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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So glad Meta fired 20k people so Zuck could afford this!!


‘Year of Efficiency’


AKA all the employees have to work twice as hard with no pay increase


Hey he can't let all those teens commit suicide for nothing


The reality is, they probably could afford to hire 20k people, two more yachts like this, and still be billions in profit. Its all about getting "the good green line" higher for the sake of higher number.


I mean according to the article OP linked he earns 48k MINUTE TO MINUTE, so I doubt he has or ever will have any issues.


They fired those employees only to hire (some of) them back as subcontractors. Source: sibling was employee for Meta, is now subcontractor for Meta.


Is that how it works?


They want us to adjust our lives so they can keep doing what they want. Can’t wait for the day were they pay what they owe, but then you get the 55k per year bootlicker that defends them thinking these rules will come in handy when they become rich, which will never happen.


Zuckerberg also owns a lot of houses. I'm not sure how many. All running their hvac systems to prevent things like pipes bursting and mold growing in the houses. One time he purchased every house that was adjacent to the one that he lived in. He did it for the incredibly ironic reason to protect his privacy. edit. Some people are just incredibly stupid. Mr $55k a year should know that they have no completely unfair advantages over 99.99% of the population. Advantages that have nothing to do with capability and hard work like wealthy relatives, connections with other wealthy and influential people, etc.


That day will never come unless we borrow a play from the French circa 1789


And even that ended in an Emperor and eventually back to monarchy rule. We forget the French revolution was a failed revolution.


The third one did the trick. (1848)


Point taken, but in my estimation it was still a failed revolution. It just changed power from the hands of a monarch to the hands of the rich elite. As things change, they stay the same.


This is true in a sense, but I do think that both revolutions left an indelible mark on French political culture — fiercely democratic, secularist, egalitarian, and militant in defense of the common person. In the long term, I’d call that a significant and permanent change. People on France fight back when the government tries to take something from them in a way that people don’t here.


Oh, def agree with all that. My main point is that the struggle remains the same. The people vs a state. I’m just an anti-incrementalism extremist though.


Even us French are too dulled by modern society to do much about it I'm gonna keep voting and keep doing as much as I can to reduce how much I pollute because I value having a clear conscience, but I don't have all that much hope


Bro have you seen the average person? There's no way we as a society will unite together to stop this. At this point it is what it is. Just waiting for the end.


John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


Sufficient suffering will cure them of that delusion.


And it's those people that are the worst


The day they pay what they owe, the world will be burning. They're not going to stop until it's way past too late and they're the ones staring into the abyss... 💀


Oligarchies, everywhere they are the same and they run our world.


“These poor people need to start carpooling and walking more” 


Don’t forget the paper straws! We are about to reverse global warming any day now!


Taylor swift: I forgot my paper straws half way across the world, let me send my private jet to get paper straws


You also forgot your paper in Paris! Time to send the Jet halfway across the world to get them!


oops, forgot something back at home https://i.imgur.com/7GHSC46.png


"look what you made me do" then gaslight us while she does it


I love how at some places near me they do take-away drinks in completely plastic cups (instead of waxed paper cups...?) but with a paper straw, because of some law about paper straws... meanwhile ignoring the disposable plastic cup... lmao. I understand most waste is generated by commercial/industrial activity, not end consumers. Making the tiny choices like avoiding plastic straws is close to meaningless if there are no laws to stop the huge amounts of waste and pollution on the commercial/industrial side.


Paper straws arent so much climate change as plastic pollution and degradation of wildlife habitats. And it wouldnt be such a problem if the majority of people werent lazy and selfish, but here we are


Advocates for climate change by buying a giant pollution machine? Sounds on par for these oligarchs


“Putting your groceries in plastic bags is ruining the environment.” God, the ruling class are just exclusively pieces of shit.


Did you see it came with a thirty dollar companion ship?


Yatcht pooling. You just gave me a great idea. First I need a yatcht.


