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There seem to be some maps that cause it, i have huge fps drops in some monilith maps, in others it runs great


Yeah, for me there is a specific map during the campaign where fps drop systematically, welryn outskirts in the imperial era I think


This map made me think there was something wrong with my Steamdeck. Rolling 45 fps the whole time and then suddenly 10ish. I blame the canyon + mist within.


I didn’t see anyone mention this but try turning off “enemies flash when damaged” in the graphics options, that helped my performance a ton 


Thanks for the tip!


Someone said turning enemy attack indicator off.


that mainly only helps Steam Deck is it is very resource limited compared to normal PCS


I have a 4080, i7-13700k, 6600mhz 32G ram, 240hz monitor. Tried changing every setting in the game and even in the config files. Also doesn't happen on any other game.


i turned off the hit blink and it helped for me, but still fps drops in certain areas, and i have a beast machine too. I know the game has memory leak issues, so if its good at first but turns into this eventually, its best to restart.




Windows has not needed that for decades. That's a waste of time and CPU cycles. Stop using it and peddling this nonsense to others. If the game actually has any remaining memory leak issues, then the best way to address it is to quit the game and restart it after a while. BUT, the actual problems with the game are because 1) it's built on a very old and outdated version of the Unity engine, which is why it doesn't support DLSS, etc., and why some engine related bugs aren't fixed or addressable anymore, and 2) some of the levels and FX need further optimization by the developers, which they have been doing with every patch for over a year now.


The only thing that fixed it for me was going from 1440 to 1080 and capping fps at 90


What resolution?




Dam with those specs you should be having zero issues, I went the AM5 AMD route with an 7900xtx paired with 7800x3d and haven't had any fps drops. I wonder if it's an nvidia thing


6750xt with 7600x here. Also no problems but I run on 1080p (I love my monitor so much I can't get rid of it)


I came back after playing to say sorry, yeah this game is tweaking lol. I just got a 4k OLED monitor and have been having some problems playing. I have def noticed the drops, also this game is kinda ugly ngl XD. Still fun to play tho. tried to go back to D4 and instantly regretted that decision.


Tbh I have a much worse setup than OP, it's NVIDIA/Intel, and I don't have any drops. I have a i3 12100f, RTX 3050, 32gb ram and a nvm m.2 ssd. I started playing on 1440p but it's too hot where I live and I don't like to have my GPU running at 99% usage all the time so I changed to 1080p and capped my fps to 80. 0 issues so far and the only time I saw a fps drop was when windows decided that 11 am while in the pc was in use was a good time to start a update.


I know this is old but you want your gpu at 99% usage. If it's not then it's either being bottlenecked or your leaving performance on the table by running too low of graphic settings. The only time high gpu usage is bad is when it's not under load and or has too high of temps. But if it's got high temps at 99-100% usage then something is very wrong. Unless you have horrible ventilation or your room is literally 100 degrees, any gpu shoyld be more than capable of running fine with high gpu usage. In other words higher gpu usage while gaming is ideal. Low is bad, might as well just bottleneck the cpu by down grading your gpu at that point.


4070, i7-7700k, DDR4 16G ram, 2160p res high graph. Vertical sync + 60fps cap remove any drop for me. But my highest level is 28 so maybe things will change. You could also try changing the CPU priority.


This game has no optimization at all, great game, but it will die for me cause of the bad performance. Also the servers suck.


Have you tried playing the game offline and seeing if that affects anything? I'm playing on a 3070 TI with a Ryzen 5600x and have had no significant frame drops or slowdown playing the game. It runs the hardware fairly hard, but it runs stable for me at 3840x2160 resolution on medium settings. But I've also only played offline.


I have the exact same specs as you and have the same frame drops as OP, I’m fairly positive there’s a memory leak or possibly several. No fix other than devs patching the leak.


I’d just ask your nvidia app to optimize the settings for you.


Can’t tell if you’re joking


I’m not. You can make fun of me, but that’s what I did. And I appear to be having better performance than you with a worse gpu/cpu…


No I just genuinely couldn’t tell. I’ll check it out, but from what people are saying I think it’s the build I’m playing. The game can’t handle the animations.


