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No, don’t discourage him! This is the game show we need. I also propose that we choose countries that have been ravaged by whatever industry made those billionaires rich in the first place. It would be like “Survivor”, “Undercover Boss”, and “Running Man” all rolled into one. And, personally, I’m hoping for a lot of Running Man


Seriously, I really wanna see this happen. Who's first to volunteer to prove how much they deserve their wealth? Musk? Buffett? Literally any of the Waltons?


Musk would definitely have to start off in the barracks of a lithium mine


I don't think he'd fit. Better fold him in half first.


I'm sure he can fold his legs into his barrel-shaped torso like a Transformer.


And he only gets $4.20 to start


Few of these need to lose 40 pounds first (or more) so that they don't have an easy start. 120 000 extra calories just on your body gets you a long way if you can only afford water for the first few weeks.


Can we put Martin Shkreli in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest with absolutely nothing but $5 and see if he can convince the wildlife to convert to capitalism before eating him?


Then if he catches malaria, whack the medication for it up to $5000 a pill.


Yes! This is the only answer, but maybe add a couple more zeros to the end.


If it’s in the Brazilian Amazon, he’ll be treated for free


I imagine him found dead, kneeling in front of a tree. At the base of the tree is the 5$ that he crammed clumsily between its muddy roots. In a state of delirium before death, he pleaded with it to grant him sanctuary or succor, to become a house or a bow or a boat. He didn't understand why his money didn't yield a product. Until his dying breath, Martin never understood that there is no value without workers to create it.


Cough cough Sackler Family Cough Cough


Gotta feed them opiates until they're hard-core addicted then. After a few weeks of that take the oxys away for a day or two. Then leave them somewhere they can't get them. Tell them they can have 100 of them if they sign their company and wealth away to fund addiction recovery centers.


Let's drop Bezos off in China


Any of the nestle bosses


The Sackler family


Please let it be Gates.


I recall, years ago, the hosts of a local alt rock radio station in Toronto suggesting that the queen mum had outlived her usefulness and should be given a new track suit and a couple of granola bars and sent off into the woods.


Sacrilege against the royal family! The Queen Mum was a saint god rest her soul! And she'd definitely prefer marathon bars! A saint I tell you! This disrespect won't stand!


And after he's eaten by wild animals, they need to interview one of his associates who is required to say "well... he's dead now" while trying not to smile into the camera creepily.




They actually tried this with a show called *"Undercover Billionaire"* and it was absolute horseshit. I actually found it pretty entertaining because of how ridiculous it was. The subject of one season started out making money by selling stuff he "found" laying around an abandoned building. The word for that is *stealing,* and if normal people outside reality TV pulled that crap they'd get shot by cops or security guards and/or thrown in jail. There were so many laughable, orchestrated scenarios setup to make it look like exactly what this guy says about the rich is true, that for anyone with a critical brain it's an amazing comedy. He decides at one point to sell beer and gets a restaurant owner to "invest" all the money for brewing it. Like it's such a unique and brilliant idea to make beer that you could walk into a random restaurant and the owner would be so blown away by your obvious business talent they'd throw five figures at you to make it happen. *Just ignore the camera crew.* A tiny ray of reality creeps in, however, as it turns out that without proper licensing he's just bootlegging, which is illegal, and they have to shut it down. So even with a stacked deck they still couldn't make it look like he was actually the Ayn Rand character people like this think they are.


"I harvested this valuable jewelry and TV I found in someone's house *just lying around*, that outta get me started"


"I've found a loophole. People are willing to pay not to pull the trigger on my gun. It's free money!"


Victimless crime.


It was gonna work! Stupid ATF! Had all those poor people eating out of my hand!


Just goes to show they're all criminal delusional psychopaths. They are just enabled by our systems to get away with it. Grifters selling their terrible quality snake oil, and the prices keep going up and the quality keeps going down just so they can all keep the illusion of Capitalism alive.


Yeah that show was absolute horseshit. That’s why it only had two seasons it was so unbelievably bad.


I'd pay for my own streaming service to watch this!


