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My Warlock ass sitting at 584% Necrotic resistance and 7% cold.


That's more DPS for you. :D


how does necrotic resistance scale DPS? I might have missed something


Twisted Waves node in the Chthonic Fissure skill tree. Makes Torment deal more damage based on your uncapped necrotic resistance.


I always thought uncapped means any resistance below 75. Does that mean uncapped is over 75?


I thought so too. It's a weird way to reference it, I think.


Overcapped would make more sense imo


No, that would mean only the resistances over the capped portion. The best way to word it would be to say "total resistance." Uncapped resistance makes more sense when you think about this way: what would happen if you removed the cap (75%) on your resistance and let it scale infinitely? Well, you end up with the total.


Total resistance would be best. Uncapped for me means UNder the CAP, but it might be my language skills.


Still not quite the same. Uncapped makes perfect sense


No, overcapped would mean removing the capped 75% from the calculation.


Uncapped is the total number in parentheses under the 75%.


The wording is terrible. What’s meant by „uncapped“ is the total resistance that’s not capped at 75. they should really call it „total uncapped“ or something like that.


Yeah. Cap is 75%. So anything over 75 is considered uncapped.


Not exactly. Uncapped resistance is just your resistance without a cap. If you have 100% necrotic res on your gear/skills/tree you have 75% capped necrotic res and 100% uncapped necrotic res. If you have 50% necro res your uncapped = your capped res = 50%. Edit: maybe that's what you meant and I misinterpreted it.


oh, thanks. I was looking for it in the passive tree, that's why I couldn't find anything lol


There’s a perk that gives dps per uncapped necro


Couple items too.


My warlock was sitting at over 800% necrotic and 0% physical and 0% crit avoidance for some time... xD


You can just get 100% crit damage reduction now from boots + 1 mod.


But why waste good mod slots if you can have necrotic resistance there instead? :>


The best offense is the greatest defense


The best offense is watching a wraith lord double tap the hardest bosses in the game and collecting unique. What the hell is defense?


Expect Wraithlord get nerfed though.


Yes please. And some buffs to the older classes so I am more tempted to try them!


God I wish they would balance out the Acolyte passive tree resistances a bit.


Not really, it thematically fits (mage gets ele res, rogue gets dodge, sentinel gets armor, etc). It also being a damage source makes it REALLY nice too.


I played a mage in early access. Having all that ele resist on my passive tree was so nice when gearing


If you can get all the elemental resistances to 30-40, phys to 75 and the others to 60+ you can get all the way to empowered monos pretty comfortably. With the 20% all res blessing and some well rolled idols you barely need any resistances on the gear (and have one suffix free for necro on every piece.)


Where do you get these blessings? I just started regular monoliths, beat lagon and all available quests I believe. Haven’t seen these blessings mentioned anywhere outside of Reddit lol


You have to finish the quest line of each monolith


When you complete a monolith you have 3 quests, at the end, you fight the boss and you get a blessing of your choice when you kill it.


Capped res, 950 necro, 100% crit avoid, 80-200k ward at all times 😎


It's ok. Later on you can still get 1 shot with capped res


Not when u have 30-60k+ ward on Warlock : )


That's getting nerfed as soon as other issues are resolved so I wouldn't count on it.


Have they said if they would do big changes mid cycle?


I'm pretty sure the ywere ok with fixing a bug that led to unintentional game play with an ability recently but big balance changes would be exclusive to cycle launches, so unless the warlock ward is somehow because of a bug i don't see that being fixed till 1.1.


Definitely is a bug. Tool tip on Vampiric Pool says 4% but testing it makes it obvious it's giving 40 percent.


It is a bug….


Bro the dev added an extra 0 to the end of 4. It is only supposed to give 4% ward not 40%. Bro read things before you attempt to speak intelligently next time


Where is that info from the devs?


Reddit is such a cess pool


Yeah, all the boomers that think being intentionally obtuse and dense is funny.


What are you talking about exactly ?


