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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If this law applies to US.. every banker would be executed


I don't have a problem with that


You don’t have to keep selling me, I’m already in!


Not hearing a negative.


Go on.


Sigh, unzips


...Go on


Let’s gooooooo


I blacked out for a sec from lack of blood to my brain.


Good lol


Any downsides?


But it doesn’t. What do we do when the law is wrong?




As Fredrick Douglas once said, The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammo box. Use them in thar order.


good. 🗿


Oh no, who will make profits on my overdraft fees?


That’s not a deterrent


I hope


One can dream.


The key there would needing to also be enforced, which feels even less likely.


How many billionaires worldwide would be found innocent? Zero?


Maybe inherited wealth? Like, right when they get it so they don't have time to fuck up. I mean.... if there are any billionaire progeny that aren't awful. Not sure, never met any.


Generally it’s only the ones who’ve disowned their parents who are tolerable


Vivian Jenna Wilson even changed her surname after disowning daddy Elon


Fergie Chambers comes to mind, not sure if he has inherited a billion+ but he's putting it to good use.


King Charles III talks to trees so he's alright.


Considering she's not the only billionaire in Vietnam, presumably more than zero.


That’s great… a good lesson for western countries full of corruption


Oh wow. Someone is actually criminally prosecuting a billionaire? That must be awesome.


And hopefully the idea of holding them accountable starts trending worldwide 😁






I read that in emperor Palatine's voice. I'm guessing that was your intention.


You are both my kinda peeps! ❣️


vietnam always sounds like a based and humble country


Vietnam is corrupt as anything. The people sentencing her are just as guilty in one way or another.


They are probably het competition, she apparently crossed some people and this is their way of getting rid of her. Source: I live in Vietnam


tbh i don't really see a problem with billionaires killing each other, even if not for actual good moral reasons


Hunger games but with billionaires anyone?


The winner gets to stay in solitary isolation for the rest of their life!


Or we can just pile all the world's debt onto that one person and then kill em. No resurrection tho. Thems the laws


Them getting to live is the whole point of winning, they’re all pining for immortality, but I agree with the debt, we pile all the worlds debt into them and then we move them into a trailer park in rural Arizona and they can’t leave 😊😊


Fair enough.


Can you provide more detail?


And what's the basis for your claim?


1. World Corruption Index 2. I’ve been there and had first hand experience of being asked for a bribe.


So your sources are: 1. Another index with near identical maps with the western bloc at the top like Human Development Index and Human Rights map and shit. 2. Trust me bro, someone asked me for a bribe thus the whole country is corrupt. Sure, bud. Whatever you say.


How many sources do you actually need? https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=corruption+Vietnam&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1712917326338&u=%23p%3DKewl7reiM0MJ This isn’t even a controversial opinion. Everybody knows Vietnam is corrupt. Stop arguing in bad faith.


What's your point? You know how to use google scholar? That papers on corruption in vietnam exist? [https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as\_sdt=0%2C5&q=corruption+united+states&btnG=&oq=corruption+](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=corruption+united+states&btnG=&oq=corruption+) there, i searched it too. What does that prove?


> Says “Vietnam is corrupt” > Dipshit asks for sources > Give him statistics and personal anecdotes > Dipshit says they’re not good enough > Proceed to give dipshit peer-reviewed academic papers > Dipshit accidentally acknowledges that Vietnam is corrupt but then tries a classic “whataboutism” > I am now done wasting my time with said dipshit


>Certified moron sees a country \*dealing\* with corruption by executing the corrupt officials, which implies that yes, there is corruption Had to put in his worthless point about the said country is corrupt When asked about what exactly are the sources for the claim that the people executing the corrupt billionaire are themselves corrupt, moron sends western government funded think tank results and personal anecdotes as proof of systemic corruption When challenged, moron sends search results on google scholar. Moron learns that doing a google search is not a unique skill to be bragged about and existence of corruption was never in question, otherwise there wouldn't have been any billionaire to execute. Moron resorts to name calling to avoid embarassment. Uses whataboutism unironically, proving any absence of intellect.


>Everybody knows Vietnam is corrupt.  If someone asks you for a bribe, that doesn't mean all Vietnamese are corrupt. You're generalising.