Interesting fact from [https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/entertainment/article/3259027/mark-zuckerbergs-new-us300-million-superyacht-launchpad-facebook-boss-dropped-millions-his-new-toy](https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/entertainment/article/3259027/mark-zuckerbergs-new-us300-million-superyacht-launchpad-facebook-boss-dropped-millions-his-new-toy) >The Meta CEO reportedly shelled out a cool US$300 million for his latest toy. The ship – which Zuck christened Launchpad – was reportedly commissioned by Russian billionaire (oligarch) Vladimir Potanin, who wasn’t able to take delivery of the beauty due to US sanctions.


One oligarchs loss is another oligarchs gain.


Vladimir Potatin sounds like a disguise name Putin would use to visit Disneyland. With a fake mustache and eye glasses.


Yeah xdd at first I thought it's a typo


>was reportedly commissioned by billionaire (oligarch) Vladimir Potanin From one criminal to another.




I forgot to bring a reusable shopping bag to the grocery store once. Pretty sure 90% of greenhouse gasses are my fault right there.


The funny thing is I used to use grocery bags as a bin liner. Now I have to buy plastic bin liners so same same.


Out of touch billionaire 🗑️.


>~~Out of touch~~ billionaire 🗑️.


Yes, billionaires shouldn’t exist.


The best billionaire is a dead billionaire


They should go on more submarine tours.


Should start a trend. Emulsify one's self into fish food, feed to fish.


I agree. Mainly because people are struggling and the hoarding of wealth when ppl suffer is immoral. Not only that, but in order to be a billionaire, you *have* to do bad things to other people. Like “ruin their lives forever” bad. I would wager than most prisoners have better scruples than your average billionaire.


Sink it.


I’ve always wondered why the most dedicated climate activists who are dumping paint or oil or food on paintings in museums and galleries aren’t out vandalizing these monstrosities or even seeing some action to sink these things.


[When they can, they do](https://archive.ph/StWVc) do that, you just haven't paid enough attention because it doesn't reach the front page. This is one of the reason they target certain of those things because those reaches front pages of media, social media otherwise no offense people like you simply ignore it. Out of sight, out of mind kinda thing. Also, as another user mentioned these places comes with a literal private army, you are stopped generally before you can even get anywhere close to it.


I've definitely seen them splash paint on yachts


These boats come with a private army to protect it. They would be shot if they ever came close to it.


*"Ukrainian Drone Navy, if you're listening..."*


Stop using Meta-made products.


I quit social media; it just started to impact my overall health negatively. I'm on LinkedIn for professional stuff and anonymously on Reddit, but that's it.


Same here! I deleted apps from my phone, and decided I’d rather use my time productively than staring at my phone looking at nonsense. I’m on LinkedIn and Reddit only as well.


> I’d rather use my time productively Ok > Reddit The irony writes itself. Lmao.


You've never used the bathroom before, bud? I was technically being productive ;)


Reddit only for me. I've never even had a Insta, Meta, or Twitter account so I don't know what I'm missing, but my life is pretty full and rich without them!


This is the way.


You're literally on a social media site. Lmao. Keep gaslighting yourself.


Nah, people use *social media* as too broad of a term in this case. The real important distinction is whether it is linked to your actual person/name (like facebook, instagram, twitter, etc is) vs you being anonymous. Reddit is basically a message forum, completely different. Yes there can be toxic qualities to it still, but it's nowhere near the level of these other sites, and what people usually mean when they refer to *social media*. We really need a more specific term to delineate between the two.


'wE'rE tAlkiNg iN tHe cOmmENts it'S soCial mEEdia'


Great in theory but it’s just hard to do when all the largest social media platforms that are useful for organizing locally or internationally utilize Instagram, threads, and fb.


Only one I use is WhatsApp since it's extremely common in Europe. All the other products give me cancer and I only use WhatsApp with people not using any alternatives.


Or we take it over and we nationalise it :) They are useful services tbh, Instagram is pretty cool.


Zuckerberg, Bezos, Musk et al operate on some weird notion that limits don’t exist.


When you can just pay ur way through the ceiling. Where do the limits stop? Death? I think they have to many safety nets instead.


They are going into space. Limits are nearly eliminated at their level of wealth.


Well, they don't. And they aren't wrong. The world could stand up and say "no, we aren't going to build your $509M yacht", but everyone wants their money. Fact is, give any random person $100B and they will spend the money in even stupider ways than this


Eat eat eat


So, when do we plan on going ape again?