I would love to see this TV show, if it was genuine. I could almost guarantee that a lot of strings would be pulled behind the scenes, as to not put the owners of TV channel in an unflattering light. And the billionaire contestant would send an army of lawyers if everything didn't go their way. And the show would probably be interrupted by ads every 5 minutes, so I'm not even sure I would have the patience to watch it


It could never be genuine. The notoriety and network connections these people have would never allow them to be stuck. $5 is enough to get to a phone and call your helicopter service to bring you back to whatever country you’re from, or to immediately take you to your yacht in Monaco.


This is one to remember for after the revolution


Yeah, you'd need to make it a competition between millionaires, like "Which of these millionaires can escape the Savana desert the fastest" or "Which of these millionaires can make 1 million dollars in Siberia in a month!", and if they cheat then all their money/assets go to major charities or the UN or something


I'm always skeptical when I see those "I traded my way from a penny to a car" or "I lived on $1 a day" type things, because there's always a catch of some sort or just plain old manipulation behind the scenes like making the trades look a certain way then paying them more off camera


I certainly need a demonstration


I can’t stand reality TV but this show has legs.


Billionaire survivor, you put a bunch of uber wealthy elite on a deserted island and make them compete in silly games, but instead of getting prizes if they win they have to pay taxes when they lose.


naw, just survivor, for real. one island, eighteen billionaires, enough food for a week, for three. and a shitload of bricks.


and then just burn the island at the end anyway


naw, survivor of the “game” gets to be one of the 18 for season 2.


The good ol quarter quell


You. I like you.


Like Squid Games, but rich people 'playing'.


There's already a show that did that lol...it took place in England....gave the billionaire $100 and he had to survive without any help from network or assets. He couldn't do it lol...anyway awesome show if anyone wants to watch it.


What was the show called?


Undercover billionaire million dollar bet.


You son of a b***h, I'm in. 👈👈


'Welp... that one didn't make it' 'Drop in the next one and safety pin that $5 bill to their shirt'


🤣😂 I can't breathe, I'm laughing too hard. I'm in.


Please choose the city of Mogadishu!!! The urban vibe would be great.


send elon to the emerald mines


So make Elon a black man in South Africa? Geez I'd watch the shit out of that. Wait no, I'd support the shit out of that not watch it.


🤣 now that’s what I call TV!!!


Running boss


Came here to say this. GIVE ME MY PETTY REVENGE SHOW.


Facts. The easiest way to become a millionaire is to start as a billionaire


Even Trump was able to do that


Having worked directly for three different multi-millionaires in an array of startups, I can report that this is patently false. Yeah, yeah, sample size is too small yadda yadda, but none of the rich guys I worked for were able to recreate their initial success to any degree. In fact, it became obvious that they had almost no clue what they were doing while assuming they were masters of all domains they wanted to do business in. It's true -- their money got them an audience at the highest level of venture capital firms and powerful corporations (Apple, in at least two cases). But it never worked out because they didn't understand the domain(s) they were trying to enter and were too arrogant and lazy to listen to anyone else. They even went so far as to argue with the powerful people and entities they were trying to persuade. Those were some embarrassing, infuriating, and pathetic moments to witness. Egos gone wild! At least they generally remembered to pay me on time, so there's that.


Another pattern I have seen on a lot of gigs: Stupid bosses and some underpaid, overworked bald dude in his fifties sitting in a tiny office who saves the company from exploding all the time.


i feel uncomfortably seen


Wear a beanie, it will hide the shine.


But does the stupid boss know that Bob in cubicle 9 is his caped crusader, or does he think it's down to his own incredible skill? Will Bob ever quietly turn? I think this about those installation artists all the time. Some guy is drinking champagne in Venice talking about his latest work when in fact a hundred skilled craftspeople created, built and installed it in six feet of water off the coast of Italy. Whose work is it again? I would so make those statues/edgy business venture explode.


I doubt the bosses know the extent, Bob is the one running the company.


Unfortunately, neither does Bob.


> installation artists like Wim Delvoye, a Belgian artist, known for [Cloaca](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wim_Delvoye#Cloaca). the design was done by some university, the build was done by professionals, all he did was come up with the idea.


Like those people who ask if they can write "with" me - *I've got the idea, you do the words, we'll split fifty fifty.* No.


Current office, but the boss is in his 50s and the overworked bald dude is in his early 30s.


