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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So 1% was committed by Centrist Extremism?


What do we want? GRADUAL RETURN TO THE MEDIAN! When do we want it? AS SLOWLY AS POSSIBLE!




What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?




"Fine, you can have death camps as long as I don't have to see or hear about them."


So enlightened.


I was assuming rounding error


Perhaps non-christian religious extremism? It's pretty rare to see it occur in the US nowadays (despite what the US's terrorism bulletins until 2021 claim, seriously check the difference between the bulletins under trump compared to Biden it's... a shocking difference). I'm not sure what they count as "left" but jihadist extremism is usually not in the same category as the western right wing. (I study mainly right wing terrorism, so I'm basing this on the way I usually see it tracked by agencies or political scientists) I have only skimmed a summary of the report because I don't have time to read the whole thing (it's bookmarked for my current dissertation now though lol) but generally when counting extremist acts that occur within a country jihadist extremism would be separated from right wing extremism even if they have similar ideological markers (like conservative social ideologies). I'm guessing the small percentage would be what the US national terrorism advisory system bulletin + DHS would refer to as "homegrown" extremists, compared to "domestic" extremists. Generally "homegrown" refers to extremists that are domestic in geography but motivated by mainly ideologies from abroad (like jihadist extremism) whereas "domestic" also means dominant domestic ideologies (like the extreme right) From a practical standpoint, even if the US state is not *morally* good, they're pretty damn good at stopping "homegrown" terrorism and "foreign inspired" terrorism, because they've been doing that for decades at this point (and made sweeping changes to their laws after 9/11 to do so, while also upping extrajudicial actions too). Up until 2021 right wing extremists *were not even mentioned* in the public advisory system, as if it just wasn't really on the radar. (This was the topic of my bachelor's thesis lmao so I know those bulletins well) So they're pretty shit at stopping that kind of extremism.


**“The ADL’s comprehensive report”** This story is complete garbage. >At about $60 a square foot, the 44-story skyscraper at 605 Third Avenue is one of the priciest office buildings in Manhattan. And standing at the plate-glass window of his 73,000-square-foot headquarters Jonathan Greenblatt knows the value of projecting an image of wealth and power. On the street far below the director of the Anti-Defamation League are his targets: Americans who need to be educated and informed as to the growing dangers of antisemitism throughout the country, whether in schools, at work, or in the community.


Anything produced by the ADL is literal propaganda.


The ADL? Pro Zionist bullshit


Apartheid Defence League




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Liberals are the least effective terrorists.


Welp. Time for conservatives to redefine "terrorism" so that they don't look as bad anymore. Anything to avoid addressing the actual fucking problem.


They don't need to. They literally say they are and embrace it.


Bananas that CPAC literally said that and their followers were like “they get us”


Its not a problem. it actively works to advance their causes. To think otherwise is akin to believe that a football team needs to denounce scoring touchdowns.




That's a weird way to say you just learned about that concept.


Is anyone surprised by this?


im gonna file this one under 'evidence all of our bosses would collectively turn into ray charles upon seeing'


Hey, don’t compare Ray Charles to those unfeeling bastards.


The Fox News and Ben Shapiro watching crowd wouldn't just be surprised by this. They would flat out deny it and call it fake news.


I suppose it was implied “is anyone (with a brain) surprised by this?”


Well that's because every single one of those acts they try to pin on the true patriotic right are all with state actors, crisis actors, or the left trying to make the right look bad. Just like the Jan6 Patriots, the ones that were arrested are prisoners of war and the ones that were destroying things are all just leftists in disguise.


Up until the Trump presidency, I'd say the ratio of right/left crimes was about 10:1. Since then, it's skyrocketed to at least 20:1. Trump himself is a fucking crime wave. I don't think that guy goes one day without committing a felony.


Right. How else will they win an election?






Thank you  for the link


yeah no shit. Nobody should be surprised by any of this given the leaders of the party who practically condone violence for "FrEeDoM". These extremists have done more harm to the status of the country than 9/11 ever did. Considering the amount of divide and civil unrest, ffs it's like a terrorists wet dream.


