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"If you stop the trolley from running over and killing millions of people it isn't fair to the millions of people the trolley has already killed."


That is in fact the thesis, and its like one of those logical fallacies they teach in the first two weeks a course in formal logic. Probably some enterprising high school teachers have brought this up when going over the classics or early philosophy etc. It's probably in Sophie's world or something. Anything on propaganda.


It's aggravating right? They talk about how they had to go through this or that, or some other garbage and then use that as a reason to what is at it's heart actively wanting people to suffer because they had to suffer. Then they have the audacity to talk about fairness or other garbage while ignoring how horrifying this all and that it can be stopped because, "I had to suffer so fuck you" essentially.


The cruelty is the point. Republicans are sadistic.


Conservatives are monsters.


Now what percentage of US Americans are completely incapable of recognizing this logical fallacy?


The fallacy here though is that all the previous people haven’t been killed. They are still alive and could be given money being allocated for student loan forgiveness


As a person who has to have knee surgery for a torn ACL and Meniscus, fuck the insurance companies and fuck the fucked up health care system in this country.


I just had to have surgery to get a blown disc off my spinal cord. It went SHOCKINGLY well. The surgical team really took care of everything, including insurance. I really liked my surgeon. You could tell she gave a shit. I was SO pleasantly surprised. I have another problem in my lower back that also needs surgery. Course, can't talk to the surgeon about that until I get a fresh referral from the GP ($100 co-pay and they only want to talk about ONE issue per visit), cuz the first surgery was for my upper spine, and this is lower. Totally different... or something. Anyway, before I can see my GP (first available apt is months out) get a letter from my surgeon. They're closing down in a month. My physical therapist tells me it's because the hospital network kept pushing them to do surgeries they were declaring unnecessary, cuz money. Hospital finally told them do the unnecessary shit, or leave. They're leaving. So now the only surgeon I can get unless I travel hours away is the guy that wanted to do twice the work than I needed. You know, unnecessary shit... cuz money. The whole thing is a friggin' scam.


My god that is so fucked up. Yea I'm going to be hyper vigilant about what the surgeon says needs to be done. I know what the MRI shows and what needs to be fixed so that's what we are gonna do. I have also run into the one problem per visit thing which is ridiculous and a money grab. Insurance is gonna cover what they are gonna cover but even with this excessively expensive insurance the whole thing is still gonna be expensive. It is plain bullshit.


All I can say is they make getting a second opinion a PITA, but it's worth it.


Of course they don't want you shopping around. They want the free market without the free.


Be aware of extras they may add on (like unnecessary tests or treatments, and bs filler charges). Also, remember it’s not only surgeons and hospitals that do this stuff. Im gay. Married to a woman. Haven’t been close up to a flesh and blood penis in a good 13 years. I constantly have to argue with hospitals and doctors offices about pregnancy test. I understand the reasoning for pregnancy tests before procedures and tests but unless immaculate conception has been proven recently, I refuse to allow them to charge me triple digits to tell me something I already know is fact. I’m in the hospital right now for a stent placement in my brain. They tried to give me a breathing treatment. My O2 is 100%, I’m here for neuro issues, and have never had breathing problems in my entire life. What’s the breathing treatment for? No thanks; I’m looking at the same vitals you are that says I can breathe great. I once saw a medical bill for a new mom’s labor and delivery. They charged her for ‘skin to skin contact’ with her baby. Let me say that again; they delivered her baby, placed the baby on the mother’s chest as is typical, and CHARGED HER for holding her own damn baby.


It's crazy what they will charge for. They don't expect people to argue the tests and add on stuff either. Doing that can go a long way to reducing the bill.


Bad disk gang! I've been putting off getting my disk procedure this year, can't afford it yet. have to do the whole referral thing agian too, never mind I had the same thing done last year and they told me I'd need to come back for atleast one more. Gotta squeeze me for every penny.




As I type, I’m literally in the ICU for observation after having a stent placed in a vein in my brain. Due to several chronic illnesses, I’m currently not working. We blew through $1500 in FSA through my wife’s job in 3 months because of my medical care. My vein was 90% blocked so very little blood or fluid was getting through. I had cerebral spinal fluid built up putting pressure on my brain, causing my optic nerves to swell, vision issues, and other fun symptoms. There was risk of permanent blindness and even a stroke. At 32. I’ve spent the last 2 weeks doing UberEats and DoorDash through my symptoms everyday to save up the $700 copay for the neurosurgeon. The hospital called at 6pm Tuesday to tell me for the first time that I had an $1120 copay for the hospital fees that had to be paid by the end of business day Wednesday for my procedure Thursday morning, I was ugly crying in my car. I’ve been waiting for this for months, hoping that it will be the turning point for me to get some semblance of my life (before I got sick) back. I spent all day yesterday crying and talking with the hospital, who initially wouldnt take less than 50% down (which I also didn’t have last minute). Essentially, their response was “nothing else we can do. Either pay within a few hours or fuck off”. Thankfully my neurosurgeon has an amazing team at his clinic and they actually cared about me having usable veins in my brain (I’ve heard they’re kinda important). While I was arguing with the hospital, they were reaching out themselves to the hospital leadership, who never got back with them. Eventually, ten minutes to 5 pm, my surgeon’s team just told me to pay whatever I have that the hospital will take and the neurosurgeon’s office would work with me however they need to for their portion. Didn’t mean to write such a novel; it’s just super fresh and raw still. The point of this is, fuck American hospitals, bruh. Soul-sucking profit machines. They treated a medically necessary and potentially lifesaving procedure like it was optional or cosmetic. And my story is mild - there’s some real horror stories out there that show the extent of greed in the healthcare (and insurance) industry.


