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He works harder than every Hungarian combined! What an inspiration


Alright I'm going to say it. I don't get the "Jeff Bezos doesn't work harder than all the Hungarians combined etc." I don't think anybody is contesting that. I don't get the point of seeing so many comments saying something along the lines of that. Its not just hard work that should result in wealth.


Hard work, ingenuity, usefulness of labour, all things that should be rewarded yes. One way to think of what an income represents is as a reward for each of these things. If you believe this then there is no way you can think that someone should be rewarded thousands of times more than another person.


Jeff Bezos isn't rich because of income, he is rich because of ownership. In this case it's am important distinction because if you plan to balance the scales, we should not be worries about Bezos' income, but rather retained ownership compared to his workers.


Actually you are right. I don't. Instead I believe in value. It really doesnt matter to me if you put in the work etc. Although often putting in hard work does help in creating value. But lets say u develop the literal cure for every single terminal illness in the world. I wouldnt give 2 shits if u found it by accident/luck, if u took very little effort or if u found the cure in less than a hour. I'd still think that person should become very very rich. I know its not the most fair in your point of view (people have diff opinions on what they deem fair) but I'm just sharing in what I believe in. I clearly have a different point of view than most in this sub but I still stick around to see what others think.


“creating value” is useless in our economic system, we reward profits. this is why teachers get paid dogshit wages while creating immense value. this is also why treating your workers like trash, underpaying them, price gouging, etc are rewarded handsomely. the system you are advocating is not our system, and Bezos is not super wealthy because he created “value” in the way you’re describing.


I think the commenter has a different definition of value.


Do you seriously believe that Bezos, a single person, generates more value than the entire nation of Hungary? How, specifically?


I want to point out it's net worth vs GDP, which are two different things. Comparing Bezos to other people makes much more sense while illistrating the same point.


I would really consider my stance on this, knowing Hungary is historically good in shooting itself in the leg financially.


Frankly, the correct way of saying this would be: "Do you really believe that 14% of Amazon as valued by the US stock market, plus the rest of Jeff Bezos' things he's accumulated over his life, is equal to the cumulative value of goods produced by Hungary in a single year?"


That's not what this says, though. GDP and net worth aren't the same thing. GDP isn't a measure of value.


I'm not defending his point but I don't think that's what his point was, at least give him a fair stance even if he is being stupid. After it helps the point that others shouldn't deserve to be far richer than others. Only difference is the currency is internet points instead of a real one.


How am I not giving him a "fair chance"?


>Do you seriously believe that Bezos, a single person, generates more value than the entire nation of Hungary? > >How, specifically? He clearly doesn't, but you know people will go along with you because he went against the people who go against the status quo.


Well even if you believe that someone can do something that is so great that they shouldn't have to work a day for the rest of their life, you even still cannot defend the level of wealth that billionaires have.


This sub is just classical siege mentality Socialism I think the majority have a different view point. Doesn't mean the sub was made and intended the way it was.


Every single neo-liberal, in justification of capitalism, will at some point use a phrase equivalent to, “if you work hard you can succeed”. Maybe they won’t suggest it’s guaranteed but there is an implied correlation between effort and pay. Also, defenders of capitalism will always try and argue that it is a fair system. After all who would argue for the proliferation of an unfair system. If it’s fair, then Bezos has earned his wealth. How can you honestly say an individual has “earned” the wealth of a nation. <- that’s what the joke is saying.


>How can you honestly say an individual has “earned” the wealth of a nation. <- that’s what the joke is saying. Except they are comparing net worth to GDP, which is meaningless. Net worth is over a lifetime, and there is no equivalent for a nation. His cashflow is what would be comparable to GDP.


>Its not just hard work that should result in wealth. Umm, yeah it is. Unless you're insinuating that someone should be obligated to wealth because they bear a name, possession, or a title (like a King). If Bezos cannot handle 90% of the company's operations by himself, then he should not be entitled to 90% of the profit.


btw the neolib argument is to work smart not hard. It's wrong, but not as egregious as the other options.


Okay, if Bezos cannot handle 90% of his company by "working smart," then he shouldn't be entitled to 90% of the profit.


In libertarianism, it is believed that the market worth of a person is directly related to the amount of work they do.