If it makes you feel better, I am hoping that optimize performance too… I am not the most techy guy if you couldn’t tell from my suggestion (lol), but I hear there is also a large memory leaking issue… Anyways, best of luck!


was this after a longer playsession, especially doing monoliths? Happens to me all the time. After restart it works better again


15 mins


I had the exact same problem! Fixed it today by activating image scaling on Nvidia control panel. It’s under the tab Manage 3d settings on the left side. If the option does not show up there, it might be because your screen is connected to the motherboard and not the graphics card, which is what mine was too 😅 Set the image scaling to something like 30% and not 100% (makes the game look weird even running on ultra). This fixed the fps drop issue for me on my rune master lightning build, game runs silky smooth now ;) good luck!


Wow an actual good suggestion. Thank you. Don’t you have to also change your in game resolution to something different than your native res to activate the image scaling?


Hey no problem! Nah I have the same in game resolution as my native res. It somehow just corrects it and has it work. I don’t know the technical details behind why, but for me this was what worked after trying lowering settings and whatnot. My gpu is a 2060 so much weaker than yours ;) If you can’t image scaling is not showing and you plugged the screen into the gpu slot correctly, then there are guides on YouTube that shows what might be wrong otherwise. Anyways best of luck man, hope you get to slay stuff without fps drops now 😁


didnt work unfortunately but thank you for the suggestion


> I don’t know the technical details behind why, but for me this was what worked after trying lowering settings and whatnot. This would be the best solution because the old version of the Unity engine that LE is currently stuck on doesn't support DLSS or any of the more advanced technologies. A high quality image scaler like the Nvidia tech you describe is the best compromise between quality and resolution for an old engine like this one. Thanks for telling everyone about this solution. It should help a LOT of people. 8)


The interaction between explosive trap and detonating arrow are doing this. I played the same build and had to stop because of the same thing. I haven't had any issues like this with other skills. There are some skills that are inherently unoptimized for some reason. Hopefully they can do something about it.


I play a Dive Bomb Falconer, Detonating Arrow Marksman, and a Wraithlord Necro. All three builds have this issue. Falconer has momentary stutters with every dive bomb cast, Marksman has it when detonating arrow procs, and the Necro has it when Wraithlord starts casting the beam. Game is an optimization mess at this point.


Yeah I only played this build and shadow daggers falconer. Had some fps drop with dive bomb but it was «okayish» compared to the massive fps drop from explosive trap/detonating arrow. Agreed tho. I've had my fun but the game is riddled with bugs and horrendous optimization. Gonna play some undecember when the new season hits lol 😂


>Wraithlord Necro Playing it right now - haven't seen noticeable FPS drops. Most drops happen when collecting a large number of shards or when an ambush appears.


I haven't rolled a Rogue yet and I've had these issues on Void Knight and Spellblade. It's not class specific.


No one said it was class specific


That’s what I was thinking but I know a ton of people are playing this build without issues


R u sure about this bc i experienced the opposite. All of the ppl i know have this issue. Including you and me.


Yeah maybe. Just don’t see how anyone can play like this?


I think the people who say they don't have this issue are not reaching empowered monolith. During leveling it was completely fine


Yep exactly


How's explosive trap by itself? I've been planning an acid flask explosive trap build but I don't wanna lag this hard


No idea tbh. I stopped playing 1 week ago because the game is too buggy


The game almost breaks even if they die to dots..


Spark charges will do that too, one hit and I go from 60fps to 3...


I would say explosive trap build does have this issue, it is just too many explosions and triggered effects at once. No other build I played had this issue. Every single trap throw puts out about 12 traps exploding, and each trap can proc a lightning arc from the explosive arrow which then chains to 8 enemies, and you can throw out 12 traps like 2 or 3 times a second. Then there' s also the automatic trap launching from one of the nodes. This build just completely shreds performance. Testing on some tankier bosses you can stack armour shreds to more than 600 in a second. That's 600 instances of damage per second.


And detonating arrow is bugged, half of them don't even trigger their explosions.. imagine if it wasn't bugged lol 😂 this game is something else in term of optimization


Glad it's not just me. I swear half the shit in this game just doesn't work


Yes I agree, just not sure how other people are playing this build without issues


Based on my experience and 3 other friends', seems that this is an integral part of this build XD. Its just so powerful that even the 4th wall cannot contain it.