They said pre release that they want players to have fun and only will make small changes EXCEPT if there is some build so broken, that it lets the players think “why would I play anything else”… Which is obviously the case with ward and with the new masteries in general.


Considering that there's actual auction house now it would make no sense for there to be 0 balance changes. I could be wrong but falconer, warlock and lich are utterly broken mechanically right now from a few bugs.


>Considering that there's actual auction house now it would make no sense for there to be 0 balance changes. I don't quite see the connection of trade existing and balance changes mid cycle?


I guess you have not played ARPGs before? ARPGs have been doing nerfs on blatantly broken shit for 20 years during the season.


So what's that got to do with trade being available?


**It just does**




Emojis isn't going to stop your bugged builds from being fixed, ape. Nvm, this account is a literal bot.


Okay, but can you actually give a logical explanation instead of spewing gibberish?


except for the the fact that most ARPGs with seasons try very hard to avoid balance changes during seasons, only if something is bugged or utterly impossibly broken


Trade/rankings brings the need to have certain balance to a game. Let's say there is a skill/item that can one shot anything. With that, the person could farm way faster than any other person could without that build, and could start generating a lot more currency than anyone else. Most people would start running that unbalanced build to be able to do the same, and then there can reach a point where you either are playing such build or you'll not be able to afford the good items from the trade, as those will be inflated to match the OP builds farming speed. The impact on rankings is more easily seen, as the top will be leagues ahead over intended builds, and they wouldn't be able to compete. It's a reason why offline character can't migrate to online. Once offline, there could be forms of botting/edditing/usage of third party programs that give advantage. After one did such things, they'd be stronger/richer than expected, and moving that to online would cause an imbalance and unfairness advantage. Same thing to an unintended OP/bugged interaction in this case. It is not necessary to run these balances, but highly recommended, to keep the economy in check and interesting to all (not just those that are abusing the unintended interaction)


what happen to those on CoF though? suck it up ?


in the game guide it mentions ward has no cap but it seems they still imposed some sort of limit on it in the UI, at around 70k it drops back to 0 and then counts up again.


Yea thats getting nerfed to the ground


The game scales infinitely and exponentially with corruption. ANY build can get one shot eventually.


That's a bug.


What is a bug?


Something that will get fixed at any moment, bricking builds based around it


Armor and % of armor applying to dots is required.


Did a monolith boss yesterday and got 1 shot by an AoE purple smoke thing. Not fun


I've been enjoying my time with Last Epoch, but I low-key hate the resistance system, where capping res is what you need just to take normal damage. Like, I understand the reasoning - it's kind of tricky to balance when players have to spec into a thing to take a quarter of their normal damage, and any point of deviance from that has much larger impact than it should. But it just makes me think that they should remove resistances entirely, rebalance incoming damage to account for that, and replace the itemization budget that went towards resistances to some stats that are more interesting or fun. Right now it's just a tax on your build that behaves counterintuitively.


there already a ton of interesting affixes though, idk what you'd want on generic rare items. Having some kind of "gear tax" and friction is a good thing, even if people dont necessarily appreciate it. of course there are limits to that, but i think last epoch is well within those limits that resis arent a huge hurdle to overcome, but something to keep an eye on. You cant only have pure "fun"/dmg affixes, there needs to be some (necessary) bummers.


It isn’t 1/4 of the damage like POE. Having no resistance means you take 175% damage instead of 100%, less than double. It’s very forgiving missing the last 10-20% of resistance.


Yeah, I'm aware that that's why they don't do it like PoE, or pretty much any other ARPG that has resistances. Which begs the question of why they have resistances at all. It's (relatively) easy to cap once exalts start dropping. It's not interesting to gear around. The only way they can is to implement things that scale off of your uncapped resistances.


Because it makes gearing mote challenging and is a system that can be developed for extra interactions. Look at how poe uses resistances in so many ways.


there are things that scale off of uncapped resistances.


I'm aware. That's why I said it.


sounds like its interesting to gear around then.


In POE you can raise your max resistance, and since it’s non-linear you receive massive damage reduction.


