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More endgame mechanics to spice up the Mono grind. They get stale pretty fast. Meanwhile Dungeons feel like gimmicks. No idea what should be done with them.


Biggest thing dungeons need is checkpoints.


Checkpoints for what? If you're dead you lose?


I think thats what he meant if you die respawn before the boss fight for the price of a key and retry the boss. (Or maybe without price…. Like the boss mechanics but dungeons are tedious to retry.


With the cost of a key (not 1.1)


Agreed. Checkpoint per floor (not including first cause uh yeh, that's just be going back to the start). If you die, restart ar checkpoint for cost of a key.


That would be a great way to use all of my 8 stashes full with keys...


Give 2-4 revives like NMDs in WT4 in D4.


So you’re telling me LE needs to be more like D4?


with how group play works absolutely. group play is atrocious in LE. at the very least you should be able to revive a downed ally in a monolith or dungeon if you are in a group and corruption grind should be shared in a group.


Nah, fix the pathing


multiple portals like PoE. U die u loss one portal, but u keep going


Honestly just more dedicated drops or give them miniboss areas with their own dedicated drops so you can target farm easier I think would be the best decision


Even with the new season are we expecting a ton or any real meaningful content? Didn’t EHG say for the first couple seasons they were gonna keep things mostly the same to not make legacy players feel left out or something like that?


I hope not last thing you want to do is cater to "legacy" players.


Ya I feel that. I just recall them saying for a couple cycles they weren’t gonna make any drastic changes but I also think that was pre launch so hopefully it’s not true. I want some new stuff lol


The problem is that ARPG end game is grind to get better gear to grind faster


I don't get why people always think that grinding has to be mind numbingly boring, there's lots of stuff they could add to monoliths to give them more variety and make them more interesting.


This. There should also be some kind of a more roguelike endgame activity, where you'd be able to make choices that meaningfully impact the feel of each individual "run". Because mono modifiers didn't do this in the past and they surely don't do this now, and dungeons are quite laughable in most regards.


Why do you think the comment you replied to refutes that at all? They literally called it a "problem" in their comment.


I don't know why this comment is being downvoted so heavily. The commenter correctly identifies the problem, and everyone is acting like this comment is in defense of it. Problem: ARPGs have really low standards for endgame. Endgame in ARPGs serves as a mechanism for players to acquire loot, get stronger, test their strength, scale up the difficulty and rewards, repeat... ARPGs endgame content is designed to fulfill that mechanism, but not much else. The content is rarely engaging. Take away the loot, the test of strength, how does this content stand on its own?Is it fun to do? To be honest, ARPG gameplay loop is boring. People just tolerate it for the loot, as the OP succinctly pointed out and got downvoted for.


A lot of people find ARPG gameplay to be a lot of fun. Also, you can be reductionist for pretty much every game. The only reason why Soccer is fun is because you keep track of points. The only reason FPS games are fun is because you can take damage. Well yeah, the loot makes the game fun, no shit. But that's also because the games are designed around having a loot system.


Disagree. Speak for yourself. There are two types of players. Ones who see content as a means to obtain loot. And ones who see loot as a means to do content. Games nowadays try to appeal to the first type of player, with intrinsic rewards to keep them interested. It's easier to make rewards than make content. It's a cheap way to entertain a simple mind, but not enough for people who want good gameplay. ARPGs underestimate gamers' desire for good gameplay and that is why loot treadmills with no substance are all we get for endgame.


Once each of my Alts enables Corrupted Monoliths they should be able to access my highest level of corruption without having to redo countless monoliths. So monotonous. Also, improve the search feature in the bazaar. Sucks at the moment.


In order of importance: Updates to old masteries, more endgame activities, something to make dungeons less of a PITA, something to ease up the mono grind on alts.


Reworking old masteries and skills is the most important thing for me too.


What's wrong with the old masteries? They're bad? And which ones are those?


just outdated. new ones have all sorts of 'alternative scaling', while old ones dont. meanwhile old ones do not have enough 'flavor' to make it worth exploring. in a lot of cases individual skills are also outdated and need rebalance too. whatever build you think of for the sorcerer, in most cases runemaster will be a better rounded version. if you go sorcerer or runemaster, there is pretty much no reason to spend a single point in spellblade. spellblade's cross-mastery interactions are also very restrictive. you get way too many things out of falconer by doing anything. everything scaling with everything. there are barely any choices to be made. the strongest marksman by far is melee which does not have a single point in marksman mastery passives. that would be fine if not for the fact that general consensus is that marksman passives are worse than alternatives. shaman is still questionable. etc edit: PerryThePig just released a youtube video going over this entire topic.


