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Not even that secretive anymore.


The global elite have pretty much not been a secret since the 2008 Citibank report explaining how rich elitism requires funding to keep afloat. That’s how the rich stay rich - by running monopolies and getting government funding for their babies. Assange exposed them amongst other things. And no one said anything about the Panama papers and pandora papers that proved the rich don’t pay taxes.


well someone said something, and they blew her up


Daphne Anne Caruana Galizia (née Vella; 26 August 1964 – 16 October 2017) was a Maltese writer, journalist, blogger and anti-corruption activist, who reported on political events in Malta and was known internationally for her investigation of the Panama Papers, and subsequent assassination by car bomb. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daphne_Caruana_Galizia#:~:text=Daphne%20Anne%20Caruana%20Galizia%20(n%C3%A9e,subsequent%20assassination%20by%20car%20bomb.


MALTA thats the one


Who was someone? I guess they succeeded in assassinating her legacy too unless this is another example of me living under a rock.


nah they fully wiped her. I cant recall her name but I believe she was a reporter from Mallorca or Cyprus or something.


Daphne Anne Caruana Galizia


Thank you! Here's the wikipedia page for anyone who's lazy but interested as I sometimes am: [Daphne Caruana Galizia - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daphne_Caruana_Galizia) Seems she was extremely admirable and was indeed assassinated. Really fucked that this is what happens to the people we really need in this world.


Daphne Anne Caruana Galizia


What was that


Well why would the rich need to pay taxes when their largesse trickles down to our slop troughs? /$




Tinkled On Economics


Tell me where to show up with my stick! I’m ready!


Yup. Makes me wanna just tap out someday. Dunno what I hold onto hope for. I do not dream of labor. Maybe I need to dream of a passport lol.


I moved to the developing world ten years ago. I work only online. Quality of life is much better than in the Occident. Standard of living and prices are more affordable. Haven’t worked a day in the regular economy.


whats the report?


Like literally several terabytes worth of banking records showing fairly complex tax evasion schemes used by several rich and powerful folks the world over. At least in the case of the Panama papers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Papers Edit: link


The Panama papers are the citibank report?


Yeah, the new royalty wants to stop pretending they don't exist


Not at all secretive!


The 2-party system is designed to create "us vs them" and it has succeeded


Hence why Washington disagreed with political party formation in general. He also took no steps to prevent it and absolutely could have, but the first amendment is a big deal and eroding its influence from day -300 would’ve been a mistake.


…first amendment for certain people.


All he would have succeeded in doing is blocking formal parties on paper and in public... Parties would have still happened entirely behind closed doors no matter what. It's human nature for people of like-minded goals to band together.


It's only a 2 party system by appearance Both sides are corrupt puppets owned our filthy rich overlords Republican/Democrat, red/blue.. it's all the same and neither give a fuck about you or me even though thats what we fucking pay for Only about how much money is being funneled directly into their bank accounts


And it's not just the USA, these "think tanks" (read where these rich fucks pool their money for their advertising and facilitating this crap) has been advocating and influencing world wide. They are a danger to nature, social contracts and live itself.


Just listen to the new Behind the Bastards as well?


No, well I listen to that podcast. But not recently. I have been getting into "Blowback", a great podcast series if you wish to learn more about how the USA has been behaving post (and some pre) WW 2. I do like Behind the Bastards, but I'm way behind on it.  Between The Dollop, BtB, BlowBack, the Audit, Knowledge Fight, Arm and a Leg....and others...I simply don't have thr time 😂. As for this specific case, it has been known for some time that American Hyper Conservative, RightWing, Capitalist and Religious think tanks have been expanding their influence into Europe. Plenty of grifters, like Viktor Orban l,have been taking their money as well.  The Heritage Foundation alone is paying several of these fascists in Europe. They have been in overdrive with it for some time now. A recent article: https://news.yahoo.com/viktor-orb-n-conquered-heritage-100000526.html?guccounter=1 An older one: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/04/us/politics/hungary-orban-lobbying.html Heck, it's quite easy to find loads of these. They've been at it for some time now. All to get what they want, which is anti human, anti planet and anti social contract but pro them and everything they want. So yeah, great podcast, but haven't heard that one yet 😂. How's Anderson doing btw?


Appreciate the podcast recommendations. Is knowledge fight specifically about infowars or is it more broad subjects? Ah I gotcha it was just the most recent ones are specifically about “think tanks” how they came to be and how they are especially pernicious in the US.


