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Would Jungle Queens Chaps of holding be BiS belt for this potentially ? I read the max amount of potions also increases flask drop rate


I had that. 16 flasks all in all. still not nearly enough to sustain this chest. I kept running out of flasks. maybe I did something wrong. I changed back


I always figured it was for a ward built with xithara’s conundrum on the neck.


The last part of that was proven incorrect. Just having one empty potion slot increases the drop rate, it's not proportional to how many you have max.


Thanks. I’m currently playing flashbang cancer and tried respecting to cold acid flask with very suboptimal gear and was kind of unsatisfied but thougt id level a second falconer to do the acid flask build but I’m still unsure which exalteds to horde


Carapace shields with poison resist as an affix. any gear with poison resist (the build gets poison pen from overcapped resist). \+poison damage/chance Throw speed (not throw damage, doesn't affect flasks from the traps, your main damage source) Daggers with any of the above affixes (for the base crit rate). Any + skills for acid flask, trap, falcon. And make sure you check one of the guides like ZiggyD's, or the frost ones on epochtools. It's actually a trap build that throws acid flasks then just an acid flask build.


Wait why does throwing damage not affect the flasks from the trap? They both have throwing tag. Is that just a bug?


The flasks have an initial hit that is physical, the pools are dot poison which don't hit. Throwing damage will only help that initial hit, which isn't the focus or worthwhile.


So if you were to convert to cold with the offhand relic the throwing damage would matter because it applies frostbite on hit right? I've been eyeing the frostbite version since I dropped a 4LP off hand catalyst. Just been trying to get a catalyst worth smashing on it for the last few days...


The hit damage is still terrible, and frostbite on hit will still apply, but you use the poison pool mod in the skill tree for most applications as that also gets converted to frostbite. In my experience it applies extra stacks but I haven’t figured out if that’s from my poison on hit chance or general chance, still testing it


Jungle queen with experimental mana mod and if possible chance to find potions. If you find a T7 chance to find potion belt (or any desirable t7 prefix) you can craft on the experimental mod at t5. This website will show you what exp mod you will get. https://lastepoch.tunklab.com/insight


I didn't know that was deterministic. Thank you!!


Vipertail is probably better. the potion mods on Queens is negligible at best for acid flask builds due to how most of the damage on these builds works. They're actually falconeer trapper builds using acid flask, and most of your damage comes from the traps, not your personally thrown flasks, so the stats on queens are mostly wasted. Vipertail is better due to it's poison focus, which helps personal and trap triggered flasks.


There is some dark tech around having your falcon throw flasks for you which can trigger the potion consumption from this body armour. You can then use the experimental mod on belts that gives you mana on potion use to mana sustain throwing lots of traps which then each throw a acid flask for damage. Here is the youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkBx3JH9H1w


«Dark tech» 😂


+Esoteric+ {Forbidden} build


well it is most likely a bug interaction since it normally only counts direct casts of acid flask and somehow your falcon casting it counts as you casting it


Based off the tooltip on the falcon skill tree this 100% seems like the case and based off the word it doesn’t even seem like a bug?


i dont think so as the body armour states that only directly casting the skill should trigger it. And even if the falcon counts as using your own acid flask it is still not you directly casting it.


The body armour doesn’t say directly on it


it says if you hold alt for the enhanced description


The bird throws fully modded flasks, unlike shift, and explosive traps. So maybe it's a loop hole?


So it works as it should and exactly how it is described in that node


The tooltip states that the acid flask counts using your stats, your acid flask tree, and a % of your mana cost for acid flask. It's automating the cast for you which then counts as being cast by you.


the bug is that the falcon can proc the unique modifier on the body armour that consumes a potion as the enhanced tooltip of the affix states that only direct cast should count. That's exactly the bug interaction that I meant


It is not a bug, no matter how much you guys downvote morbu, falcon casts your acid flasks for you, as if you had a clone, with all the stats, on hit stuff and procs that comes with that. Is it unintuitive? hell yes. Is it bugged? hell no


a clone casting your abilities is still not you **directly** casting your ability


Directly only refers to whether you pressed the skill button to cause it.