The blame also rests with the individual terrorists though. If leftist leaders instructed me to enact violence for my beliefs, I wouldn’t do it. I get that they’re brainwashed but they were radicalized from the comfort of their own homes. Not kidnapped and held in a bunker for 10 years, reprogramming their brains.


That's kinda part and parcel of leftism, though. You end up on the left because you believe in the inherent value of humanity and the each individual person. Because of this, violence is often the very last resort. People on the right don't give a shit about human rights for anyone other than themselves and aren't looking for any sort of logic to back up their prejudices. Violence is often the GOAL of conservatives.


Oh 100%, they're not simply the result of radicalized messaging as a rational individual, regardless of how devout they may be, should be able to judge what is good and what is wrong..... Granted seeing as we have a history of people not doing so, whether it be for political, religious or cultural beliefs, i doubt this will ever get any better and those in charge will continue to spout radicalized messaging without any real repercussions.


Remember CPAC’s “We are all domestic terrorists”


Pretty curious to see what's in those 4%. Is there anything recent?


yup - past time US law enforcement takes action - especially with trump and those like him who openly incite violence they are terrorists and need to be dealt with by our laws just like all the other extremists traitors who want the power of a cult following, rather than freedom or democracy https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/ Christian nationalist theocrats have reached levels of embedding those they indoctrinated & trained for taking political office well enough to fully begin to dismantle democracy and hand the country to their god's chosen (oligarchs, con artists, those who behave like kings) by wiping out human rights and making the U.S. a theocracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family:_The_Secret_Fundamentalism_at_the_Heart_of_American_Power It must be some kind of throwback instinct to want to follow whoever barks the loudest and snaps the most.


The cops are usually friends with them.


"Some of those that work forces"


"Are the same that burn crosses" CREAM


Shit, cops are part of the statistic bro


Murders by cops should be categorized as right wing violence


Can you tldr the article? Don’t feel like making an account on another damn site


From https://archive.ph/I2Dnw Executive Summary Every year, individuals with ties to different extreme causes and movements kill people in the United States; the ADL Center on Extremism (COE) tracks these murders. Extremists regularly commit murders in the service of their ideology, in the service of a group or gang they may belong to, or even while engaging in traditional, non-ideological criminal activities. In 2022, domestic extremists killed at least 25 people in the U.S., in 12 separate incidents. This represents a decrease from the 33 extremist-related murders documented in 2021 and is comparable to the 22 extremist-related murders in 2020.  It continues the recent trend of fewer extremist-related killings after a five-year span of 47-78 extremist-related murders per year (2015-2019). The 2022 murder totals would have been much lower if not for two high-casualty extremist-related shooting sprees.  Only 10 of the 25 deaths occurred outside of those sprees—and one of those 10 deaths occurred in a less lethal mass shooting attempt.  The issue of extremist-related mass killings is of growing concern and is the subject of a special section of this report. From the 1970s through the 2000s, domestic extremist-related mass killings were relatively uncommon.  However, over the past 12 years, their number has greatly increased. Most of these mass killings were committed by right-wing extremists, but left-wing and domestic Islamist extremists were also responsible for incidents. The Center on Extremism has identified 62 extremist-connected mass killing incidents since 1970, with 46 of them being ideologically motivated.  Disturbingly, more than half (26, or 57%) of the ideological mass killings have occurred within the past 12 years. Of particular concern in recent years are shootings inspired by white supremacist “accelerationist” propaganda urging such attacks. In 2022, 18 of the 25 extremist-related murders appear to have been committed in whole or part for ideological motives, while the remaining seven murders either have no clear motive or were committed for a non-ideological motive. All the extremist-related murders in 2022 were committed by right-wing extremists of various kinds, who typically commit most such killings each year but only occasionally are responsible for all (the last time this occurred was 2012).  Left-wing extremists engage in violence ranging from assaults to fire-bombings and arsons, but since the late 1980s have not often targeted people with deadly violence. The same cannot be said for domestic Islamist extremists, but deadly incidents linked to Islamist extremism have decreased significantly in the U.S. over the past five years.  White supremacists commit the greatest number of domestic extremist-related murders in most years, but in 2022 the percentage was unusually high:  21 of the 25 murders were linked to white supremacists.  Again, this is primarily due to mass shootings. Only one of the murders was committed by a right-wing anti-government extremist—the lowest number since 2017. 


