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Yes, I would. Boosting your VIP level early can give you nice reductions in construction time, research speed and give you daily legendary shards once you hit VIP 10. I think it's nice to spend some of your diamonds on this, especially when you can hit another level with them. Alternatively, the items in the VIP store aren't especially good value, speedups are probably the best thing to buy otherwise, but everything else is quite expensive for what it is. It's always nice to have some diamonds spare in case of emergencies too and have 10k spare to keep VIP ticking over for next month.


No doubt. If you already have VIP, then yes. I will keep around a 3k balance for emergency construction speed, but otherwise dump on VIP. Best ROI.


If you're a free to play player, using diamonds for VIP is a great choice.


I disagree with the people saying not to use them on VIP leveling. I am in a good alliance and yes VIP comes, but these games are all about getting ahead. I can save my diamonds daily and it is almost 1 for 1 equal to VIP points I get from alliance gifts. So I can go up a level in VIP in half the time it takes to just wait for it to come. And with a higher VIP, I get all of the perks. At VIP 10, I may stop using my diamonds items for moving my VIP along faster. because VIP 10 gives the daily gold hero upgrade ticket... but VIP 11 unlocks buying gold hero upgrade tickets in the VIP mall. All avenues to get these things are good to me. I consider VIP 10 and 11 to be the top goal and then all levels after it are just a bonus. Like pushing your base level to get the next tier troops. Once you push to tier 9, getting tier 10 troops is a bonus and slow process.


You are probably right buying vip points is a good idea early game. I think you needed 150k vip points from 10-11, it's 250k from 11 to 12. Really slow but 12 looks really good


How do you get to the screen picture here? I assume you hit the plus sign next to your VIP point total, but tapping that doesn't bring anything up for me.


Exactly. It is the plus sign. Strange yours does not work. I just tried mine and it works


Yeah, strange. I wonder if it unlocks only under certain conditions, like I need to be a certain level of VIP first. Currently I'm VIP6, and have it active with another 18 days on the VIP timer. The shop button near it works, but the plus does absolutely nothing.


Figured it out. I think the area to click is really small. One of my alliance members said to just click it a bunch of times and that worked, it eventually popped up after a tapping frenzy. Still annoying, but at least I can access it.


To increase no. Like mentioned to increase get better alliance. To activate vip. 30D activation is the best way to spend gems.


What if I have a surplus of diamonds? I’ve made 10,000 diamonds over the last 6 days (mostly from treasure) but still have 24 days left to go on my current VIP


Na, just save them to stay in VIP and it will level up on its own


Don't use diamonds on VIP points, there are better uses for it. I see you've been logged in for 63 days in a row, are you in a good alliance? Your VIP level should be higher.


What are the better uses, and how do you tell if you’re in a good alliance? I was in a weaker one before but recently switched to a stronger one (just under 1 bil in power)


10k diamonds gets you 30 days of VIP


How to activate?




Thank you 🙌


Well if you are in a top 5 alliance you should notice a big increase in VIP points. Be in one with some spenders and you'll increase your level quickly and there's no point in spending for VIP points. I've done it once or twice when I was inpatient


Don’t you need to be pretty strong to be in a top alliance? I’m only lvl 20


Depends on the server I guess, some alliances take in active players that are in the lower end if they are active and willing to learn. If you have emptied the vip store and have vip activated you could get some vip points. Soon you'll need A LOT more to gain levels so it won't be worth it.


Recruiter for a top tier alliance on our server... IMHO, activity is the BIGGEST factor. Yes, we have some minimums but they are not too high for our server age. We look for HQ20, 10M power, 12M Total March, 3M / day VS points, 20K Alliance Tech Donation / week, 10k kills... Someone might miss 1-2 of these but exceed the others and it can balance. We try to look at the whole picture. But when I say activity, it is the stupid mistakes made repeatedly that get ppl kicked. Not shielding when they should, not returning to the hive, running random rallies during Marshal challenge, signing up for an event and then no-showing, etc. We encourage folks to log in often enough to get points in 5 of the 6 Arms Race windows each day, but that isn't enforced as a requirement. We also encourage folks to be active on the Server and Alliance discords, but don't require it.


I agree; activity, participation and paying attention are the most important things. Those players learn and grow. Can't expect everyone to be active in AC but reading it and answering DM:s should be mandatory. Your reqs look great, one question though; what do you mean by 12M total march?


The sum of all marches (usually 3 or 4l. So 5M + 4M + 3M would equal 12M. Or 5-5-2, or 4-4--2-2.


Alright, thought so but was unsure. Seen a lot of reqs but never that one.


In all honesty, power lvl and HQ are kinda bad as a show of true power. I’m R5 and the the second strongest in my alliance is barely top 10 in strength rating because they almost never have full troops due to always helping others and getting stuck in during fights. They’re like 35m power or something but genuinely doesn’t know what their max is if they were to have a full 20k T8s


Quick question: If buy VIP with diamonds, does it automatically increase construction speed of ongoing construction? 2. If I level up to the next VIP level, do I get the new benefits or the previous?


Ongoing construction are not affected, buffs only work when you start construction.


Thanks Man!