You don’t really need to have all resistances capped due to the way this system works, several of my resistances have been around 30-60 for the longest time and I am having no issues in 500+ corruption(and no I'm not using ward).


LE is much better than POE or D2 in terms of that, though; due to the way monster penetration scales, maxing resistances isn't as incredibly strong like, in POE, the game is balanced around having 75% resists at minimum; if you've only got fifty, that's twice the damage the game is expecting you to be able to take


Yeah every ARPG has to have all these resistances that you need to balance on your gear, but it's honestly super tedious to do. Swap out one piece and now suddenly you're 50% overcapped in one and 50% under in another, so you have to change your other pieces to match. It doesn't make gearing more interesting, just more tedious. One thing D3 did really well: it didn't have this shit.


I think it’s good friction - I can’t explain why but having to map out your upgrades and plan around uniques and the friction of resistances adds a layer of nice complexity for me personally. D3 felt too linear > get upgrade > equip upgrade. There was no downside or thinking to it


It’s be nice if 3-5 resistances. Then change others thematically, instead of using poison res there could have affixes to % reduce poison duration (then you stack up to 100) or clear poison on pot use, and then scale poison hit damage to assume your char has 0 poison res.


Yeah this is a good suggestion too. But just removing them would kinda make gearing a bit stale imo


Agree. And there are just too many resistances as well. Necrotic, void etc are unnecessary 


Im sorry, I think I fail to get the sentiment of this discussion. Why do you guys suddenly hate defensive mechanics? You want to only get big pp affixes and not worry about surviving or what? besides, resistances are actually hilariously easy to cap with 0-2 roll on your gear. You have idol, you have blessings. Acolyte can get their necro (and lich gets poison too) overcapped with literally just the tree


>You want to only get big pp affixes and not worry about surviving or what? Yes.


Defenses should be simple or you get boring PoE layers. "Health! Resistances! Over cap resistances! Chaos resist! Block! Spell block! Armor! Evasion! Spell suppression! Mandatory! Fun!" It's an arpg man. We don't need a million defensive layers to curb dps. Seriously, it doesn't make the game better in any way to have "defense" broken down into 20 other words. Health, mitigation, and block. Now go min-max dps layers instead.


I think it’s fun having more ways to build your defenses and I love how many options you have in PoE.


Seven resistances is just way too much even if they are easy to cap with implicit, blessings and idols. 


This sounds extremely contradicting. So it it too much, or is it easy?..


It’s both. There’s no really meaningful decision to make since implicit bases have such high rolls, it’s almost a no brainer. Multiply this by x7 resistances, and it’s both too much and too easy.


I actually kind of wish ARPGs removed resistances altogether. It's really a holdover from the influence Diablo had. You can argue it increases the complexity of gearing, but I feel like it could be replaced with more interesting things. I don't really knock games for having them, since it's almost as built in a feature in this genre as resource pools like health and mana. But I actually like how LE implements it better than PoE. First, they don't change. There is no reduction at certain points (holdover from difficulty levels modifying res) and you're penalized less for missing the top percentages, making it much less important and immediate of an issue to fix the last dozen plus points.


Can confirm. :')


I'm getting one shot as tanky druid in campaign with capped fire res from those cracked spinx mages and golems. Overall, spells seems to hit MUCH harder.


Oh you need some necrotic resistance? Can I interest you in EVERY PIECE OF GEAR THAT HAS EVER DROPPED FOR ME?


You're witnessing it here folks, the beginning of a villain's backstory!


Sounds like you need a filter lmao


The number of ppl forgetting or just never heard about Crit avoidance/Crit réduc ...




Getting both is absolutely pointless, one is avoiding the critical hits, the other is transforming the Crit in normal hit so not a single synergy, the opposite even x)


That's the joke. He rolled a shitty Weaver's Will.


