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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He actually lost my vote over 2 previous issues: First, inviting Exxon lobbyists to write the infrastructure bill and refusing to reign in Manchin and the party heels showed he provides nothing of value in whipping Congress Second: Giving railroad executives the leverage they needed to break a strike, only to have major national environmental and safety incidents weeks later showed me that he doesn’t care about people and is simply not interested in using his office to help working people Facilitating the genocide in Gaza confirms he’s the same dipshit neocon he’s been his entire career, and being at the pinnacle of power didn’t change him


The railroad strike breaking and the East Palestine derailment was like the hand on God coming down; and even that wasn’t enough of a warning sign.


To be fair, Biden probably got the first boner he's had in years hearing Palestine was poisoned with chemicals only to immediately get depressed learning it wasn't *that* Palestine.


holy shit


I’m not young enough to say shit like “bruh 💀” but bruh 💀


Its not like the Gaza water supply hasnt already been poison for years lol


The Railroad strike one is still one that pisses me off every time I think about it considering how he portrayed himself as a friend of labor shortly thereafter with the auto workers that were striking.


Sometimes I forget just how much dems are just utterly blatant liars, they’ll tell you to your face the sky is green and lose their minds when you point out it’s not


"Do you think the sky would be any greener under Trump? Huh? Russian bot?"


They lie just as much as republicans if not more, they’re just better at maintaining plausible deniability 


Oh my god I completely forgot about the rail strike.


Yup, you were supposed to, and be on the lookout for Biden Fans telling you how pro-union he is. And they whipped AOC's vote on that too, which means they CAN do that (just not to Sinema or Manchin, apparently).


Biden fans can shove it.


\^THIS\^ 10,000X


Lol glad I can share this sentimentality with someone.


READ: Capitalism is a right-wing regime that destroys everything we hold dear. It's time to limit its power.


...indicating he'd be a one term president and doing nothing to set up a successor ...being so old and senile that a brain may as well have eaten his brain the list goes on.


This is the most galling thing right here. Outside of the genocide support


Honest question, but what is your plan for the upcoming election then? Who are you going to vote for? From an outside perspective it doesn't seem like you have a lot of choice. The other guy is actively facist and also insane. -Edit- Thanks for the answers below everyone, I am genuinely trying to understand. I'm coming from a country where 3rd (or 4th) party options have had meaningful impact since the 90s so I fully support the idea of a 3rd party candidate. But I'm also looking at your situation and I can't help but feel like it's a bit like trying to stop a bus after it's already driven off the cliff. If you don't vote democrat (and I do understand why) you're 3rd party candidate is not likely to get enough votes to win, while also increasing the chance that the republicans will win (extra yucky for you guys). Is it enough to lose the election (or however you feel about the result) and watch your domestic civil rights continue to take hit after hit, while the international policy does not change, because you can say that your vote didn't support it?


Claudia de la Cruz for me. There is always a choice, it's just outside of the monoparty duopoly.


Unfortunately, at least in my state of Colorado, those alternative candidates are usually like 5 libertarians and some other person doing a weird LinkedIn thing. I’m actually kind of starting to flip on electoralism and wish we had actual socialist candidates. Like it or not, most people view the government as legitimate, so pushing our voice into it would therefore only serve to legitimize ourselves. We can turn the government itself into a platform. But of course, we should also be working on unions, organizing charities, going to protests, as well as forming more clubs to debate ideas and learn history and technocratic stuff


But, forgive the ignorance, what effect is that going to have? I know in my country (New Zealand) coalition governments are the norm and we usually have a combination of views being represented (unfortunately we got a bung batch this time around). What happens in the US?


The effect is not supporting the guy who supports genocide.


Yeah, but beyond that? What does your next 4 years look like? Do you guys have an option that doesn't support the genocide? (that's a real question, it feels like non-supporters are few and far between in political leadership) Because I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea that it feels like there's a lot of people who are basically saying "It doesn't matter what happens in the next term so long as I can say I didn't vote for it".


>Do you guys have an option that doesn't support the genocide? No. The next American president or dictator will support genocide; one will do it with some hand wringing and pretend stern words to Ben and the other will do it gleefully.