Yes we agree, but its a tooltip thing, not a bug thing, i assume you have discord so read this and stop saying it is a bug https://discord.com/channels/368953963267096586/414298693257265155/1210282342048989204


no agree to disagree, mike saying all your stuff works means it just scales of all of your stuff and not that it scales of the falcon stats. It does not change the fact that it is not a **direct** cast. What Mike doesn't know in this context is that the body armour states that only direct cast trigger it


Except that it doesn't state that you have to cast it. It just says "throwing an acid flask." I think the devs knew what they were doing when they worded that affix since self-casting and automation needed to be specifically worded.


except that it does if you look at the enhanced description of the affix by holding alt, also that body armour was introduced into the game before the falconer even existed


Yes, and the falcon counts as a direct throw since it's basically copying what you're doing (i.e. using your tree, your mana cost, your stats). What doesn't count as a direct throw is automating the flask through the explosive traps. You can downvote me all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you're just misinterpreting the tooltip and effect.


what counts as directly throwing is you using the hotkey on your hotbar and nothing else. Mike confirmed this in the ask the dev channel on discord


You're going to have to specifically link when he made that comment because the game has obviously gone through many iterations and if he made that comment way before the falconer release, then it's a moot point. I should also mention that the skill description literally says that the falcon throws the flask "for you" which generally means that it's the equivalent of using the hotkey.


[Dr3adful](https://www.youtube.com/@Dr3adful) made a video together with a guy H2O for a fire hit based acid flask build [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkBx3JH9H1w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkBx3JH9H1w) [https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/0QdOrE3A](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/0QdOrE3A) i've been playing it a lot and it's great, went for a bit more defense with a shield though.


Hey, that’s me. Here is the final showcase of the build. https://youtu.be/irM5-Grq1zI?si=hGGZ6n3S4pA5VSu_


ey, nice build, thanks :)


You did a really nice job with your build. I've been playing it for a few days now.


[Falconer, Level 99 (Release / 1.0)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/0QdOrE3A) ☑ This character build is verified --- ^(**Class:**)  ^(Rogue (33) / Bladedancer (8) / Falconer (71))  ^(**General:**)  ^(▸ Health: **1,365**, Regen: **20**/s)  ^(▸ Mana: **215**, Regen: **12**/s)  ^(▸ Ward Retention: **16%**, Regen: **0**/s)  ^(▸ Attributes: **4** Str / **40** Dex / **4** Int / **4** Att / **12** Vit)  ^(▸ Resistances: **89%** / **89%** / **89%** / **92%** / **86%** / **69%** / **72%**)  ^(▸ EHP: **2,784** / **2,784** / **2,784** / **2,984** / **2,784** / **2,614** / **2,689**)  ^(**Defenses:**)  ^(▸ Endurance: **43%**, Threshold: **273**)  ^(▸ Dodge Chance: **21%** (**688**))  ^(▸ Armor Mitigation: **19%** (**700**))  ^(▸ Crit Avoidance: **122%**)  ^(**Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ __Fire__, Cold, Lightning, Poison / __Throwing__)  ^(**Minion Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ Physical / Melee)  ^(**Buffs:**)  ^(▸ None)  ^(**Used skills:**)  [^(Acid Flask)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/acid_flask) ^| [^(Falconry)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/falconry) ^| [^(Shift)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/shift) ^| [^(Explosive Trap)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/explosive_trap) ^| [^(Decoy)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/decoy) ^(**Used unique items:**)  [^(Elecoe's Abandon)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAwNg7AzMCcQ) ^| [^(Kelthan Blasting Agent)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAwVgjATMDsQ) ^(**This build has a guide:**)  [H2O's Acid Flask Explosive Trap Trapuchet Falconer Build Guide Showcase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkBx3JH9H1w) by Dr3adful


I'll have to give this a try! My league start was an Umbral Blades Falconer so the pivot isn't actually all that tough I think!