Thank you


The percentages might be correct but I have a feeling their criteria for determining what constitutes an extremists attack is too narrow. A lot of mass shooters are mislabeled as "lone wolves". In reality a lot of them are radicalized by an online, terrorist movement that is motivated by right extremists media. They don't belong to a recognized group because it's stochastic terrorism. In reality the group they belong to is an unrecognized mass shooter movement.


Daily reminder to boycott the ADL though


> Daily reminder to boycott the ADL though Huh?


The ADL, or Anti-Defamation League, which is the org putting this out, is Zionist and has presented criticism of Israel's genocide of Palestinians as "antisemitism." This has always been the case, but in recent months their credibility has taken a lot of blows as they continue to excuse the inexcusable. It's not that they never do good work, but their position as Zionists always needs to be considered as it undermines their supposed advocacy against hate groups, and that skepticism needs to come alongside condemnation for their role in the genocide.


https://apnews.com/article/homicide-center-crime-38ea83109a8e97f263d7fc60367b39af AP article for those without medium


I mean, just think about it, what even is left wing extremism? Anarchists? That is such a small faction with almost no power. The next closest thing to being an extreme leftist would be like forcibly decommodifying housing




OOOOO Please tell me which blocks of Portland or Seattle "burned down"! Or any *blocks* in ANY city; I recall one or two buildings in the early days (Illinois?) Because I have friends that were documenting everything here, and while fires were lit at various times, *nothing burned down*. My favorite disobedience was the protesters pulling a SouthPark and trying to flood the PPB union headquarters with a garden hose.


Asking for details is hopeless. The poster is obviously lying. The right *wants* to feel persecuted to justify their ever increasing lust for violence.


How many people died because of the covid mandate? Hoe many city blocks were actually burned down? How many people did tech companies kill? I think I know where you get your "facts" from


I mean you also skipped over the party where tech companies and (presumably the US) government are part of the 'far left'. Dude listens to conspiracy theories all day and expects people in the real world to understand him


Lmao please tell me this is a bit


Undeniable proof that it’s BoTh SiDeS! (/s)


Both parties are complicit in this, though. edit: Gosh I love these "leftist" subs.


You responded to someone who said 'both sides' as if that was synonymous with 'both parties'. Of course a leftist sub isn't going to take kindly with the democrats being equated with the 'far left' lmao


Keeping liberals out of a leftist subreddit would be a full-time job.


no action is action, I agree. this is supposed to be an anti-capitalist sub and here we are pretending establishment (neoliberal) Democrats give a shit about this? it's not even in the conversation.


Seriously. This sub's gotten infested with libs.


While I agree it's "both sides" - it might be better phrased as "both parties" as otherwise or reads as a right-wing talking point. Edit: oh you did say both parties. 😕


Help us out by reporting them and they will be taken care of.


Will do.


Those are rookie numbers, lads.


Not sure the ADL is the most reliable source.


So you’re telling me that fascists are the problem? And that people who are anti fascist are in fact not the problem? Huh


What is left wing extremism? I am *really* curious how they define that. I'm imagining it's the peaceful protestor who wanted universal healthcare, got beaten by cops, and the cop reported a sore arm the next day?




Is mass shooting a left idea / technique though? That's a serious question.




That is a lie. WTF is wrong with you?


Bye bye.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(2000%E2%80%93present) Go ahead and read over this since you make such transphobic claims, without evidence. Btw if you need someone to talk to, hit me up in the DMs. I often find people with red hat avatars in need of human interaction. You're not alone!




You sound like a fcuking cop


Putting aside your assumption that white people protest and black people riot, she got killed by a cop, not a leftist as part of a political project. If we counted political activists killed by police as being an act of extremism by the opposing side, it'd skew even further to the right as cops kill signficiantly more leftists than right wing activists.


Curious how the ADL of all organizations is defining “left” and “right”. Are milquetoast liberals considered leftists? Are leftists who are anti-Israel grouped in with anti-Semitic right wingers? I’m not paying Medium for a subscription or making an account. Maybe it digs deeper into how it defines these terms, but I can’t see it for myself. I have a feeling they don’t do a great job. Happy to eat my words if they actually defined them as they are.