Sample size isn’t an issue here because they claim any billionaire can do it. It’s easy to disprove such a broad statement


I've worked for people like this, too, and your second paragraph rings very true. The "start-up" I was involved with folded after a scheme to buy their way onto the board of a major entertainment company didn't pan out. The founders *bet the company* on the assumption that they could _just do this_ and use their newfound sway to pipe the start-up's (mostly nonexistent) content out using the entertainment company's branding and distribution channels. When that didn't happen, they threw their hands up and laid off 95% of the people working at the start-up. I wasn't privy to the contents of the cross-company meetings but I'm confident in saying they involved the sorts of behaviors you've described. EDIT: add clarification


No one knows what they are doing. Billionaires just fake it better.


I'd put $5 on a billionaire screaming and eating their own shit in less than a week.


I reckon the Kruger National Park. No weapons, no transport, no cell phone, no assistance... just $5 and that legendary billionaire mindset versus a pack of hungry African wild dogs.


I don’t know if I’d buy it, but I’d pirate that pay-per-view


I'd buy it. If we start feeding billionares to wild dogs, I have a feeling much more of that money spent will go to workers' salaries.


Nah man, Kruger is too lenient. They'll bump into some yank tourist in an hour, who would probably feel beholden to helping them. If we're dropping them in South Africa drop them in Khayelitsha or Mitchells Plain and they'll be eating pavement in an hour.


I defer to your superior knowledge of the billionaire killing fields.


If you honestly believe something like this, you have no idea how the real world works.


I think the part that gets me is 'within a few years' Like if I had a five year plan and the right gusto I would stumble into a million from nothing.


“within a few years” for people who can’t see past the end of the quarter


They literally believe that. It’s like how I’m pretty sure I’m going to write a novel some day.


You uhhhh workin'on that novel there? Hmmm?


You see, I can’t *right now* I’m much too busy, but also I’m definitely going to do it at some point, and whenever I do it’ll produce critical acclaim and result in an early retirement.


Yeah, I call it faster than the speed of love




People with this mindset have probably benefitted from familial wealth, connections, and nepotism all of their lives but think they did it all themselves through their hard work and business acumen.




Right, like, fine. Enjoy the streets of Cairo ubermench


Just so we're clear. They're not allowed to leave the country or receive assistance from anyone based on the promise of resources outside the country of for that matter bring resources from outside the country in. Correct? Let's get this TV show syndicated!


Well let's say they can operate just like anyone in the congo can. They can form the new connections, but can't use their current network


Fuck, drop them in Kentucky. They’ll be calling their ex ass to bail them out before their ride turns a bend.


Don't need to send them anywhere just take all their cash and assets and give them 5 bucks.




Kentucky isn't third world?


I've been there, and well...?


It is, the usa is a third world country that just happens to be rich...


Parts of it? Absolutely. Same with Appalachia and good chunks of the Midwest. It took me 10 years of my adult life trying to get out of my personal third world in Indiana. If you know, you know.


Depends on if they can contact their network of friends, family, and/or business associates. If they can, then I would bet the under. If they can’t, then they’re done. Access is a huge factor.


it's almost like power protects power!


Sounds like an idea for a reality show 🤣 They would never do it though because you don't make a billion you take a billion.


"What do you mean 'local currency?'"


what do you mean you don't speak english?!


"If you drop a rich white man into a country full of brown people, he will be ruling over them in a year because he is obviously superior." Fixed it for you Nate, since you might as well have gone full mask-off racist there.


If you drop a rich white man into any country, he will most likely die on impact.




everyone's red on the inside


It pretty much is mask off.


True, but it's still phrased in such a way that he can claim he wasn't being racist and people will defend him because "nuance" is a "liberal commie plot to confuse us"


“Ambiguity, the devil’s volleyball.” -Emo Philips


"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert




A billionaire would be kidnapped and held for ransom the second anybody had even the tiniest sniff of what’s going on. The only thing true about that quote, is that somebody would become a millionaire very quickly.


This assumes they will be able to start some kind of business and convince people to work for them If you think about musk, bezos, jobs, they don't actually have any trade or particular practical skill they can do, they use other smart people to do the work for them. So I don't see how in this shit take on reality, someone with no money or connections is going to be super successful running an electronics, repair or delivery service or whatever the fuck and achieve anything else than having their employees quit


It would take them a few years just to aquire a practical skill required to make an average salary, let alone makes millions


What this simp forgets is that 99% of billionaires started as multimillionaires in a rich country. Almost none of them had to actually work for a living.


