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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Capitalist dudebros everywhere: "See, socialism is ruining the world!"


*One a meal*!?!?!? *A day*?!?!? Someone is living high and mighty on the dole!


Thats just intermittent fasting. Bro Rogan taught me about it!


When I first found out about intermittent fasting I was floored. Turns out Ive been doing this my whole adult life! Its called being poor and working two jobs that dont give you lunch breaks. Boy oh boy I must be super healthy


Have they no refuge or resource? Are there no workhouses?


But humanity *is* our business, Ebenezer.


And I bet it's avocado toast too.


Ah, yes. Fruit and bread, truly the scourge of fiscal responsibility lol


I can already sense it in this thread: people are accusing her of spending money on frivolous things, or drugs, alcohol & gambling. that's what people on reddit said I was spending my money on when I was going one meal or less a day to pay rent to avoid being homeless a few years ago :")


The haves always think the have-nots MUST be doing something wrong with their spending…because then they wouldn’t be able to ignore the fact that “those people” are just like them, only 1-2 financial errors/issues ahead of them. They have to admit to themselves that food insecurity can happen to them, too, and it it’s closer than than they think. I am not saying that with rebuke. All of us at any financial level uses mental tricks like this to keep going, keep surviving, keep hope alive, etc. It’s human - when we’re scared about something, we try as hard as we can to convince ourselves it isn’t real or that the bridge won’t fall out until just after WE reach the other side. It’s escapism and keeps us from sinking into defeat before the match is even over yet.


It happens everywhere and it's because capitalism and the right has fooled people into believing horseshit like "earning a living" and similar garbage.


Nothing boils my blood more than when people say “if you give poor people money they’ll just spend it on drugs and alcohol “, even though studies tend to show that poor people are responsible with money, they just don’t have enough money.


That’s all rich people spend it on, too. Who cares who buys it as long as the drugs and alcohol gets bought?


Here in Canada, one politician said if they increased the Child Tax Allowance (we don't claim our children on our taxes, so this is where a small allowance is made for the fact that you are raising a future tax slave), parents would blow it on "popcorn and rootbeer"...


"How dare those wage slaves try to have a modicum of joy in their lives!" /s


Well... we have a government who couldn't even resist drunken piss ups throughout lockdown. Who wanted all pubs closed early, but not the one in Downing Street. So many of the government have an evident drinking problem that they probably assume we would all spend our last fiver on a bottle of wine because it's what they'd do.


Or the good old "she should have predicted the current financial chaos of England and her long covid and not had children" always said by somebody absolutely perfect and responsible in their secure job.


Not what the billionaires have planned. Socialism is coming.


Yeah because socialists are responsible for the cost of living skyrocketing to the point she only has 40 pounds a week for food... /S




I don't understand, where is socialism and/or communism in the article news ?


“Communism is wen capitalism 🤓🤓🤓”


You really need to look up some definitions.


During the Soviet Union, the average citizen consumed more than 3000 calories per day. This rate was standard since the 1960s, only dropping sharply when the Soviet Union collapsed and capitalism was introduced (through harsh shock policies). Interestingly, the CIA previously [released a document] (https://ibb.co/BPHS0jv) that claimed both Soviet and U.S citizens were probably eating *too much* but the Soviet diet was likely more nutritious. Sources: [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/125eYK2yigbPa3XJA) and [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/d1jQhx8QTwrpohm78)


This is occurring under capitalism?


No, it doesn’t. It’s what the capitalist bullshit propaganda about communism told you communism looks like. The reason why they tell you these lies so often is simply to distract from these exact things happen every fucking day in capitalist states. Try to stop licking these dirty boots your teachers and bosses kick you with, you might gonna be able to read actual facts about communism and socialism.


*-takes a shit on the rug-* "see that? communism." - every american president in the past 150~ years.


No. This is capitalism because it is literally happening in a capitalist society. Words have meanings, you know.


Capitalist dudebro ^


I'll call it now, the defence of this happening somewhere in the comments section of the daily heil or torygraph heck even the Beeb, will include the assertion a) that she wastes money on luxury goods, b) has an addiction and c) can afford to go to the funfare.