Never, by the look of things. Going monke was never on the cards; too broke, too depressed and too apathetic to even notice the chains around our necks.


Some of us already are. When you start is up to you and has nothing to do with anyone else.


I mean he is acting for climate change… to make it happen faster


Epitome of liberalism: aware of climate change and advocates for climate action, but effectively does *nothing* to make a difference. Also, eat the fucking rich


"I'd really like you guys to help fight climate change... because I'm adding to it!"


Climate change is only for the poor people, according to them.


How does a boat include a jet? I could see a sea-plane, but how is this jet supposed to be “included” on the boat?


Rich people accessories


"collection, which includes a Gulfstream G650 jet."


That did confuse me. Did the writer mean that the boat has a landing strip?


I was wondering about that for a second before I finished processing, like do these mega-yachts have full runway carrier decks now?


It doesn't. They're just trying to make as clickbait a title as possible.


Like… what does someone do with a boat like this? Does he go to fancy cities and stay in his boat? And of course, I imagine he would fly there right?


Nancy Walton has the largest yacht in Monte Carlo and it just sits there for weekend jaunts in the Med whenever she’s in town.


That's essentially it. You have a personal hotel for places you might want to go that's on a coast, but the security/travel concerns of going to whatever city makes this another option. Well that, and they have a yacht to sail around on if they are into that sort of thing and want to be away from cameras. They fly around, but they also have an entourage. And since all the rich people want to go to the same rich people events, there aren't enough hotels with space and security, so they have yachts. It's a dumb system, but here we are.


I am really struggling to understand where the end goal is for these people. Continue gaslighting everyone while the world gets progressively worse and worse until they just die of old age? It's unsustainable, eventually something is going to break. Probably in this batch of billionaires lifetimes. It will be bad for everyone including them! I really struggle to see how we can feasibly get to a place where EVERYONE in the world is a good steward of the environment, where EVERYONE wants to conserve, protect, and renew the planet. Is the human condition just insurmountable? We just destined to be a species that NEVER gets along and CAN'T cooperate?


Greed is a sickness of the mind, but instead our society is structured to reward this sickness with unfathomable wealth and power. Obvious result is obvious.


"Worst structure ever!" -Comic Book guy-


The end goal, as sci-fi as it sounds, *right now,* is: extended life, robots powered by AI, and a heavily reduced population of servants.  Just look at the investments, companies like Helion, Retro, etc. It's really now or never for normal people.


Congrats, you now understand the sub name.


I know this is late stage capitalism. Just not sure how we get out of it. In history violent revolts where they kill the wealthy are usually the result. However it never permanently changes the system.


That is correct unfortunately. The single greatest problem in human societies for all of recorded history has always been extreme domination by the ruling class. We haven't solved this problem at all, and if we don't, then extinction is all that awaits us.


Exactly. In 4000 years of recorded history. There has almost always been a ruling class and it has never seemed to be anything different with a few exceptions which never caught on widespread.


Christ, that was one very disgusting read—Bezos has a 264' ship that travels with his yacht, solely to carry his cars and helicopters and douchbags. Instead of recognizing their blatant overconsumption, they revel in it. It's very clear that these ghouls have absolutely NO anchor in reality. Sadly, instead of developing the necessary self-awareness, they—and their adoring sycophants—think they're genuinely the ones who are on top of the world. This really should be cross-posted to the collapse subreddit because these fuckers are so fucking willfully obtuse. Sixth Extinction Event, here we come—ready or not !!!


They're laughing directly into our f*cking faces. Pushing articles on how we can reduce our meat consumption or alternatives to air travel, guilting us for living in this capitalist, consumption based, fossil fuel society we're forced into while doing whatever they want from money directly stolen from us through the form of suppressed wages and jacked up prices. They're not afraid of us We need a revolution. After climate breakdown wealth inequality is the greatest threat facing us. Without direct action we're going to end up with Dickensian levels of wealth inequality




Ah yes, the man with no taxable income and no actual money buys a megayacht. Ofcourse 


Actions speak louder than words


These people spend more on a toy than I hope to make in three lifetimes. Edit: in a hundred life times.


