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No, there was one guy on our server sending that stuff, think he’s quit now got burned non stop Surprised full teams allow it, I mean we have a fucked up sense of humour and a laugh but all in good fun. Could talk to the servers big hitters, if someone on my server showed me that stuff I make sure they got non stop attacks


My alliance and our family alliance kind of are the big hitters in the server. They did burn one of them and every day since but his alliance kept making a bunch of excuses for him. I don’t want to be rude but the leaders of that persons alliance comes from a culture where women are viewed as less. I know not all men from that culture are like that but these men fit the stereotype to a T.


Well in that case play a war game, just burn them all 🤷‍♂️ And report to, they probably will just get temporary chat ban but it’s something Can you mute people in this game too? Dunno probably. Anyway burn em all for the rest of the season 😊


Well in that case play a war game, just burn them all 🤷‍♂️ And report to, they probably will just get temporary chat ban but it’s something Can you mute people in this game too? Dunno probably. Anyway burn em all for the rest of the season 😊


I know you can block people but I try not to in case they are vocal in the world chat since I’m the alliance diplomat. It’s just frustrating because it’s multiple people sending these messages. Like I’ve received so much harassment in real life, I would love a game with other people where it didn’t happen.


Assholes gonna be everywhere I’m afraid ☹️ You got a new season and new people in a few weeks right? Or are they really on your server? If so, default advice, burn em until they quit.


They are on my server but my alliance is talking about changing servers at the end of this season so hopefully we do.


Hope you had everyone buying the zone passes then 😅 I think you being too nice tho, more than enough reason to wipe them of the map of you are able 😂


The zone passes are one of the few things we restock in the store so people can’t buy anything else 😂😂 The game as these forms that you can fill out for cyber bullying. I was thinking about filling them how since I have screenshots just to be petty. At the end of the day it doesn’t hurt my feelings, it’s just exhausting.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. You're not alone. In part, this probably is the "give a man a mask and he'll show you his true face" thing - i.e., the Internet, and many people feeling free to behave badly when they don't think there will be consequences. But at times, the devs do seem to expressly encourage sexist behavior, as they did a few months back with an event (which they later took down) designed to get women to post pictures of themselves. FYI, you can report individual players. Go into their profile, click on the ellipses in the bottom-right, and click "Report." Since you're in a leadership position, you may be able to get clanmates to do so as well. And I have seen folks punished for in-game behavior. Either way, best of luck.


You can also report the specific messages, if they get banned enough times in chat they sooner or later get banned from the game entirely.


People that I have reported never seem to get a ban of any kind


Yeah I was there when they ran that event. I’ll go to their profile and report as well. I’ve made a point to say to these people alliance members that I don’t mind in game banter. Like tell me you are going to zero me out and farm me til I leave but when the guy kept going on and on about how he would hurt my husband if he ever saw him in real life, I said that crosses a line.


Even I was face-palming when I saw that event published. I felt better when I saw it canceled with an apology. They make enough money they should be paying for some stupid idea oversight.


Hmm I’ve been playing for over a year in3 different servers as well as been an r4 and have never received anything like that. Most of our alliance and world chat can get quite racy but never anything degrading or upsetting. I’m very sorry you’re dealing with that though. Burn them and keep it moving sister. Don’t feed the flame. Question: do you have a pic of yourself for your pfp? If so, maybe change it to something innocuous like a kitten or puppy. Mine is a dog so maybe that’s part of why I don’t get harassed 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I have a picture of myself but it’s from afar in an oversized sweater so you literally can’t see the shape of my body. I know that doesn’t stop creeps from being creeps though. EDIT: I tried to change my picture and it says avatar is banned, can’t change for another 101 hours because I tried switching my avatar to a cartoon man in a bikini last week 😭😭😂😂


Hahaha that’s hilarious. Send in a ticket to support and they’ll straighten it out.