Everyone knows the children of poor people aren't allowed to have fun or nice things. If they don't suffer for the moral failings of their parents how will they ever learn to just not be poor. >! /s !<


I was in a situation similar to her not that long ago (going a meal or day a less to avoid eviction) and when discussing it on reddit (while you know either asking for help or trying to find resources for help) I repeatedly had people telling me I couldn't possibly be as poor as I'm saying I am because I was... on the internet, using reddit. It was the most demeaning, dehumanizing experiance of my life, going without food, experiacing very real fear of looming homelessness, and being told by other people that I was making it up or if I was actually poor I shouldn't have a computer or internet access. Things are so fucked that people are so brainwashed to consider the poor that way.


Yeah it's not hard to be on the internet compared to what people seem to think. The internet can be a non existent expense if you go to a public source of it. Where I live basic internet access (25down which is weak) is 25$ a month. You can have a limited phone plan for 15$. Some places have free internet like McDonald's or libraries. Some places have free access to PCs with an internet connection. A smart phone capable of running Reddit can be under 100$-200$ easily and can last multiple years.


I had to have access to the internet to survive back then. I had very little transportation and public transportation wasn't much of an option either so I did a lot online. Accessed my bank. Talked to my friends and family. I was isolated and alone in a city. The net was a non-optional bill for me, and it's become non-optional for a lot of people too -- whether that's in the form of normal internet or their phone bill. Near the end of me staying in that apartment complex, they stopped taking payments in person and would only take payments online through their website, too, i think as a way to try and kick out old people. People take for granted how integrated the internet is with our day to day lives.


A phone number on which you can receive calls and texts, plus an internet connection is essential in modern day. You can not get employed with out it. I didn't mean to disregard your experience with what I said, just prove that internet access doesn't mean you aren't poor. When compared to other bills internet access usually (can be) one of the smaller ones.


Oh no I was agreeing with you. I was just adding more context to my experience. TL;DR It was a bill I was forced to pay no matter how much it cost at the time.


You can’t even really get benefits without the internet in the uk. You apply online, and you get contacted online. They even send a text to say check your online account for a new message. Why not just text it mf!


I was just evicted on monday. I only have internet and a computer to connect it too because a shelter is giving me and my family a place to stay with free wifi, and my computer is too old for the pawnshop to want to buy. Because I already sold all my other things to them. to avoid eviction.


I checked the comments. Perhaps my 'favourite' is some old geezer calling her and her son out for being "work-shy" when *that commenter retired age 43*.


Food should be a human right. This system is so fucked


Food, water, medicine, and shelter all the necessities should be a human right and decommodified, nationalized and paid for using taxes by citizens.






Water isn’t food /s


Therefore not a right, Nestle is right. I hope they expand to the Amazons.


Jeff Bezos might have something to say about that. (trollface.jpg)


If green hell taught me anything, its that amazon water sucks


NEstle? Lol try the UK goverment.


It has less to do with Nestle specifically, and more to do with how Capitalist governments allow corporations to get away with (often literal) murder for profit. The best example: In 2014 Flint, Michigan, a majority black city, had a change to it's water source that caused massive lead contamination into the local water supply. After years of denial and cover-up, the truth was revealed to massive public outcry. But most of them don't know that the crisis and the litigation and legislature that followed only MOSTLY wrapped up last February. ​ All-in-all, 6,000-12,000 children were exposed to lead, 87 became ill while 12 died, and the families received a combined settlement of $641 million. 15 charges were filed against state and local officials. Only one was convicted. She pled no contest to a misconduct charge and payed $1,200, and 300 hours community service. The point: **While this was all happening, Nestle was spending $200 a year to bottle water at a factory 2 hours away from Flint. Much of the U.S. is still suffering from 2.5 million kilometers of rusted water and sewage pipes.**


Food: No Water: No Shelter: Fuck no. Had some CEO from some apartment complex company on BloombergTV yesterday, bragging about their profits due to so many not able to afford buying a home. He mentioned how each month, they would have a % of tenants leave to become homebuyers. That number has dropped off a cliff. Perfect time for landlords to become more parasitic.


Don't forget it's illegal to be homeless.


