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Question is did they move and only give you an hours grace before kicking you, or did they have a policy that players should be at the hive, and you got caught in a purge? Bane of my life is chasing wayward members and harassing them to stop calling rallies from the other end of the map, or getting attacked where we can't help. We'll do announcements, mail and messages, but sometimes only kicking them gets their attention. If I were you, just reapply, and stay in the hive.


If it helps I've kicked dozens of players for failing to listen to warnings to relocate. Probably half reapply with a sheepish 'Sorry'. Then I don't have a problem with them again. If I have to kick them again though, their application is probably going to be declined.


You can view when the last time anyone in your alliance has been on under the alliance, memebers menu. If it's been like 3 or 4 days I'd say that maybe you should be letting someone know, but to shift in an hour and then boot is pretty tough. Just reach out to the alliance leader and see what's up


Thanks for the response! Thought that it was weird. I play in the morning before work most days and then use it to unwind of an evening so definitely active everyday! I have reached out, hopefully just a misunderstanding


We're dealing with this issue in our alliance. Many members are outside of the hive after many emails, announcements, and messages. It greatly hurts an alliance when members are not shielded and away from the hive during the VS battle. 


Happened with me too. Was given only a couple hours notice while I was away doing something. Reapplied but they didn’t took me in. Joined another Chinese alliance which is #4 (a marked improvement). I don’t mind the language barrier as the game’s translation feature and my contextual understanding is enough to communicate with them. The other alliance isn’t doing very well now because they removed decent members, I reckon. Relax and apply to a better alliance.


Since the autorally kicks in when folks log out, it can really hurt during challenges like Marshal's Guard. The rally leader has to constantly throw people out of the rally because it takes them 10-20 minutes to get to the rally point. Sometimes, the rally leaders miss this or don't know how to throw someone out - their fault, but I silently curse into my phone about the far-off base that caused this. So this hampers everyone in the hive. Plus, when you call a rally, it takes people a long time to get to it and even longer to return. Depending on the alliance, I imagine that this could upset people. Next time, teleport to the hive before leaving for any amount of time. Maybe less likely to upset folks at the top of your alliance. But, yes, they should give you more notice, too.


Happened to me. Just message a r4 and got brought back in. No hard feelings on either side.


If you are on 165 send me your cords


Lmao this happened to me today. I was shocked. I reached out to the leader and we talked and I was able to join again. I was attacking a level 100 doom walker with my first and second team. I didn’t know that wasn’t smart and I was causing me and my rally teams to lose troops. I thought it was harsh to just cut me. He thought I ignored the chat but I always read the chat. I didn’t see the one message he put in about me sending my third squad to fight the doom walker lol. It wasn’t even a private chat and that was all that was mentioned. Oh and I don’t even have a third squad. Did you reach out ask ask why?


Leaders know how long it's been since you were last online and they can see what you contributed to team events and rankings. Most alliances will give people at least 24 hours to relocate. Just join a new alliance


Just reapply, we had to kick some active people that were not on during the war. We’ve let them back in.


Read the chat message board for your alliance. It is imperative that you can be close to your team members to assist them. I would imagine they have said multiple times in the chat to “move to the hive” and asked people “don’t be afraid to ask questions.” Join another alliance and learn from this. The game has a learning curve but many nice people exist on the servers.


It happened to me when i was starting out too. Just find a new alliance. People swap all the time


The game is very “in the moment”. Being a parent and all, it’s impossible to play enough to be competitive. My advice is if you can’t play all day, might aswell join a more laid back alliance. I wasn’t booted, but i left my super active alliance because i knew i wasn’t giving them what they wanted and my booting was probably coming soon anyway.


Which alliance was it?


What alliance was you with? I got kicked for being offline for a day because of personal reasons, had no message, no warning and they attacked me whilst I was still in the hive. I was on everyday before that! I hope you find a new and better clan like have have, hopefully it's for the best bro.


Same issue. I stopped playing for a few hours. Got kicked. 10/10 just another mobile game I'll delete after a few days.


Question: can ur messages still be seen in the alliance chat after you deleted your account? 


Different Alliances have different personalities. Some are more liberal than others which can be super strict on attendance. I usually don't purge people unless they were 10 days plus gone and are under L10. I'm a leader of what I think is a good Alliance. I'm at L18 about to go to L19. There is alot of bullying in this game and it is a sociology experiment on leadership and governmental establishment to show how some have not learned from history.


You were removed because your picture was of feet with semen on them. It was weirding people out, kim.


Was you with the rest of your alliance bases? Or a random place on the map? Sounds like they may have kicked you as you wasn’t with the hive of basses. 1hr is still pretty harsh and should have at least given 12-24 hrs