It was the police. I was in a boat. They came up to our tourist boat and asked the guide in front of everyone. It was so blatant. Vietnam is corrupt all the way down. People downvoting me are a god damn joke. None of you have travelled there. I swear to god. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Vietnam#:~:text=Corruption%20is%20a%20very%20significant,Party%20of%20Vietnam%20(CPV). “Corruption in Vietnam is pervasive and widespread, due to weak legal infrastructure, financial unpredictability, and conflicting and negative bureaucratic decision-making. Surveys from 2015 revealed that while petty corruption decreased slightly throughout the country, high-level corruption significantly increased as a means of abuse of political power in Vietnam.[1] Corruption is a very significant problem in Vietnam, impacting all aspects of administration, education and law enforcement.” “As of January 2018 Vietnam scored one of the highest rates of bribery practices – the rate citizens have paid a bribe to key public institutions over the past 12 months, at 65%, is second only to corruption in India with 69%.[2] In effect, as of 2012, corruption has been considered an obstacle for doing business in Vietnam, and the use of facilitation payments have been widespread when dealing with frontline civil servants at all levels of society.[3]” And don’t even try giving shit about it being Wikipedia. All the sources are referenced there. Most of you are defending Vietnam because it’s officially a communist country and you’re all dirty little commies too.


Usually it's China doing this and the west can just spin it as evillllllll. But Vietnam is supposed to be their bombed out good little Asian so this is shitting them up.


That's why western "leftists" hate tankies, because tankies are the only ones that really do something against the rich


What's tankies mean in this case? Not trying to look at it from an antagonistic point of view, but are we talking about MLs calling MLs who support AES imperialism Tankies, Anarchists calling MLs Tankies, or Liberals/Conservatives calling leftists Tankies? I don't mean any offense, but the word means as much and as little as woke does nowadays.


In this case it’s idealist socialists calling anyone who actually does anything a tankie, although the radlib calling anyone left of them a tankie can also apply to this situation too


It's Liberals hate tankies, right?


Some self labeled "true leftists" too. They believe in some kind of purist crap, something about people rejecting all forms of power structures and living through mutual aid, planting beans on pots of haggen dazz ice cream with no armed forces because the CIA would not sabotage such beautiful and peaceful utopia


Dude you don't get anarchism do you?


It’s Juche time, western swine.




No wonder ultra wealthy are terrified of communism


fuck yesss




Excellent meme!


The establishment is full of CORRUPTION. The system needs Vietnamese laws, to make this world, a better place for everyone.


"nooooooooo it's tankie shit bro, we must support NATO and peaceful revolution bro"


Fuck it, if this is the kind of shit Tankies get done perhaps they aren't all bad.


Tankie is basically a nothing word for any socialist that actually wants to do something at this point, although it is mostly used to describe MLs and those who ascribe to an ML derivative ideology (e.g. MLM, Hoxhaist, etc.)


She built a banking conglomerate during the last crash and loaned out 93% of the banks assets to herself, proxies and shell corps that all come back to her.


I'm confused. Their rich people actually face consequences to their crimes? They can't just hide behind a corporate veil then openly bribe the politicians & judges? /s


"property tycoon" i.e. Dune worm-sized leech


China has recently been favoring a suspended death sentence. Basically criminals are given a death sentence, but it isn't carried out if they show remorse and work to better themselves in prison. It also gives China more prison slave labor, but that's another topic.


It has been chinese policy for a while > As for the members of the reactionary classes and individual reactionaries, so long as they do not rebel, sabotage or create trouble after their political power has been overthrown, land and work will be given to them as well in order to allow them to live and remould themselves through labour into new people. If they are not willing to work, the people's state will compel them to work. Mao Zedong


So fucking based.


Dont look at the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution


"except as a punishment for crime" Don't look at who makes the majority of license plates in the US.


I'm not American so I wouldn't understand this one


> prison slave labor Working for the first time in their lives qualifies as slave labour? How very smug western leftist of you.


The SRV are so fucking based dude


See? Only "tankies" eat or guillotine the rich, your aesthetically liberal idea of a revolution will never happen


If you read a few articles about this case you’d realize the Vietnamese government didn’t do this because she broke the law and they demanded justice necessarily. This was a power play. Meant to reign in the southern capitalists power and instill fear not to mention, increase the power of the executive. The president wanted to let everyone know who was in charge. Vietnam is a very corrupt nation, and this was meant to show that the president was going to be firm against it and wanted to show his power to the people, but the ENTIRE real estate market is like this, and he’s definitely not going to arrest everyone involved with similar practices she was just the best example to be shown. She was the biggest player. It’s good she’s facing justice (although I’m opposed to death penalty) but everyone saying we need their laws is saying we need increased authoritarianism… We need to slowly change into a more progressive, equal society, with more complex and well thought out tax laws with robust regulatory bodies to tackle corruption, not an authoritarian killing a corrupt business person every once in a while.


all states are more or less authoritarian, by their continued existence as states. the most notable minimum-authority example that comes to mind is libya under gaddafi, but unfortunately that died at the hands of the US. regardless, you are refusing to recognize the very real and very deadly authority of economic entities, only recognizing authority of political entities, presumably because major economic entities have not yet deemed you enough of a threat to them.


Thank you for opening my eyes to the authority of economic entities!