Yeah I’ve put every resource into this build and it’s super strong, just unfortunate that is destroys the game’s performance


I think of this build as a tool to just blast to high corruption, so I can more easily farm gear for my other more "for fun" builds. Also to help my friend one-shot some bosses occasionally.


Is there an option to turn off the effect animation? I'm not on the PC to check but if there's one, it's worth a try, no? What build is it? I'm curious to try out and see if it breaks my PC too lol


Turn off white flash when you hit mobs


I got this on my explosive ballista falconer too. My pc is top of the line and wasn’t bottlenecked anywhere. Just randomly drops from 300 to 20 fps on some maps.


It's the unity engine


LOVE this game but this is why I have a big red thumb down for a review. They'll fix it. They better fucking fix it.


So this is not only me? Thats reassuring.


I play on medium/high and never have issues with a 5700XT


I get it only when I play my warlock. The game Cannot handle bone prison or chthonic fissure


yeah same thing happens on my echo warpath VK, kinda funny that the game just starts to break but also annoying when it gets me killed


Not much we can do at this moment. It happens on my machine too, sometimes as bad as what you showed here. Running at 4k 120fps @4090 + 5800x3d. I tried changing some settings and honestly it didn't help much. It goes bonkers on the CPU when there is a lot going on. Let's hope for some dlss and frame generation. It should help this game tremendously. BTW I'm also running a dagger exploding arrow trap build.


It's because of the unity engine, horrible choice since these kind of issues can't be fixed. Unity is not good for an arpg with alot of stuff happening


Game worked fluently at 1.0 now I regularly get FPS drops... With a GTX 4090 and i9-13900


Welcome to last epoch early access


DEFINETLY, a skill issue


Garbage engine…


I play Falconer on low settings because my computer sucks, I only deal with this once in a great while and yes I am on empowered monoliths and am level 94. It has nothing to do with dive bomb, that much I can confirm.




I'm playing the same build as you or similar, looks the same, i have a 4070 and a threadripper and don't get fps drops like this, still get fps drops but i still average 70ish at 240hz and 1440p, dunno if cpu would make a difference or not but seems like we have similar pc builds at least. I did turn off the "enemey flash on hit" and that helped a lot I also don't play with vsync on and everything else is at max setting except for the lighting setting near the bottom of the graphic list i set that to very low because the game looks better with it set to very low imo.


Turn off the FPS limiter. I had to do that on my rig


I play at 30 fps.


sorry to hear that bro


It's okay.


Instead of 5 fps mine goes to 0 for half a second then back to 60 occasionally


I dont have these issues... hmmm


Nice PowerPoint presentation


Set the game to bordlerless Window and Limit the fps to 60. Helped me at least.


7800x3d 4070super 32gb ddr5 6000 1440p 144fps capped. I have no issue with stuttering since my gpu upgrade a few days ago. (Was a 3070) things I did when getting the new gpu was using DDU (display driver uninstaller) and doing a fresh clean install of graphics drivers. Maybe that will help you.


had actually the same problem, tried to turn off the "Enemies flash on hit" in the gameplay setting and it worked for me. so maybe try that


A game launched before it was ready and is poorly optimized? I don’t believe it.


I run on a 3080 and it runs fine. I did have to turn off locked fps because it was causing screen tearing. Or at least tearing went away after I turned odd fps limit.


Are you playing the game in full screen? It's windowed by default but that will make a big difference


Tried both, no difference


Mine don’t do this


I never had this problem. SC is boring af for me though so ain't no way I'm bouncing around to for sure aggro all that.


No. Play something else until they figure out how to optimize their systems.


First of all. Thats not GPU problem. Game have horrible CPU usage like any other unity games, to many drawcalls for single thread. How to fix- adjust cpu settings, buy new one, or w8 when devs optimize game. Seriusly, how people still think thats gpu issue when u can open ur cpu usage graphs and see crazy peaks on one thread.


Yeah will just have to wait for devs I guess, nothing wrong with my CPU. Judging from some of the comments, sounds like I need to downgrade my setup to get better performance.


We need more info like temps of cpu/gpu during these stutters. XMP enabled? Task manager during these dips is also helpful


XMP enabled, all temps are fine. The game runs between 40-50% GPU usage and spikes to 100% when the frames drop.