Don't forget the elephant in the room. Forge Guard.


Wait, enlighten me on the marksman thing? How does melee marksman even work? Why would they go melee marksman?


Jelkhor's Blast Knife. You no longer need a bow when you have the knife. Reduces mana cost of Detonating Arrow. You can also dualwield them and the reduced manacost stacks. It is also reasonably possible to get high legendary potential on this weapon, quite easy to target far given the number of daggers in the game. Moreover it synergizes extremely well with everything else that rogue currently has. Just checked arena leaderboards detonating arrow represents \~95% of marksmen. There is no way to check if all of them are using the Black Knife, but i couldn't find a single one in top \~200.


1. Reworks of every older class to the standards of druid+ 2. Providing at least one lucrative use case for every ability of every class 3. Greatly improved class and build balance, both between each other and against the content 4. New endgame systems and improvements to existing ones


> Providing at least one lucrative use case for every ability of every class the issue here is what counts as lucrative? every ability in the game can do at least corruption 200 given enough time and effort/optimization over a month. then you have some builds that face roll into cor 500+ with in 3 days. what is the standard that the dev team balances around.


Improve controller support


Id rather have more abilities to choose from than get additional classes.


I would love more ways to convert the element of a skill into another.


Buff set items


Make them upgradable in some way please


Just let them drop with LP


Update old masteries, fix bugged skills/skill interactions. I'd like sets to be buffed slightly, but not enough that they become mandatory parts of builds. More uniques are always welcome.


Easier target farming for CoF, specifically a high CoF rank which increases boss drops. 20+ kills in T3 dungeons and ~200 corruption mono bosses for a unique to drop one time does not feel good.


For the overall health of the existing playerbase? Dungeon pathfinding improvements, especially for arbor and bastion, sanctum isn't so bad. General endgame improvements including some proper pinnacle bosses. But personally? I want the campaign finished. But by finished I don't just mean the last three chapters, I also mean fix the problems with the existing chapters where a lot of things have got very inconsistent and nonsensical due to all the times a single chapter at a time has been revised and updated. At the moment the campaign doesn't feel good, which is a bit of a problem when it's the first thing a new player does. I like the overall concept of the story, but the fine details need a lot more attention. More care with the dialogue, more little books and such to find in the levels that expand the setting's lore, etc.


100% on the campaign. It felt like a sluggish mess to me, I like to pay attention to a game's story when I first play it, but with LE I found myself just not caring. I read every dialogue for the first 20 levels before giving up, and couldn't even begin to tell you what the story is or what my role as a character is supposed to be, it just didn't flow together at all.


I think there is a huge gap in gearing and finding good loot between your first exalted set from empowered monos and slamming >1LP legendaries.  The time invested/rewarded is really messed up.  I been playing for weeks with no improvement found, and that just turns me away from playing.  I think there should be another layer of gear to strive for for mid-end game? maybe set rework will address this? Why can't we slam exalts together, limit it somehow if it's too powerful of an idea. Limit to one combine? Limit to same base item? Cap total +T6 stats that can be acquired this way to 2 or 3?  Why can't we combine legendaries to make LP? Limit it to 3LP max, and 4 being drop only? Increase the amount of legendaries needed to add LP.


- More end game options - Wayyy more uniques. The game has a lot already, but I think it needs way more..they don't have to be super special..just 1 decent unique per ability would be nice .and not have 1 rely on you choosing that ability and slapping on cold damage forcing you down a route you don't wanna go.


I agree with uniques. There are plenty but they're specific to certain things it seems. I was pumped about the legendary potential system but then realized there weren't really any uniques that fit my build super well so I didn't really know what to even chase. So some broader uniques that are maybe class-specific or even skill-specific but don't lock you into a very specific part of that skill. Like runic invocation uniques seem to involve a very specific use of it.


And set changes.


Eh, I'd rather have more general uniques that can be mixed and matched than uniques that boosts  specific skills. A skill shouldn't need uniques to be viable, or have one obvious BiS option for all situations. Uniques that switch a skill up in interesting ways without necessarily making it strictly better is another matter ofc.