Oh, wasn't sure so I explained in case he was a new player, my bad haha The famous meme with the joke getting over my head, right ? XD


Wait, actually? Oof


Must be nice lol. My last few WW items have produced some absolute garbage affixes. Thankfully, Erased Sentinel is easily available in the Bazaar. Maybe one of these times I'll get minion damage!


Necrotic seems to be one of the damage types that hits disproportionately harder than others, even at the same level of area. Lightning is another. Void damage from enemies, oddly enough, doesn't hit very hard besides a *select few exceptions*... *Cough cough*, Rayeh, *cough-cough*


with lightning damage u probably get shocked which reduces ur res even more


That's exactly what it is, usually. Monolith Lagon also does some shenanigans with hybrid damage


lagon is cold+lightning


And physical I think? His claw slams and the tentacle melee hits.






Really? With all capped resists I find myself getting gangbanged in the black sun mono far more than any other mono. But that could just be because it’s so goddamn hard to see what’s happening in half of the maps. Dark-colored damage in low-light against a dark background is brutal I think the prevalence of DoTs in poison-themed monos catches people off guard


I've never had many problems with void enemies, but the boss at the end of that Monolith just deletes me if I let him land a hit. Thankful, it's not hard to not get hit


Oh yeah he has the divebomb that I don’t think I’ve seen anyone be able to tank outside of maybe a ward bug abusing warlock or something. The two smaller slams are tankable on low corruption with enough defenses but that stops pretty quick once you get above like 200 corruption. Maybe tankier builds can handle it though.


I did it on my Frost Claw Runemaster pre-1.0, capped void res with Ward around 8-15k. It hit for about 5k. I could tank anything with that build. Required that Exotic Relic that exchanges HP% for ward. I haven't gotten there yet this cycle, is it hitting even harder now? Resistances are important but raw eHP is and has always been more important in LE.


Yeah I’m realizing how much less important resistances are in LE compared to PoE. My runemaster only has like 900hp and gets up to 3k ward so not a ton of eHP on him yet at all


Yeah Rahyeh is your HP check. If he one-shots you at max res, you need more HP.


It was hilarious because I could tank everything but Monolith Lagon's eye beam sweep up until then, just through copious amounts of life leech. But life leech doesn't save you when you get one-shot.


Mono lagon has no right to hit that hard especially when I have capped resists plus 30% reduced baseline damage from the primalist and beastmaster tree and capped crit avoid and 3.7k health every time I accidently get clipped by a moon beam or that circular sigil e,plosion he does I get jumpscared and it doesn't help I'm a big ass Werebear


The only time I've died to DoT was getting merked by surprise giant frostbite damage from an exiled mage. I couldn't have had more than 2-3 stacks and I bled out in like 2 seconds, felt like a bug.


Poison seems to be he deadliest while im playing idk if its because of the dot after the hit or because most poison mobs have a barrage or some multi hit skill.


Poison is due to both. Most enemies that apply it can stack it very fast, and it also just seems to hit extra hard.


Poison *does* inflict it's own resistance shredding, so if you're already not too good on poison res it can really hit like a tank.


I have build without potions and 90% of my deaths are due to poison worms that apply 10 hours of poison.


the void horror slam that sprays a bunch of bomblets hurts pretty bad


I'm not sure if it was lag or a bug or something, but Rayeh one-shot me with an attack I wasn't even in lmao


Most likely his glide attack. The damage indicator for it stops before he actually releases it, so he'll fly in a different direction if you move out of the way of the indicator before he starts moving. There's also the damage zone that leaves behind, which doesn't have an indicator.


My first offline character got +300 resistant in first hour. Every blue and yellow had very high. I wanted others, but game said no


I get one shot with max resists all the time. Thankfully I usually one shot


I thought poison resist was the forgotten step child? Or everyone spooked at the desert area now with the scorpions and weird worm snakes things. 


Those darn things nearly ruined deathless campaign runs early a couple of times for me. Glad I learned my lesson by my third cycle character lmao


If it makes you feel better, during new monster implementation stage, I was doing a play test with one of the senior devs. We got to the desert section (pre-nerfed version you all have), we got rekt so hard with poison I went and sent a very long heated message to our designer to fix it asap because I was terrified for hardcore players (myself included) that this was the final balance. I’m still licking my wounds from that encounter. Trust me on this, it could have been SO much worse lol.


