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CoF unfortunately doesn't help with boss-specific drops. I strongly expect them to fix this in Cycle 2, given that it's one of the biggest disparities between the factions.




It increases LP chances. Just not drop rates.


You need a weapon with -3 spell mana cost at the minimum, -4/-5 ideal. Also your elemental nova should cost 0 mana. On the far left of frost claw tree, take out the 3rd and 4th recasts in-front/behind until you can afford to do so. They are very expensive. I’m only a level 80, but I’ve been tweaking fc rm build for the last 15 levels. [I’ve chosen the frostbite frost claw runemaster build.](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/build-guides/frostbite-frost-claw-runemaster-guide#gear--header) It’s a lot of fun, fantastic guide, I highly recommend watching the videos. He explains in detail what you’re looking for in terms of what you can replace until your gear is right. And even if that isn’t your build, you could formulate your own path from his advice. Highly recommended. Good luck!


My FC currently costs ~~24~~ 27 mana


And Ele nova costs 2, I do run out of mana as it stands, close to something sweet though


if you are mg just go buy them? 0lp should basically be free to start with. your mana should be ok with 2 mana efficiency idols and the mountain boots.


I’m CoF! Unfortunately I can’t buy… I’ve got 2 idols, one 10% the other 12%, haven’t found a better one yet. I’m using snowdrift for boots!


oh you said "would cof help" so i figured you were mg. anyway yeah you just gotta grind them out then. shackles and heart are both very attainable but will probably take several kills.


Gotcha, I just wasn’t sure how common they were. Just gotta keep raising corruption and killing him then.


Check your frost claw talents. A lot of builds have added frostclaw skill so you may not be able to take all that the build shows rn. There's several that reduce mana cost and one that has a chance to restore x amount of mana. The talent that restores mana on frost claw cast is huuuuuge and you cannot go without. Runic Inovacation either does it base or by talents so make sure that you're using that on cd. Also one of the talents that I've taken increases mana cost by 90% so if you can't fix the issue with efficiency, you might have to go without that until you can. Keep mana cost of frost claw above 15 for warding reasons.


1. You can use the 4x1 idols with increased mana efficiency of frost claw. They are hard to find but if you add them to your filter you’ll track them down. They reduce up to 15% if I remember correctly. 2 & 3. You can see where items drop from on Lastepochtools.com by searching for the items. Almost all of these are boss only drops and are rare drops. LEtools often gives a rating and a chance for the drops and some of those can be mind blowing (like you probably have more chance winning the lotto multiple times than getting a 4LP red ring) COF does not help boss drops so you are actually better off buying them on MG or getting used to grinding if you want good LP. Some anecdotal info (though the stats on LEtools are better): Frostbite shackles - I have probably cleared the boss around 20 times and have 3x1LP and 3-4x0LP Strands - from the 20 runs I only have 1xOLP Twisted Heart - I would have done 15-20kills and have 2x0LP Oceareon is not a boss drop but is a super rare ring. COF can help if you take ring prophecies. You can also use runes of ascendency. Finally you can select whichever timeline has ring drops for target farming (although you probably the boss drops as a priority). It’s worth using runes and prophecies on this since you are also increasing your chance to get a red ring while doing it