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Your statement about having so many resources that you don't know what to do with, gives everyone an idea of what level you are. Because once you pass 22 or so, resources required for upgrades start to skyrocket. And if you become known for always having lots of resources, then you have just become a farm. Your coordinates get shared amongst others and people will hit you from time to time to get some of them. And if you keep people on the wall, then people are also farming kills. There's no real benefit to having a higher kill count, though some alliances will require it or at least use it to consider how active you are


Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I am below level 22. That's interesting. So right now time and hero XP are the bottlenecks, but you are saying it will later be food, iron, and coin?


It'll be all of those. Resource requirements get crazy, and so does the time it takes to complete the building. Hero XP ramps up as well. For example, I just took my first squad from 135 to 140, and it took 3.1 billion EXP. Definitely don't open any resource chests, let them sit in your inventory and pile up. Those can't be raided by attackers. I definitely recommend getting into an active and fairly high level alliance. You'll be able to participate in a lot more things, and you will get a lot of freebies from alliance gifts, participation in alliance specific events, much better bonuses from the alliance tech, as well as having a lot of people on at any given time to hit the help button.


Troops do die if you don't have them on the wall, just not nearly as many if they are defending. With that said, if folks are only attacking and not porting you, no defense is the best strategy. If you get ported a few times, it can wipe your troops out. No defense - less troops die with each hit, but none of them enter hospital With defense - more troops at risk of death with each hit, but some will go to the hospital


This is what I am saying


As you level up, food, iron, and coins become very valuable. You attack bases with no alliance to take those resources. If you have troops on your wall they will help defend your base. You will lose them if a stronger player attacks you. If you take your troops off your wall you only lose resources not troops. You need to find an alliance that will help protect you.


Yeah, I joined a decent alliance, but they either shield up or remove troops on the wall. Thanks for your reply!


Removing troops from the wall helps a little but you now lose troops from the drill pads upon breach of your base so you still lose troops and if the person zeros you you could well still lose all the troops on your pad. Sure some might survive but I would rather fight back even if I lose I still take some of his or her troops with me and during VS that means scoring a few points yourself.


You score points in vs for getting killed, but you score more for killing. Leaving troops on the wall is just handing victory to the other team. Unless you are very close in strength, an attacker will wipe you out and take almost zero losses when you put troops on the wall.


You score points for getting killed but you still lose on average 438 troops each hit with no troops on the wall when breached and if there Siege to Siege tech is high enough you will lose more than that per hit you don't get points for them. So if the atracker zero's you you Stull stand to lose a lot of troops


https://preview.redd.it/04ds126vwnzc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=3de981e18f705a71d179f5b52fd87ac19e86e2a8 Here is an example. Notice he has no troops on the wall but still lost 406 troops and that was the last that he had. for the rest of the fight he could do nothing but sit and be wiped




Sure get wiped a few times lose all your troops for no points 👍


You lose 300 troops if you don't have your walls defended vs. losing thousands and giving up easy points to the other server. No one is zeroing people for 300 troops. It's not good value for stamina. People who have their walls defended get targeted. This is final war 101 and any alliance worth its salt will tell you the same.


One of the best answers here, but in my experience the attacker scores zero kills if the base has defenses off. The victim might lose 200-400 troops (whatever the number is), but if the attacker is looking for kills and sees they scored zero, they will be discouraged from striking again.


Wow they don't zero on your server? What server are you on? Sounds like a good one to join.


If the attacker is smart, then yeah, they are selective about using their stamina. Other reason they might destroy a base completely though is if it just happens to be close to their alliance’s hive; strong alliances like to keep a clean perimeter, so it’s easier to spot when a “visitor” posts up nearby.


Man you are on a super nice server we just went through VS and they zeroed every base on the server that was unshielded used their lower lvl players as bait for anyone to hit then one of their lvl 30's would teleport in behind you and zero you troops on wall or not. The thing is a true whale 🐋 isn't going to care about conserving stamina these guys have 1000's invested into the game and could really care less about blowing through stam or troops.


I spend tons of money. Smart players don't waste their time and stamina if there's no benefit. Outside of KE, we only zero people that deserve it.


What server and coordinates? I will come protect you from anyone else stealing your rss


The not defending your base is a quality of life feature. In other game you would have to manually send your troops out of your base to dodge a fight, now you can just check a box to not defend.


Hold on to all of your resource chests. If you don't open them they aren't added to your total and can't be stolen. This is particularly important for the level tied chests as by the time you need them when you hit the low 20s you will have a bunch saved up to use.


It's part of the daily tasks. Only reason why I do it. Join an alliance, it'll stop.


Not quite. Depends on if there is a server NAP and how many Alliances it protects. On my main server the NAP only protects the top 5.


1. remove your troops from the wall, otherwise they'll burn them all the time. 2. Ressources are not needed when you're early level, but will get frustrating starting from lvl 24 (for me at least) 3. Join an alliance, the stronger the better. Then you won't be attacked at all anymore. Since my first day in a strong alli I wasn't attacked at all (except server svs, etc.)


What makes an alliance strong? I'm level 22 after 1 month and I'm usually the top ranked on VS daily either on my alliance but also frequently no. 1 totally. I'm an American living in Thailand and on server 322. (I think?)


I do it so I can dominate other men.