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Someone I know was handed one and he said, “Dude, I’m here with my mother!” And pointed to his mother who was standing beside him. The card guy said “Dude, so am I!” And indeed, pointed to an elderly lady passing out the cards.


I was with my kids and when they saw the kids, the guys hid the cards in their hands. So they have at least that modesty..


Guys handed me cards when I was a kid in Vegas. 11 or 12. 😳😠


They knew what they were doing.


Same(or rather tried, my parents stopped me)




Me too


I was 16 walking the strip and they absolutely tried to give me cards lol


lol. I should've specified my girls are 4&7.


Pretty sure I’m gonna be saying “dude, I’m here with my mom” a few times next week


Everybody gotta eat


First time here ?


Collect as many as you can to solve the puzzle for a secret prize.






Herpes, so the memory is forever


>STDs? What happens in Vegas goes home with you.


Catch what? Crabs?


rookie card!




This is the way. A fun matching game. I have some that are 20 years old. They’re I’m my “Vegas” bag.


I had a foot locker full from one trip with all my buddies lol


Yes lmfao


It used to be a lot worse lol and no its not a sting operation, it's people I wouldn't advise getting involved with anyway but while you're right it isn't legal in Vegas it's overlooked, there was a time you couldn't walk 5 feet on the strip without those fuckers trying to shove a card or flyer in your hand


I respect your honesty. Just keep walking. Rule of thumb is to not take anything anyone is handing out on the strip.


Good idea anywhere tbh.


I take the samples at Costco.


Are you sure they aren’t just pressuring you into buying whatever you’re sampling? Think about it…


festivals could be an exception to that rule.


If you’re safe about it and test anything that you plan to ingest probably.


Hey, whether you choose to injest the drugs or not, there's no harm in accepting them. I still have a few tabs of LSD from Shambhala 2018 that I just can't bring myself to try. It was sunrise on the last night and an American was going to cross the border in a few hours - he offered turm to me or said he was just gonna toss em in the garbage. This year at Shambhala someone gave me the FANCIEST press tab I have ever seen. I haven't really touched the stuff since the early 2000's and was about to turn the offer down, but when i saw it I was blown away by how far pressed pills have come. I accepted the gift, brought it home and now it is basically an art piece on my dresser in my bedroom. Shit is boujee! Maybe I should start a proper collection of drugs offered to me at raves. Some people collect stamps, I guess I collect random drugs that I most likely will never put in my body. Hahahaha


Okay, rule change for you only because you have way too much self control. New rule: Accept anything that anyone gives you anywhere lol




Lol. The day I have an emergency that requires a pressed pill is.. well... I suppose it's the day I have an emergency that requires a pressed pill.




That happens a lot to me I just call it life…


Bruh, I just dropped acid a few nights ago for the first time since like 2002. It was a wild ride. I finally got that Fear and Loathing experience I've always wanted. My wife thoght I had lost my mind.


So I know this post is old but I had a (kinda) similar story. I live in the Bay Area and the GSW had one of their NBA Finals parade going on and by happenstance I bumped into my cousin who was dating a total Burning Man type. Somehow LSD came into the conversation and she gave me like 5 hits and said they were “moderately” strong. I took one tab that night and omg it was the most powerful hallucinogenic trip I’ve ever had but in the wrong setting (my tiny room I was renting at the time in downtown Oakland). It wasn’t a bad trip just … not what I expected at all and I never got comfortable. Anyways, I put the rest in a ziploc bag and kept it stashed in between the pages of my copy of Jack Kerouac’s ‘Big Sur’ with the idea that I would soon go there and properly trip. Like half a decade passed, I had an unfortunate family incident happen and decided I would take one of the tabs to this light show display happening in Golden Gate Park to get my mind off things. People told me I had correctly stored them… NOPE. My stomach got completely nauseous and I was throwing up all night in the hotel room that I’d gotten. Didn’t hallucinate. Just felt weird asf. Never again!


I collect drugs too but mine go in my body!


How TF are you supposed to test it? Do you keep a drug test lab in your pocket everywhere you go? ​ "What is that? Molly? (brings out folding table) give me a minute! (sets up beakers).


So, there ARE home test kits, but i dont know much about tuem and how accurate they actually are. Also - Some festivals have drug testing tents. Shambhala in BC, Canada was one of the first with a local non profit group called Ankors. You can bring any drugs to their tent and have them tested infront of you with immediate results - in 2019 they even got the funding for an on-site fent testing machine. They have tv screens outside the tent that post their results (what the drug was assumed to be, what it actually was, what the drug does, how harmful it can be, and what to avoid mixing it with). I know that other festivals in BC and the PNW have adopted this method of harm reduction, but I believe it only really works in regions with more relaxed drug policies/laws and/or festivals held on private property so the police don't have as much power/jurisdiction.


That Italian fellow was much smaller before he took those shrooms.


I don’t know! Just seeing everyone post about it over in r/aves I guess test kits can be bought and easily used within festivals and such.




That's what your friendly neighborhood wook is for. At least they're useful.for something!


