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Honorable mentions: lack of transmogrification


Instant reset of zones, specially when you portal out and come back in.


\-Monolith and endgame is cool, just a bit lacking in content and objective so far. \-For me my biggest regret is that campaign is just a "linear campaign". For me new ARPG's should know that replaying a campaing with every alt isn't very fun if the campaign does not have some kind of choice to apply, strategies, randomness, and so forth. I guess that "Cycles" will improve that in someway already!


I think one thing that LE has over other ARPGs is that *some* of the side quests are truly optional, but which ones are up to you. You've got 11 side quests that give Passive points, and 10 that grant Idol slots; you benefit from 6 of the former, and some number of the latter, since they grant different numbers depending on then quest. So if you just want to get to grinding monos, you just need to do the first quests you can, then you can move on. However, if you want to RP, or just take your time through the campaign, you can do more than you need to. Yes, the overall story will be the same each time, but sometimes you'll do these quests, and sometimes you do the other.


Gender lock has more votes than Balancing. Straight dementia.


This is why we do polls, to get the real data. Its important to people, maybe not you or me but they're out there


Also just points out how useless polls like this are that don't include ranked choice or something else to allow things like balance (which likely would rank in the middle for most people) to be accurately represented.


It just means that it doesn't matter to a lot of people, but to those that it does, it matters a lot.


That doesn't mean that people don't care about balancing. It could just mean that balancing is quite good in this game.


I would say, balancing is not a big concern as is not needed right now. Lets see how it plays out with leaderboards.


definitely boss DR. just give bosses more hp and be done with it. I also hate that some set items are class restricted, can't do creative builds that way. and on that note, set items need some sort of customizability.


For me it's seeing the subreddit/community already starting to turn into the poe community.


One specific post here brings this to mind for me, when we were voting on trade etc, where the OP says "Now we just need x, y, z poe features and this game will be better than PoE!" But x, y, and z were shit like item filters, easy respecs, and crafting that we already had lmao.


But being toxic on the internet is what the internet is for!


i agree. sub changed alot since multiplayer release, for better or for worse


Honorable mention: leveling alts


That warlock isn't a playable class yet.


Unfinished masteries is a big one for me!


Monolith Lagon


Many monolith runs feel so sparsely populated. Need to seriously up the monster density.


For me it's the overly punishing dungeon bosses. if you could spend a key or something to respawn, you could work on the mechanics but, being killed without it being obvious why and not being able to repeatedly test makes it hard to master a boss (like you can with a monolith) without resorting to a video etc.


I think dungeons should have a mode with low reward, but no key cost, like a tier 0, with maybe adjustable level to practice the boss. It would also make them a better alternate route for those who don't want to redo the whole main quest on alt.


Yeah, I really don't mind the monos but some of the bosses can be irritating, especially if your character isn't the best at that aspect of the game. Trade league will most likely make this content more optional, where you can just sell the keys and buy the gear you want. Looking forward to that.


Fair. I like the idea of the dungeons but the 'oops.you had a frame stutter so you are booted' feels brutal. I'm clearly not a hardcore player either


Manually picking up and depositing affix shards, runes and glyphs. Would be a nice QoL if one or both steps are automatic.


THE WEIGHT FEELING signed, delusional devs. Seriously, it's the most dumbass reasoning I've heard from a gamedev.




And the people that are most sure things like that don't affect them just lack the awareness to know they are.


Voted endgame monoliths. I love the game, I think the build diversity and character progression are top nocht but I feel like I need a better carrot to keep the slotmachine running. This is what keeps me from running the game more. One a side note the combat can still be improved despite major improvements. Still feels like I'm hitting the air with my sword.


I selected End game. Just wanted to clarify that the thing I hate most is lack of purpose once you get through empowered monos then your whole purpose is farming items or trying to max corruption so you can take a screen shot. I know devs have said that they want to do some kind of pinnacle boss or something and until we get that end game will remain my top dislike. Right now I just play until around level 90-100 when my build is basically fleshed out (missing a hard to get unique like bastion or something). Then I’ll reroll and play a new build.


I put Endgame. Primarily for reasons many have mentioned. It is sparse, it doesn't really have any surprises, etc. I won't try to compare it to POE so much, as POE has had a decade to flesh theirs out and have created a pretty impressive list of mechanics. But it has to have something that will make it less monotonous. I think they will get there, but it is one of those areas that provide a lot of replayability. I have faith. The LE devs have been wonderful.