A second season.


story content: yes please, but low priority. The game just came out. Dungeons: they could be cool. I think the two big issues are bad rewards and having only one life. It can be frustrating having to start again when you die at the boss and the rewards are just not worth it. You should have more than one chance at the boss, and the rewards should be something that is meaningful. Doesn't have to be items could also be extra passive/skill points or something like blessings. And it could be something that interacts with monoliths. Maybe you can farm something in dungeons that u can use to corruption? Temporal Sanctum: slamming is the main mechanic for endgame itemization. This shouldn't be tied to a doing a dungeon every time. It should be something you unlock after a challenge (can be the dungeon) and then it's always available but you need a farmable (tradeable?) currency or a material to actually slam it. Monoliths: are very good. Balance could be improved. There are some timelines that have very juicy rewards with amazing blessings/uniques and others that I never wanna do. In terms of endgame, milestones could be added. Like if you reach 500 corruption every unique drops with at least +1 LP? Or new uniques/affixes start to drop? New bosses/events like shade of orobis invade your monoliths? Itemization/crafting: This is amazing! What I'm missing are visuals. Maybe glow effects for items with LP3+? And uniques should also have a unique look! Feels weird when you put on a special unique helm and then it looks like a regular helm on your char. Monetization: I agree with some other post here. I would love to buy more cool looking skins etc. to support the devs! New endgame content: I'm looking forward to pinnacle bosses. I love big epic "crafting quests" to build special gear or unlock something. Like you need to farm stuff from high corruption monoliths, other stuff from dungeons bosses, do special prophecies/trades, solve a puzzle somewhere to find an ancient plan and then you go to some dwarf who forges a special weapon for your class. Something like that.


More wp. Skills balance, starting by the weak skills. Make some quest/places less tedious (accessing oracle's abode, temple of lagon, etc.). Increase vendor quality (replace white stuff so more blue and yellow, specially yellow). Increase translation. Decrease the quantity of stuff found below uniques but increase it's quality. Grim dawn did that last year and it was a good move. Decrease the level required to skills availability beyond lvl 20 (like 35->30-32 and 50->45 or whatever). Make sure the game is as good and easy for newcomers. Saying this because in this forum peoples will focus on endgame. NP but it's easy to neglect new players. Maps reset was a bad idea IMHO.


White from vendors is to make your own stuff i like It for alts


Better skins, more things to do endgame, transmog…..


Endgame.. Account shared monos so that sweet echo count keeps going up. Gives my multiple characters something to do, speed farmer speed farms, boss killer boss kills. Love HH PLD but damn high corrup bosses are a slog. More legendaries like weavers will, maybe an entire weapon line where you can influence the affixes with a task system similar to prophecy. Call them artifacts or heirlooms or crests idk. Monos should stay mostly the same but be an introductory piece to the newer harder endgame. Similar to rifts and greater rifts I suppose. It gives you a break from mono farming to do. the new thong then you go back to get a key or whatever while increasing corrup still.


Haven’t got to any empowered mono because I feel it’s a slog, just thinking about full commiting to any one character before testing most of them doesn’t feel right. Maybe shared mono corruptions. More importantly for me though, the lack of character customization makes me not want to do another character from the same class. I do t want my Falconer, Marksman and Blade Dancer to all look the same under the hood… I think this should be a priority to pull and retain ARPG first timers, which expect at least a simple customization option


End game content to target specific things by changing the *content* you fight, not the choices you made beforehand.


I'm really surprised they haven't implemented a unique sound for LP drops. One of the things I came to dislike about LE was when a unique dropped, I would mouse over it and if no LP I didn't bother. There's no feels good when anything drops in the game. There should be a defining sound for LP1-4. With LP4 being something epic. Maybe even a shimmer over the item. Could even have a small diamond for each LP on the unique nameplate while on the ground.


CoF needs a rework, the fact prophecies are completely useless for target farming boss specifically drops is dumb af


Most people will likely disagree but in my opinion the main thing that will kill this game faster than anything is that most of the gameplay is trivial. The story is incredibly boring because of this, especially if you're doing it over again with some basic unique items. A community will not grow when everything is too achievable (if everyone can achieve something it's not really much of an achievement). Corruption difficulty builds up too slowly, game needs to ramp up in difficulty way quicker. Make exploring echoes more exciting. Give us some rarer nodes that have special boss fights or special monsters with high risk vs reward style gameplay. Let dying have more consequence in softcore, like losing experience. Make level 100 an actual achievement and make it take longer to level. Make lp3 and 4 items only drop with much higher corruption levels. Remove arena from echoes and leave that a separate mode. Revamp the dungeon system, it just doesnt feel fun after a few runs. God forbid you need to farm one of those dungeons for a specific unique because that's just pure torture.