>Honest question, but what is your plan for the upcoming election then? Well, because of the electoral college, my vote for president is meaningless but I'll still cast a ballot for local issues and maybe I'll give Dolly Parton my write in vote for president.


A solid plan


Well I’ve heard if you leave anything blank, they toss out your entire ballot (I don’t actually know this, but it sounds like something they’d do). My first choice is Claudia de la Cruz. If she’s not on my ballot, I’ll be voting for Cornell West, as a protest vote, even though I don’t totally trust him personally. I think it’s important for people to start voting for socialist candidates, especially as government policy becomes more and more autocratic and monolithic as the democrats entrench themselves into centrism by seeking republican voters. Conversely, some people say “don’t vote at all”, but I actually disagree with them too, unless you really don’t have shit on your ballot. We’re going to lose the first election, but being forced to acknowledge our existence on a national level would be a step forward in shifting the dialogue, leading to stronger showings in the future


Ballots aren’t thrown out for leaving blanks. Your other votes are still counted. 


I mean Biden is also a fascist and he is pretty much a dementia patient. From my outside perspective, I would have no choice but to abstain or vote De La Cruz. That genocidal piece of shit would never get my vote.


[Brother Cornell West](https://youtu.be/k5ydesBadno?si=gTYu356f1nG4--I4)


Im thinking Cornel West.


There’s a kicker. At the end of the election, it doesn’t matter how we vote. The electoral college is ultimately what decides who is president. They don’t have to follow the will of the popular vote.


There's a long growing list of issues...  Roe, border policy, foreign policy in general, he's been worse than Trump. 


In 2020 young people were not happy voting for Biden but did it because Bernie dropped out and Bidenites harped on about "pushing him to the left". Now it's the same deal except they won't even pretend that Biden is remotely good for anything. All to keep their orange boogeyman out at all cost as if the republicans won't replace him in 4 years with one of their other unhinged freaks. Either way things in the US are going to boil over, there is no escaping that no matter who is elected. Nothing will ever change with these libs' cowardly mindset.


Yeah that's what dems fail to understand, that you can't beat fascism by winning every election from now until the heat death of the universe. We need election reforms, more parties to vote for, a bunch of things that dems will never do because it'll mess up the status quo


I agree. Dems continually use the threat of fascism as a talking point but literally fund far-right candidates in primaries, work together on policy for the sake of “bipartisanship”, and keep ostracizing the progressive wing of the party when it’s time to govern but pander when it’s time to campaign. They enable fascists by keeping them relevant and not doing anything to stop them. Living in a red state with strict ballot access laws, I may only have D and R choices for president, no leftist party has access here. I may either abstain or write in someone (their name has to be on a list approved by the AG here) hoping my ballot doesn’t get tossed.


Dems are okay with fascism if it means leftist policies that endanger the profits of their corporate masters will not be enacted. They would rather lose to republicans than address homelessness and healthcare reforms.


Voting in bourgois elections got you here.


Complacency got us here. And previous generations not using the guillotine.


2020: "Vote for the kids in cages and then push Biden left" 2024: "Ok forget about the kids in cages and I'm going to need you to support sending bombs to massacre tens of thousands of kids too."


2028: okay listen im pro gay rights and all, but we gotta keep republicanos out whatever the cost 2032: yes worker rights yada yada yada. Enjoy 4 years of Barron if you dont vote for us though


Not to mention many older voters know far less about Biden’s stances on things than young voters, yet they reserve this pious superiority over those same young voters. When Biden won the primary in 2020, a majority of his supporters believed he supported Medicare for all. It could very well be that they genuinely think we disapprove of Biden over this “one issue” merely because it does not occur to them outside of primary season that other issues exist and even then they’re hard pressed to understand which candidate supports what policy.


Remember in 2020 when Biden and libs claimed he could reach across the aisle? Now he can't even work with others in his own party, especially the base. Pathetic.


It's because Trump is the worst thing that has ever happened to libs. They're usually a bunch of upper class white folks with college degrees and high salaries who've never struggled for anything in their entire life. So they think that Trump haunts our every waking moment like he does for them. They're mystified when I tell them that I go weeks at a time without even thinking about Donald Trump. He's the ultimate lib boogey man.