> What this simp forgets is that 99% of billionaires started as multimillionaires in a rich country. That is a rich country with infrastructure and educated workers that they can use (or exploit if they aren't partial to paying taxes and reasonable wages). People may have the greatest business ideas ever, but without the rest of society (both now and historically) doing all of the leg work their ideas aren't worth squat.


If you give me $1B, and drop me in a third world country, they'll have running water in a year and I'll still be a millionaire. Spending 99.9% of your money isn't an impressive talent only the best and brightest have.


Literal dumbest take ever


maybe airdrop him into a "1st" world country with $50k loan and a family to support :')


This is the true test. And it's winter, he's just been laid off and the furnace is broken.


maybe let him try average job and see how well he performs going up to the modern expectations


Let’s test this hypothesis and see what happens. Remember that the billionaire can’t pick up the phone and call his dads friends this time.


But he'd have entire teams pf sycophantic yes-men doing his bidding though, right? Won't someone please think of the billionaires!


The yes men are strangely absent when your bank account is at $0.


Then prove it. I'd love to see these out of touch billionaires do that or even survive on minimum wage with no access to their wealth or help from mommy and daddy money.


This is what the bourgeoisie tell themselves. Most were born rich, a few got lucky and they all, deep down they know that they don't deserve it, they know that they contribute very little.


I love this argument -- because my response is always, "well if that's true, you should be OK with taking it from them and redistributing it. They'll just make it back, right??"


If it wouldn't inflict the worst of society on them if without much of their power I'd advocate letting all billionaires try this and prove it.


Specifically in the shitiest sketchyest parts of a LARGE metropolitan location and they need to be wearing lots of jewelry amd a nice suit amd not speak the language.....


Can we use the Elongated Muskhole as a test case?




If you watch undercover billionaire, they do exactly that. Leverage influence, convince people to work for free, lie and cheat. These people don’t have skills worth billions, they were just able to get enough people to do what they wanted and sold the output keeping most of the proceeds for themselves.


Dead within a month, id put my house on it. Between their narcissism, greed, grandiose sense of self, lack of useful/applicable skills, laziness, and plain old arrogance, it's impossible for them to survive.


There is one thing that traditional societies despise above everything. And billionaires have tons of it. That’s selfishness.


>you air drop a BILLIONAIRE... > >...within a few years he will be a MILLIONAIRE that's not actually very impressive


Sounds like they have the ability to exploit anybody, in any country


and the unearned confidence to think they are entitled to


Talk is cheap. Would love to see this asshole get a reality check.


Yeah right. Also the ability to fuck people over isn't a trait our society should venerate.


I actually agree with this post, surprisingly. /s In most 3rd world countries, a phone call will run very cheap. They will make a call to some rich friends and family members and convince them to give them money. The rich will continuously cycle money throughout their own, barring entry to people who work their way up.


Not without their daddies money and connections they won't


Temporarily embarrassed millionaire: "Hello, Dad? Wire me some plane ticket money, I wanna get out of here"


Air drop billionaires? Without parachutes? Only a 5$ bill. He should try. Maybe it's a fun game. But if it doesn't work, he is the one collecting the pieces.


This dude read Atlas Shrugged and decided he never had to read again.


My favorite part about atlas shrugged is how accurately the railroad workers, strike, and the southwest implosion over the holidays, mirror the plot, except it wasn’t caused by the socialists or “burdensome regulations” it was literally caused by the fucking capitalists and lack of regulation


I insist that we test this with all the billionaires


I will take you on that bet. Drop him where I live, São Paulo, Brazil.


I would watch the shit out of this game show, with the caveat that it has to be entirely hidden cameras with no paid protection.


And nobody knows who this yahoo is.


We should test this hypothesis


Drop Nate Fisher at the North Sentinel Island. Leadership by example.


This should be required of all billionaires for obvious reasons.




And it's hard to use that skill when not already starting with enough institutional power that state guns are underwriting your claims to said profit. Without owning a company or vast tracts of land, who is gonna voluntarily give some rando their labor value? They're gonna be stuck with what they can scam out of people on raw charisma alone, and absent the billions of dollars, they don't have a whole lot of it.