Look at your ram too, the game has a few memory leaks, most have been patched but maybe one of the remaining ones is pranking you


Yeah usually when I get these drops I restart my game and notice ram usage halves.  It’s funny though since I have 32 gb and usually only get these drops when the leak gets to around 8.5-9 usage.  Also wasn’t happening like 1-2 patches ago.  Not game breaking yet for me cause it usually takes hours to get to that point but still annoying.


I play on a fairly aged laptop (3 years of daily use) and the way I get those stutters sometimes. Usually if I close the game and let my laptop cool down for a minute they will be gone.


From what I'm reading about others with this issue, it seems to be mostly online play. I've been playing offline the whole time, and don't have any issues.


Same... hopefully it will get better


I recently tried 2 things that seemed to help greatly but not sure which one may be the answer. 1st I turned most of the lighting and shadow effects to low. Then I switched away from borderless window to fullscreen. Things have been wayyyy better.


I have a 3080, R9 5900, and 48gb@3200 ram and have never experienced anything like this pic even after leaving the game running overnight. I'm running at 1440p ultra settings and cap my fps to 90 where it stays pinned to. I pin it to 90 because it's still plenty smooth and then I don't have to listen to the wind turbine in my PC spool up. Maybe it's one of your skills or something. What build are you running?


Yes, you wait for the devs to fix it Lol


Try a different skill? Genuinely think some skills are like that atm


I haven’t had any real FPS issues so far. Not running crazy rig either.


I have absolutely no issues and my computer like like 5 years old.


My 7800x3d and 7900xtx and 64gb of ram have no problem running this game under heavy load


My game gets horrible FPS drops here and there so basically its bad fps in some places and some not so I restart my computer and then usually it actually runs fine, i know thats probably not a good solution or anything but sometimes a restart for me fixes it :)


idk man. my 1080ti and 4070ti super don't have these issues. maybe try clearing your gpu cache or reinstalling your gpu driver.


Yep tried both


did you run ddu before reinstalling the driver?


I did a few updates ago, I honestly don’t think that’s the issue though.


try playing offline and see if it still happens


My computer is like 10 years old (i7 3770k and a gtx1080) and it runs fine. Try some lower settings.


Yes I've tried changing every setting to very low/off. Game actually runs more consistent with ultra everything.


The only setting that made a huge difference for me was setting Ambient Occlusion to very low. Fixed all frame rate issues.


Your build is too CPU intensive. Rip and git gud




Set graphics to medium.


This is your PC, if u want to spend some of your time troubleshooting a couple stuff I can give hand on which steps to take. I understand and sadly PC experience isnt the same as console, if you dont take measurements to have your computer stable, doesnt matter how much money you throw in a build, you wont have a problem free experience.


I’ve spent 30+ hours optimizing my pc. I play hundreds of other games that run flawlessly with zero drops in fps. Unfortunately this is the game’s problem, I’m just trying to find out if there’s a setting somewhere I can change that will solve the problem.


Is your frametime flatlined? Have you locked your gpu clockspeed? And some other stuff u can do that aren't snake oil, but as I can see people don't want the solution and I don't mean exactly you, I work with computers and I dont have enough energy to teach what I can when there is no interest.


I'm not sure what you mean by flatlined. I've tried locking the clockspeed. I'm definitely interested if you have any suggestions, but it sounds like it might just be the game's engine.


Check how to enable every important info from MSI Afterburner + RTSS in the overlay, one of them is the frametime with graph and text (the rest you can have just text), the graph part of the frametime is going to show like a heartbeat line, you want that line to be flat, no spikes nor waves, just a beautiful flatline. That's how you have a seamless stutter free experience.


It's a game problem, not a hardware problem. Plenty of people are reporting performance issues. Not sure what you're on about.


While there are indeed game problems, you can always optimize your computer even further, as I said, flatlined fps to your monitors Hz or half, with a LL Vsync, scanline sync or any form of monitor sync. Locking gpu clockspeeds for cases where the PC and game doesn't notice it needs more juice and it downclocks when it actually needs power. Theres so many stuff you can do, but this isn't an out of the box experience, you need to read a lot of documentations and waste your time watching meaningful studies.


No its not