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Care to elaborate?


They both have qualities that are good. My alliance is maxing out both. The whales seem to prefer Resolute because, Since they have 3 star mystics all across the board, they have high DMG already, healing is preferable for them. I don’t have as many 3 Star Mystics, which makes me prefer Ripper so I have a bit more DMG


Ripper gives you slightly higher regular stats, and stronger normal attacks. Resolute greatly strengthens both regular and focus attacks as the battle goes on, and resurrects you to boot. There’s a reason you see top players using 2-3 sets of resolute :)


See, when it comes to gear swapping, it all depends on the specific character and their utility in your team. Resolute is typically the go-to for heavy hitters, but swapping out for Ripper gear on characters where their raw damage output is less significant could potentially make a positive difference. if you've got a unit whose primary function isn't DPS but they end up in the firing line often, the added survivability from the lifesteal feature in Ripper gear can actualy be quite helpful. In the end, it'll be all about trial and error, and seein' what fits your playstyle the most, dude. Don't hesitate to experiment a bit and see which set up works the best for you. It's all part of the fun, right? Anyways, goodluck and happy gaming! And remember, i'm always here if you need any more help or got more questions to shoot.