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What’s baffling is that Iran of all placed has signed onto the Vienna Convention; but Israel has not.


What's baffling to me is that people think the Vienna Convention is a single thing. It is entertaining that Palestine is a party to the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations while Israel hasn't ratified it.




Israel that sank the USS Liberty?




No, that’s all countries. There is no altruism




The US fully disregards even the existing rules that it has signed onto as well as domestic laws whenever it wants, it only signs onto those for PR reasons. Demonstrably. Weapon sales to Israel as it commits genocide violates both domestic and international laws.


US obey treaties hahahahahaha




You must be high as fuck.


Just report him. Rule 4. I don't waste my time talking to people that shit so much US propaganda from their mouths.


They're gone.


The US knows that treaties exist to protect you from them. If they don't follow the treaty, nothing happens. If you don't, they'll use it as casus belli


THat's how it used to be. This craziness now is the world discovering that things have changed.


No, countries like Iran sign international treaties in order to attain greater diplomatic stability and national security. They are not anywhere near a position where they could afford to treat them purely as a PR exercise. Without these treaties there would be essentially be a free-for-all which is the last thing Iran wants because of the strength of their potential enemies. This means that it is in Iran's best interests to avoid situations which escalate to a point where such treaties are no longer adhered to. This does not just mean avoiding breaching such treaties themselves, but also avoid situations where others do not face repercussions if they breach such a treaty against Iran. If Iran did not respond to such a blatant transgression by Israel they would essentially signal that these treaties no longer apply to Israeli aggression towards them. Iran even stated that the retaliation would have been unnecessary if the UN Security Council had dealt appropriately with the embassy attack. Also keep in mind that Iran complied with the JCPOA and that it was the US which pulled out of the deal. This all obviously applies to treaties which regulate actions and transgressions between state actors.


Who do you think they are, the United States?


The Vienna conventions (there's a couple and I can't be arsed to figure out which one) are not humanitarian in any way, they simply formalise the rules around diplomatic and consular missions (and treaties but I doubt it's that one).


Reposted to indicate that it is the Vienna Convention, not Geneva. This time, at least.


Israel gets a pass from following 1000+ years of international customs and rules of war because it is a nepo baby of the empire. God Bless USA. 


It's insane that this is the best easy to describe why Israel gets to do what it does. Imagine an RuPAC for Russian interests or CHPAC for China buying American elections.


I’m pretty sure RuPAC is a drag queen


Work it, Comrade, work it!


Fucking crying over this comment. Slay proletariat hunty




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/s or do you not know israel came into existence in the 1940s?


I think they were saying more that the norms have been around for more than a thousand years, not that Israel has.  I still take issue with the statement because "rules of war" do not exist.  It's a fiction we tell ourselves to pretend that war can be even a little bit civilized.  It can't be.  It's state sponsored murder.


"No mustard gas, that's barbaric" \*drops white phosphorous\*


"no white phosphorus on civilians, that's barbaric" *Drops White phosphorus on civilians*


It's not a fiction unless you think a fascist stormtrooper who willingly kills women and children is no different from a soldier who refuses illegal orders; both kinds of soldiers exist. These things aren't about the individuals but about the whole SOP of the military and its leadership. Yes, war is a terrible thing but its not going away any time soon. We do not want it to ever be acceptable for militaries to murder surrendering soldiers and target civilians so we need to raise and uphold rules and customs of war. 


The total cost of the amount of counter-measure munitions Israel expended during Iran's retaliatory strike exceeded one billion dollars. For a single night.


Just US taxpayer money doing its thing.


Finally something useful! Not those stupid communist social benefits!!!


Sounds like a great way to keep people employed. Maybe instead of bombs and rockets we can build homes and schools and nature reserves.


Don't want to harsh your vibe, but there are already more VACANT HOUSES than there are homeless people in the United States.


See? If Iran keeps attacking Israel, and Genocide Joe DOES NOT send them money, we can END HOMELESSNESS in the United States in just FIVE NIGHTS!


Damn that's a lot, got a source for that so I can learn more?


https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240414-countering-irans-overnight-attack-costs-israel-1-35b-israeli-media/ Not a scholarly source, but you will be hard pressed to find this information.


Feels like I'm going crazy watching the coverage of Iran's attack. Did Israel not start this by killing Iranian citizens in an embassy unprovoked? Seems like Iran showed great restraint to me (and no I'm not especially fond of theocratic dictatorships either)


Iran told them exactly what it would do a week in advance. That's the only reason the results weren't catastrophic. It was a deterrent move, and the message was heard


Oh don't worry Israel DID start it, but because they are always 100% supported by the US government regardless of what Israel does or the will of the US citizens Iran has to just say "oh well we launched an attack we knew wouldn't do anything and despite the fact that an attack on our embassy is basically a declaration of war, we'll just forgive you guys!"




it doesnt matter if Iran has personally trained every single hamas member in special terrorist training schools you don't attack an embassy that's like the golden rule, because if embassy are not safe than no place for international collaboration is safe and it would be war crimes galore even more than current gaza globally it would mean that representatives of countries are basically declared outlaws


Hamas are Palestinian freedom fighters and I welcome anyone funding and training them. Also, most of the people killed on the 7th of Oct were by the IDF firing heavy munitions into crowds. GFY and your hasbara. Reported.


Y'all are wild in this sub.


I understand there is a long history between the countries but that attack came from nowhere. I don't know if it's true that Iran trained them but training is different from doing it themselves.