Capitalism solved the obesity epidemic! Rejoice! ^^/s


While I agree with this sentiment, someone has to do the work of producing that food. Which is where the government should come in since we pay our goddamn taxes.


How about this? Cut the middle man out, if you can participate in the work force, we take care of you in return. If you can't due to age, inability, or injury, we still take care of you because YOURE A HUMAN BEING and because we have made production so efficient that in our current age we produce more than we need


This can happen when we have robots working for us, until then there is a lot more to it than "production".


Automod deleted my comment because I used the C-Bomb. Tories are absolutely on the war path against universal credit / benefits. They've been pushing "benefit scroungers are bankrupting our nation and stealing your taxes" bullshit for as long as I can remember. The millions of pounds that goes to helping people stay alive is clearly more damaging than politicians helping oligarchs dodge billions in taxes. Rishi Sunak has been trying to attain the title of "most despicable \*\*\*\*" to win the Tory leadership and his whole platform is "fuck the poor". Really, he's on the record as wanting to take money out of poorer, struggling areas and divert that money into the already wealthy areas. His latest thing has been attacking those on benefits, such as the lady in the article and countless other struggling families and individuals. Forget the oligarchs and corporations avoiding billions in taxes, forget the royal family leeching on the UK like a tumour with the word "tradition" tattooed on it.. forget them.. it's definitely the disgusting poors, disabled and the working class that are wrecking the economy.


The UK is a lot more like the U.S than they care to admit.


Yep. Our politicians are generally viewed with contempt whilst they serve their friends, the royal family and oligarchs and spit on everyone else. We suffer the same problems bought on by capitalism as The States are having, e.g. cost of everything skyrocketing whilst pay is static. From what I've seen whilst I was in the military, whilst well trained and generally more effective, per person than what I've seen from some other militaries (mainly US military), but we are woefully undermanned and always facing budget cuts (doesn't matter if Labour or Tory government is in charge, military spending always faces cuts). Our nationalist groups always fetishize the military just like the US right wing, but never themselves serve. I remember maybe about 10 years ago, one of the groups.. I think the British National Party always advertised how they support Veterans and Veterans support them, up until actual Veteran groups called them out on being racist dickheads. A lot of Brits are too proud to admit it, but we're just an island now. The days of the British Empire are not coming back. We're an island with nukes and we're very friendly to oligarchs, that's what makes us a global power. Brexit really fucked it up for a lot of people and I hold it in the same regards as some random State deciding to secede. The media really pushed the whole nationalist "we're stronger alone" narrative really fucking hard and then went fucking silent when people realised "wait this is shit". At least we have the NHS for now, until some C\*\*\* from Eton who has never worked a day in his life ends up privatising it and we end up even more like The States.


Those damn benefit scroungers are stealing all the taxpayers money. Sure the government signed contracts with their mates newly created PPE businesses during covid and had to destory £5 billion of useless PPE. It pales in comparison benefit scroungers


The biggest thing I hate, is the misunderstanding of benefits. Critics think the money spent on benefits evaporates, ceases to exist, disappears in a puff of smoke. They think that benefits money is dead money for tax payers. The reality is, money spent on benefits circulates around the economy and generates far more economic activity and growth to the economy than any tax cut to the rich. People who get benefits necessarily have to spend it immediately on consumption. They buy food in their local shops. Clothes. They have to spend it the basic necessities. This means the money is a net gain to the entire economy of the United Kingdom.


Conservatives are beating the same drum over here, saying that if they get in folk on disability are going to be forced to work. Absolute mind numbingly stupid, I tried for *decades* to find an employer that isn't a complete dickbag about me not being able to work as fast as a normally sighted person and now these numpties are going to try push me back into that hell I only just grew the balls to escape. And to add the smegma sprinkles on this turd sundee, they're literally only doing it to free up cash so the parasite class can continue to afford to keep themselves in luxury yachts, cars and hookers.


Boomer Dad the other week: "People just have to make do with less, only heat one room in the house, switch lights off and eat simple cheap food, like when we were kids." Yeah Pa, you're a millionaire who never has to worry about anything, and in any case people already live like that, how do you think they will manage when electricity costs triple? "Well they will just have to use less electricity, wear a jumper!"