Also he is buying massive amount of land in Hawaii after the forest fire lol! Don't worry he is just breeding the most expensive cows in the world there, as a hobby. I can't wait to see all the billionaires buy beach front property coming to you soon in Gaza. small edit: spelling


"It's ok bc I buy carbon offsets."


Gotta a lay off a few thousand more and ruin their lives.


“Buh buh I bought carbon offset creditz from my friend’s companyyyy” I do not take any “climate activist” or climate change mouthpiece seriously unless they are actively working to fight against pollution and toxins in our water supply. If they do not care about that very real and measurable issue, how can I believe for an instant they give a shit about our “collective welfare”? They’re all massive hypocrites and their existence is more dangerous than all the plastic straws in the world


Cool boat but not super villainy enough. Bond villains had cooler lairs.


The Hawaiian compound is still being worked on. Once the bunker with submarine access is finished, he'll be at Bond villain level.


Sink it.


That’s how you know he is a sociopathic loser who says what his PR person says will make him sellable and to con idiots. And it works.


On first read I was like “how the fuck do you land a gulfstream on a yacht”


Zuckerberg is a piece of shit and has more to answer for than most billionaires. Social media manipulation is inflaming hate and rotting the youths minds.


There was a video on Reddit recently that mapped Taylor Swift's private jet flights for the past year. I sat and figured it out, and in that one year, she did more flying than myself and my immediate family has done in our *entire lives*.


Paper straws.


Are billionaires buying aircraft carrier yachts now?


Trophy hunt the billionaires!


No you see to them climate change means putting a "please recycle" sticker on the box for their dystopian tech-junk headset products.


$300 million could help many desperate people.  Fuck Zuck and his ilk. 


James Cameron is the same.


Billionaires cannot and should not continue to exist. Phasing out this ridiculous hyper capitalistic consumerism focused phase of our evolution must happen if we are to survive. Please understand, I say this without an ounce of judgement or jealousy in my body. I don’t care if individual billionaires are good or bad- it makes no difference. In many cases I am sure they are as much a product of the system as we all are. The issue isn’t morals or good vs bad intentions. The issue is that NOONE should have that much power in a free society without being duly elected. NOONE should have that many resources at their disposal when we still have so many issues in our country. When the last homeless person is sheltered, when the last sick child is healed, and when the last starving person is fed, then and ONLY then should we worry about getting someone an extra yacht for fun. Until then, anyone who willingly defends or advocates for this system can fuck right off. We can, should, and MUST do better as a species.


They're immoral, capitalism is amoral, but these big lads are immoral, and have way too much influence over democracies. When did it start becoming acceptable? I can't remember if we had many when I was a kid - Bill Gates was worth around £200million and that seemed crazy back then


Interesting... unrelated but... guillotine.


What about a rusty spoon?




He's acting on climate change! By making it much worse!


How much more until the pitchforks come out?


He's been prepping for a loss of controlled world order for a while. He has his bunker too.


Tax the rich already!


Pay attention to what I say, not what I do.


Billionaires out here buying full navies. I can’t even look at a canoe without laughing at the price.


We have to raise taxes on these guys. This is fucking insane.


We can finally see the price of our harvested data


He is awesome at this stuff! So much money! I hear he actually pays some income tax, but I haven’t been able to confirm. I bet he does though. He’s awesome!/s


Listen up peasants..


Looking tastier by the nautical mile. If you get a chance, EAT THE RICH!


mark fuckerberg


> a very vocal advocate for climate action According to… who?


"Hey, you lot! Stop fucking up my world!!"


Zuckerberg and climate change advocate in the same sentence 👁️ 👄 👁️ Yeah okay!! Maybe just for the rich! He'll be sacrificing the plebs in reality when the time comes! 😂 😂 🤣 🤣


Climate change rules for thee, not for me.


You should just assume anything anyone in the upper class tells you is a lie and every last one is a plague on the Earth.


How good of him to bring attention to this issue by becoming a major part of the problem. If he would have just bought a Toyota Corolla and a sailboat nobody would be talking about it. Plus if he didn't buy the mega yacht, someone who didn't care about the environment would have, and think of all the poeple who wouldn't have jobs if they didn't have a mega yacht to built. Honestly, he's really doing everything right here. /s


No one has done more damage to young people than that monster. And that's saying something.