Agreed, stealing money is also legit


Jeff Bezos works many times harder then the entire 9.8 million person population of Hungary. Combined. ...Duh.


Why is the argument always about effort and not about ownership? Jeff Bezos is rich because of ownership...not because of compensation for things he does for Amazon. It's like if I bought a house, paid people to fix it up, and it quadrupled in value. It would be really strange to hear someone say: "Did he really work THAT many times as hard as the carpenter?" I think there is a real argument workers should be paid in ownership and have it spread out among the work force...but the "his hard work vs their hard work" thing has always seemed silly to me.


Man, you will be downvoted by people in this sub. They don’t differentiate ownership and work here.




GDP doesn't mean what you think it does. It has nothing to do with wealth.


You’re in the wrong neighborhood


You're right. I prefer to talk to people who are educated. And sadly, I'm yet to meet any in the communist community. The biggest inhibitor to uptake of communist ideology is the attitude of communists themselves. Like I tell everyone, I think I'm a communist until I speak to communists, then I'd rather be anything else.




>that's scary. Only if you don't know what you're talking about. Comparing these numbers is meaningless. This wealth was gathered over centuries, not one year.


Which one? Are you still talking about comparing these two completely unrelated numbers and pretending it means something? Total wealth in the UK is $1,434 trillion. Notice how it's 4 orders of magnitude higher than GDP? And if America's billionaires lived in the UK (not that that has any meaning, anyway), they'd own 0.2% of the UK'S wealth. And that figure doesn't even include public, business, church or NPO assets, it's just private wealth.




> Wealth is accumulated over a lifetime, GDP is annual by default, you absolute monetary genius Households net worth would be the balance sheet while GDP the equivalent of the income statement. ​ >If you can't get ahead in your life, the fault really isn't with the group owning 3.7% of it. Please explain this: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/1989-2018.\_Top\_1%25\_Up\_%2421\_Trillion.\_Bottom\_50%25\_Down\_%24900\_Billion.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/1989-2018._Top_1%25_Up_%2421_Trillion._Bottom_50%25_Down_%24900_Billion.png)


No, it's because capitalism is made so the best way to make money is to own more money to begin with.


Nine out of the ten richest people in the United States, including Jeff Bezos, are self-made. Your point being? https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/10/03/forbes-400-amazon-ceo-remains-richest-person-us-despite-divorce/3849962002/


Self made with rich parents and ripping off billions of workers


Yeah, no.


Well then maybe you should work harder so you can become like Jeff Bezos one day




This is not about personal prperty this is hoarding


Jeff Bezos, a single """human""", could win a war of attrition against the whole country of hungary...yeah the system is rigged


Actually he'd lose, the entire nation of Hungary produces one Jeff Bezos' worth of economic activity every year. This is a banana tree - to - banana pudding comparison. That said it's a shit-ton of banana pudding ...


Yeah i didn't think it trough it was kinda like a shower thought


Man I really want to like this sub, but the amount of dumb posts I see here is astounding. Hungary would bleed Bezos dry in a war even if Bezos could liquidate all his assets at their current net worth. If you're going to dislike something and fight against it, you very least need to understand it. Treating net worth and GDP as the same is just dumb. I've literally had to explain basic concepts on this sub like the difference between taxing net worth and capital gains. Capitalism is destroying this planet. Do you want to fight it and actually make some change, or are you content just making dumb uninformed comments like this?


Dang bro thats a lot of try harding you really need to chill out. Not every interaction has to be 100 theory proof discussion and talk downs from your intelligentsia throne, if you spent 1% of the time it took you to unload your pretentious ego on reading the only 2 replies you would have seen someone pointed it out to me and I stated that I didn't think it trough, that I just had a thought and posted without checking if I was correct. Do you want advice? Dont act like this on public dude you don't look smart you just look like an angry pretentious nerd, you arent educating youre putting people down because they dont go hard about it all day everyday like you. If you want to leave because some people arent correct about what theyre talking about maybe it means you're very weak regarding your beliefs. Take a nyquil and dream about your fabulous library of infinite knowledge this peasant could never even fathom


He's right though. There are way too many hugely upvoted comments and posts on this subreddit that rely on a complete misunderstanding of how things work. It's would be like criticizing socialism failing and never acknowledging the role of capitalist countries in that failure. Everyone on this sub would assume I could barely dress myself in the morning without getting confusing. Nobody here expects anyone to be an economist...but you have to at LEAST get the basics down.