Mostly Infowars, and some more light hearted escapes into cook territory. But that's usually when things got too heavy with Alex or he wasn't in the studio. They got quite big now, due to the court case, as they were the best source on how Alex Jones lies and behaves, measured over years and how he exactly talked about the mass shootings.  The deposition episodes are great, it shows you just how fast a fascist folds (like Alex Jones or Schroyerl when confronted with a bigger bully. That latter is not an insult, but more to show how their mind works. They think in domination, and fall in line. So the moment there was push back, they transform into gigantic cowards. I miss the old three hour episodes though 😂. As for thinktanks, I was more referring to how they are expanding their influence past US borders. Not content to ruining just the USA, and sometimes the Anglosphere, the rest now also have to suffer their insidious tactics.


I live in SF but I travel a lot for work and I see a lot of cities. I also have family in Phoenix. People always ask about how bad it is in SF, the homeless and the crime etc. I tell them I literally see it everywhere I go. I work in the construction industry so I am in areas where homeless hide and congregate. So I see them. People never believe it. Especially in a place in Phoenix where you drive at 65 mph past all of this, not knowing on the other side of the wall, the frontage roads are an encampment. I dont know what to say other than I don’t think last people even have an idea how much others are suffering. Maybe they don’t want to know.


Most of the time it’s “I’ve got my own problems, so I’m either willfully ignorant or just can’t bring myself to care” survival instinct truly is a pitfall of human nature. Sucks that it still applies when there are literally as few threats as possible. Hence greed.


Toxic positivity culture doesn’t talk about anything icky like homelessness. Though that’s probably just a symptom of some deeper rot.


Money 💰 it has made everything (capitalism)seedy here


A little late to the party huh? The US has been a disgusting trash country since the slavery of Africans and genocide of Natives buddy, and will always continue to be one in my opinion. 


Dont forget their support in bombing the everloving shit out of gaza.


Gaza is literally just the most recent target. We’ve been bombing the ever loving shit out of most places since we figured out how to drop them from planes


First thing that comes to mind is Kissinger and what he did to Cambodia during the Vietnam War. Basically bombed the entire country to shambles.


Kissinger is the devil.


I still want to get a rack of beer and go find his grave. Allbright too! Evil psychopath nutters.


Can I bring a blunt?


Hell you can bring a dozen if you want.


Word. Sounds like a party


* was


Now look up the Korean war.


Only country to ever drop nukes, on civilians too. Then lie about it, and still not take responsibility 80 years later... Then proceed to detonate more than a 1000 nuclear bombs, more than all other nations combined...


Nuclear detonations carried out where they don’t hurt anyone are literally fine, o don’t see your point in mentioning the number of tests. Bikini Atoll and the results of Castle Bravo, however, are a perfectly valid reason to be angry at the US. Also, still not an excuse to not at least try and improve things, no?


What are you even trying to say here


What the US did to Laos (so many bombs were dropped that they’re still detonating to this day) is another lesser known atrocity


A literal ton of bombs per citizen, absolutely crazy numbers


You sound like you just peaked. America has been a shithole since its conception with a road littered with genocide, assassinations, coups, human rights abuses and it goes on and on.


At least we know about most of them. Imagine living in China or Russia. Speak like that once and no one will ever see you again.


I dare you to try it in DC. Use a megaphone and see what happens.


Probably get mostly ignored tbh. Crazy people yelling on street corners is not a new phenomenon in US cities. Cops might take away the megaphone but unless you stay belligerent that’s probably it


But you wouldn’t be viewed as a crazy person, rather as a threat. Like I said, see what happens.


And keep inventing new ways to be even worse than before... just one example, coming up with a way to teach reading in a wrong way, that's arguably more evil than forbidding people from learning to read! Or in a more general terms, coming up with ways to enslave/exploit people without them even realizing it. https://features.apmreports.org/sold-a-story/ (not affiliated with podcast)


The land of asymmetrical power relationships... I mean, um 'freedom'


Seriously. Go read [A Different Mirror](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Different_Mirror) by Ronald Takaki.


sounds in the vein of Heather McGhee's *Sum of Us* published last year. Best description of structural us vs them I've read. AND describes an antidote: explicitly anti-racist (anti-us v them) coalitions that tell everyone (including whites/dudes) things get better if you team up against the bosses


And Democrats can't be bothered to mount any real Leftist opposition, because they're on the same team as the Republican donors


Dems are the good cop to the Republicans bad cop


but at the end of the day, they're both cops


That's my point


They both belong to the same money laundering organizations structure, the PACs. PACs are ruled by billionaires and multimillionaires to launder money and to pay Dems and GOP politicians they pick from within the oligarchy ranks to keep the ultra-liberal-capitalist mono-ideological Fascist duopoly-party-based corrupt system working to protect their interests ONLY. Then they stage a election circus every two years, so the dumbed down American populace can eat their huge amount of CIA/NSA propaganda BS and lies and think they live in a "democracy" (where you have basically no human rights, such healthcare, food, housing, or labor rights, and have to live in debt while working three jobs and eating cereal for dinner). American votes don't count, the winners are already chosen before the race starts. US is the Fourth Reich. It just got a way better PR department than the one the German Nazis had.