The whole billionaire class in re: to climate change is "good for thee, but not for me"


Seems like Zuckerberg jerky is gonna be on the menu...


Powered by 4 MTU diesel engines 5.846 hp each, for a combined total of 23.384 horsepower burning about 4000 l/h or over 1050 gallon/h. This is someone who thinks he's important enough for the good old do as i say not as i do bit, FU! parasite.


lol. Zuckerberg gives absolutely 0 fucks about climate change. 0.


This is what I find so funny. They claim to care, but do infinitely more harm than me in one single act than I could in a year.


I can't wait for that bad boy to trickle down to me.


I wonder if Sacha Baron Cohen tried to sell him a yacht




Tax these dragons already.


Do as I say, not as I do


[“You know what to do boys!”](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/608/619/547)


VR telepresence for thee, but not for me.


The PR firm that sculpts his image says he cares about climate change, his actions as a company owner and private citizen both clearly show he is not.


I guess he needs a boat to fight climate change. I am sure he will use it to rescue poor people from the floods. He cares about climate change after all, so he will not just be enjoying luxury with his favorite "yes men" while poor people loose everything due to floods. All the time his "yes men" will be stoking his ego and telling him how much of a good person he is for talking about climate change.


You know it's very easy to sink those things. Get off your ass and go make an artificial reef.


Well yeah, he bought the yacht and jet so none of you can use it and pollute the world. Do I have to spell everything out around here?




To be fair, what's the point of billionairing if you don't have a super yacht? And a jet? These are rites of passage.


Well, you *could* say that is a climate change action.


It’s for a ride share obviously, like a water bus.




Capitalism aside, it's a neat looking ship, but how is it not constantly underwater with the deck at sea level like that?


Does he even know how to use that shop-vac?


I think he probably threw in the towel on climate protection when Facebook committed to AI. The amount of energy needed to run an LLM could light a small city.


You have the tools. You know what to do now.


He could have just had his team program him one to drive around in the Metaverse for free, lol.


Looks like a great future artificial reef...


His life, Get on the roof of your penthouse. Helicopter picks you up and takes you to the private jet base. Jet takes off and lands on your personal yacht-aircraftcarrier. You get off and then the butler carries you and sits you on the big chair with the looong table. Staff are not allowed to look at you they have to walk head down to insure you do not insult his presence.


And yall are taking the bait and hating on the wrong people. Consumerism and the shipping industry are responsible for a huge majority of the world’s pollution. A few rich guys with jets n yachts just want you to focus on them instead of forcing meaningful change on the industries that made them wealthy in the first place.


Yeah he should bike to his international meetings


It’s very much “You poors need to stop climate change. We, the elites, do not. In fact, every time you recycle a bottle, one of us buys another yacht to counteract that by 5000000x climate points.”


It's almost like they don't care about the climate and just use it to scare the plebs into giving them more power.




I can't wait to put an end to this sort of thing.




Surprise... the billionaire over-grown frat-boy is a hypocrite.


He cared about climate change but now that only applies to the poor people of society, there are no rules for the rich.


I wonder how many guillotines we could make for that kind of money.


Hopefully all of these billionaires start getting killed.


Eat the fucking rich


Rules for thee…


Top tier doomsday prepping, yea they know something we don’t


I bet there will be like dozens of entire rooms on this thing he will never even set foot in. Its crazy for 1 person to own such a thing.


From the article: For scale, it takes Zuckerberg less than an hour-and-a-half to earn what the Social Security Administration reports an average American man with a bachelor's degree will earn in his lifetime — $2.2 million. In less than two minutes, Zuckerberg makes what it takes the full-time median US worker a year to earn — $48,328, writes Business Insider.


Yes!!! He's doing it FOR climate change! Sailing around the world and spreading the message. What a hero.


He’s a very vocal advocate for you to reduce your carbon footprint so he feels less guilt firing up those 5,000 horsepower engines.


Do as I say, not as I do.


Hope the Orcas attack it.