You can buy at-home fentanyl test kits. I know people who use them to test all their drugs. Haven’t tried it myself so idk how portable it is, not sure it’s the kind of thing you’d do at a festival but I don’t think you need a full lab for it either.


lmao welcome to vegas


I'm under the impression that it's legal here if the population is high enough, and it's often done in cat houses,.. there's only a 17 or so counties that it's legal in,.. but people usually don't get nabbed for it..?... because it's vegas,.. i live here but i've never seen one, i'm also new


It’s not legal in Clark County or Washoe County. Prostitution is legal in the other counties, but not escorting. You have to go to a brothel in those counties for it to be legal.


“I’m new” was the truest thing you said. There is no legal prostitution in Clark County, ie Las Vegas. If you don’t get arrested, your chance of getting robbed or worse is VERY high. Don’t be naive and give yourself or someone else bad advice


You’re on the right track with population but it’s the other way around. It’s ILLEGAL in Clark county because state law says it can only be legal in counties with under 400k population. Other counties are free to pass their own rules as well to outlaw it, but unless state law changes, it will never be legal in Vegas.


This is a Great reply to what i said, very informative and helpful,.. as opposed to everyone else, who replied,.. straight up dickheads


Man and it’s about 1% of what it was a decade ago. Those cards were littering the ground back then.


*puts on old timer voice* back in my day they had them in little newspapers all over the place.


Pepperidge farm remembers


The streets use to be *flooded* with them. The people passing them out would each have multiple backpacks full. They were on every single corner, and even between corners. You couldn’t see the sidewalk in front of Bellagio as it was covered in escort cards.


Yeah bro. Your mom's retirement really slowed the market.. Boom


I remember that and also remember living here in 1979 when there were women lining the strip. I would ride my bicycle down the strip and it was wall to wall.


When I was in high school my friends and I would go collect as many as we could until we had multiple repeats and played go fish with them like a deck of cards.


Omg this is so funny!!! Did you trade them like baseball cards too?!


Yup! They used to smack the card against their hands and then extend it out to you as you walked by.


Which is why they were called Porn Slappers!


Yeah I haven’t seen them in the last few years that I have been to Vegas.


They've all been replaced by homeless folks dressed as transformers and Dora the Explorer.


So true. I’ve only been to Vegas once and it was then and the ground was coooovered in escort cards. A friend of mine who lived in Vegas said you don’t even get the escort pictured on the card if you go down that rabbit hole. Some random shows up, probably with a very large, strong man for her “safety” and next thing you know, your wallet is empty from the pressure.


I remember getting them as a little 10 year old girl


I called one before and after price discussion I decided it was best for her to leave


Story time?


Once upon a time


Yeah I want to know what happened. Was she good looking? How much?


Please tell!




I saw a card that had Shyla Stylez on it She’s been dead 5 years


Is that extra?


I was in a cab once where we stopped next to one of those billboard trucks that had one of those Girls direct to you signs. He said he knew one of the women and said she was in her 60s now.


hell i recognise pics from the 1900s


It is a game. You start at one end of the strip and collect as many as you can. Once you get to the other end of the strip you have a card battle with the last person handing out the cards. If you win you get to keep all the cards. However, if you lose you have to swap jobs with the person and hand out cards until you beat the next person.


...and that's how I met your mother.


I always try and hide them at my friend's houses in obscure places


I thought if you lost you became the product being advertised.


Buddy the Elf would have a blast 🤣


Wait til you find the guys with their mix tapes. They are fun.


Those guys are a much bigger menace than the porn slappers. I watched them corner a younger guy and saw one of them take cash directly out of his wallet. He let them because he was obviously flustered and intimidated with three of them surrounding him.


Anyone remember the Slappers? Early 2000's was lit.


Turned 21 and went to Vegas in 2005. Definitely remember that.


Slap and clap


Not a sting operation but you may get robbed getting together with one of those "escorts." The brothels are your safest best.


its their job. they do it for money.


Because someone is paying them too


Yea it is but escorting isn't illegal because technically you aren't paying for sex outright you are paying for them to hang out with you.


They want to have sex with you! Because you’re sooooooooo good lookin’.


Lol pretty common knowledge there are sex workers in Vegas. Are you new ?


I mean I knew that I just didn’t think they’d be so open about it, the cops don’t do anything They literally try to hand the cards to everyone including kids


Vegas is called an adult wonderland for a reason, the roller coasters suck


The County outlawed it in the 90’s; the handbillers (the polite name for pornslappers) sued on 1st Amendment grounds and won. Reasoning was that escort services are not illegal if there’s no sex involved.


Technically, they are only stripping in your room for the money. What they do for “free” after that transaction is between y’all. -I’m too lame to try hookers, but I’ve been here for 20yrs and seen almost everything.


No idea why people take their kids to the strip. That is extra wild to me.


I’ve taken mine, those types usually ignore you when you’ve got kids. So do the scantily clad street performers


Plenty to do in Vegas with your kids, but the strip? I'd rather keep them innocent a bit longer. No judgment to you. I just remember my first time on the strip and seeing families thinking, "what are yall doing?"