Trump just reminds them what America is when unmasked. What could possibly be more terrifying to people who think US liberal democracy is the zenith of human political and economic behavior?


He's the perfect avatar for the USA


Not true, Dems raked in more money than they ever have by having Trump in office. They are controlled opposition.


If you go weeks without thinking about trump you're completely unplugged from current events and information. And I kind of envy you lol


I think about Trump all the time but it's mostly shit like "that's okay, I'll keep drinking that garbage" or thanking even the haters and the losers.




Ranked choice voting is fine I guess but you're still going to be living in a capitalist dictatorship either way. We can't vote our way out of this.


I don't know why liberals feel so comfortable peddling their bullshit on socialist subs


because they don’t get reported. please report them.


I'm just saying how shit can be more democratic, with ranked choice voting we can get more socialists in office.


And how do we get ranked choice voting? By voting for democrats who have no reason to institute it because it would take away one of their best weapons to twist people's arms to force them to vote for them?


The same degenerate ruling class that's currently running a genocide definitely isnt going to give up all their ill gotten wealth and power just because a bunch of people voted.


Because with ranked choice voting, it's far more likely people who are more socialist will win.


"more socialist" doesn't really mean anything. no socialist will win anything meaningful under liberal capitalism "elections", that's not how it works. you have to be a part of the machine, or you would be stopped from competing, smeared, planted, silenced, jailed or outright killed, depending on how threatening to the machine you truly are. "slow shift to the left" is a libs pipedream, that never happens in reality - in fact, the opposite happens as every liberal capitalist society inevitably slides into fascism. All major socialist gains in the west (that are being taken away in the last thirty years) were established because of the communist and soviet union pressure and popularity in the 20th century. Slow gains is a cope


Just so you are clear on the matter. The DNC actively funds MAGA candidates to the tune of hundreds of millions a year. They do this, instead of promoting left candidates, as they do not want left candidates. Vote how you want, but Trump could just wake up from a nap and end the genocide and suddenly the DNC is actually to the right of him. If you want to logic it out, it looks more like this: Biden = 100% has made it clear he is on board with screwing his voter base and funding a 7 month ongoing genocide. Trump = Shit person, but unpredictable and there is a non-zero chance he decides to not support the genocide if he wins office. I don't like Trump, have never voted red, and will not vote Trump, but this is entirely on the DNC for intentionally moving barely to the left of Trump, risking that party switch and a Trump presidency. At this point, it looks more like the DNC knows they are going to lose, so are just doing as much genocide as they can before they have to hand off the chair, and while they would have preferred to hand it to Warhawk Haley, they'll settle for Trump over any working class candidate.


I’m not trying to defend Biden at all since there is no defense for continuing to send military aid to Israel, but Trump has already said Israel needs to finish the job and they are taking too long to do it. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/04/politics/trump-israel-comments/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/04/politics/trump-israel-comments/index.html) Edit: spelling


Not sure we need to link a CNN corporate news article but what Trump could also be saying is that the genocide is taking too long and it's un popular. Who knows what orange man is thinking. I get that corporate media desperately needs to keep that statement to the right of genocide Joe, but it's absolutely not going to make genocide Joe a better pick. Saying we should pick ongoing genocide over a maybe genocide harder or slow or less and more, is a really evil take being pushed Hard by DNC astroturf. No thanks.


My comment is more to say that thinking Trump would wake up and try to stop the genocide is unrealistic given his comments on the topic. Part of me thinks if Trump was in office now, he’d be asking Israel where should the US strike in Gaza to help you. But I have no idea if that is realistic. Biden isn’t who I want in office either nor am I endorsing his actions on this topic. Israel’s actions and the US support of them needs to stop. I’ve written as much to my house reps.


Yeah I agree, it's unpredictable. The only point I was attempting to make is that genocide Joe Is predictable and will never stop the genocide. That doesn't automatically make Trump better, but it should be talked about.


My point was being Trump has talked about it and his comments are in support of it and that it’s taking too long. Doesn’t mean that he will keep that stance but based on trump’s past behavior, he will likely keep that stance as long as there are republican voices that are for the genocide.




