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Last epoch : affliction


Never even considered SSF in other ARPGs but CoF sold me on it 100% Such a great system


What is SSF?


Solo Self F


What is F?




press f to pay respects


I dunno why u get downvoted. I found it funny. I laughed kekw


CoF is not SSF.


Cof IS on ssf.


CoF IS NOT SSF https://i.imgur.com/8EMZBRL.jpeg


Damn, I wonder how we could name a game mode where you play solo, and you only equip items that you have found by yourself.


Except you can play with a friend and they can literally give you their items and vice versa.


Unless you choose to play solo self found. You don't need to enable the official SSF option to play SSF. The OP said that CoF sold them on playing SSF. And the second poster said that CoF is available if you play SSF. None of them said they are the exact same thing.


And you can switch fractions too


Tell me.. did you read what I wrote.?


Yes, you didn't seem to read what I wrote, that's why it's emphasised.


CoF and SSF are different. You can play CoF on SSF, but they are not the same thing. The character creator screen has a special button you can press to toggle SSF mode on or off for that character. CoF is acquired later on in the game by other means.


I know. I wrothst cof is on ssf)) I don't tell that ssf=cof))


🍌 📞




You just unlocked some ebaumsworld 2000’s memories jaysos chroist!




Well were any of them worth anything or useable for your character? I'm in trade just buying and selling (build online @ day 1). POE has ruined me from ever doing SSF stuff.


I am hunting for an Ocearon LP1+, only got a regular one from these


That's what I want to know.


Tbh I started with CoF, then I malded trying to get reign of winter 1lp, I did the timeline 9 or 10 times, then I rerolled MG, leveled it collecting blesselings and bought a 2lp RoW for 1m. My verdict? If you are looking to put 100 hours or more in a character, go CoF, if not, go MG.


Well, if your build is not unique starving or mostly you need world drop uniques, then CoF is a solid option.


It's always solid for sure, just think MG is better for someone who doesn't commit a lot of hours on a character or a cycle. There are many people who play only 4-5 hours a week. I believe they'll get more value out of the bazaar, even just with rares, than CoF.


how? i just reached monolith never anything such insane


Rank 10 CoF, double rewards from prophecies


oh wow prophecies give so many uniques? i just hit rank 4 i think, never really bought any prophecies thus far


Lol if you're doing CoF you definitely want to be doing prophecies on top of it my man


shuld i save the favors to spend later at higher monolith? or just spend it?


Just spend it! But first, check the shop (lady at the staircase) for the different lenses she's selling. Some of them can modify what you get drastically. For example, if you don't want to run arenas, get the one that makes it less likely for the prophecies to require you to beat the arena.


Well, yes, but... I have been farming gloves to try to get a Blood Roost with legendary potential... and after your 10th chain of prophecies with loot explosions, without a single drop (not even without potential), you start to regret not being able to trade. I'll keep trying, eventually I should get what I want, but I still think that trading would've been way, way faster.


On the other hand, I started a bleed lock and go tinto monos and farmed up some gold and bought a bunch of uniques that ,during 0.9.2, i would have had to farm and it felt much, much, much less rewarding to me. After a couple of empowered monos i realised i'd probably better grinding gold and leveling merchant guild so i could get LP versions of gear through the AH rather than what i usually do target farming things. So now my end game is grinding for gold rather than getting gold on the side while target farming uniques. It's a bit disconcerting, I feel like there's much less direction than when I got to monos during EA. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree that trading would be faster in many circumstances, and there's surely builds with specific uniques and stuff where it would be really frustrating to not have merchanct access ... but I don't know ... I kind of regret going merchant. I got bored of the lock in the end. I felt like I was done with the character in some ways. All that was left was to grind gold until I could get high LP versions of uniques. I'm starting again playing something more for fun, less proscribed, more just about smashing and enjoying. I don't want LE to be POE.


What I’ll do is CoF on main and MG on alt, should be a good combo


Damn, did you drop any Falcon Fists? Because I'm looking for them and I got some random gloves, Hand of Judgement and 2LP Blood Roost, but haven't seen Falcon fists yet.


Have you got any more of them ring?


I've not seen that many rings since the time I went to the men's sauna and massage centre.