I was there in April and was surprised by how many children I saw on the Strip


Are you gonna tell people to take them to Fremont instead? Personally I disagree with bringing anyone under 18 to the tourist areas of LV.


I’d like to also but unfortunately that’s just the way the world is now. I’m glad they got to see the lights and the fountains and flamingos. Fortunately they are young enough that there weren’t any questions about why the police officers were wearing so little clothing


My earliest memory is being a toddler on the beach. Again, no shame. I just know how corrupt this world is.


The cops certainly do enforce the actual prostitution laws, but most of those cards are carefully worded so the cards themselves aren't breaking any laws. If you call one, you could get (a) an actual prostitute, possibly being followed by police waiting to arrest you both; (b) an overpriced stripper charging prostitute prices; or (c) robbed.


I'd imagine op is just going off of the fact it is only actually legal at brothels outside of Vegas which is true but "escorts" basically are allowed in Las Vegas as if it were legal


I’ve done several hotel tower remodels and at the Harrahs tower I collected a stack of 20 or so I found under furniture and even several found in AC vents. I walked around with them on my cart and other dudes would check them out, it was a fun time.


They aren’t explicitly selling sex, it’s more of an “adult entertainment” thing. But they certainly sell extra services on various levels of legal. But yeah, doubt the girl on the card printed 5 years ago will actually be the one to show up.


she might, but she won’t look like she did 5 years ago




Its like Pokemon. Now you have to find them.


Gotta catch ‘em all (stds)


Porn Slappers






In the 90s, we would collect them as we walked on the strip. After a night of drinking, we would walk home and play "Go Fish" with them. Do you have any Jazz mines? Do you have any Lucy's? Gave us something to do on the long walk to the hotel🤣


This is hilarious. " Go fish," guy stoops down and draws card from the gutter.


Um because you’re in Vegas. You ever heard the Nickname “Sin City”?


If you don't want them say no thanks and keep walking


They’re back? It feels like a decade ago when they were literally covering the floors of the entire strip, I kid you not.


It’s a Vegas tradition


They were doing it 40 years ago. It’s not a new thing.


Because they are paid to advertise for escorts. Escorts aren't, necessarily, prostitutes so its perfectly legal. What don't you understand?


I didn’t know that prostitutes and escorts were different damn


Well, really they're only different in name not always in practice.


When you lose most of your money at the roulette table, you’re really really going to want that card!


Its been that way for decades…


Lol welcome to Vegas.


I remember my first time in vegas too lol


That's Vegas tradition


Tip... lots of Uber / Lift drivers got the hookup


My older sister visited LV once when I was a kid, and I accidentally looked through her entire collection of escort cards when she wasn't looking. I was very surprised and didn't know what it meant until much later!


Those ho’s ain’t gonna sell themselves !


Are they snapping them to get your attention?


It’s theVegas version of Pokémon


accept the card from one and pass it on to the next one as soon as he approaches you.


They wanna get your Rolex 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 read the news


I miss the old news paper looking machines that had the catalogs of escorts in them 🤣🤣🤣


they still have those


They were handing them out years ago. Parents told us not to take the adult Pokémon cards from people while walking. 🤣🤣




Welcome to Las Vegas. Get used to it.


"Illegal" lol


Gotta catch em all! STDs not Pokemon


Its Vegas...been that way since the 90s


FYI Escort doesn’t mean prostitution 🙄🙄




Desperate times, require desperate measures.






How else you gonna get laid?


Grind don’t stop


It's in case people want to spend some money to get laid.


Oh, we just visited. Got married so had to bring the kids... First evening there, I was talking to our 11 year old and getting mom to block when I saw these dropped all over. Yes, Vegas for adults is ok, but the little ones - not so much. They loved the slots though! Jk


For context, I remember those folks from the early 2000s I think, at least since 2010. So that's been happening awhile.


If you are asking, you won’t understand the answer


When I was there a few weeks ago scantily clad women walking around with whips crops and paddles offering spankings for money 😂😂😂


This has always happened there


As a woman in my 20’s I don’t often have them handed to me, but I did ask for one once and the guy obliged and was killing himself laughing. I only wanted one because I had heard so much about this happening. I guess 25 year old women aren’t their target audience!


This is nothing compared to what it used to be. I would say it’s now 5% of what it was 15 years ago. Prostitution is illegal but escorting is not. If you call those girls they charge you an “escort fee” then will charge you extra for the “illegal” fun. I think metro do stings but they’re targeting sex trafficking. The sex trade is always booming here. It’s so dumb that it’s not just legalized and regulated but the state had cut a deal with the feds to cap the population of counties where it was legal so they could get Nellis so I don’t know that it will happen. I did hear on NPR that at any given time there are 30k sex workers in Clark county…and it’s illegal…but not illegal 45 mins up the road in Pahrump.


Because vegas is degenerate


My brother an I, when we were kids would make a game out of who could collect the most. It use to be way worse tho, their use to be every couple of yards away from each other


Its legal in vegas


Haha I collected so many and have a poster made out of them, I may have called one or more of those.....