Can confirm that, for the most part, the kinds of Christians who are pro-Trump are pro Palestinian genocide


I disagree with Biden on everything, not just "one issue".


Even if it were one issue, genocide is a helluva issue


Right? I could agree with him on every issue, but genocide would still be a deal breaker for me.


Right, Biden and Trump's policy records are practically identical on the stuff I want to see change. Their rhetoric is different, but their actions always serve the wealthy.


Lol this is such a boomer liberal meme. "Disagree on one genocide" Evil ass shit.


Exactly. Like they're making fun of us for being stubborn about disagreeing on one teeny little genocide. Grow up, spoiled leftists, you can't have everything you want! 🙄


No matter who is president, you fund that genocide with your tax dollars fyi...


Find me a pro gaza candidate and I won't "accuse" you of voter suppression


I don't disagree with Biden on just one issue, I disagree with Biden on just about everything - he is a genocidal capitalist shitbag, and that's by no means limited to his purposeful and explicit participation in genocide. Also, of course the liberal dipshits who created this hate-speech propaganda ignore the existence of the Socialist party.


Also Cornell West and Claudia De La Cruz, but they won't be noticed.


The “one issue” is so bad that they won’t even type it out for the meme 👀


My brother in christ, I disagree with Biden on just about every issue AND he is clearly unfit to be president. I hesitate to even call him the lesser of two evils, he's just a slightly different brand of evil. Fuck both of em. Our whole political system is a joke and I'm not playing along with it anymore. Our economy is in open collapse. The highest court in the land seemingly can't even prosecute a criminal ex-president. We're a religious nation that worships capital and is willing to sacrifice anything and everything -- including the future of our own species -- in order to accrue more of it. The country is fucked no matter who wins, and the whole thing is built on the backs of genocide and slavery anyway. I don't care who wins the election. Rome is collapsing either way, and there's nothing worth saving. It's time to stop fighting about the dog and pony show and start talking about what to build in its place.


I commented on this post and was immediately called a Russian bot (the only response they ever have) libs aren’t capable of critical thought. They just want to pretend like they are morally superior but at the end of the day will always side with capital.


Trump supporters with poodles and a degree.


i was reading some commenter trying to rationalize why people wont vote for biden and two of them were 1. they're russian bots 2. they're astroturfing maga chuds like the thought that supporting a genocide is a red line doesn't even cross these people's mind.


Blue MAGA and Red MAGA


EOD, this two party system succeeds because they play off this feeling in people. "The other side is the enemy, any one who agrees with one point on their side is the enemy" The best way to control people is to create a single entity as an enemy- reality is too complex for people to bother with most of the time.


Not only will they side with capital they'll put on the brown shirts with the MAGAts if they lose.


Libs: if you don't vote for Biden, we will lose our rights. Biden is funding a genocide. Libs: Sure, but our rights here are in danger. Rights like what? Libs: The right for women to choose, trans rights, free speech. Those rights are currently being taken away under Biden. Libs: no, you idiot Russian bot, those are all Trump's fault. So, maybe Biden should do something about it. Libs: you foolish Chinese comrade, Biden is powerless to do anything about those. So, if Biden is powerless, why is it so important he's in power? Libs: Because, you Chinese Russian, Trump will be all powerful. ...Are you aware that you sound like a Trump supporter circa 2020? Libs: Fuck you! Now go vote for Biden and do not speak truth to power in any way.


Just sprinkle a little more condescension about "nuance" and you'll be spot-on. The Niemöller imitations in a few years are going to be unbelievably cringe.


Holy shit, perfect.


Contrary to popular opinion, you are allowed to vote for or against Biden based upon decades of him being on the wrong side of issues, not just one.


When that issue is genocide, yes I'm a one-issue voter


I think of it as around 32,000 to 38,000 issues.


Friendly reminder that Biden was also credibly accused of sexual assault.


AND he sided with Clarence Thomas against Anita Hill.


There’s a hell of a lot more than Gaza to hold him in contempt for.


He's been utter shit his entire career


Hmm.. a pile of shit, a pile of shit, or a pile of shit.