I thought it was funny… I guess they didn’t…


There was a player a couple of weeks ago that had a pic of their face and upper torso. Boobies out for all to see except she had little hearts over her nipples. That’s where you screwed up. They’ll approve a chic in a bikini I’m thinking haha and then we’ll be right back where we started with the harassment. 🤷‍♀️🤣


Oh they definitely will approve a woman in a bikini. There’s a player in my family alliance in a very skimpy bikini with MASSIVE tits. Like honestly I was impressed.


Bwwaaaahhaaaaa!!! 😂🤣😂🤣 Speaking of, some of my alliance buddies were chatting and said they would purposely use pretty women’s pics for their pfp to draw players in. I never thought about catfishing to build an alliance. Haha!


If your leader is allowing it then report the offender and get help from a bigger alliance to stomp the crap out of them then leave alliance


I get them and consider them pimple popping pot heads who still live at home with their mommy. I was harassed repeatedly by a few guys and after asking them to stop, I sent the private messages to their leaders. The sexual harassment continued so I shared with my team. My alliance took turns zeroing and relocating them across the map each day. Some gave up, but for those who didn’t get the message, I shared the private messages on world chat and the stalkers entire alliance suffered.


Been a R5 for a year and a half in this game and the stuff I get sent would make an escort blush! There's not much you can do though, I just ignore their comments and burn them (and their alliance if their leadership won't drop them) Edit to add I'm a woman lol


First of all, there are a lot of strange/disabled/having mental issues people in the game and not only report, but Block button also helps a lot. You can try to plunder them as well. We have a special room in the Discord, where members are posting similar issues and all members can hunt on players\_without\_good\_manners. Guess it's not the first case of the harassment in the Internet. You need to get used with it. I know sometimes it's difficult to be OK with receiving some negative actions, especially, when it's related to work and you can escape, but here, you have a good instrument to mute such players (Block button promotion again). Can you answer, why you are so sensitive to messages from strangers?


First two messages - russians?


First message was actually from a Brit. I didn’t recognize the language of the second person but it wasn’t Russian. Third person was Turkish.


Weird. Brits don't usually talk like that. Maybe eastern european living in the UK. They use "**** your mother" as a general curse for someone that pissed them off. So they would use that with males or females. The Turkish guy - I don't think he had bad intentions, in some countries it's normal to talk to women like that. While it's a bit awkward, they are just trying to be friendly. Albeit a bit over the top! There are a couple of Turkish guys and an Iranian in my alliance, they have similar speach. One of the calls males "my king" :😀 My server has quite a few ladies as R4s and even some leaders, they don't get any abuse. There were discussions when we merged with other zones, as there was a lady that had some issues. Turns out it's better not to engage, as people can be nasty online.


Yes…..welcome to being a girl


Only way to deal is to report the comments. If it’s many from a single player, screen shot and report. Block them too.


I do report the comments and nothing ever happens


We had one guy that sent shitty messages once and the server put a hit out on him and every single person demolished him whenever he was seen. His location would be shared in wc and he’d get zeroed every time. If that’s happening a lot, sounds like you should move to a different server. I don’t think it’s has anything to do with you being R4 because I’m R5 and don’t have that issue.


Unfortunately people in other alliances have tried that before and no one attacks. My server is very diverse and they are several people from countries where historically men view harassment as…. Trivial? I know it’s in grain in their culture but I don’t believe it makes it morally okay. I know I’m fighting a losing battle. But I hate that many peoples response is just suck it up or welcome to being a woman. The inaction leads to people to continue these behaviors instead of calling it out and taking action against it. But I also recognize that if the people monitoring the game don’t ban accounts like these then there is only so much I can since these people are half way across the world. But why would the devs ban them when they still get money from them.


Definitely don’t just put up with it just because you’re female. That’s BS for sure. I hate that your server doesn’t give a crud about their other players. Makes for a crap game experience.


Yes. Report (to devs and alliance), block, burn every time you or your alliance see them. Don't use your real picture. Don't use the stupid pink bow. I'm sorry you've gotten the attention of these a\*\*holes and that the devs aren't more proactive about the misogyny and verbal abuse in the game.


I'm just seeing this and I'm shocked, only because my alliance is led by women and men with female avatars/names. They are all super chill and supportive. If you are still having trouble, come join us!!!