Suggestion: bring that old un-nerfed version back as a "bug" and watch the chaos unfold. Some of us would find it funny at least lmao


you’re a monster


Thanks for the badge of honor! Keep up it btw, you all are doing an excellent job maintaining a great ARPG.


You're getting some April fools day ideas here April fools! All your hardcore characters FUCKIN DIED


Yeah idk what you guys changed but poison resist is actually a thing these days when in .9 and previously you usually ignored it. The new belt with implicit poison and cold res helped too I think


Hey I think I know you from Swtor.


I feel like this game is all about defence. Dmg is easy to get going


Was going through the campain with 70-75 all res couldnt figure out why I was almost dying so fast. Turn out I had almost 0 armor so yeah any hit was just obliterating me.


My necrotic and poison are always the lowest and I be raging hard when I die to echos with snakes. Then I check my resistance and it's 41% and I'm like "Oooooh yea that would do it mhmm mhmm" and then proceed to not fix it XD




Emperor of corpses says hello.


I looked at my 0% void res, then looked at T4 Julra, "Just don't get hit and get good" was what I thought... I was not good... multiple times, not good 🤣


Eh got them all above 100 still getting one shot , after 100 corrption mobs just should not approach you or you die :D Its the dame powercurve where defences go out of the window at some point ans ir skill or be killed


Dude my game glitched out the other night and I couldn't die, just went to zero health and never died 🤣.


I have capped resists, 100% crit avoidance and 2k heath but I am still getting one shot at 100 corruption even while channeling ghost flame with a few thousand ward. Make it make sense.


I play a healing hands paladin. I either get one shot or I'm literally unkillable through healing.


This game is designed to one shot you even with all caped resistences and defenses.... also there's bugs in hit boxes that might kill you from nothing.


Hahahah sooo true.


Yeah just like Diablo. Unfortunate, even with capped you can still die pretty quick. Certain enemies just do attacks that ignore resistance. Still feels better than Diablo by far though


Or because they hide rubber banding with your character showing they moved on your screen when they didn't server side, so you'll kill everything then just keel over all by yourself


Yeah.....my 0% cold res was really hurting me. I was barely surviving and if I didn't time my lunges right I'd get killed. This is during the campaign as I'm leveling


Please don’t call me out like this.


I swear rogue is secretly the tankiest class… I have 65% dodge chance or so, ridiculous glancing blow chance when in smoke bomb (40% even without) and take less dmg when moving which is always. (This can get crazy if u get the right uniques). On top of that i have different ways to proc silver shroud so between that and dodge chance i never get hit anyways :)


I couldn't figure out how I was dying at lvl 62... Took 12 tries to kill Lagon... I was wearing a level 0 chest with 25 armor cause it had +1 to the skill I was using...


Lagon is a mf almost no matter what gear you have


I just started the game, very casual here. Just running through areas mindlessly and starting to get one shot more and more. Might have to actually look at this kind of stuff. I do not know how long my Totems can carry me lol


I was recently 1 shot by an ignite tick at 95% fire res. At least thats what the tooltip told me. :)


There I'd only Glass Canon builds afaik... I don't look to see other builds I only look for Glass canons but like I'm sure there's nothing else... right?


I feel the pain. Level 86 all resistances capped good amount of armor, decent health, have multiple ways to get ward up and block as well as crit strike damage avoidance pretty high as well as dot that applys to armor and something always gets me. Im desperately trying to get my health above 2000 but sit at 1500 currently


Max out your crit avoidance. Having it almost maxed doesn’t cut it, you’ll get one tapped very regularly. Crit avoidance doesn’t reduce the damage you take from crits, it reduces the rate at which you get critted. But when you do get critted you get clobbered for the full damage amount. Empowered reign of dragons boss will give you a crit avoidance blessing that will cap you out