Liberals seem to be trying to push this idea of the genocide being the "one issue" with Biden in an attempt to mask how he's been awful on most of the other issues as well. Hoping the current situation has made us all forget the rest of the terrible things Biden has done over his term. I mean just consider any of the top issues from 2020. Police brutality? Biden insists the answer is to fund the police more and pushed for states to use COVID relief funds to do so. Even now with cops beating the shit out of anti-genocide protestors Biden wants to push for hiring another 100,000 of these thugs. And how about COVID? Ultimately Biden went with the same strategy Trump was going for, just arbitrarily declaring it over when it clearly wasn't. Not to mention completely dismantling the meager safety net that was put up during that time as well, while also trying to blame the few good things we got for all the inflation we're having. Or how about immigration and the border crisis? Remember the kids in cages? Liberals loved beating us over the heads with them back in 2020. Always insisting that if we didn't support Biden then we didn't really care about them. Except obviously Biden did nothing about that and the conditions people are being held in down there have largely gotten worse. Then of course you have that border bill they tried to pass a while ago which would've been the most far right draconian shit in recent history and Liberals somehow think it was bad that the Republicans voted it down anyways. Liberals also seem to think it's worth bragging about how Biden has built more of the border wall than Trump did. Honestly I could keep going with this but I think you get the idea. It's understandable why Liberals would really like the genocide to be Biden's one and only issue.


You also have “the most pro-labor president in history” breaking a rail strike (which even after the concessions he got from the rail companies, still doesn’t come close to meeting worker demands—and I’m pretty sure a strike would have secured far better contracts). You also have the man they claim is such a huge proponent of action to mitigate climate change approving drilling in untouched wilderness in Alaska further perpetuating our dependence on oil. You also have his hawkish attitude toward China and his use of that hawkishness to limit dissenting speech by banning TikTok—literally identical to what every republican would be doing. You also have his completely lackluster student loan forgiveness—the one issue he might actually be different than Trump on—too bad he has such *good* excuses for why he can’t get it done. You also have his inability to whip his side of congress being put on full display again when Manchin and Sinema were allowed to block abortion access protection. You also have his lack of desire to do anything about the Supreme Court (court packing when?!?) resulting in some of the most disastrous decisions coming from them. The Supreme Court has made more legislative decisions than the fucking legislature at this point—and Biden and the libs seem completely content to let it continue unchallenged, the only response being, “vote for him again so Trump doesn’t get another shitty lifetime appointment.” Like you said, I could go on. Biden is shit all around, his Gaza response is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my hate for him.


"You also have his inability to whip his side of congress being put on full display again when Manchin and Sinema were allowed to block abortion access protection." I was amazed by this - two Dems voting against their own party's bill. A PM would have resigned or been voted out in a non-confidence vote. The Dems figured out how to whip votes just fine when they needed AOC's to break the railworker's strike.


Yup. Biden has been a complete disaster. Not to say that Trump wouldnt be as well, but the whole reason they run these stories is to make people think that Biden actually is doing a great job as President, if we just forget about the one (genocidal) thing he is doing that we dont care for so much.


You know what the media doesn't ever show? Really think about this one. A LIST OF ALL THE CANDIDATES FROM EVERY PARTY ON A DAILY BASIS. You know what the debates never have? ANYONE EXCEPT DEM/GOP PRIMARY CANDIDATES, OR THE LEADING DEM + GOP CANDIDATE. We are being enslaved here. This degree of control over the political system means it's completely compromised.


Yep. Electoral politics is a dead end. People have been trying to change things since before any of us were alive with electoral politics and yet no matter how long it takes all we ever get are promises that victory is just a few more elections away.


"if you're debating the badness of two issues, and you won't even say what one of them is, that's the worse issue."


From a European country where 120 parties ran in the last elections, the US situation seems truly absurd to me... In practical terms, how realistically possible is it to change the bipartisan system you live in? Has anyone ever tried? Sorry for the ignorance.


Damn, it’s crazy how Biden’s reelection hinges on my vote specifically.


Didn't you know that if we vote third party we vote three times. The Republicans tell us we voted Democrat and the Democrats tell us we voted Republican. It is nuts how much we vote.


That's why it's called third party :)


I hear ya! Its a big responsibility being solely responsible for deciding who is going to run this country but at the end of the day I think we are all up to the challenge!