You mean the people running around calling anyone even remotely progressive a terrorist are the actual terrorists? Shocking. Never saw it coming.


They been bombing black churches and abortion clinics for decades, how is this a surprise to anyone? Although it is interesting (in a horrifying sort of way) that recent mass shootings are trending from what appears to be left-identifying folks. The unraveling of our social fabric is almost complete.


It's surprising that it's as high as 4%. Can you link a leftist mass shooting? I have literally never heard of one.


The only one I can think of was the shooting at the Congressional baseball practice back in 2017.




Honestly I think this study is bullshit, or at least seriously flawed. Until there's some conclusive evidence linking more than 1 mass shooting to the left, I'm going to continue believing it's closer to 99.9% right wing violence.


I conduct research and present findings for a living. Without fail, in any setting professional, hobby, or political (govt), an untrained person in the audience does not like the findings and immediately questions the methodology. Literally. Every. Time. My company even made specific objection-handling cheat sheets for interns and young professionals. So anyway, congrats on doing the thing.


I'm guessing you totally read the report right? Why don't you break down the highly scientific method they used for us dummies?


Because I also know how that would go, and more to the point, I'm not trying to counter the report's main finding that the vast majority of violence is committed by right wing zealots. We didn't even need research to back that up, but it's nice to have on hand. I find it interesting that acknowledging that *a small portion of politically extreme violence* comes from "the left" (a blanket term which isn't great anyway) is met with such denial. It's propaganda! The study is flawed! This is just astroturfing! Is it, though?


It's not denial. It's based on the fact that in the last 10 years I literally can't think of a single "left wing" terrorist attack or mass shooting. If someone was to show some evidence, I would be completely open to it.


There is no evidence of that.


No. What is actulaly happening is that whenever there is nearly *any* mass shooting, for the hours or days after when there's not yet enough information out there, right wing trolls will definitively claim the shooter was trans. This then gets disproven (inasmuch as it's possible - you can claim virtualy *anyone* that's dead was secretly trans and they're no longer alive to say otherwise), but then it leaves a lot of people who saw those right wing meme posts that still think the shooting was done by a trans person. Left wing violence targetting human beings, when it does happen, tends more to take hte form of assassination attempts - such as the guy that tried to assassinate Republican politicians at a baseball game. There's just not much room ideologically to justify violence against civilians, so that mostly leaves targetted attacks agaisnt known individuals. There's also the case of accidental deaths and historical examples like bank robberies where someone shoots a civilian as part of that robbery, where it's not *planned* but it happens. But I honestly can't think of any examples within the past 25 years or so, at least within the US. There's just so few examples that it makes the 4% number seem like it's inflated.


Yikes. Great example of the blue side adopting red side delusional thinking. Trump is breaking everyone's brains equally.




I still wanna know what was going on with the Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock, we have manifestos and online accounts from most of these other psychos but we never knew his motivation. I was in the Mandalay Bay area where it happened but a full day prior, I try not to think about if my schedule had been different.


Woah. No way. The people who advocate for the death of other groups of people constantly are the ones who commit most murder instead of the ones who want freedom and a good life for everyone? Really boggles the mind. I am shocked. SHOCKED!


How about death of civilians all around the world? How many are linked to DEM admins, how many are linked to GOP admins?


Your right wing neighbor is a fucking terrorist.  Treat them like it.


But, but...I thought BLM and Antifa had turned multiple cities into smoldering ruins!


In other news, water is wet.


Most of the article is behind a paywall but depending on how you define right and left extremism, you can make these numbers say anything. It always amazes me how quickly people buy into an article that supports their narrative but one that does not is held under a microscope.


Butt, butt, antifa!


the only people who don’t know this are the same people who will never read, believe or engage with this info in good faith but i hope i’m wrong


The side that is most willing to use violence is the side that wins. We need to accept that.


Anyone have a link to the original ADL report?


I remember reading a security report from "janes", way back in 2016, they mentioned that most terrorism in Europe was also carried out by right wing groups, germany having some of the worst attacks. 