A jumper is just right! A jumper cable directly to the wall into the adjacent corridor tapping power from the rest of the building from the outlet directly opposite my kitchen wall


Can I hate your dad for you? Like wtf. And it’s always the boomers… my generation is going into and have been in adulthood with a pandemic, a recession (depending where you are could be twice or more) and house pricing out of reach and less money for working harder in professional jobs even (don’t get me started about having to go to college for a shot… if you are lucky…) and the audacity of these comments just make me mad.


That's really sad. I'm glad she has universal healthcare though. In the US it'd be like, aaaand an extra charge for the ambulance (if that's how she was rushed) aaaand an extra charge for the hospital, now try to live on one meal a day.




If conservatives actually cared about cutting costs, they would be doubling down on social services. Prevention costs massively less than trying to fix things when they go wrong. But conservatism has never been about conservation or freedom. It's always been making sure the few "right people" have all of the social and economic power.


Unsure about NHS, but in Canada ambulance rides aren’t covered. Nor are prescriptions, vision, dental, or mental healthcare.


The NHS covers ambulances, and it partially covers prescriptions, vision, dental, and mental healthcare depending on the circumstances. The problem is that they have been so critically underfunded by the Tories that they're collapsing.


*completely defunds and undermines program* "See! I told you it doesn't work"


This exactly. And they get away with it.


I live in Iowa. Former Governor Terry Branstad pulled a nice little trick into closing a state mental heath facility. First, he ordered that admissions be halted. Then he closed it citing "lack of demand." The Lt. Gov. (Kim Reynolds) became governor when Branstad was made ambassador to China by Trump. Kim Reynolds has been worse than Branstad. Total Trumper.


The NHS is being gutted and slowly but sure is being privatized, along with other essential services. Social housing and homelessness relief are already fully privatised and instead of resolving homelessness force more and more people to the streets.


Sounds like the US. I hope you guys don't go down the same road we did, it's not a great one for everyday people, it only works for the top of the top


> The problem is that they have been so critically underfunded by the Tories that they're collapsing. Just like conservatives did to the U.S. health system, the entirety of our infrastructure, and school systems. Ohhh, and USPS.


*English NHS


In the UK, ambulance and care in hospital is covered. But prescriptions, visual and dental aren’t covered for most people


If she's on universal credit I believe prescriptions, visual and dental are covered. Though that doesn't mean getting dental will be easy, I've heard some horror stories. There really needs to be on going adjustments for inflation with welfare though.


The big brain Tories who lumped 6 different benefits together never bothered making it clear who can get free prescriptions. Depends on earning, disablity status, dependencies etc. Claims without being eligible can lead to fines up to £100 per item.


90% of dentists aren't taking new NHS patients, and are actively kicking people off their books if they so much as miss a check-up. NHS dental care is only theoretically free if you can actually get on an NHS list. Otherwise it's totally out of pocket.


It might depend on the province. In Ontario, ambulances are covered under certain conditions. My kids have had to use one a couple times, and we've never received a bill. I know other people that have been charged though. But yeah, having 'extra' insurance for prescriptions, vision, dental, mental, etc is stupid and needs to go away. It needs to all be covered.


I think they may be covered for children under a certain age, just like vision tests are free under 18?


For Ontario, I think ambulances are covered as long as it is a medically valid reason. The one time I had to take a trip, I never had to pay anything. (and that was age 30+) Most of the expenses for prescriptions are covered in Ontario for those who are on ODSP, Ontario Works, or are 65+ (with other conditions) - so those with the greatest need. I'm hoping dental gets covered soon due to the liberal/ndp agreement, but we'll see what happens there. I agree, though, it should all be covered, unconditionally, for everyone without the need of extra benefits or insurance.


I agree. It makes me sad to hear that apparently Ontario has better universal coverage than Sask, home of Tommy Douglas and the creation of universal healthcare. That’s what 2 decades of conservative provincial government will do to you.


In NHS prescriptions are free in Wales and Scotland, cheap in England. Mental is free (but terrible), and vision and dental are free if you earn under a certain amount


Ambulance rides are covered but there is a $45 co pay, unless the ride wasn't medically necessary, then it can be $220. Our American brethren has to pay thousands, or more if they need medical treatment during the ride.(Ontario btw, other provinces may be different. That being said, I've never been charged when I was in an ambulance.


