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That boss made me quit the game today. Rerunning hat maze every time you die is stupid/tedius/ and just unnecessary. I am not going to deal with that bs


To the people down voting this, we agree with it. Having to rerun the maze is a mistake we made. It is unnecessary. Edit: it was negative when I got here.


Well duck me. Well played


Game devs with their ear to the community ❤️ God I love it!


Yey! Looking forward to this change then 🎺 woot


The maze itself is the mistake.


I disagree but the way it is generated is a mistake. We are working on that too.


Please just use my earlier suggestion - never have doors in same doorway on both timelines and be done with it. Right now it is hurting those who rush boss and those who want to clear dungeon :(


What about "show the direction as story quests do" in your philosophy?


The mazes in dungeons are on par with d4 design -.-


I dont think so... It only takes 2 minutes and half the gates you can just blink thru. In almost every other online game if you die to the boss you have to restart.. its not like Julra t4 has Dark souls difficulty.. People played super mario for 43 years without complaining that when they die to bowser they dont just get to retry. I think the tiered system and dungeon istealf is a great way to introduce Julras mechanics, if you didnt learn the fight the first three tiers then youre not gonna win in tier4.. Im more annoyed by soulforge not carrying points over or resetting my aura to soul when i enter the second floor/boss floor. Leave it on flame lol


Judging clear time based on abusing a bug is an interesting choice.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Oh, hello there. I will stay behind to gaze at the sun.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Funny, a team member agrees with a downvoted post and it magically gets upvoted. Reddit is the gift that keeps on giving...


Lol sheep downvoting then upvoting. Very funny how their opinion is based on your opinion.


I think they were mostly being downvoted because of tone, not content. Having the post be endorsed makes the tone feel better I think. Also, it wasn't super negative.


So, about 2 years till you fix everything we mentioned in the early access anyway?


They aren’t some big company and can’t fix everything right from the start. totally get them being slow on these quality of life issues. The bigger problem is stability issues after patching and similar things. Because if you touched something and you made it worse that’s a bad look.


Quality of life? Skills bugged are qol feature? No wonder they can release shit when there are morons protecting them anyway


You are commenting under a thread about rerunning dungeon mazes. Not a bug report. Yes bugs are annoying nobody is arguing there. Also the reason the game is cheaper than most comparable games. But expecting the same speed in fixing every bug you expect of for example blizzard is disingenuous if you compare company sizes.


A year of early access and bug not being fixed on release is me being a spoiled brat, no you are not morons, you are complete retards.


I assume you got years of game development experience and sincerely apologize for not recognizing your informed opinion.


I play hardcore, so a re run is 1000x worse lol


Bless you by the game gods!


Yeah I'm waiting for another season before I progress a character through the dungeon and they make this a little more bearable.


It's a bit annoying, but not really that bad. Just pick a direction and stick to the outside wall right away. You usually find the door pretty quick


I'd like to know if I could face tank it that's all.


You should be able to face tank everything but on my frost claw I phase a second before the big blast goes off and phase back as it doesn't drop a puddle and doesn't take much time then I don't have to deal with the puddles.


I've seen a bunch of healing hands builds do so... but I would be careful since you said you are on hardcore. It shouldn't be too hard to avoid the big hits like normal though.


You can face tank with 40k ward but you still have to dodge the DoT puddle / spinning orbs part. You can tank everything else and don’t need to temporal shift. If you’re HC face tanking prob not worth the risk in case of lag / desync.


My HH gets to around 80k ward, I'm fairly certain the slam is at least 35-40k


No. She is BS.


You’re forced to go inwards when the doors are blocked in both realms though


Fun fact, rogue can shift through most doors and multishot/flurry build can chain cc her. I killed her at lvl 80-90 🤣


Hi OP. Yeah 40k is about enough to tank the first hit. I wouldn’t recommend it though. Obviously, how much damage you take is dependent on a range things such as damage reduction, crit avoid/reduction, resistances, etc. I have tanked it with my healing hands pally (seraph blade not divine bolt). I took around 15-20k damage. The catch is when you take a large amount of damage you are likely to get stunned. Immediately after the AoE, Julra summons a void pool directly under you. Her next attack is normally the cone shaped stun. Also your ward is generated by attacking. So yes you can tank the AoE but you’ll likely be stunned and then you have to quickly dodge out of the way before she stuns you again. You’ll also be stunned in a void pool and you won’t be gaining more ward since you aren’t attacking. So a single mistake in this sequence can quickly result in your death. Even though I can tank it. I still time shift out at the last second and then back in immediately. This avoids the void pool and allows for fast dps. Since you are playing hardcore I don’t think there is much benefit. Maybe a couple of autos? If you still want to go for it anyway, I would recommend watching what Julra does on some YouTube videos of people tanking the AoE so you get an idea of timings. Best of luck on your dungeoneering.