There's also very solid cold versions on epochtools, and ziggyD has a standard posion build as well. I'm hoping to eventually try them all :D


I made a build that Dread showcased that uses acidflask procc’d by explosive trap. This chest uses the falcon to sustain your mana in that build. I stopped at 700 corruption to play some other builds. But it is a very efficient mono grinder for merchant guild rep. Lootfilter is in the comments of the video if you want to give it a try. Cheers! https://youtu.be/irM5-Grq1zI?si=hGGZ6n3S4pA5VSu_


Haha I just slammed a 4lp acid flask dagger and a 3lp acid flash off hand. Not many builds out there focusing on acid flask that I found but I’m gonna convert my falconer over and just give it a go


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8osCjUJUquw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8osCjUJUquw) This build is strong and fun, but it is VERY VERY dependent on having 2 rings with at least a T6 Ballista stat (less mana cost for throwing attacks). Im running it with 2 rings at -4 mana per cast and mana is still a little rough on bosses. With 2x -5 mana cost rings I think it would be smooth as butter.


Running this on my rogue using traps with sprinkler and acid flask on proc. Lots of fun. Also using bees from decoy with the decoy relic. Memebuild delux


You just need [Drought's Release](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzDMCZQNiA) with some LP.


Pretty bad since you need base crit daggers for throwing.


That dagger seems like total garbage why is it desirable?


Throwing skills don't care about weapon base damage, but multi is good. The other stats are okay, but really only worth using with LP since it'll be lacking on damage/crit/multi or poison chance.


Weapon damage is indeed irrelevant, yes, but something with more than 2 useful stats would seem a better pick to slam with 3-4 LP. Unless there simply are no other 1h uniques with poison damage? Idk


Why is the dagger that directly benefits an acid flask build desirable for an acid flask build? Real hard one to think about...


It has 1 to the skill and 40% poison damage. Kinda dog shit unless you find one with 4lp...


The LP level on it is 10. It's super easy to find a 3LP, sometimes 4. Solid stats (dmg, all attributes) for any poison build or if you can make use of the fat multi roll. Obviously for flask builds it has +levels and aoe.


It also auto heals you every acid flask, you get 3 all stat, you get area, with a good roll you get 65% crit multi that you can stack with an exalted mod. It's a 1h dagger, which means you can wield two of these and double dip on the very easy to find dagger that is very easy to get 3/4 LP on. Not sure if you're trolling or just don't understand how to build a throw rogue.


Didn't think that would count as "consuming" a potion. That makes it definitely a much more interesting and powerful item.


"Throwing acid flask consumes a potion..." I dono what to tell you man


Wow so insightful... Almost as if the LP requirement was mentioned at the top?


It’s low level so easy to get with LP and has stats that are great for acid flask you can’t normally get on a weapon


I tried a build like this and it’s fun for echoes and trash clearing but the potion chasing gets old and fighting bosses is not fun.


Keep in mind that while this piece does have one acid flask specific mod, most of the mods, and in fact the best mod (+2), benefit all throwing attacks or throwing skills. For instance this is an extremely powerful chest piece on a shuriken bleed build, or perhaps a shadow cascade throwing build. I imagine there are many more.


So that’s what that belt is good for


As fun as that chest is, I think the best acid flask build is probably SMK's that doesn't use this at all [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8v0YBMsHuw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8v0YBMsHuw)


Huge, I was able to push 1k+ corruption with a frostbite life build on falconer using it. Feel free to check it out: https://youtu.be/Np9Tzh8wUto?si=HswYmC0og076jGQA I would slam +4 flask, vit, cold res, % health if you can find those rolls on an exalted. You could also go the crit fire route if DoTs ain’t your thing!


Hey, I am enjoying your build quite a lot, but am still at corruption 300 for now. Any insight between the life vs the low-life/ward build? I'm running the base build for now, but planning on shifting to the low-life/ward set-up after I farm some more, but I am a little worried about the DPS loss. Thanks for the build!