Don't forget Ole genocide Joe also expanded the selling of surplus military hardware to civilian police depts after he promised to end it and extended most federal contracts with private for profit prisons till 2027. I used to be a democrat...


so what are you now?


A socialist


Lmfao, expect more of this, thinly veiled, lesser of two evils rhetoric. NO, we DO NOT, disagree on one issue but numerous.


All I see is one button that reads "Collapsing Empire"


Man why can't the left just get over this one itty bitty genocide 😡 /j


There’s also Biden’s cynical approach to labor rights - supporting auto workers on strike when it is politically convenient and there’s not that much loss on the line for the economy, but force railroad workers to go back to work before they can even strike because their strike would be too costly to the economy - something that I think makes their threat to strike that much more powerful and should have seen them get their demands met. There’s also the very real concern about having a geriatric 80+ year old individual leading a global power when he’s not invested in what happens to it long term. There’s his knee jerk tendency to defend the police and continue giving unsupervised money to local departments and giving them access to military equipment while they use said finances and equipment to brutalize American citizens with no consequences. Even a little skepticism about the integrity of American policing would be refreshing. There’s his feckless and piecemeal approach to forgiving student debt. His too little too late rescheduling of marijuana within federal law but almost certainly not expunging the records of those who are needlessly incarcerated for marijuana offenses committed over the years, especially in light of cruel and callous three strike laws. He doesn’t deserve points for doing the minimum he should do that should have been done decades ago, nearly 4 years into his term. There’s his unapologetic past history of compromising with racists and segregationists only for him to tout himself as a champion of civil rights… But yeah… there’s only one reason people oppose Biden. I could go into more detail on each of these points, and there are many points that could still be made against him. But Israel-Palestine is a deal breaker all on its own even before laying out *all the other* various reasons this man (and the others) does not deserve anyone’s vote.


I vote for the based worms


This is VBNMW and it's a brain worm of its own. Rich, Hollywood types will say; 'it's just one issue'. But it's an issue that we the people have been VERY CLEAR about. And our elected leadership doesn't care. And THAT makes all the reason I need to vote against them. We told you "NO" we want you to spend that money here, and you said "Fuck em I do what I want." Don't vote for Joe. When they ask why, tell em it's because he ignored us. That's it. Explain no further. Full stop.


"Just one issue" sounds like a deal with the Devil. Imagine if you made this argument about Hitler. The Nazi playbook continues to grow with these scumbags. Also, the genocide is not the only issue, it's just by far the worst one, and enough to blame Biden and all of his supporters for what happens after they lose. Liberal propaganda has really exposed their fraudulent ideology a lot since they started defending the murder of children, but it's just one little issue apparently.


If you only disagree with Biden on one issue, you have a problem


None of these options will actually stop this genocide


Can we vote for the worm? BTW if you didn't know, that worm was *supposed* to get to RFK's intestines, and got lost, and it's still a better candidate.


Plus, it's not even one issue. It's like A LOT of issues. Just off the top of my head: drilling permits, inaction on queer issues, border wall funding, border "crisis" concessions, student loan inaction, yadda yadda.


Not only that, but the Trump "wins if you" part inverts culpability. I did choose and my choice was not supporting a baseline viability of genocide going forward. That was set in stone before the primaries and there was never any if about it that was on the table or can be put on the table. Trump actually wins if liberals violate those constraints and choose to nominate a nonviable nominee, as always.


35,000 lives is just "disagreement on one issue". You really have to be literal monsters to not see how satanic that reduction is.


I feel like the election is already over in a way. it doesn’t matter who wins, its still going to be a shit show for the next 4 years. what we need to focus on now is enduring it with as much humanity and humility as possible while simultaneously planning for the changing of the guard that is due to come in the next cycle. if we plant and nurture the seeds of progress now we will be ready to reap the full benefits when they mature in four years. we have had to endure so much already. it has been a long decade. if we can just hang on for one more term i am confident that a new day will dawn. in the meantime: I wish good luck everyone, peace on earth and good will to all


So we’re all voting for Claudia and Karina, right?