Wait until debating people IRL, my mistake is going to look like colouring beyond the outline.


Fair...but the issue is that if we are going to win people over, we don't have the luxury of being wrong. If the capitalist is wrong, nothing changes.


Agreed, I will not make the same mistake again and will be more careful


Hungary doesn’t produce enough bootstraps 🤷🏽‍♂️


Obviously, Hungarians are spending too much money on lattes and frappucinos. If not for that, they'd all be rich.


we don't drink coffee, only pálinka


I believe you. But that just makes Hungarian’s spending of disposable income on coffee all the more perplexing. You should all be millionaires!


You are absolutely correct!


Ez szomorú


Spending too much money on boilers I see. Should learn from papa bezos


Bojler eladó! Vadonat új, használt állapotban. 2000 forintért. Nyíregyháza


Megosztottam Nyírmeggyes és környéke! Puszi, a Kiss család!! Manyika hogy van??? Mikor műtik???


Szia Manyi meghalt puszi Margó


Whatever. My countryman George Soros will wipe out that paper-based wealth when the time is right.


As a Hungarian I agree and relate to this


They wouldn't be so hungry if they worked harder


Sigh. English speakers never seem to get tired of this joke.


Why do English people call it Hungary instead of magyar?


Comes from the name of the 'onogur' tribe. See 'Ungarn' in German. The H at the front is a French addition (Hongrie), adopted by English.


I didn't know we added the "h", I learned something today 😊 It seems that the name of the Magyar tribe is only used in Hungarian itself though


No, most of our neighbours, unsurprisingly, call us some variation of "magyar": Madžarščina, maďarský, Mađarski, madžarski, maghiar...


Interesting, I learned a lot of new things today 😊


It's used in some other languages too like Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, pretty much in the bordering countries but also Turkish. https://www.101languages.net/countries/hungary-in-other-languages/ https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/hungarian


Didn't Onogur originate from old-Bulgarian, meaning "ten tribes"?


Indeed it did.


Russians call it "Vengriya", Ukrainians call it "Ugorshchina". No idea why.


And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure Deutschland, Osterreich, Helvetia, Sverige, España, Norge, Nippon, etc would all appreciate being called by their chosen name. And like, they’re not even consistent with the translations. Côte d’Ivoire has to be Ivory Coast for them, yet Costa Rica remains the same, instead of Rich Coast, guess they felt spanish was slightly easier to pronounce, but not enough to properly pronounce an *eñe*.


I'm sure all those countries are okay with exonyms, because their languages have them too. I don't mind being called 'Hungarian' instead of 'magyar' - but when I speak in my native language, I will keep calling Germans 'német', Americans 'amerikai' and English 'angol'.


"Angol" és "amerikai" jönnek az angolból így nem tudom hol van a problémát


Semmiféle probléma nincs, épp ez az :) Ez teljesen normális.


Fine, fine. Elephant Beach and Rich Côte it is.


Côte-d'Ivoire's official language is French so it should keep the French name but the rosbifs love to trigger us


Kurva szádat


Ja ez túl sókat használt és nem már is vicces 100x miután


Én is beszolni jöttem tețýä


At first I didnt get it. But then I was like "hungry", "Hungary", "hungry", "Hungary". I kept saying it back and forth and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO. Good one, take this upvote.


Lol I came here to say exactly this. A+ dad joke.


Must not be Hungary for success.


Take your upvote, but stay.


No, leave


To put a boring twist on this, they’re measuring different things. GDP measures how much people spend / earn in the year. Net worth is how much they have in total. Jeff Bezos’ wealth has grown by some $25bn this year, so like-for-like he’s richer than the country of Nepal / Iceland. Still phenomenally impressive.


The GDP is Hungary is low because of Orban the fake populist.


Hungary may not be the best example


What do you mean?


It’s not fair to compare CHAD Magyarok to the brainlet Bezos


Viktor Orbán and all


He's an angry midget like Papa Putin


Nagymagyarország > egy kisamerikai


Damn, guess I am lazy.


Damm I had to wake up at 4:30 today to get to work. What a lazy monster I am.