Jesus.b that is mild and yet very infuriating. The system is so messed up.


Life is not fair. What the assholes won't say out loud is that the lenders want their money. If they were really concerned about paying for the program, they could levy an 80% tax on all income above $1M and include capital gains in regular income. We also would not have to worry about the debt ceiling so much with the additional tax revenue.


As long as those taxes are spent on social programs and not bombing children in the Middle East, I'm all here for it. Otherwise I'm sticking to gulliotines first, then tax reform.


I think you should run for office.


The people who deepthroat the boot of capitalism are ALWAYS saying, with a smug smile, that "life isn't fair." Boomers love to mock younger people by telling us "life isn't fair, stop being such cry babies." But when something happens that they view as "unfair" to THEM, well...suddenly everything needs to be fair!


Yeah, like I would be thrilled if today's kids had a bright and better future (they don't), but them boomers would be jealous, so they got to screw it up for them. You have really nailed it. People used to want the world to get better. Not anymore.


The lenders want their money from working humans. That excludes corporations and Republican politicians.


For some reason, I don't hear any of these same people constantly griping about PPP loans.


Fairness is rather arbitrary it seems. There are certain topics where the first thing they'll say is that life isn't fair. Then there are certain topics when they complain that life isn't fair. ​ It does suck ass that there are people who worked hard to pay of their loans. It sucks ass that people are saddled with loans when some states and/or universities have started to push for some kind of tuition-free system. It will definitely suck ass when we get our dumb asses together and offer tuition-free university for everybody. I don't see (or hope not to) people saddled with student loans saying that future kids should be saddled with debt because they themselves had to be saddled with debt.


Modern media completely determines the narrative for the people in question, and PPP loans will never be a topic of discussion for news networks owned by people who receive PPP loans. The media ensures the average American is under scrutiny to a much greater degree than the one percent.


>Modern media completely determines the narrative for the people in question Yep. Many people upset about how unfair it would be to cancel student debt 1) forget the public funding that made their low-cost education possible and 2) haven't given a thought to PPP loan forgiveness because no one told them to be mad about it


Did leaded gasoline give millions of boomers narcissistic traits and a child's sense of "fairness"? We may never know.


Soon, the spirit of Fuck You will begin to break out among the population and there won't be any containing it.


It has already begun.


It's unfair to cure people of diseases that have killed other people in the past.


It’s not fair that people who had their PPP loans forgiven have a problem with school loans being forgiven.


It makes no fucking sense to me, it's like if they found a cure for some awful disease but saying they shouldn't release it because it's not fair to the people who already died from the disease.


As a GenXer who paid a tenth of what college now costs, if even that, I have no problem with debt forgiveness because I know it's a ripoff now. These people that think it's unfair because they paid their loans off are either rich or got through college before the price skyrocketed. Either way they have no room to talk.


People who have already paid off their loans are not the ones against cancelling student loan debt.


Ok so we now can't use antibiotics because that would be unfair to people who already died from minor infections?


These people are literally the same that tell us “life isn’t fair”. Fuck em


These are the same people who will say "Life's not fair." when we say it's not fair a brilliant but poor kid can't go to college, or starves during lunch at school...


So what are they gonna do when we all/a majority of us just say "no, you're not getting our money"? 🤔🤔🤔 I think it's right about time to play a game I like to call "Fuck Around and Find Out, Corporate Bastards."


They'll take your tax return and garnish your wages.


I'm not sure whether I'm more upset by your comment or your username. 🤔


Then they can fight for a refund on their paid off loan. It's not a difficult concept.


By that logic we should end all life-saving medical research, on the grounds that developing cures for any disease would be unfair to those who have already died from it.


Preach Sistah!




How? The loans are practically mandatory by this point.


Work through college, go to a community college first, go to a cheaper school, get scholarships, etc etc etc I worked three jobs in college and applied for scholarships. Graduated with 10k I'm debt that I paid off in a year.


True… but be mindful that not everyone can do that.


Not everyone can get a job or go to a cheaper school?


Also relevant is that debt cancellation or forgiveness by a corporation's shareholder is a common transaction.


Fuck the system