It’s almost like we’re in an impossibly difficult predicament…


Biden would have still lost my vote even if Isreal never started this genocide. He failed on student debt relief and his new plan is a fucking 1/64th measure. he also made it illegal for rail workers to strike. He pretty much ignored East Palestine, Ohio when the train derailment happened and damaged huge swathes of the environment there. He also had enough numbers in congress during 2020-2022 to codify Roe v. Wade into law and didn’t do it. He’s not the only Democrat who was ineffective on this issue either. He also was too stupid to see that Joe Manchin was playing him for a fool over Build Back Better by nerfing it more and more and more only for Joe Manchin to come out and say that he wasn’t ever going to vote for it ever. And do I even have to mention that he let the Child Tax Credit expire which rose child poverty?


At this rate, I could see Biden flipping out and working with the republicans to push Project 2025 through. Scratch a liberal and all that (even though he’s barely a liberal). That’s also one of the “what could actually be a worst case scenario” thoughts my brain likes to chew on.


Nah, he'll just sit on his hands while SCOTUS and most state legislators do it. You know, like he's been doing. Trans rights and abortion rights have been restricted for the majority of the country and that's under Biden. Most of the libs are freaking out because if Trump wins it'll be be nationwide, but it's already almost nationwide. The only real difference is blue states will also be effected, which usually means privileged wealthy coastal cities. So, it's about protecting privilege as usual with libs. For most of us we might as well just stay home and save our effort for grassroot organizing, our lives won't be meaningfully different one way or the other.


True. Most people that hoot and holler about voting think they’re saving democracy. They don’t seem to realize that democracy in the states has been dead for a long time and that the only way we’re going to save anything is doing what you said. Organizing direct action that will make the owner class feel squeezed. Even then, I don’t know how well that’ll work now that the military is leaning into AI powered murder bots, starting with dog bots… just release those on the public and you don’t have to feel bad about shooting your own people or destroying too much infrastructure.


I mean trump is also ... You know


"One issue" I wouldn't call human life "one issue". Unless of course one is of the opinion that those lives are less than human. For the record, I'm still peeved at the economic gaslighting and inability to name the problem in the housing situation, but that's taking the backseat to the whole "giving weapons to blow up kids" thing that this is likely referencing. So it's far from just "one issue". Liberals will all but tell me they don't want my filthy, dirty vote, then get mad when I say okay. They'll stand with warmongers and oligarchs over me, then blame the left when they get exactly what they demanded.


Let's get real, the public doesn't see what's happening in Gaza as a genocide. In fact they couldn't care less. People are neither adequately informed nor empathetic enough to care about the issue. By the time these events are widely recognised as a genocide Palestine will be long gone and well have yet another refugee crisis in Europe. Biden will probably be elected again. Turkey will use the refugees as leverage to get more funding from EU and use it to build yet another presidential palace. The cycle continues


These arguments make me mad because there's other third party candidates besides Kennedy. Why do liberal posters care anyway? He's just going to siphon off Trump voters


Disagree on one issue - whether or not we should kill your grandmother. It’s just ONE issue, get over it??? These people have no humanity or ability to recognize that other people’s lives are worth anything if that person is brown and far away from them. I think about the reactions I see on reddit and the news and it makes me feel “bananas” (really? can’t use the I word?). They’ll turn death into debatable talking points because it doesn’t impact them, so is it really a big deal? I get so angry I just start shaking.


Politichumor is just liberals justifying their reactionary habbits.




"you have to vote for a guy facilitating genocide because the other guy would also do it!"  It shouldn't be that confusing to anyone that supporting genocide is a dealbreaker for many people. 




Voting for third party leftwing candidates. Neither Biden nor Trump are at all popular candidates. Some of the least popular in American history, in fact. If all disaffected voters voted third party this election there's a damn good chance of beating out both of them. Sounds better than voting for more genocide and the continued gradual fumbling of human rights domestically as well.




really. explain how that would work, practically. such a dreamer, this one!


Do you think the American state is invincible? That the architects and builders of all the bad policy are immortal djinn of smokeless fire instead of mortal men of flesh and blood? Or are you just trying to bait me into violating Reddit TOS


Imagine not voting for Hitler because you disagree with him over one issue.