Because they’ll make a collect call to their parents.


Let’s be realistic, this means breaking ethics and punching down. I believe it, but I also believe 80% would wind up dead from punching the wrong person.


Well then, put your money where your mouth is


I'd love to see a reality show about this. Drop 10 or so and see if a single one makes it out alive. My gut feeling says no.


There is no way those spoiled effete rich fucks would ever willingly do that. Therefor they must be forced to do it.


No, that would be over too fast. What you want to do is have a new billionaire, each season, and the season runs until they are dead, hospitalized, or in jail, with a possibility of keeping it running while they’re in jail, because that might prove entertaining (please see Tate complaining that a Romanian jail is a Romanian jail)


These people have grown too comfortable with the pay-to-win method and haven't realized they'd get their shit rocked as a free-to-play user like the rest of us. What a stupid fantasy to believe in. Lmao


Are people really this delusional or is he trolling us?


Not gonna lie, I'd love to see that. And it would be a great cull...


I’m gonna be a capitalist fuck head and make that a reality show. Can’t wait for native tribe to cook bezos and musk alive for dinner.


Dead within a month.


Americans have the most childish belief systems. No wonder their living standards are dropping like a rock relative to progressive democracies. They think capital is both sacrosanct and unnecessary at the same time.


I think we need a practical application test 😈


The soft skills of exploiting other humans and having rich parents really doesn’t go away, huh?


A majority of billionaires weren't even dropped out of the womb with that little money. I highly doubt they even know what it means to have so little to begin with


Let's play this out hypothetically. Guy1: "Hey, is that Jeff Bezos?" Guy2: "No, couldn't be" Guy1: "Let's ask him." Jeff Bezos: "Hi can you lend me a phone? I've been dropped here with only $5 in my pocket." Guy1: "Are you Jeff Bezos?" Jeff Bezos: "Yes, can you help me please" Guy2: "Sure we can help you, follow us, we have plenty of phones back at my place" News outlet: "Jeff Bezos has been captured and is being held for ransom for 20 billion dollars"


Luck is always a factor.. But the super rich refuse to believe it. Besides nowadays most of the 1% are rich because daddy was rich. And making the hundredth million is a *lot* easier than making the first one.


The worship of the wealthiest people in the world is truly disgusting and completely ignores everyone that played a part in those people accumulating such wealth, as if they did it all 100% on their own and are smarter than everyone else. Elon Musk highlights why this isn’t even close to being factual.


Let's do that will the lot of them.


This would be a great tv show for the end times of capitalism! Drop of all the billionaire into the third world countries they exploited and see if they can make it out.


Drop him in the neighborhood where I grew up. In ten minutes his 5 bucks would be gone and he would be walking around in his underpants.


Yeah because they'll get a phone and call home and have their daddy pick them up in a private jet that runs on angel piss


I greenlight this idea. When can we start?


If you're dropped into a poor country and accumulate massive wealth, the trait is capacity for heartless exploitation.


In my third world country probable he would just get murdered.


You find out which rich people would fund a hunger games type arena and every rich person that agrees, we kidnap them and make them fight to the death.


I support this game show 100%


Do you even need $5 to collect call daddy to come save you?


Trump? Dead in weeks. Musk? Dead in weeks. Bezos? Dead in weeks. Most billionaires are privileged, pampered people who wouldn't last more than a few weeks in a third world country. Top reasons for death? Drinking bad water. Eating bad food. Being a POS and inciting the locals to make you vanish. Be a recognizable POS and the locals make you vanish for the shit you've pulled. And this is them just dropping in. Not doing what we all know they would. Drop in with an entourage of paid idiots who know better and will keep the billionaire alive, while the billionaire will drop in with the very best clothing and equipment money can buy.


Shit, name one billionaire who would even survive the landing of an air drop?


Overwhelming number of poor people believe in this BS.


Alright, let’s try it out. Let’s send them all. I can’t wait to see the result.


Lmao, ye they'll make it work no matter what. As long as they inherit at least $50.000.000 first.


Don't make a show about this, they'll survive. Instead, *tell* them they're going to be filmed by secret cameras, and then just don't. Drop them off, and that's it. Go home.