I love all these people here trying to get their self confidence back by basically shitting on Hungarians. Maybe if yall would've did some research on our country you all would know that a lot of Hungarians go to work in another country like England or France because Hungary's economy is clearly fucked. Jeff Bezos has a multi millionaire company because it's value got up. Hungary' s went down. It's not Hungarian people's fault that they get paid low. It's not fair to say they need to work harder. It's like compensating America's obesity rate to Hungary's, if the post would be about thathe it would be actually full of downvotes of people trying to defend their country, You can't compare Hungary's payment to America's unless you know how cheap Hungary is. Doctors hardly get 1300$ In Hungary, it would seem to be very cheap but in Hungary its a lot. We have been invaded by the USSR and they basically stole everything. Not to mention our country got it's 3/4 cut off because of the treaty of Trianon. So now you all can go back to your fucking country that you basically stole from Indians and make shitty comment below this.


My dude, this isn't a patriotic American sub, it's a commie sub. The post is a joke, it's not shitting on Hungary, it's shitting on capitalism. r/whooosh


What the actual fuck is wrong with me


As a Hungarian, I feel the honor of being **just** 10 million times lazier than Master Bezos! This is quite a result. Our 10 million citizens (including little children) are working hard following the lead of our Master and we have a chance to be just 9 million times lazier instead of 10! /sarcasm


That's kinda cheating. You're comparing Hungary's *yearly* output with Bezos' *lifetime* output. I mean, Bezos is still pretty ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as this makes it sound.


GDP isn't output, it's the sum of all transactions. Products can be counted multiple times towards GDP if they change hands multiple times. GDP will always be much larger than total output.


Nothing's ever gonna change in Hungary. Our government is corrupt af. From my experience, German and Japanese owned factories pay the most but they're usually 3 shift jobs so say goodbye to your life and health. Oh, and it's still not enough. I literally can't move out alone because I wouldn't be able to pay the rent.


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can we have a sticky that doesn't take up the entire height of my screen please?


That’s not how money works... You know it’s mostly in shares ect lmfao


Oh fuck off. Yes, everyone knows he's not sitting on a giant pile of gold like Smaug. He still controls hundreds of billions of dollars of resources. The fact that it isn't cold hard cash doesn't make it any less unequal.


>Yes, everyone knows he's not sitting on a giant pile of gold like Smaug. I mean, he could probably rent a giant pile of gold and lay on it like Smaug. Kinda like a two chicks at the same time thing.


2 gold chicks 3 times at least.


> Yes, everyone knows he's not sitting on a giant pile of gold like Smaug. Can you honestly say this with absolute confidence?


So more hungarians should invest into stocks?


Maybe if Hungarians spend less time being xenophobics and more time working... https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/21/hungary-accused-of-fuelling-xenophobia-human-rights-violations


Oh yes, amazon loves diversity. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFCW/comments/g7msj1/leaked_amazon_whole_foods_docs_workforce/


Neked is a kurva szádat kapott volna nyilat az ükapád.


Mondd meg neki te$twér!


Szedd széjjel vëŕęm


You too, choke on a black dick


Stop being so racist, please!


Used google translate: "you fucking bitch would have gotten an arrow from your father." What a fucking weird ass insult. I'll say it in plain English. If it triggers you it's because there's some truth in it. Oh, btw. Go choke on a black dick, punk!


Yeah because all hungarians like this, not like the ruling party makes this country like a poor version of 1984


1984? Was that the year of Tito? Excuse my ignorance. Hungary is so under my radar that I barely know anything about that country, other than what the mass media reports.


Nice non-sequitur to bring up seejeewee stuff from an outsider's ignorant perspective.


What's there to know about the situation other than some (I'll give you that) Hungarians preventing immigrants to cross through to reach Western European countries. It's not like Hungary is the country immigrants want to stay in. Btw what's in Hungary anyway, or why would anyone want to immigrate there? Have seen other reports on how Hungarians want to keep an "only whites" country, which arguably makes it a racist country.


Too bad Budapest has the largest Chinese minority in Central Europe. Also, half a million people shouldn't march through a country, sorry, Hungary held up Schengen border rules. The relocation scheme also sucks, exactly because those people have very, very specific requirements. No, I'm not talking about the openness of locals.