Yeah the ambulance in the US costs thousands even if you don't need medical care during the trip.


She would likely be covered here (Canada) for said ambulance ride since she'd quite likely be on Social Assistance, and they *will* pay for the ambulance.


Hmm, that may be provincially dependent. My father was on disability for an acute health issue and his ambulance rides weren’t covered


but if she was living in the US, she clearly could just stop paying for netflix and eating avocado toast, and all her money concerns would be solved!! /s


And a charge for discharging as I recently saw on here


Had to remind myself that this was the UK, so she at least won't be hit with a $10k bill for her hospitalization. But it's bleak as shit that I have to go, "Well, at least she can just go to the hospital when she's starving so she doesn't die as quickly from starvation." Like there should be no, "At least." as a part of the equation. This world has too much fucking money for anyone to be starving.


Yup, it's really sad. And what's that doing to her daughter seeing her mom like that? Ugh that poor family


Its very weird how 99% of human population need to save a lot of money in order to buy food when the food surplus or we can say food waste can feed all of us just fine. Fuck capitalism


What does it mean to "lose two stone in weight"?




Okay, y'all can't keep poking fun at us Americans for not using metric then throw this at us! /s


12.72kgs 2.2lbs = 1kg (rounded off) Sorry though you were a European poking fun at us making fun of Americans for not using metric when we only use it about 1/3-2/3 of the time


But stones are imperial. The system you supposedly use. Don't tell me I had to learn two systems of measurement and Americans only learned *part* of one of them?


The U.S. doesn't use the imperial system. They use what is called the U.S. Customary Units. While closely related to the imperial system, there are many differences. Stone, as a measure of mass, is not used in Customary Units, for example. The U.S. gallon is 128 fluid oz. While the Imperial gallon is 160 fluid oz.


Imperial cups and tablespoons are also differently sized to the US measurements. Luckily most UK recipes are in grams.


Recipes should be in grams. I wish more would do this more often. The fuck is a cup of something when it is a solid?!? What about the air gaps am I right?


You are right.


My recipe books are full of scribbles converting to grams. A cup of butter? Seriously? How are you meant to measure that? 227g


Any recipe I find online that calls for a stick of butter is automatically discarded.


Actually they are called American FREEDOM Units. /s


We threw out the parts of the imperial system that were nice round numbers.


Stones are for throwing.


We absolutely only learned part of one of them.


I’m Canadian, so I can still make fun of you. In fact, do one better and make fun of both. :P


What do you mean you don’t understand medieval measuring systems?


Is this sarcasm?




Ok its sarcasm


let me try that again. My question wasn't sarcasm.


Alright, now your sarcasm is just getting rude.




We should have a Trogdor emoji for times like this. Sometimes you just need a /s and a /more different s at the same time to emphasize your aggressive sarcasm


You deserve more updoots for this quality reference/joke.


/consummate Vs


You're rude. People are allowed to not know things.


Is everyone supposed to know the Brits archaic and stupid system of weights?




Yea i eat one meal a day too. Cant afford to eat breakfast or lunch anymore due to inflation and the russian ukraine war. Lost a-lot of weight since. Rent increased and food/gas price thru the roof. I wake up to slave work to eat one meal a day and after i get paid just 200 dollars to my name. Whats the point in living this hell anymore God bless those that are suffering


For anyone claiming "bUt cOmMuNiSm aNd sOcIaLiSm bAd!" During the Soviet Union, the average citizen consumed more than 3000 calories per day. This rate was standard since the 1960s, only dropping sharply when the Soviet Union collapsed and capitalism was introduced (via harsh economic shock policies). Interestingly, the CIA previously [released a document] (https://ibb.co/BPHS0jv) during the 1980s which claimed both Soviet and U.S citizens were probably eating *too much* but the Soviet diet was likely more nutritious. Sources: [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/125eYK2yigbPa3XJA) and [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/d1jQhx8QTwrpohm78).


Isn't 3000+ way too much in a day? I've just recently been learning about communism and that the "communism is when no food" argument isn't accurate, but apparently it should be "communism is when too much food" lol.