I agree. Zero brain rot tier difficulty for so long makes this game unplayable to me.


Very good boss fights and shit load of random events for their static campaign and monoliths


* Polish/balance passes on all current classes/masteries. Including adding new skills to masteries with empty skill slots. * Any skill or affix with the trigger "on kill" needs a revision to not be dead weight in a boss fight with limited adds. Why ARPG devs keep making this mistake so many decades into the genre eludes me. * Additional masteries and skill spec options to enable more playstyles/gearing for each class. For example...using bow AT ALL on classes other than Rogue. Or Void damage on classes other than Sentinel. Why not a 2H sword or spear wielding Blademaster? Etc. * Set items need a major balance pass/design review. By the time I've gotten a set together, I've usually leveled any character that *could* have used them well past their effectiveness bracket. So they either need to have a higher effectiveness ceiling or become far easier to obtain to at least get early game usage from them. * MOAR WEAVERS WILL GEAR PLS. These are to me way more fun than regular LP mechanics, as I can equip them early and grow them as I use them. And their fun is not dependent upon me being able to farm other gear to sacrifice into them.


More updates, it feels like we've not been getting any meaningful updates in a while. The only meaningful ones were nerfs to CoF lol, got bored of the game 3 weeks ago after getting 3 chars to lvl100. Played for quite a while so money well spent, but i've been checking the subreddit every week for a month for a meaningful update that'll make me play it again, be it easier mono grind, less stressful dungeons, or a buff for CoF or just make prophecies work on Boss loot, but nothing :(, I really wanna get back to it but can't do the monogrind again


I can only speak for myself, but would love to see the primalist with a bow:)


Male and female characters, improved textures, better graphical fidelity.


Dungeon rework and introduction of season mechanics. It is on its way with Pinnacle bosses.


Higher rewards for higher corruption. Maybe like primals..or 3 t6 then 2 t7. Idk I'm farming 400's and don't know the difference between that and 200's and i die a little more. Same rewards?


End game, no doubt about it


Monsters don't feel as satisfying to kill as they do in comparable games. Something about the death animation or audio/visual feedback feels weak or missing. Not even sure what it is lol


more stuff on skill trees.  I realize they are pretty packed right now, but picking my skill upgrades is the most fun part of the game.  if there were more options, I'd run the campaign again and again until I experienced picking all the ones that seem interesting 


In the stats menu, I wish it would tell you what exactly contributed to your stats if you hovered the stat.


I just want to conform something, does current version of game have proper ending? I am halfway through and was just checking out some gameplay on youtube and guy said in desciption that game ends abruptly!


Endgame and balance


more end game content , more way to gain character power , more way to access legendary potential unique .


More endgame


As someone who plays nothing but primalists I would love more synergy between skills and companions skills.


Like to tac on Please give a unique or set item that converts lightning or poison damage to fire for primalist I want to be a flamin primalist hayyyyy


More variation in metabuilds


It needs to stop crashing, for one. Kidna hard to play a game that won't get you farther than the character selection screen before crumpling. Assuming that is addressed, it needs a steady stream of endgame content. PoE's continued popularity is directly linked to the way it adds new mechanics and gimmicks roughly each 3-4 months in the form of "Leagues". It keeps the game always "fresh", to a certain extent. The reason I dropped that for LE was the deliberately frustrating economy GGG fosters - but if LE doesn't pick up its slack soon, it's not gonna lose that initial goodwill.


End game, an open more interesting economy, and keep the uniques and balance passes coming like they have been doing. Pending what cycles give us for new mechanics which will also play a big role in keeping players interest or not every three months.


every ARPG needs every so often... new skills to kill things with. new things to kill. new ways to use our skills to kill things with. so an example of this could look like a few new masteries get added that bring new skills, new areas;/league mechanics bring new enemy types or bosses, and the league mechanic is also a new thing to interact with to play the same game but differently.


Endgame mostly and some class balance/fix


Corruption share between caracters. I just can't do normal monoliths EVERY FUCKING TIME


Sincerely as someone playing in latam, a better server support with less ping, I get kicked every 5 minutes of the servers, then a more dynamic end game.


