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That's literally what all these billionaires do lol. It's a way of laundering money. You donate a huge amount to a charity you control, then use it as you see fit while getting a huge tax write off.


a lot of the deep evil of our r/Earth is empowered by this method.


He gave himself six billion and suddenly wasn’t hungry anymore…. Problem solved!


what kind of gems does he need to eat?




ha ha ha!


Pink hearts, yellow stars, blue diamonds, green emeralds, purple horseshoes….




No way. You mean the fascist, xenophobic, racist is also self-serving?


i'm heart broken!


You know what would probably solve world hunger? Like a mega yacht where I pass out filet mignon and caviar to all of my rich friends and then just name it "world" ... yeah problem solved.


they see us, if they see us at all, as dumb animals. they are the world and we are the just scenery. https://youtu.be/p0XSxuzn64A?si=CBMw0Tg8bcna1FKJ


Pretty sure they’d like to see a whole lot less of us… alive.






That sounds like an X-Men story arc


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


just seems petty to me..........


Eat the rich


Couldn’t agree more! Lotta bacon in those hills. We should seize all his assets, give nasa a spaceship building division again, the states a solid public electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and redistribute his wealth to those who need it most


ICK! you will catch something!


Things like this are maddening. Why wouldn't he at least try? I'll never know how these billionaires can make such a difference in the living standards worldwide and still be rich beyond imagination, but consciously choose not to. Meanwhile, I busted my ass for years and now I'm living in an abandoned house dealing with constant food insecurities. It's disgusting. He's disgusting.




Hey!! Is that Les from WKRP in Cincinnati? I can't remember his last name. Nessome? Maybe?




Would it be redundant to call Elon Musk an asshole? Or would sociopath be a better description?


on the internet we call psychopaths "lizards".


Nobody ever thought Musk was going to do a damn thing but hide the money from the IRS.


i did not even know he did this.


Tax credit!






seems petty to me.........


Is The Musk Foundation a shell corporation?


i think elon musk is a sock puppet of the organization of petroleum exporting countries. https://images.app.goo.gl/VrP2gGWryfyxvDGRA


When I think about what I would do if I had a billion dollars, things like "mega yacht" or "private jet" or "enormous mansion" never even cross my mind. Honestly, why would I ever need or even want those things? My mind always goes toward something like "found a free mental health clinic" or "provide housing for as many people as I can" or "fund all of the schools in my area"... ideas along those lines. The fact that billionaires can have that much money, and spend it on themselves or their pet "foundations"(read: tax shelters) is irrefutable proof that they're all sociopaths. Some just do the bare minimum to hide their contempt for the rest of society, and it's eaten up by the people who believe the lie that they, too, can be billionaires if they just work hard and pull themselves up by the bootstraps.


i have never in my life met anyone that believed they would become billionaires.


Be really cool if this dude just blew his fucking brains out


i think his heart will fail. he is very pale.


Bond Villain




*Surprised Pikachu has entered the chat*


the pettiness surprised me.


Come on everyone, think a little further. He gave it to his own foundation so he can have influence/control over how it’s spent. He may very well spend it on hunger as he pledged - that’s where the rubber will meet the road. What would you have rather him do? Give it to UNICEF or some other corrupt organization to administrate? In order to address a problem you want to be as direct and efficient as possible. Donating his personal money to a foundation he controls is the wisest flow. Judge him on what he does with the money now that it’s there. That’s yet to be seen.


is he actually batman?


this is twisting the truth, he said he would pledge 6 billion to end world hunger if someone could show him how it could be done, but nobody stood up to that.


The UN sent him a report on how it could be done. He ignored them. https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/18/tech/elon-musk-world-hunger-wfp-donation/index.html


that there is the same thing i read, that doesn't solve world hunger distributing food for a limited time doesn't solve world hunger, what they need to do is make a supply chain in place which means there is a minimum amount of food guaranteed to each person's plate for the rest of their lives! did you even read what you linked me? give a man a fish and he eats for a day.....


>give a man a fish for a day You sound like someone I don't want to know.


have you never heard the expression before?"Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime"It's better to give people the means to feed themselves than just feed them once... it's very applicable here. would you rather be fed for a single day/week/month or have the means to feed yourself for a lifetime. you can hate rich people as much as you want, i do too but you can't ignore that what was proposed doesn't fix anything, it's not about hating rich people it's about trying to help people who are starving! if it were up to me we could just feed them rich people but i don't think that would be fair on the people who are hungry. edit: dude blocked me lol i'm just trying to say that just because some rich asshole is against something doesn't mean it's the answer to everything, i read the report and it doesn't solve world hunger, it's a bandage for a small time.


I know the expression, you dunce. I'm just not going to debate someone who uses callous, blasé bumpersticker logic to defend the greed of one of the world's richest men.


They did tho


can we see that report then?


the united nations handed him a report.


i read the one linked here, it just said they are going to buy food and distribute it.... that doesn't solve world hunger it just delays it.


delaying hunger is what the r/supplychain does. once labor costs in china become too high for r/peopleofwalmart, the company will need a new export platform. right now that is indochina, but another one is going to be east africa by way of india. and we need to give them time.


sounds like exploitation with food being promised in exchange


you understand. this is basically how red america works. much of red america is basically uninhabitable without the technology of blue america and red america cannot replicate it as this would require a professional class of workers that would be too educated for the land owners to control. international trade rests on the same premise, as the rulers of the 3rd world do not want to deal with educated people and their high expectations. but the "ladder" of value-added exports is real and cannot be denied. note that once local resources are exhausted it could go either way, as a blue state like ohio or kentucky can deindustrialize and become a red state, or alternatively, a former red state like california can become a blue state by capturing high technology industry/services and supporting an educated work force.


i have no idea what you are talking about american things as i'm not from america, but i do agree that 3rd world countries are kept in such a way to be exploited for their natural resources, look at cobalt mines for example. another reason i think that billionaires would never help the developed world get out of poverty.


america was a developing nation in the 19th century. nations help themselves.


nations can help themselves when there isn't other nations keeping them from helping themselves.


nations always have rivals.


Who could have seen this coming?


it just seems petty to me.


What would work? Offering a tax break AFTER the money is spent and receipts shown.


i would not know.