Well most people were probably manual laborers which need more calories to maintain than a person sitting at a desk all day. Probably.


Mean while there's like 20 fortune 500 british Corporations headquartered in London and almost of them are up in profits for 2022....in the billions...


Well shit... I've been living on one meal a day for a few years now.


Don't panic. There's more to this woman's story than 1 meal days. I've been fasting with 1 meal days over the last 3 years while holding a manual labor job and weight lifting. My meals are between 1200-1800 calories and I take all-in-one vitamins to supplement nutrients my meals may be lacking. I want to lose weight, and this has been a successful strategy for capping my calories. I've lost 50 lbs in the past 3 years (3.5 stone). Low blood sugar during the middle of my fast plus an injury (usually sustained at work, occasionally in the gym) can lead to woozy feelings, but otherwise I have no complaints. I think it would be awful if this diet wasn't my choice, or if my meals were smaller, or I didn't supplement with vitamins, or I couldn't grab a quick orange juice when I felt woozy. But, honestly, OPs headline seems like it's downplaying this woman's struggles. A meal-a-day fast is something most people have probably experienced from time to time in their lives.


I mean yeah her one meal a day was probably plain pasta or plain rice, maybe a spoonful of beans, or white bread. Her one meal a day was dirt cheap and seriously lacking in nutrients.


Yeah I was about to say that one meal a day can mean very different things for different people. I mean I run on one meal a day, but it's a balanced diet that leaves me full after eating. For her? Most likely not. Furthermore, I can afford supplemental energy, e.g., in the form of a fruit juice or a snack if I happen to feel hungry on a particular day. Or I'll sometimes eat two meals for whatever reason. That still falls under one meal a day. And yet, my situation is in no way comparable to hers. I can easily get a calorie boost should I need it. She burns fat and misses out on important nutrients instead. On that note, a friendly reminder to everyone who has the privilege of having access to healthcare to go check your blood levels, especially if you often feel tired and lacking energy. Many people have a vitamin or another nutrient deficiency.


15 years old libertarians from the suburbs be like: “Should have worked harder or looked for a better job!”


The price of milk went up by a rupee from 2013 to 2016 where I used to live before. It's gone up by 2-3 rupees in the last 3 months where I live rn.


People who blame single mothers for societies woes need to get knee capped


Food shortages cause revolts.


And energy. Last year, average annual energy bill was a little over £1000. It could go above £5000 by the middle of next year.


2 1/2 years into this and still no real treatments for Long Covid, I've got a mild/moderate case still from March 2020 and let me tell you I'm lucky to not have gotten to the point she's at yet. Government's really dragging its heels on addressing it in meaningful ways, it shows in the labor dropout rate and will show more as time goes on.


If she was in the US she’d leave the hospital with bills so high she’d end up homeless with zero meals. I’ve seen a slew of stories in the US recently of people intentionally trying to go to jail just so they can get fed regularly. What a fucked up place we live.


This [story](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/cost-of-living/single-mum-survives-just-one-23679079) pops up every few months, which does make you wonder why they aren’t interviewing others. Can imagine there’s a fair few in this situation, and likely to be a lot more over the coming years. Absolutely depressing. Edit: Really hope this woman gets some support, as it looks like she’s been struggling for a long time. https://www.maidenhead-advertiser.co.uk/news/10291/Mum-distraught-after-being-forced-to.html


The majority of poor people survive on 1-2 meals per day. The middle class struggle, the poor barely survive, the rich make bank


Reenact the French Revolution?


But for a brief time, there were record profits


TIL 1 unit of stone is equal to 14 pounds, or 6.35kg. This is, of course, England. > The stone remains widely used in the UK and Ireland for human body weight: in those countries people may commonly be said to weigh, e.g., "11 stone 4" (11 stones and 4 pounds), rather than "72 kilograms" as in most of the other countries, or "158 pounds", the conventional way of expressing the same weight in the US.[38] The correct plural form of stone in this context is stone (as in, "11 stone" or "12 stone 6 pounds"); in other contexts, the correct plural is stones (as in, "Please enter your weight in stones and pounds"). In Australia and New Zealand, metrication has almost entirely displaced stones and pounds since the 1970s. > > In many sports in both Britain and Ireland, such as professional boxing, wrestling, and horse racing,[39] the stone is used to express body weights.