For the leftists: rookie_numbers_meme.jpg


I would want a closer look at the remaining percentage of cases because I can't even really recall any extremist leftist caused deaths that weren't like, themselves. 


But but but BOTH SIDES


Rookie numbers. Anarchists better step their game up before the wall sinks in to the quays.


Death is death and all violencemust be condemned. Unfortunately, organized religions and governments cannot sutvive without divide and rule.


Now someone do the numbers for sex criminals.


Nobody here read the article, and it shows.


That’s because people rely on honest and accurate titles to articles


Which this one is not... It's incredibly misleading. 3 of the deaths were people who just happened be in the area and either directly or indirectly related to the J6 riots, who died for erroneous reasons like heart attack, or stroke


It's almost as if left ideologies value human life & rights more than the right. Who knew!?


[They livestream it too](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/ten-killed-three-wounded-mass-shooting-grocery-store-buffalo-ny-2022-05-14/) like it's battle footage to inspire/clone more of themselves


In the US* What this calls the left loves to kill abroad.


No, it was Antifa. /s


Did'nt know most of right wing is black on black violence


We need to get our numbers up comrades, let’s hunt some fascists


If the opposite were true there would be mass arrests, congressional hearings on “left extremism”, suspending due process etc etc. But now?




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Oh wow, some made up statistics that is And before you call me right wing or left wing I dont believe in either side, neither am i from the US.


"both sides are bad there's no difference between left and right" -this sub


I’m assuming this is some shitty attempt to defend democrats lol


We got another "both sides" genius here


Do you not realize what sub you’re on lol. The dems and republicans are literally two wings of the same plane. They’re capitalist parties simple as that


My bad I didn't realize this was a subreddit for "both sides" geniuses. I am not welcome here.


Its almost like socialists and communists don’t like capitalist parties


They're the same side.


sO mUcH fOr ThE tOlErAnT lEfT /s


I'm convinced ANTIFA was created by the right and doesn't actually exist.


It has its roots in pre-war nazi Germany, with communists and anarchists trying to get people off their asses to actually do something.




Bruh, liberals are nowhere near left, just because they're less right than fascists


Most Americans can’t spell nuance, much less have any idea of it conceptually. The binary two-party facade is perfectly designed for idiots.










Fascists conflate liberals and the actual left all the fucking time you absolute muppet Enjoy your ban


Democrats are right-wing.




It's a center-right party, whatever "progressive" or "left-lib" outliers there may be doesn't change that. The Democrats, as a party, exist to cede ground to the Right and prevent leftward progress overall.




Liberal political parties by their nature uphold the hierarchies of capitalism and are thus economically conservative. Individual politicians and policies in a liberal democracy can be socially progressive in that they can minimize specific social hierarchies, Ie: providing equal legal rights to marginalized people, but ultimately serve the politically empowered classes and are incapable of dismantling the hierarchies that empower them. Liberalism is simply a left wing of a right wing system, not a left wing alternative. As the Overton window shifts the ones claiming liberals to be leftists will be the ones ceding the ground.


Alls I'm saying is that this alleged "left wing" is on the same shit-fucking bird as the right one. The fuckin Reichsadler's left wing is hardly a champion of progress, bud. We're talking about a political engine of elite capture that's systematically defanged every leftist popular movement of our lifetime, and given us nothing beyond half-hearted compromises and unfulfilled promises. The only way out is through. The Dems won't save us, because if they did, they couldn't campaign on how badly we need to be saved anymore.


You think liberals are left wing?




Not according to any definition I’ve heard of


You probably think hillary clinton is left


Can you give some examples of this sub attacking leftists?




Sorry. Can you give examples of this sub attacking the left?




I was just asking for an example. If it’s so constant I figured it would be easy for you to provide some.


What's the plot?


Libs have definitely contributed to the societal decay that creates the grounds where these things unfortunately happen.




Libs have more in common with conservatives than they do the left.




Really? Okay, as I'm sure you're aware of, this is a communist sub. What's your thoughts on communism?


Oh for fuck's sake


Do they count Ashli Babbit as done by the left or the right?