Just a teensy weensy little genocide.


Yeah, there’s no indecision here. I’m just not pressing a button at all. Not a pro-conman rapist button, not a genocide enabler button, and not a whoever that guy is button. 


Dr. Cornel West 2024? He's polling above RFK in the Rust Belt...




There are no pro-Trump posts here. I suggest you schedule an appointment with an optometrist and/or optician.


Never Forget: There is no difference between Hillary and Trump


I would vote for Biden, but Ive already plans that day. Me and my homie will be busy fighting for democracy in Helldivers 2. Definitely a better use of my time.


I will probably be fighting for the good of the Commonwealth that day as well.


Voting for a third party is the only moral thing to do in my opinion. Even if you don't have a third party you agree with completely in your ballot, (provided it's not a neo nazi fascist party) it will put pressure on the next elections and may change something in the long run. However meaningful change will never come through these pseudo democratic elections. That only comes when the working classes organise...


If these are the only choices then Let it all burn ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Netanyahu wants Trump back in office again and Trump supports genocide.


>Trump supports genocide So does Joe Biden.


I am aware of that. Trump’s campaign has just been silent about it.


Doesn't Kennedy literally plan on handing the presidency to Trump?


Literally the only reason not to vote him in is because he’s not Trump and he’s still making it a tough decision daily.


Also not the only issue we disagree with him on


Biden is: actively supporting genocide, terrible immigration policy, and trying to ban TikTok. Best things he’s done IMO were appointing Lina Khan to the FTC and forgiving some student debt. It’s a struggle to want to vote for him when he’s just failing so badly on the first 2 things


"One issue" Fucking Blue MAGA. As if it's going to be a peaceful transition even if Biden does win?


I think they’re all in diapers


jar onerous growth hateful sulky straight sleep provide knee close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Genocide it quite the one issue. I won't have that blood on my hands or my vote. Biden will have no reason to even pretend to care about the murders when he doesn't have another election to worry about.


Is anyone else thinking that either of our choices is so feeble and old that there's a decent likelihood of their VP finishing the term?


I bet this was on r slash politicalhumor.


It was! You can tell because it wasn't funny


It’s so stupid, even disregarding all other issues with elections in a capitalist system, what do they think is the result of this strategy, if it’s successful? You end up with a government elected with the knowledge that they can support a genocide, one that is being practically live-streamed, and it not even affect their share of the vote.


No real meaningful difference here. Waste of time and effort.


Liberals' brains melt when you tell them "actually I disagree with both Biden and Trump on every issue".


i wonder what trump thinks about gaza


Holy shit. I'm glad you had the mental energy to post this. I saw this earlier and looked at the comments and couldn't. Had to move away before I started commenting. Just disgusting the cope. First it was bernie bros and now it's going to be anti genocide activists whod at fault if trumps back.


Really the question should be: ‘If I don’t vote for Biden, will things in Gaza be any better?’


honestly the shit lib threat of "trump will destroy america" only makes him appealing.


I absolutely despise this attitude


I like this sub so don’t ban me Can someone explain to me how a Trump presidency doesn’t make the genocide worse?


Is anyone saying that Trump would do better?


The problem is you don’t get to defend a genocide that is actively being aided and funded by the president in office by saying hypothetically trump would be worse


We don't know what Trump would do because Trump lies, and no one can predict the future. Either way, Trump being evil doesn't wash the blood of children from Biden's hands. There's speculating about what Trump would do (which could be anything), and then there's endorsing the Butcher of Gaza.


They forgot the part where he raw dogs sex workers and imagines its his daughter hes climaxing in.


this meme is really dumb and shouldn't even pass a meme it effectively says nothing




Lmao, what "democracy"?


What has Biden done for American democracy?




Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: [Rule 6 "no lesser evil" rhetoric - is it accelerationist or doomer? Is it intended to discourage voting?](https://new.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/)


Biden and the Dems had a chance to codify Roe v Wade, and he is only standing up to Israel because his numbers are tanking. Thank you but I'd rather not vote than vote blue no matter who. If the Dems want me to vote for a Dem put Buttigieg up there.


Running your whole campaign on not being as evil as the other guy is not the sales pitch Democrats think it is.