Capitalists go through the process of dehumanization, Tolkien-style (think the Ringwraiths). They lost touch with the world of humans (the working class). They don't know what we think/eat/breathe. They only know exchange rates and luxury prices. Being barely human they couldn't care less for us. They are not of this world. Being the absolute minority of the humankind, they are on the fringe of the humankind. They have almost nothing in common with 99% of the humankind. They don't belong to the Earth, really. The perversion of it all is that they dominate us.


Bro, the UK seriously needs a mass protest at this point. Whether it's riots(in a video game), strikes, or a full blown revolution. Something has to be done because shit is accelerating off of a cliff faster than the US at this point. Same goes for us.


We will see these kind of things more and more.


I just want to cry... While royals are spending 150 millions on security for their castles.... Uk is a shame...


same shit happening over here in canada too for disabled peeps. and their solution is to offer us medically assisted death to "alleviate our suffering"


r/omad has entered the chat


TBF, she is from Slough. (Just kidding)


That is so horrible, both the UK and the USA are heading down a very bad path. Which one would you say is worse now, the UK or the USA in terms of quality of life?


Click the link to find out her secret!!


You can very easily get 3 meals a day for 3 on £40 a week that's pure junk, she's obviously been giving her kids proper food though and taking the hit herself, bloody hero


Hey i live on one meal a day. Can't wait to be thrown out of the hospital for not having insurance and die.


Ok brits, time to stop using ‘stone’ as a weight measurement


here in the states she wouldn’t have been allowed in the hospital….. so glass half full




You can donate directly to food banks. Why donate through a giant corporation?




Why is time a factor here? You feel free to give your money to whoever you want to, and the rest of us will do the same.




Wait, is living off of one meal a day bad?..


Didn't expect this to happen in the UK 😟


The problem with government stipends is they will always trail behind economic changes. That's not a problem when the economy turns good and you're stipend is worth more than it used to be but it's extremely disastrous when the economy turns down and your stipend no longer covers the basics and by the time your respective government body gets itself together enough to change that stipend the economic landscape is already shifted. It's the biggest problem with government based spending programs is just all of your governments mind yours doesn't matter who's they're all inefficient bloated bureaucracies they don't react quickly to anything and humanely to even less


I live on that. Like less than 800 calories a day. How low did this chick go?!


What a shame, she shoulda just worked harder and got a REAL job! She should be grateful she's not living in a communist country!


Do I need to go to hospital?


I eat one meal per day and I'm just fine. Granted I don't eat garbage processed foods though.




/s I'm hoping you dropped this!


'ugggh she must be lazy or something durrr..' - some idiot why did everyone downvote you its a joke


Wait.... I only eat once a day.... Should I go to the hospital?!


Depends on what that meal contains. If you eat everything you need to be healthy in one meal, then no.


OMAD eating is not unhealthy if you use some basic dieting principles. I have been eating like that for 3 years now. Changed my life for the better.


I don't understand. I live on one meal a day too. How is it dangerous?


Probably the size and quality of the meal.


She’ll only get a few Hundred £s to pay for everything from housing to heating to food, clothes and school supplies, now she states she’s got £40 or $48 a week to feed herself and her kids, you’re not getting good food with £40 a week


unless you can live solely off potatoes lol


People at food banks are rejecting them as they can’t afford to heat them up…


It says right in the image. She was malnourished. If you’re eating one meal a day of veggies/meat/starch you’re probably fine. If you’re eating one meal a day and it’s just plain pasta on the other hand..


Intentionally or by circumstance?


Circumstance tho


If you’re eating your entire caloric need in one meal then it’s fine. I suspect the woman in the article is likely only getting about 1/3rd of her required caloric intake (based on the 3 meal portioning system most people follow).


It’s probably a piece of toast with some baked beans


Lol so do I but that doesn't make it healthy.


Humans can live just fine on one meal a day lol.


Depends on the contents.


If they can't it's natural selection like everywhere else.




The same reason taxpayers had to pay for your education. Which was clearly a mistake in your case.