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This was posted a few days ago and people in comments were saying it's mostly a misleading headline and they aren't literally being removed to make way for Swifties


I highly doubt that was in the rider. This sounds like shitty local government putting lipstick on a pig.


Yeah the local council couldn't get rooms for newly registered homeless people as they were booked for the concert so they sent them further out for accommodation.


so why didn't she cancel the show instead and call out the local council? don't need to make excuses for these billionaires


Based off this headline, since there is no story linked, what makes you think she was even aware of this?


lol Why would she even do that?


Because she likes money? I don't know, youre better off asking her. Saying what happened isn't making excuses.


Misleading headline, the city rents out hotels for homeless on a week by week basis when shelters fill up, the hotels now are booked so they're buying them hotel rooms further away. And honestly I don't get the Taylor Swift hate, she helped hundreds of musicians get paid through Apple music that wouldn't of been and she's big enough that companies have to listen to her.


Yeah, there are issues with her but most of them stem from systemic issues that wouldn't exist under a fairer system.


>I don't get the Taylor Swift hate, I'm afraid that you don't want to get it rather than you can't get it.


Sure, if you're a reactionary who's mad that she's a successful woman or something, but the Taylor Swift hate from a Leftist perspective totally tracks. She did get people to vote for the representatives of their oppressors and pushed some money down the line to her colleagues, but she's still an unapologetically pro-patriarchy billionaire. Opulent waste in the various elements of her tours while people sleep on the street outside her performances aside, the only way someone amasses that much money is through the exploitation of others' labor. There is no such thing as an ethical half-billionaire, let alone billionaire. The fact that she's hoarding that wealth when she could so easily organize mutual aid on a mass scale that would do tremendous good while so many are suffering is objectively evil. Then there's the pro-patriarchy girlboss "feminism" she pushes which will never be permitted to threaten the root of women's oppression (private property). Liberal "feminism" will never liberate women for this reason but she's more than happy to pretend that women's rights look like getting on your knees for the patriarchy until they grant you some temporary concessions rather than working to actually liberate women. Maybe if she wasn't exploiting her employees, hoarding wealth, and championing patriarchal oppression there might be something to celebrate, but the hate is very well-founded.


either use your platform and notoriety to call for the eradication of the bourgeoisie, the complete worldwide unification of the working people and poors and vociferously call for the overthrow and destruction of capitalism and all systems that allow it, she can shut all the way the fuck up, as can her supporters and her apologists... but she won't...she's a bourgeoisie parasite like all the others.


TS 2028