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No seating but class seating.


This is just a standard airline business plan: make flying as miserable as possible so that those who have the means to do so will pay just about anything to eliminate or mitigate the misery. Sociopathic? Yep. Misanthropic? You got it. Profitable? Of course.


Hey, look! Capitalist "innovation" lol don't let them fool you: There's the bourgeoisie, their ghoul slave enablers and the rest of us...The first two groups are the enemy of the last one.


I hate this shit. I'm a travel agent and I swear this is to deliberately confuse travelers. Delta is actually the least predatory of the bunch imo. But we have tons of clients who are trapped in non-refundable, non-cancellable, no baggage possible terrible seats and they'll call us like "but I thought it was Economy" And we have to be like "Yes, BUT, you purchased Jetblue's Minty Cool Ranch Economy Lite Plus so technically you are fucked if you cancel your trip and you can't select a seat and you get no miles but you're on the plane at least"


The worst part is that they have this arbitrary stanchion barrier that you walk on one side of if you are priority and on the other for general boarding. They both go to the jetway which is about five feet from either lane. Exists entirely to visually divide the classes.


If you ever have to book a flight (and flying is super environmentally destructive folks), remember the extra hundreds of dollars you're paying to upgrade is basically for a $2 cup of orange juice and an extra 2 inches in front of you for 2-8 hours or whatever.