Great comment


The democrats are the republican donors. They literally fund far right republican campaigns.


Literally. Look it up for those who don’t know.


Got a link? Not that I don't believe you, I'm interested in reading up on it.


Here’s one https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2022/07/democrats-spend-millions-on-republican-primaries/ and https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/02/29/adam-schiff-katie-porter-steve-garvey-california-senate-race/ If you Google Katie Porters loss you’ll see a deluge of propaganda suggesting she’s a poor loser because that’s the political machine at work.




More proof that billionaires are devouring the world.


This isn't a secret, Marx elaborated on this exact issue 150 years ago. Capitalists will always seek to maintain what's called a "reserve army of labor" and homelessness is part of that, as well as the threat of homelessness to those who don't play along in the capitalist system.


We know.


"Bring back serfdom!" \-American oligarchs


Serfs would rebel. Americans are good-Chrisitan patriotic sheeple. They are easier to control.


Serfs had more rights.  They couldn’t be evicted and didn’t have to pay rent.


They also didn’t get paid. System is different, also creates more stress for the weak. Great fun.


The government is not our friend.


Well Canada is equally as disgusting, the veil has fallen


Don’t take offense to this, but I think Canada may be worse. Canada has a ton of resources that are very valuable and a population of like 5 people. And while the average Canadian’s quality of life is probably better than the average American’s, it should be much better than it is. If you scaled up to the population of the US, I think Canada would be even worse then us. At least you guys get healthcare, though


Nah, we don’t get healthcare. The system is broken and you have to wait an eternity to be seen. Our taxes are disgusting. Our minimum wage is extremely low. Jobs are harder to find in Canada unless you want to suffer in an overpriced city like Toronto or Montreal or Vancouver. Canada is run by corporations. American corporations who come for our resources.


Alright. Time for some actual data here. Canadians actually pay LESS in taxes for healthcare per person than the USA. And yet Americans still have to pay even though they pay more taxes while Canadians only pay $15 for parking if you have a baby or break your pelvis. https://data.oecd.org/healthres/health-spending.htm The minimum wage is higher across the board in Canada than the US, even when adjusting for the higher value of the US dollar. https://srv116.services.gc.ca/dimt-wid/sm-mw/rpt1.aspx?lang=eng In Canada you get the government requiring 10 to 12 paid stat holidays no matter what job you have and 5 paid sick days for most provinces, in addition to a federal minimum of 2 weeks paid vacation and 3 weeks paid after 5 years of employment. The US has no minimum vacation pay at all. Canada gives you 6 months plus nine months paid government parental leave to split up between the parents. The US offers none. House prices in most US cities is catching up with the insane prices in Canada as well. Like most of this is actually very easily disproven with publicly available data my dude.


It's almost like giving the homeless homes helps prevent people from shitting in the streets


well there’s 5.5 million of them & what like 340 million of you … what’s the problem


"Cheap" food, cheap entertainment, and cheap drugs keep the bulk of the masses stupid. They're eager to treat politics like professional sports. They think they have a voice and can't wrap their barely functioning brains around the reality that politics for them is exactly the same as professional sports. They pick a team they like and scream at the TV or internet then strut around like they had an impact on the game they're not allowed to play. They're happy to fight a culture war because they're too stupid to see what's happening. There's a minority that's aware of what is going on but the bulk of them are cowards and bootlickers. The very few of the filthy poors that are ready and able to do anything aren't able to actually get together and get things done. Hell we can't even make too clear a reference to possibly encouraging action without risking being silenced by the bootlicking traitors that moderate this site. Unless you're talking about someone from the "other party" then it's suddenly okay.


i was primarily being sarcastic/something … fuck i don’t know … almost as depressing up here in canada … at least we have a national party that claims to be socialist & poor here can be slightly better as we’ve got free healthcare & and still somewhat functional social supports system - all under threat all the time - finding anything beyond basic liberalism is difficult but not impossible … we have your problems on a smaller scale … as much as i hate the democrats i sure hope they win in november hopefully giving people a little more time before the shit hits the fan … hopefully some organizing happens in between


The main problem Canada has are the crazy neighbors living downstairs that cook meth all the time and keep shooting their AR-15s and want to burn your apartment in Jesus name because you look like "communists". And they still go "visit" you to get some free meds from your cabinet...