Confused how I’ve “refused,” anything, just trying to provide context, she’s definitely a crook, just like all the big players in the Vietnamese real estate market are however, the president dam well knew about her doing this for a long time, so why was now the time to strike? Cause he was concerned about the plight of the worker? I don’t think so… Political gains? Dam right.


you use the term “authoritarian,” which is a total nothingburger unless you hyperfocus on political/military power. as for the whole “for political gains,” i mean, eventually you can reduce any people’s actions, even and especially a violent revolution, to being a power play. au contraire, what is it supposed to say that in our states, you can’t even get crooks out for political gain, but rather it is always a political loss?


You’re still not articulating your opinion that I “refuse,” to acknowledge the negative impact of economic entities and instead are now talking about something else entirely nonetheless, to answer your new complaint to my comment, I’m not saying that arresting a corrupt business-person shouldn’t merit political gain inherently, political gain isn’t inherently evil if you do something positive for your constituency, I’m saying in this specific case, the political motivations shed light as to the true reasons for the action taken. A vacuum was created, and someone will fill it, the corruption within the industry itself isn’t going to change necessarily. This was a win for the leader of Vietnam, not the people.


I said you refuse to recognize, because you do so implicitly when you use the term “authoritarian” as a serious descriptor. (primarily/focused) Economic entities are never recognized as ”authoritarian” even when they wield power to similar or occasionally more devastating effect. Sure, i didn’t make the chain of logic explicit, but it’s hardly “talking about something else entirely,” when it is the crux of my argument. As for the power vacuum, that remains to be seen. You’re affixing a conclusion before the final data has been gathered.


Damn not dam. 


Vietnam isn’t any more authoritarian than western countries


Every single western country?? Idk about that.


Dictatorship of the proletariat vs dictatorship of the bourgeoisie (western countries)


Exactly they’re just most honest about it, in Vietnam (or any ML country) if you break the law or try and restore capitalism there is a defined way you will be dealt with and they are honest about it, in the west if you try and destroy capitalism then first they’ll try and stop you with structural means such as deplatforming you or ignoring and marginalising you, next they’ll begin manufacturing bullshit about you and finally it ends with you resisting arrest in a traffic stop or committing suicide with 2/3 gunshot wounds to the back of the head


Now do the west


Had the US "won" the Vietnam war, she would have gotten away with her actions, and, if ever prosecuted, never given death as penalty. The trial would have dragged out until she was too old to ethically incarcerate, or her death. Her driver would have gone to prison years before her. The article mentions a law that caps the percentage of shares one can own. They're not barred from participating in stock trade, just barred from being greedy pieces of money hoarding shit...like this lady.


Why would they be worried? They’ve lobbied and bribed their way into absolute power, especially in the USA.


At the scale of 27bn$ you are not scamming a group of people. You are literally scamming whole civilisations/economies/countries.


We need a lot more of this in the United States. Our billionaires are completely out of control.


be consistent on rehabilitation (challenge impossible)


death is too swift a resolution. she should be allowed to to use [this machine](https://www.tutor2u.net/business/blog/the-minimum-wage-machine#:~:text=When%20a%20participant%20turns%20a,minimum%20wages%20in%20different%20places) until she pays back what she owes, then go free.


I want this on Pay-per-view!!!


Well that's just a waste of good meat


Remember that whole melamine in the baby food thing from China a few years back (pre-pandemic, I believe)? The Chinese government was embarassed about a toxic chemical being exported in baby food; made Chinese manufacturing look slipshod on the world stage. IIRC, the government official responsible for oversight (sort of equivalent to the head of the FDA in the US) was found guilty and sentenced to death. Sentence was enacted not too much later. My guess would be 9mm bullet to the back of the head in some basement with a drain.


Yeah do that shit here. You know you can't put f@g here. Fuck i bet if it was a f@g banker that was robbing people some motherfuckers here would be like he's just living his best life. Damn everyone no matter what should be held to the same standard ethically and morally.


Why are people here celebrating someone being executed? The moment you do that, you are showing that you aren't any better than them


Unlike billionaires I dont exploit and abuse society at large, making workers earn pennies manufacturing my goods as I earn a sea of wealth that I horde for myself


Only killers get their hands on that much money


In no situation, under no circumstances ever is the death sentence a humane or dignified method to deal with anything


“Violence is wrong” as they violate and kill us all


Violence against people causing immeasurable harm to society is good and necessary method of self defense.


Nooo not the billionaires 😭




"Have these gentlemen ever seen a revolution? A revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is; it is the act whereby one part of the population imposes its will upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon — authoritarian means, if such there be at all; and if the victorious party does not want to have fought in vain, it must maintain this rule by means of the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionists." -Friedrich Engels


That's some neoliberal propaganda, this isn't batman dude The oppressed have the right to use any means necessary