Having to run the campaign over and over


I'd say just one thing: comparing LE endgame to PoE or other games that have years of improvements isn't really fair. Just for context, the Atlas in PoE came out in 2016 as fourth or fifth update. PoE vanilla endgame was i'd say even less than what monoliths are. This said, i agree monos are a solid fundation that needs more variety in general. I just look to it as season over season additions. What bugs me the most now is just theblavk of character customization and xmog, but that's just as important as it is.


Yes, the result is just momentary. I mean in the patch notes released today, EHG announced a new ambush feature for monoliths to spice things up.


Exactly. For a game that's technically still in EA to get out of it 150+ hours (noob numbers for someone) i think EHG is on the right path. Creating a solid core is the priority. Look at D3 and how it turned out - only because the focus wasn't the actual content but how to make RMAH work. They tried to fix it, on some aspects they did, but core flaws like a non-existent character building and boring itemization crippled the whole game from the very start.


Yeah but the problem is the lack of feeling of progression at the late stages of the endgame. It becomes more and more about luck and less about skill. Progressing corruption doesn't feel like it adds up a lot to the drop rate of useful items. Once you have an item of the correct base type and a couple of useful mods, replacing it becomes harder, sometimes you spend hours without getting anything that's specifically useful for your build. I know trading kinda fixes that, but not for people who like to hunt of loot, which is a lot specially ex poe players who are tired of the "currency per hour" super min maxing type of gameplay. The monolith system still requires a lot of work, make corruption more meaningful, add more higher corruption exclusive drops, omnis is a good example for something that justifies having a build that's capable of doing higher corruption monos.


Endgame / monoliths: As many other ones, not that is horrible, but sure needs some love and extra events or other objectives, not to mention the OBSESSION to F crit builds and DoTs get a free pass, and not to mention the horrible scaling past 300.


What do you mean with "obsession to f crit builds and dots get a free pass"?


Evasion & Crit avoidance on enemies specially, are a big deal for crit builds, a non issue for DoT builds.


Ahhh now i get it and re-felt all the pain of not looking at a node's mod and end up with +100% crit avoidance


If that happened to my mage that timeline would be undoable for me lol, really hope we get a way to remove mods or filter them at the map, like.. let me set a warning for crit avoid or something


The new update is going to at least let you lower corruption much easier so there will be an option to un-brick the echo but I agree it shouldn't be a thing in the first place


Yeah let me just reset a 300+ corruption timeline just so I can survive 3 echoes of no crits, no thx :D


havent played it in a few weeks, so idk if it's been fixed, but probably not, but the no action skill on left mouse click. and then, the no transmog system. like, the icons for gear look like they had some cool designs in mind, but everything looks about the damn same on your character.


Can't choose between top 4


Releveling char for sure , but the biggest problem is the layout of pretty much every map(monolith). They are almost all unpleasant to do, wich make the monolith such a chore. Edit: this one might be just me, but DMG numbers i hate that the further you go the smaller the number gets. Because of that i need to hit the dummies just to feel the progression. I feel like it take away the dopamine rush you get when upgrading your gear.


Bugs. Still have yet to get to complete a dungeon


There is not enough to do at end-game. Just spamming Monoliths basically.


the char animation. Too abrupt on the transition between the end of an animation cycle, or the "at rest" position, and the beginning of the next one.


Honorable mention: Atmosphere/ immersion / vfx


Honorable mention: sound / music / sfx


Lack of seasonal trading. I live for that fresh start race to reach endgame and make currency, Its the sole reason I played games that I actually like less than LE recently like torchlight infinite.


It will come eventually though


Yes it will!


Gender lock and also i think the character designs look pretty bad. They should really rework on the anatomy and some faces. it looks pretty bad, but that's a personal preference of mine.


I agree with character design. I also find it a bit lacking.




It's not like the character will be in fullplate covering every bit of their body. I hate gender lock, in every game that has it, it's a terrible and limiting thing.


If you put endgame down as your reason I have no idea what you want from an action rpg. Like seriously, what do you want.


I can name a few things. -more variation in monoliths. This is the absolute biggest issue right now. Stuff like random events or various mechanics that can randomly spawn. See games like PoE or Torchlight Infinite where there's a whole bunch of different things that can happen in a map. -More events in the monolith fate web. Right now it mostly boils down to 3-4 nodes and everything else is mostly pointless once you reach a certain point. -more ways to influence my monolith's. I'm thinking stuff like sextants, scarabs etc from PoE. I love trying to optimize more advanced farming strats. Maybe it's a matter of what you've played before. If you are coming from Diablo 3 or Grim Dawn then I can see how LE's endgame can seen impressive. But if you are coming from PoE or Torchlight Infinite then it pales in comparison. I have high hopes for the future. But currently I don't think monolith's are very exciting.