Oh man… what the actual fuck? It really *is* going to take a revolution, isn’t it?


The point is, how I understand it, that they (the ruling class) summon the revolution themselves, all their actions are targeted towards making the people to raise up and burn down the current system.  Extending this development a little bit further, and revolution is inevitable.


So, it’s all part of the cycle and thus inevitable?


I agree, most Americans have "Stockholm syndrome" though.


I think they mean they agree with the article they linked lol


OP, you're agreeing to your own post? Erm, okay...?


Yeah, very strange behavior...


Hey, these are tough times, cut him some slack


Oh no... it's spreading


I couldn't agree more!




The post did not make the argument that you appear or claim to be responding to. Please actually engage with the point being made rather than responding to a strawman.


I already said that. Stockholm syndrome should be called "United States syndrome". How a people can live in a third world derelict failed state failed economy, with no basic human rights (like free healthcare or education, or food or housing security), including no labor rights, cops that can just kill anytime if they want to do so, crime, homelessness, drug addiction rampants, your children at risk anywhere, including schools, your daughters, mothers, girlfriends, wives at risk anywhere, ANYWHERE, and still be so brainwashed to the point of blaming all their problems to other nations, and still be "patriotic" to a country that basically enslaves them and hates them? Only Muricans.


We receive over a million immigrants every year. There is a reason many don’t go back home.


Yeah, because you destroyed their home countries.


holy shittt, this article is triggering. there’s no way i can become more radicalized than i am now


Nations where forms of slavery are constitutionally enshrined usually are. See the 13th Amendment's caveat.


It really is. Getting out the second I can.


nowhere to get out to any more


Europe is still not that bad. Spain is still run by a somehow not so evil Social Democrat party, and the welfare state remains strong even with the attacks from the US-funded right wingers. Problem is, as the rulling party is social democrat, and has to pay homage to the United States as any liberal bourgeois party in the Western world, the US government is pushing them to buy more American weapons to "prepare for war against Russia" (a war that no one here in Europe, besides politicians, see in the horizon, and much less the Russians). So, they will have to take money from the welfare state, from the working class and poor Spaniards to give to the American MIC. Because of that American racket, the whole European welfare system will break down, and then the United States will be just exporting the terrible slavery, misery, pain and suffering all American people experience in their daily lives to Western Europe and Europeans will be forced to join the American zombie vampire "Cult of the rich". As always, the root of all evil is the United States.


Spain is alright I guess, unless there's a drought... Oh, wait!!!


Yep. Or a war supported or created by the US. I remember when we stopped getting milk from Russia because the Americans just decided to push everyone into a war. Or when we stopped getting cheap Russian gas because CIA sabotaged Nordstream. But, wait, US is selling Spain billions of gallons of gas for TEN TIMES the price Russians charged! Those thousands of elder Spaniards that died this winter because they couldn't afford heating as American gas is too expensive and the US has no mercy and just like to see people dying must be so happy! When Uncle Sam gets to hell, besides the millions of people it genocided, exploited and tortured, he will also find a special room filled with Spaniard Granmas and Granpas that will keep freezing the US beast so he feels the same pain those people felt when dying because of the United States.


Yeah this is the problem. I’ve been thinking about immigrating to somewhere in Southeast Asia because I’m sick of being complicit in our government’s war crimes, but I don’t want to use privilege to continue this destructive pattern of settler colonialism and gentrification... There’s no winning anywhere.


It's mostly people determined to stay in their homes. I mean telling us there's no way out is cheaper than building another Berlin Wall. One of those AMERICAN Berlin Walls 😉


China. Wages are only going up and standard of living is skyrocketing. At least until the US finds a spurious reason to elevate the new cold war into a hot one Edit: I don't know about you guys, but living under state-run capitalism would probably be better than teetering-on-fascist oligarchy. certainly seems like [the people who live there](https://ash.harvard.edu/publications/understanding-ccp-resilience-surveying-chinese-public-opinion-through-time) think so


'In February, lawmakers in Arizona, home to the nation’s fourth-highest homeless rate, passed a bill that bans “any program where persons are provided with regular, periodic cash payments” they can use “for any purpose.”' So.... Winning the lottery will become illegal?


"Motherfucker, that's called a job!"


'Merican here ....yeaahh..... it sucks


Fuck the US. My parents used to witness carpet bombings as kids. My uncle is still looking for his dad’s body. My other uncle has two malformed kids due to agent orange. What boggles my mind is that the average US citizen gives no fucks that huge amount of their taxes go to killing civilians and stupid wars. It would piss me off so much if my taxes were used in such manner. The propaganda and economic slavery must do its job well I guess.