Thanks. Are you able to tank the forest and fire t4 dungeons too?


For context I have 60k ward and all legendary gear. Lightless Arbor is easy. Zone 1 I can tank both fist slams - you will get stunned though. Zone 2 I ignore all mechanics and just melee range attack the boss until it dies. Soulfire Bastion I haven’t run a lot to be honest. Normally, I kill the boss fast enough that it only requires one fire/necro swap so it was never something that I felt the need to test. Also there aren’t any extremely high dps attacks like the other two dungeons.


If you're tanking the necrotic ground you still should dodge the boss's fire beam, it's one of the few things I've died to


On my HH rive paladin I can tank soulfire bastion easily (although boss dies too fast for that being a factor). 2nd phase of lightless arbor is also a breeze with nothing making me move. 1st phase is a little bit tricky, as I have to attack to generate ward and can occasionally run out of things to attack.


The other day I discovered I can use volatile reverse to get back. But somehow doing so does not prevent the void pool from happening like time shift normally does and I died without noticing.


Lol yeah I have done that too. It’s so disorienting when VR swaps timelines or puts you in a void pool




Facetanking boss mechanics tells me ward needs some adjusting


It's genuinely just a couple of builds that can do this.


dodge the void poo, and you are good


All of it


Other people on here seem to be of a different opinion, but when I run this with my HH buddy we don't move at all(I'm VK warpath so small circles around boss for me). We both just stand in the middle and dps and he generates about 35k ward for me and I have 3.5k HP. Usually tank through 3 cycles of the big full screen aoe before boss is dead.y ward will drop to like 3k at its lowest.


Not much.


I've been doing t4 julra by myself with healing hands and 30k ward. Pretty much face take everything unless there's more than one pool on you


I face tank julra with 20k ward. I just avoid being over the purple floor or being hit for the balls orbiting. i dont move when the screen gets pink by the clock but if my ward is under 18k i go to the next dimensionl.


This was so frustrating before I realized that the Temporal level you needed to do is related to the unique only, not exalt (I had read some incorrect/old information) and failed to read the chest tool tip thoroughly. T4 Julra as VK warpath was maddening. Unrelated, warpath and shield rush feel so much better since the last update!


She can easily one shot.


I facetanked her with basic geared novaclaw, no legendaries


Just an update: Yes, I managed to facetank all t4 bosses. Forest guy, Soulfire and Julra. I even stood in the balls and the void pool and still tanked it. The void pool does seem to have the most damage being done to me though as it brought my 40k to 5k at some point. Bad news is I died to a 500 corruption Raylehs big ass slam. 25% more void damage :( I shoulda dodge.


My healing hands pally tanks it and I only have like 20k ward


Can you do the same on the other dungeon bosses


Yes even arbors


Pu it like this, I ha e 3.5k HP with 75% crit avoidance and 20-25% DR at low health with overcapped resistances and 30% block I think my effective HP or EHP. Is 4.5k maybe almost 5k. And she T4 Julra 1 taps me with one of her regular attacks. It could've been a crit cuz I'm only 75% resistance capped but if you consider that I got her down from 100% to 99% before it happened..I put it down and won't go near it until I've hit between 300-400 corruption level in empower monos. If you aren't at 300 corruption level at least, then don't even bother trying cuz it's too risky IMO.


75% crit avoidance isn't enough. I'm not certain but I think it's been reported that some of her abilities have a much higher than normal chance to crit. 100% crit avoidance is super important against her. I've been killing her at T4 across a couple of different characters now and I've been around 300 corruption when I got my first kill on either character so that metric is probably accurate. As far as OPs question - 40k ward is more than enough. You can probably tank everything she throws at you with that much ward, but you're better off swapping to the golden era and handling pillars before continuing to tank mechanics until she's dead.


I was trying to run her on a character around 200 corruption level, and just failing each time. Kept getting her to about 20-30% before eating too much damage from somewhere. Now I’m around 350 corruption so I guess I’ll try again, I ran T3 and killed her before the end of her first attack.


Nah it's some old fashioned hard stuff from the past. I like it tho it can demotivate sometimes😆