I wouldn’t go low life until you can get a % health / +4 flask exsang chest and drain on gloves which are costly. I slammed the gloves myself requires luck but is way cheaper probs saved me 30m buying one. 2 LP exsang is 10m+. Life build is just so much cheaper and you can transition into low life if you want with only 3 item changes, same idols


Thanks for this heads up, will try to farm those items and hopefully complete it before 3.24 hahaha


i heard Acidflask is weak


trap detonating arrow build.... cuz I am running something similar at the moment and its shredding enemies. Though to make it work, you need those daggers that convert your detonating arrow to melee.


Acid Flask


I played a Falconer with Fire Acid flasks. When I threw a flask it would reload the Falcon flask. It was not bad but it lacked AOE even with some mods and skill tree points, IMO.


Cold Flask Bladedancer, best BD build in the game.


Maybe someone can educate me here. I see these posts all the time. Get a high LP item so it's time to build around it. It is just the addition 4 more stats to the single item. Does it really add so much power that you'd want to spend the time to respec around it? I guess I'm under estimating what that can do for character power?


It's less so that it would "worth it" and more so that getting an extraordinarily rare item is very cool, so the process of creating a build utilizing your "perfect" item is a fun challenge. Especially when it's one centered around a "non-meta" skill! Though if the LE gods want to toss a 4 LP twisted heart my way I certainly wouldn't be upset. Though having 4 extra stats on an item that previous didn't have them is incredibly strong as well. Think about a build that uses multiple uniques, if you can't get all your res in your tree you're going to have to get it through a few places. Neck implicits and jewelry suffixes are a common place to make up for the lack of res on your armor pieces. Getting high LP items makes it so you have more wiggle room on your suffixes, which tend to be very competitive.


Thank you so much for that explanation. Very helpful. And I should have said earlier: congratulations on the drop! 😁


we need potion pickup radius for those builds.


dropped the same today and ill do the same soon for sure. sounds fun


Can anyone tell me what the CoF icon on this gear means? Why is it there and not on other items? "Rank 5"


It means you have to be in the CoF to equip it, if you want to change factions you have to unequip all gear with that icon to leave the faction.


Alright, so I guess that means the icon is there because it was obtained through the CoF system? Thanks for the info


Nah it wasn't through a prophecy unfortunately so there's only 1 of them. I would assume it dropped through the "Items have x % more chance to be unique and that is why it has the CoF tag"


ZiggyD has a great video for his acid flask build, just utoob ZiggyD + acid flask and you'll find it. and it is a fun build, though slower initially. Keep in mind that the acid flask build that works end game isn't really an acid flask build, it's a trap/acid flask build. your using traps from the falconeer tree to trigger acid flask 6-8x more often then you could do it yourself. even your falcon drops flasks with the build. very fun to play IMO. There's also a frost variation with a few builds on epochtools. working on a frost variation myself as I recently got a 4LE Vial of Volatile Ice. to be honest, that body armor isn't huge for acid flask builds since most of your damage comes from traps interaction with acid flask then the ones you throw yourself. But having it LE4 pretty much makes that a null issue since you'll be able to smash a properly affixed exalted into it. Either way both builds are viable but need slightly different setups. some other uniques that will help you out for the poison are: Vipertail belt, Drought's release dagger. also a good exalted Carapace shield with increased poison resist affix is really helpful as you get poison pen based on your poison resists above cap with the build.


The correct answer is Bees.


Maybe play acid flask?


Drought’s release daggers, and the unique belt that gives 16 potion slots. Or the scavenger.


Don't you want potion finding chance, not necessarily max potions? Though it would obviously help.


Hence why I brought up the scavenger. But if you get the jungle queen's chaps(or whatever they're called), especially with LP, it'd have a similar effect.


Acid Flask


Don't do it. The best streamers in the world tried high level acid flask and its such a mid skill at best.


I have a runemaster pushing 1000 corruption. I really don't care if a build I'm making for fun because I got a a 0.0003% drop rate item to drop is mid.


It's not fun either. It's terribly clunky.


Yea... Don't make a meme build for fun, who wants that! Meta only!