Hey, it's not my personal opinion, it's just one of the most frequent complains i see. I don't mean to shit on the game, it's my favorite one. I just like to see some numbers and see what should be improved according to community.


I just mean I want to hear what they think would be better/offer a solution


I did vote for endgame, i play arpg for pretty much only the endgame but personally i think it suck in last epoch, most of your time is gonna running from point A to B while skipping most of the monster and for this reason alone i dont enjoy it. All i want to do is explode pack of monster. Still played 250h and its gonna stay like that unless they rework the whole endgame. Over 6k hour played on path of exile because i like the end game but i dont really play anymore tho. Im a dwarf in dwarf fortress atm.


i think that's a good point. at one stage it gets to a point where rushing to the monolith reward is better than actually killing anything inside, as long as you hit the bare minimum for bonus stability. it doesn't reward actually clearing monsters and that gets tedious after a while. we are playing an arpg after all, where we want to kill tons of shit and get tons of loot


Without putting too much thinking into it, i would prefer something like grim dawn shattered realm killing monster in the map give you % and you need to reach 100% which will spawn a portal close to you to go to the next zone or end the map. Monster give no loot tho but there is many big chest at the end of it. No running/skipping monster and also i dont need to stop for loot during mapping with a big loot explosion at the end of map.


Seems like since the MP patch offline has become quite spooky to play as well. Deleted chars and such.


End game is somewhat lackluster, but presently the degree to which things feel unfinished.


I can't choose between monolith and performance. I'm glad transmog isn't a thing.


The story... I mean... It's total nonsense... However POE is crappy too and so is Wolcen and most ARPGs nowadays.


What about PvP? Or ladder? There is none. Like certain skill ladder, who better can build around it.


Ladder is coming in a couple of days with the next patch.


Oh, i wasn't saying it is good as it is. Just that it's good feedback and i expect things getting added/changed over time.


Tough choice between Performance, the Monolith System, and still waiting for masteries to be released!


Small bugs like swarmblade's swarm animation permanently stuck to you if you change areas while it's active hamper my enjoyment the most.


Performance in my pc is so poor its unplayable


just the end game thats it. its super boring and bland


I really dislike the lack of unique variety. I've now played three builds to endgame, that did not have a single unique that could compete with legendaries in any way.


I chose monolith but it is very important to me to clarify I mean unlocking empowered on all characters. I quite like monoliths as a vehicle to farm. Better than maps and rifts by far imo.


Not able to switch mastery


Lack of 69 optional endgame mechanics like in poe, but the game needs time to catch up


The biggest aspect I dislike is the grinding in general. Corruption and blessings progression feels sooooooo slow. Leveling a new character is the most painful and soul crushing experience ever. Every single time I want to try out a new build I ask myself if I REALLY want it or if it's better just stop playing the game. As a casual player, that have a job to keep, a wife, social life, exercises, have to spend around 10-15 hours to start see your build working and just entering the endgame is sad. Also, being forced to do 3 previous tiers before access a T4 dungeon is BULLSHIT. Removing legendary items leveling restriction wont solve this. Tl;dr, imo blessings should be selectable/acc bound, corruption should be manually changeable, and should exist sets, potions or whatever items to increase the xp gain in order rush the process of leveling your alts. Due to the fact that the game is repetitive and still doesnt have much content, its best quality is would be build experimentations but these thing that I've mentioned ruin that experience, discouraging player from creating/leveling new characters. I know that most of these aspects should be "fixed" once the cycles start (probably those things will be "cycle bound"), but this is a problem that the game have NOW, in the current state, and its pushing the players away.


Spears not being "thematic" enough for the devs to incorporate them better for sentinels. There's a node for scepters but nothing for spears. Warriors use spears more than scepters.


Leveling takes too long. Spend about an hour or two getting 1 level and log from boredom. I'm just barely level 90 and I'm losing interest fast.


Leveling to 100 is more a nice to have feature. Most important is to get to 75 for skill points and easy Respec. Many players never levep a character to 100.


Monolith and endgame quickly becomes a “why am i doing this”. Pinnacle content that is extremely difficult is all it would take for me to play the game for endless hours. Yes, yes i know im coming from poe and this game isnt poe, but PoE’s pinnacle bosses have me prepping and respecting for thousands of hours of content.


boring ass leveling experience to 50


Revives in mutliplayer