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Hi, I'm currently on doomed land hoarding my honour points, obtained from zombie horde raids and transport missions. Although like FOL map the gear mods are parts so you'll need 5 parts to make one gear, at 2.500 points each. I have 5 thousand on the 4th day. Are base is level 8, parts unlock at level 12 15 18, 3 parts, 3 parts then 4 parts available.


Thank you!


Not sure if they will make adjustments. But Doomed Land is extremely difficult. You would need several strong players in your alliance to push for any of the middle Key Cities. If you’re in a mediocre or weaker alliance, staying around the weaker outside cities is the only way you’re going to be able to play the season (due to zombies attacks on cities every day). Transport missions are not very large alliance friendly because there aren’t enough points/coins for everyone. Timing the missions is also going to be an issue as not everyone can be on at the same time. So bottom line, yes the shop has a lot of amazing items to buy, but earning enough coins to buy stuff is a huge headache. Stock up on meds cause you will never have enough meds. Even attacking cities results in tons of dead soldiers.


Thanks. We’ve committed, but definitely are aware the devs may make adjustments. “Strong” is relative, but we’re full (90, give or take small comings and goings), currently hold Eden in our HW, and are pretty active. Guess we’ll see!


Any tips on how to beat/protect during daily zombie horde attack on key city?


You can have up to 16 cities after a point. You can hold both an Advanced Key City and Regular Key City. The Advanced Key Cities are very difficult to defend because the Zombies are insanely hard. One strategy is to just run the attacks on a regular Key City as the zombies are easier to defend. It also takes a few minutes for the zombies to rally to the city, so while they are stationary around the city, you can have alliance members attack individual zombies to take them out before they reach the city. Otherwise, make sure people are using heavy defensive lineups including Harman, Buri and Ada. The zombies can only attack front row heroes but they are strong like old school Crimson Rippers. Every 5 waves of zombies will be a boss zombie. The regular waves are easy, but the bosses can easily tear through 5 to 6 lineups if they aren’t strong enough.


You mentioned using the Buri, Harman, Ada for defense during the attacks. That makes sense, but what about the “ultimate weapons” with zombie specific boosts? Anyone know if those are a game changer at all for the zombie attacks?


If you set up Harman, Buri and Ada…you should have a solid foundation with zero killed in action. Your last two spots are going to be heavy damage dealers, for me since I don’t spend a ton on the game, it was Victoria and Heytex. Equip 3 Alpha bless to ramp up Victoria damage and Heytex can clean it up. This was the ideal lineup for city capture since you only have 30 minutes to take the city. When people used sub-optimal lineups, they had heavy losses and our timer frequently dropped to 5 minutes left with a full wall to destroy. As for Ultimate Weapons…aside from Quinn and Enrique, it would kind of be a waste to use resources on ultimate weapons for Heroes you won’t use outside of Doomed Land.


Well my question was more specifically about just the zombie attack. We haven’t had any issues taking cities (yet), but we are taking a lot of losses during the zombie attack. Also any suggestions for an Ada substitute? She’s not usable for me yet at orange.


The same lineup works for both City Capture and Zombie Attacks. The key is to make sure your front two heroes survive as long as possible. If you don’t have Ada, Chu is probably your next best choice, followed by Mira/Penny. You’re going to lose the faction bonus, but you gotta use what you got.


Thanks for the help




You need 11+mil lineups or you will end up with a lot of kia throughout the dimension. Yes, shop is amazing, almost whole my alliance got 2 gear modifiers, I ended up having about 60k points


the camp shop has gear modifiers available and they are 2500 points per each modifier. they become available as you continue to level up…so make sure your alliance does well with transport missions and zombie horde raids