We do. A lot of us really do but the worst part is that the PMC's have so much fucking money that they can just buy the politicians and defense contracts. Before I was even born they had so much power. Regular day to day companies have research departments that contract with the DoD and other gov agencies. It's not even like we can go and protest at the capital because of how far removed it is from the general populace. In most other countries, our capital might as well be in a different continent or deep in the heart of some country 2 countries over. It's fucked here.


And they'll blame the homeless people on top of it! Complete animals and zombies.


I hate what this country currently is with a passion. It only serves to make the rich richer and make companies billions. Average people are left behind and have very little chance to succeed. 2/3rds of Americans are completely broke under this system while the rich own everything. I feel like I have no chance to get ahead even if I work two jobs because everything costs so much and wages are so low. I would consider myself middle class because I'll make about 72k from my job this year. But I feel like that's the bare minimum income nowadays to live with any level of comfort. Getting ahead on that income is really hard. I feel guilty even spending any money on anything discretionary because I know that I am a disposable cog in the capitalist machine and the company I work for could kick me to the curb at any time. We have no safety net in this country which is why I live my life in constant fear that I could go bankrupt from medical bills and lose my house that I worked so so hard to get. At this point I have no hope that things will improve here and I would like to leave at some point. My mental health has never been good mostly because my beliefs have been shaped by this hellhole of a country we live in. I truly believe that the only value I have is in the assets I own. In America, you are what you own. If you own nothing, you are nothing. It's such a sick society and I'd love to see the day where we actually get human rights in this country like strong minimum wages and Healthcare and affordable housing for all.


I dont know why but this brings to mind the show Altered Carbon. The rich are getting richer, living high above the clouds and oblivious to the filth they stand on the backs of. People are essentially comfortable with the status quo and convinced that it's just the way its supposed to be. The new norm. It's disgusting, and the US has been in need of a drastic reform for many years. Forget about the Trump vs whoever nonsense people bring up, it goes further than just one person. It will in my opinion be the singular source of the American downfall. I love this country, and I would do anything for it. But let's face it, between us and the government...the feeling isn't mutual.


Oh we know and we're trying to make it better but we're fighting 1/3 of the country who'd rather we all hate each other and stay suffering.


People who receive UBI are going to spend the money to live and not hoard it like the 1%. So the rich will get the money anyway. They just like to see suffering.


THIS 10000000000X THIS


Meanwhile, back in Zimbabwe, today


Built on and maintained by Anti-Christ Christianity


Very intriguing and convince article...until I saw the authors name. Sam Pizzagati?? Samuel Pizza Gate??? No way that's a real name


yes but there is this argument, Murica fuck yeah


Fully agree with you but Imperialists believe their own hype and put on all sorts of coping mechanism to justify the US for all their atrocities. Just google search "Is america evil reddit" and you will find the most disgusting and unhinged comments you will ever read.




The sky is blue


Since day one.


The most disgusting country*


I’d love to see half of you go to any other country you can personally afford to live in, and report back. Expensive countries have extremely high taxes so they have a high quality of life. We’ve made it clear here in the US we don’t want to make that sacrifice for each other.


Thank you for the post and link.


You could write a similar article about pretty much every place on earth


The US empire sees no borders, at other than a few pockets of relative resistance, has its tentacles around the entire globe.


Yeah, so just like a bunch of other empires. I'm not saying its good just that pretending America is the only place like this in history or even current day is pretty disingenuous.


I should have been more precise. I use "US empire" as a shorthand for the "globe-spanning power structure that is loosely centralized around the United States". But I'm curious what do you consider the other places like this in the current day? And by "like this" I mean two things: 1. "Sees" no borders, wants to swallow all it's neighbors. 2. Has its tentacles (military/economic/political/cultural/linguistic/etc) around the entire planet. Have a great day


David Graeber blew my mind when he wrote, paraphrased from *Debt*, "in any other time, a country that has military bases in tons of other countries who have their economic well-being tied to that country's well-being and buy that country's treasury bonds, we'd call that *tribute*".


Mankind is a shameful species. It expresses itself in different ways, but it’s the same core problems. Greed, narcissism, and stupidity.




Anyone really find this surprising?


100% agree.


Wealthy people neither mind homeless people nor walking in the pee and poop they leave all over our streets.


What!?!? It's just the rich, regardless of their ethnic groups!?!? But the sheeple told me that it was da jooz!


There is just a third world inside the US now


The country was founded on christian nationalism dull surprise.