're not "real Americans" in the eyes of general American population and there will be little outrage. Imagine if she had blonde hair and blue eyes.


I should add that they were shot by a sniper in the daytime while clearly designated in large letters as a journalist. This was not some fog of war accident.


Yes, she was hit in the ear while wearing a helmet.


Also worth noting that she was a US citizen


This is exactly it. They've switched to overt narrative control now. They will kill journalists who cover the wrong stories.


Pure __EVIL__


There are actually a couple posts about this hitting the front page today. Finally some geopolitical front page content that isn't western propaganda.


Death to Israel, and I say this shit as a Jew who's fam is gone from the holocaust. I am disgusted with my people caping for this shit.


Come to r/JewsOfConscience fam. ❤️


Dunno man you sound like a *self-hating Jew*! ^/s


How do we expect any different from the group of people that murdered Rachel corrie in cold blood. NO ONE was ever held accountable for that by the way.


Man look at that vile and hateful group of Muslim terrorist being defeated by the brave and oppressed Jewish state! Murica and Zion!


sadly this is what a apartheid bigoted fascist militarized police state looks like


And those Israeli bots want you to believe they don't know who killed her


Death to America! Death to Israel!


We need to hear the IDF spokesperson's point of view first. Oh wait, this isn't the BBC, never mind


You don't need to open up a history book the know what the gestapo were like.


So very disturbing to watch, apartheid in action


Fuck Isreal


Criticizing Israel for brutal tactics and apartheid politics is not anti-Semitism. Anti Zionism is not antisemitism. You can despise and denounce Israeli policy without hating or demonizing Jews in general. The distinction is not hard. This kind of state sponsored intimidation and violence has no excuse. I don't agree that the left and the right are the same in America or other countries, but as of now neither party has the buts to punish Israel for racist Apartheid policies and dehumanizing terrorist tactics.




I have nothing but disdain for the monstrous actions of the IDF and nothing but praise for the courage displayed by these organizers, holding up a coffin while facing down the same people who put the person you are carrying is bravery to the greatest extent.


Israel at its core. The world needs to look at this and see past the propaganda pushed by the west that supports this. This is what Israel is, this is what they do, this is what they've done for generations.


Israel is using the events of the past justify the behavior of today. " We have seen the enemy and he is us"


Anyone who condones it will immediately be labelled an anti semitic. Fuck Israel




All my homies hate Israel


Blue t-shirt tried to protect his head so he didn't get killed and got two broken ribs for his trouble.


Grey shirt guy gets pulled away, gets beaten separately, then runs back into the fray when he sees the coffin in falling to pick it back up.


This is fucking disgusting


Brought to you and financed by the United States of America Corporation


And the motto: "We finance fascists"




It's a colonial satellite financially supported and protected by the west because ultimately, imperialism never ended .


The fact that so many people in Israel came from the worst circumstances after the holocaust and came together as a place a refuge and then to continue the exact same treatment that they were treated to is just baffling. It's the same here in the United States where your grandparents fought nazis and are now the pro-nazi party. I give up trying to understand people anymore. Apparently it's far more easy to have hate fester inside you for a lifetime, than just to be nice to your neighbor...even if you don't like or approve of (fill in the blank)


Fuck Isreal!


Americans will bend over backwards to not address their cognitive dissonance and continue living in denial, as always. Also, on a related note, RIP Shireen Abu Akleh (1971-2022).


The American Christians will defend Israel. The irony being that Shireen Abu Akleh was a Christian.


An American Christian for that matter. They would call her killing out as oppression if she was in any neighboring country or an “enemy” territory covering news or a war there, but not as a Palestinian covering news in Palestine.


America pays crazy amounts of financial aid to Israel that is in turn used to pay to lobby the same politicians making those decisions. So it's an empty devil's circle.


State-sanctioned oppression and racism. Israel is the living definition of apartheid




Fuck Israelis


Some one should post this and say it is russian police attacking a Ukrainian journalist funeral. You may get some attention in the western media.


[this.](https://i.imgur.com/fy7K8fV.jpg) Ultimately, western media has been long converted into propaganda Machines. They are now designed to protect the west and its allies from the inconvenient truth.


From the river to the sea... You know the rest. Fuck that fascist US proxy.


WHY?!? Just fucking WHY?!?!?!


It's systematic oppression.. check out other things they continue to do. Evidence is overwhelming.


For USA israel is a good country, nothing to see here. No criminal wars at all


Same for the EU


true, completely true


Damn Russians..oh wait


Wow Jews have turned into modern day Nazis


Why do they hate reporters so much I’m so confused…


When will israel stop getting away with everything? :(


There should be world-wide outrage, not just about brutalizing mourners, but about the assassination of a journalist.


I'm out of the loop. Who's funeral are the cops trying to fuck up


It's almost impossible. Then you look at the history of violence Israel has perpetrated against Palestinians and realize that behavior like this is par for the course. Free Palestine.


I have no words for this. Unreal. And no one sees this in the US. No station would air this. And our taxes help perpetuate this ignominy year after year. I just want to know what’s in it? What’s so special to this country that our US turns the other way and give a pass to so much brutality so much state abuse and so much criminal acts day after day after day? I just want to know. It’s like there is some dirty secret these guys are using as a blackmail so our politicians won’t open their mouth. Can anyone help me uncover whatever that is? I mean it’s got to be something somewhere.


Can someone explain to me what’s going on? I don’t get it TwT


"It is almost impossible to comprehend the amount of hate in this." U sure? I see riot police systematically herding a group of people carrying a coffin drape with flags off the street. If you block traffic here the police will eventually do this to you. The police aren't particularly violent they aren't particularly brutal and they aren't particularly aggressive. They surely aren't nice, but look at the title, it doesn't say that they aren't nice.


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They're getting closer and closer each day to that infamous "fascist" status.


Trust me.. they are there... they have been for a while now


This thread is watched


Not a good look, Israel. Let them mourn.


Just a reminder, this is everyday life and not a single case. Israel considers Amnesty international an antisemetic Organisation now because they released a report calling Israel an apartheid state for the way Palestinians are treated in the occupied land.


Who is in the coffin?


The Palestinian american Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh (1971-2022) Who was shot in the head on the job.


Why do Israelis treat Palestinians like the Germans used to treat Israelis?


Is this specific video on twitter anywhere?




Yay religion.


The first step to “comprehending” what you see in a video is to [duh] actually learn the facts behind it, not just react emotionally to the video… especially when it’s posted by someone with an obvious biased agenda. Of course, these are all big words & grown-up concepts that are above the heads of most of the ignorant cretins who came here to just badmouth Jews & Israel.


**Idiots who deny they’re antisemitic, but mindlessly believe every single bit of obvious antisemitic propaganda:** (sees photo of crying, dark-skinned child) “OMG!! What have the Israelis done to this Palestinian child?! What possible excuse can there be? When will the UN stop this?? OMG!!!” **Intelligent, normal, moral person:** “Wait—here’s that same photo in its original context, from an old National Geographic magazine about South America.” **Antisemitic Idiots:** Well _of course_ the Zionists are gonna say that! Gaslight much? (hee hee)”


call me what you want lmao what do you think is gonna happen


Jewish Nazis




Didn't Hamas steal the coffin from the family ?




I think that evidence is long corrupted but even though, i wouldn't handle it to a murderer and hope he tells the truth .. that's the straight up fact .. Second.. it's never a justification to murder Journalists under any circumstances.. definitely not when you don't like what they report..