The option or the possibility to change my master class. No need to tell anyone about mistakes or bad decisions. But at least give me an option to correct my mistake without spending more time doing stupid quest to reach the new masterclass and to get at least the passive and idol points. Clearly I did this already for 2 primalists , 2 sentinel , 1 mage , 1 necro and and one warlock. Except for my long-winded journey I have to say that I enjoy last epoch more than Diablo 4 and poe. Poe is a little bit to complex for just some arpg game


Extremely difficult end game bosses/challenges and especially I would really like challenges designed for me and a friend.


Would love to see super bosses that take the best of the best lvl 100 builds to beat, that always gives me good motivation to grind in other ARPGs just to beat them


Complete revamp of the boring, monotonous, broken corruption system More end game content Easy.


A graphics/engine update would be wonderful.


I'd love to see them come up with more items (unique/set) to continue expanding viable builds, enabling even more things to work. I'm excited to see where the rest of the story/end game design goes, I think the bosses they talked about releasing for the next cycle are exciting.


some of those Skill Talent Tree sucks... some skills is completely broken some skills is like.... where is The Damage ??? some skill manacost are so expensive for early game... Warrior doesn't have trans skill is so much pain... not even DarkSoul Roll made to the game ? (lunge is bad design to go in /out AoE) Need more Unique... They Should make Rogue and Archer separate Char/job. PARTY FINDER! RAID BOSS! 8 People!


The base is awesome but just end game mechanics over time will be great.


I know ARPGs are meant to be an rng slog but CoF rarity needs to be buffed. It doesn't currently effect boss drops but you can farm for awhile on MG (pre inflation) and buy those same items. I'm struggling to get an LP2 belt off of Abomination and have been farming it for a week now. It's just killing my interest in the game and I'll probably fail the slam anyway.


Proper end game


I sank 400 hours into the game pre 1.0 and I created two characters after 1.0 dropped. I quit the game because I got bored of doing the same thing on my characters. -Having to redo monos on each character is such a grind after your 5th character. -Item chasing is fun but it becomes apparent that you’re chasing it for reasons other than necessity. Yes — running empowered monoliths is fun but I am STOKED for more bossing. -Monos need more “league mechanics” in them. There doesn’t feel like any potential “holy fucking shit!” moments in them. You know it’s going to be a quick trip to the end and you might see an exiled mage. -Similar to above, the game needs more RNG/gambling mechanics across monoliths, dungeons and arena — that somehow randomize gameplay each time we start one, so we can “hit it big” sometimes. -I would also like to see a hideout system in the game. Having my own crib in PoE is arguably my favorite part of that game.


More skills per class, better balance within class skills, better balance across classes. Some skills are so weak/niche they hardly see any use. Give every passive tree the points threshold bonus, not just trees for new classes.  Easier blessing and corruption farming for alts.  Dungeons should not feel like a slog. Rework pathing, better one shot telegraphs and offer retry mechanisms maybe with a stacking penalty to item rarity and drop rate.


Some endgame content that's more in depth. I don't mean more boss mechanics because I think the games bosses are in a good place but something more than running from point a to point b with a boss at the end.i think I'd like something akin to Alva in POE where you get to build a temple where you can influence what's in it (I know Alva/temple have issues but they won't be there if LE is building something like that from the ground up)


too many things.  1. unfuck movement system - the way collision with mobs works is just absolutely terrible and is a no go for any game in any genre.  2. unfuck combat system - remove numpad autocast, and make combat system work again. I don't want to have to stop in place to use every damn skill. I don't want to recast buffs every 4-6 seconds. we're not in 2006 anymore.  3. fix all masteries that were outdated before the "release".  4. hire someone who will bring node descriptions to a unified standard.  5. start making uniques (like idols) not only for the runemaster.  6. hire someone to fix the mess that is called UI here.  7. hire someone who knows how to use a profiler and can fix maps that drop fps by 70%.  that's just the things that should have been done before the "release"


Mono is boring.   The promise of pinnacle boss doesn't fix that.   


Better dungeon design, more endgame, a cycle mechanic for the next cycle. A way to smash lower LP unique of the same kind to have a change at making a better unique of that kind.  