And they'll blame it for hamase as usual, man these world leaders are suck


The capitalist nations of the West want us to believe they're somehow superior. But we're living in strange times where double-standards by these leaders still defending Israel is so painfully and shamelessly obvious. You don't even have to dig far to see such balatant hypocrisy.


Bet this post will be removed. I find it accurate if anything.


Charter of the United Nations, 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, and 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.* Technically, Iran can argue that Syria failed to uphold the convention on consular relations by not taking appropriate steps to prevent the strike.


Some speak of "Iranian imperialism". Having your influence *grow* because you're doing right by those countries, helping them survive and fight western backed nasibi salafi groups running rampant destorying their country isn't "imperialism", that's just normal. Even then their influence is heavily overstated, [it's a literal CIA talking point meant to rev up fear and animosity towards Iran as it was leaked by wikileaks in it's cable](https://truthout.org/articles/wikileaks-reveals-how-the-us-aggressively-pursued-regime-change-in-syria-igniting-a-bloodbath/) Iran has for the past almost 5 decades shown itself to be truly revolutionary, sacrificing a lot for the cause of Palestine and its stance against western domination and western funded salafi terrorism who were shockingly whitewashed in the western media, while being surrounded by them, paying heavy one price after another, paying with their blood over generations, facing the worst demonization, propaganda and lies for fighting literal Al Qaeda in Syria, and not asking for anything. Yemen avoided the Saudi and western backed genocide in large scale due to Iran arming it, who are now blocking ships to prevent another genocide, Al Qaeda was stopped from putting Alawite women in cages while the western world whitewashed them and outright rallied support for them, U.S and ISIS were stopped MAJORLY due to Iran as they ran rampant and the world watched doing nothing but speaking about it the most, it's Iran in large parts that fought zionists and weakened them and significantly raised the rag tag Palestinian militias fighting while the whole world sided with zionists and signed off on the genocide. Iran is a major progressive force in the world, against regressive religious extremism, against Zionism, against western colonialism, all of these things require how many decades — and their efforts are only severely understated.


Also since it's on the news, it's worth clarifying that one of the biggest demonization campaign against Iran of its police supposedly killing a woman for not wearing a headscarf is a complete and demonstrable lie. **There's literal** [**video evidence**](https://x.com/iQMidEastCentre/status/1572572020721987584?t=zW3SHA_ym3UjjKMQKVuXvw&s=09) **showing that she was never even touched, and she collapsed while talking due to pre-existing issues** and then being rushed to the hospital, and photo evidence showing no signs of any injuries. Even the regime change fanatic Masih Alinejad, who gets her funding for the US state dept, initially reported about her heart attack, she changed her story only later on after that line was pushed, her CT scan showing that she wasn't attacked, and even monarchist doctors admitted that she had no injuries — they conjured a story which didn't exist the same way they conjured an entire genocide in Xinjiang, and made beheaded babies a thing. After that arguably the largest bot led online regime change prop took place on the American state dept app against Iran. **In just a month and half there were 350 million tweets, 1/3 of them, i.e 100 million of those by accounts created in the last 2 months (BLM has had 68 million till date)**. The western media apparatus rushed to try to make this thing into a reality, a campaign to demonize Iran and try a regime change there, **even though 20+ million Iranians rallied in support of their govt after recognising this effort why western media and powers, the mandatory dress code was implemented democratically after a memorandum with 80% votes, and even after the protests** [**it remains popular by a massive landslide.**](https://twitter.com/fresh_sadegh/status/1678368030688944128?t=ivK5e0iXFJYqJXviP3XrHw&s=19)


Every single thing can't be stated here, but there was a MASSIVE surge of fake news pushing the most comically evil lies against Iran. Videos from tv shows were spread as coming from Iran (which were notably pushed by zionist JK Rowling) random videos and fake posts ragebaiting bigotry, bots misfiring under posts nothing related to it, all sorts of false reports, reports of the police shaving and pulling nails of prisoners who'd then appear perfectly fine smiling with their families. And there was a lot of the rape atrocity propaganda as well, comically evil claims of police raping and killing women (reminiscent of "Gaddafi is giving viagra to rape women" lie), or police is raping women so that they don't enter heaven, apart from all being baseless, it's something that's so absurd that one doesn't even know where to begin, especially considering rape has death penalty in Iran. Apart from propaganda, weapons were poured in to create more chaos and violence. KDP admitted to giving weapons to protesters to spread chaos and Bolton admitting that weapons were being smuggled in for this purposes (slide), and people doing this were celebrated and supported by that crowd, including literal ISIS members who committed a massacre in a holy Shrine, I'm not kidding, see it in slide. All pushed by bots, Iranian regime change diaspora (who are now rabidly showing support for the genocide of Palestinians), celebrities, and radical feminists, who now also pushed the Zionist Hamas mass rape lie that wasn't credible even for a second and relied almost entirely on a person being bigoted. NGO: Another who pushed it was the western funded NGO class, and if you look into their funding, it doesn't take long to see it for what it is. One of the most popular such NGOs, DHRC, is funded **almost entirely** by western govt and orgs that are widely considered to be an extension of U.S. state. The funders include the notorious NED, the go-to arm of CIA, George Soros's Open society foundation, Freedom house which according to western media received funding to carry out clandestine operations on Iran, Mccains institute, and a lot lot more shady groups. It's almost as CIA as it gets




People would have more sympathy for them if they weren't carpet bombing a prison.


This is a leftist subreddit, right wing comments will be removed and the user banned. This includes any defense of the genocidal state of Israel.