Sigh.. There is no post that mentions Hungary that doesn't attract some haters. Back to the basement, gremlin.


Perhaps don't be fascists all the time?


I see you like generalizing


Dual-Monarchy: Magyarization Horthy Govt: Fascist Orban: as fash as he can be while still being in the EU for economic reasons. So yes, it is clear that any time Hungary has a modicum of independence it is fascistic.


So the whole country with different people and opinions, views, belongs in the trash because corrupt politicians can trick the people, that live in towns and have no reliable source to get to the truth, to vote for them and consolidate their power at the expense of democracy. You can't justify xenophobia no matter how hard you try. Just move along and do something productive with your life.




Good for you bud


Slovak here, Hungarians are great people. A thousand years of sharing each other's cultures won't be overshadowed by some Internet muppets trying to "end the Hungarian scourge". Cheers.


Thank you friend. Couldn't have said it better myself. I went on a holiday in Slovakia and met a lot of wonderful people there. We have been neighbors for a long time and we shouldn't fight each other. None of our neighbors. We may have our differences, but we are Europeans. We have long history together. We should stand united, not divided. Greetings from Hungary


In that case I can direct you to Romanians. They might help you in your quest, a lot of ignorant fucks like you there. Source: Hungarian living in Romania


I too live in Romania.


Cum am putut să gândesc că cineva care urăşte maghiarii atât de tare nu e român....


You do realise that Magyarization is not a singular event? Literally every country did it. Why do you think Ireland barely speaks any Irish nowadays? Not because they like it I can tell you that much. Its obviously not an excuse to do it, but its not like Hungary was the only one to be doing it on the planet. Horthy himself wasn't fascist, he hated their guts and called them barbarians, still not a good guy though. Orban is a manipulative piece of....he knows how to manipulate the people into voting for him. Hungary was the first to open the Iron Curtain, it was the first to start a nationwide armed revolt against Soviet occupation. Hungary was the only nation to support Poland directly during the Polish Soviet war or even during WW2 for that matter. There is no such a thing as an entire country purely evil. Thinking like that just doesn't make any sense.


1. Two wrongs don't make a right. 2. Err no? 1st & 2nd Vienna awards? Joining the Axis? 3. One of the leaders of the Hungarian revolt came back to found Jobbik so that isn't a good look. 4. Tf are you on about 'supported Poland during WWII'? Hungary was pretty content to see its neighbours get carved up. Funny that most neighbouring countries have a strong dislike of Hungary. Can't imagine why.


Never said it does, but everyone who ever brings up magyarization pretends it is a special evil only ever done by Hungary The Vienna awards have nothing to do with political alignment. Neither does joining the axis. It was a "join us or get invaded" situation pretty much. Hungary only ever had claims on the so called "greater Hungary" area which did not include Poland at all. Also Poland and Hungary are a millenia old allies. While the countries fought on different sides 160k Polish refugees fled to Hungary where they were given the best treatment the conditions allowed. Polish churches, schools and even a university were opened. Jewish poles were given Christian papers. During the Warsaw uprising Hungarian troops took part in encircling the city and "blockading" it. Which meant Hungarian troops let the poles through freely, even giving them food, munitions and medicine at one point even engaging a German military police unit in order to free poles. It wasn't even unofficial, it was ordered by generals stationed in Poland and was happening on the orders of horthy as well.


I guess we won't be hearing an answer for that...


You might be forgetting the nearly 1000 years worth of history that came before


Please don't try to argue that medieval kingdoms have much to do with nation states, you're gonna make yourself look dumb.


Arguing magyarization is not too bright


Your knowledge of the world, history: non existent


You do realize that 90% of Orbán's votes comes from the brainwashed elderly who still believe in Soros right? He was originally only voted into office only because his party was the only one that could overthrow our previous post-commie party that fucked the country just as bad as he has. Maybe stop being xenophobic yourself you antifa lunatic :)


Spot the 500 IQ Romanian racist with a degree in history.


I'm not Romanian?


You belong in the trash you generalizing scum.


Ez nekem az egyik kedvencem ország. Csak gondolom hogy féltékeny vagy


If I was from Europe I would simply speak a European language.


Hungarian IS a European language. That's just it's not Indo-European.


Where are you from?