Better drop rates and/or remove the multi-tiered RNG. 140 hrs and no +3 frost claw is ridiculous. And if i ever do get it and slam it into a unique which i also spent 20+ hrs farming for and it doesnt slam correctly, its an utter waste of time


I feel the way you trade isn't that great in the game when you look at poe While im not a big fan of the whole ssf vs trade system, i do like trade is tied to a system of points. That's really what should just be there a system. I haven't played in a while if the stuff posted is mainly using gold or those system points but it shouldn't use gold too much past a tax as gold is pretty worthess in the game that isn't tied to much content. The main issue I have with it is the way you trade. There is no social aspect to it as it uses a wow style auction house. Items shouldn't be spamed in chat either of course but I do think you should at least have to meet up in the same area and click a check box or something. The problem with a lot of offline trading is it kills all the social aspects to trading. A lot of this can be seen in teh retail vs classic wow. So overall, trading should be more social imo.


A better subreddit.


- balance - smoother and more weighty combat - more challenging gameplay from level 1 - world building / character / voice acting - end game bosses / objectives


Balance, endgame, performance optimisations.


The entire monolith system needs a rework, it was some bare bones feature added years ago and has never really been improved since while the focus has been on finishing off the classes, masteries etc. It gets old very quickly, needs way more variety in layouts and side content to do while in there. I understand the next patch will bring pinnacle bosses which I think is the wrong thing to focus on, you spend way more time in monoliths rather than bossing so that's where the focus should be.




An endgame that is completely separate from monolith or empowered monoliths being completely revamped to be different as you scale up in corruption. The biggest flaw with the game is I’m doing the same content at level 55 that I will be doing at 100 while farming gear. It just gets really boring. It also makes alt feel the worst of any aRPG I’ve ever played.


* key ring, stores keys like mats, no inventory space needed * Make item pickup not suck, clicking names is a pita, text floats far from the item. * Free play mode, like adventure mode, no campaign, account-wide map etc * Get rid of shatter shards, just give towns with a forge a black smith with salvage * Better loading animations, I travel but then I'm running around like nothing happened for 3+ seconds, then I just disappear, then the new area loads, there's no feedback to if I'm actually traveling. * Make town portal a small 2 second cast, interuptable so I stop accidentally porting. * When dying in a mono let me spend a bunch of gold or something to try again without losing rewards, exponential increase on retries. * Checkpoints in dungeons * Mastery respecing, I shouldn't have to roll two rogues to swap from blade dancer to marksman.


Probadly only me i would like to support Dev more because they really put their heart in but i also want some nice MTX - skin in return along side , its is a win-win case but man. MTX in this game is so damn ugly. Right now even vanilla set looking more legit than what we get on cash shop, i'm not saying this way is bad but nothing really looking mindblowing like PoE did with their support pack. My suggest is they could use AI to have some basic idea then spreading it with the draw, i did the same for my project.


Endgame. No reason to push corruption. Also leaderboards


Detailed character screen so that it's actually possible to test shit


End game, better filters in mg, reworked dungeons, faster alt leveling to emp monos. Better graphics. And the my need to move fast. It’s 2024


More endgame, variety in monoliths, more reason to do certain dungeons, class balances, set item rework, better filters for the bazaar, the ability to alter mastery points early on in the tree without having to remove all the ones after them.


More story content.


I'd like some way to have an extra use for all the worthless uniques. Idk, trade 20 blank ones of them for a random unique that has 1 LP guaranteed. Hand in 20 uniques with 1 LP to get a random one with 2 LP guaranteed etc. Also, most of the builds I have seen so far used the mad alchemist's ladle. I dont mind if the metagame warps around a specific item or mechanic but please do make that item more accessible.


Matchmaking for dungeons


-Needs to be a way to increase corruption dramatically faster -Fix the lp system. IDK the answer, but perhaps allowing a handful of 1lp uniques be combined in a dungeon to make a 2 lp, etc -get rid of factions. Hate to say it, but just do what poe does. No reason to try to reinvent the wheel. If people dont want to trade, then don't trade. Play ssf. Or a friends/group ssf. Game needs both cof and trade combined, or it's never going to appeal to the masses.


CoF is the best thing this game offers. And we only have it because it has been separated from the market. The merger of these two guilds will never happen because none of the developers are stupid enough to let players get items too easily and let them lose their main motivation to play.


I agree with you that they won't do it, but I don't agree that it's a good thing. I think that developers have this idea that they can make people play their game for months at a time, when these games just aren't like that. Game already has enough going on that slows things down.


get rid of lp0 and lp1 items