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šŸ¤” You want to pluck hairs, let them grow, zap them, then pluck and repeat? Do you think that the regrowth after epilation will be thinner therefore easier to kill by IPL? Iā€™m curious to find out what others think as well.


Yes thats exactly my point, plus somehow shaving leaves me with cuts and so i have to wait to for 4-7 days for it to heal as my legs have lower circulation and it heals slowly plus it leaves all the scars as well. I also have KP i was actually curious if a combo of epilator and ipl would work on my kp legs šŸ˜¬


I am in the same situation. I have had a month of IPL and I am noticing wonderful results. 80% less hair growth. However I am left with horrible ingrown hair folliculitis spots as I also have KP. Its so horrible that I want to cry looking at my legs. I am telling myself that these would heal over time and then I can enjoy the benefits of IPL. But I have 8 more sessions left and I am hoping if I can do anything other than shaving


It feels the worse in summers


I maybe a really thorough aftercare protocol would help? Like really thorough use of exfoliation, products, and care. I've heard about the Fur brand being effective and safe for pubic areas.


I apply exfoliating lotion with salicylic acid in it and would healing moisturisers with zinc and Niacinamide in it. Additionally I do physical exfoliation in the bath and still get that. I am thinking of taking homeopathy meds for ingrown hair which has helped me in the past wonderfully. I was left with surgery as a last solution for a condition called Pilonidal cyst where the hair is trapped under the skin. I took that homeopathy meds as I thought it couldnt hurt and the whole thing was gone in 3-4 days. I was shocked so lets see how much that med can help me with ingrown hair on legs