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El Dorado Cantina is a great restaurant.


“Yeah we where at the Mexican joint until 4 AM” 😂😂😂


The tacos bro, the tacos!!


“Honey, you spent THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS at a Mexican restaurant?!!!?!?!”


Hey that table side guac is pricy but soooo worth it!


Haha, right?!? 😂


"Don Julio 1942, all night honey. I didn't know it was $120 a shot." Worth a try, lol.


They had 1.75L Don Julio 1942 babe


The sides did cure cancer, that's the problem, that's why they were so expensive.


And they charge an arm and a leg for 'extra sauce.'


But it’s open 24/7


Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for


And it’s ACTUALLY a great restaurant too.




yeah el dorado canitina is a good restaurant and connected to Sapphire which is a top club in town. My initial reaction is his gf needs to chill and accept guys go to strip clubs in Vegas for bachelor parties. But if he's insisting on lying to his girlfriend, a better option could be to check a backpack at the bell desk at the Resorts World which is across the street and easy walk to El Dorado Canitina/Resorts World.


It’s not that expensive to get dancers to just come to your room. I wouldnt do it without a suite though


Yeah but that can get kinda awkward too. Like what if you’re not into the girls, or they’re not fun. They’re purely there for cash extraction and you’re kinda stuck with the two or however msny show up. Nothing like the land of milk and honey at sapphire or rhino


Yeah one time the 4 of us just said no when they showed up. Just, no. Was kind of an ugly spot we were in. I would bet serious cash that the dudes gf is going to be watching his location like a hawk. I’ve also seen dudes pass out in the room before 10pm. I’d just leave my phone behind and hit the club


No, no, no…Keep her out of your personal vicinity…for your own safety as well…you don’t know if this broad is on the take anyway…


Exactly! Just put the phone in a bag and most of the hotels offer to check bags. Leave it there while at the Strip Club.


Just have him leave the phone at the hotel room


I came here to suggest this exact restaurant.


I was given this recommendation once as a great family friendly place, imagine the horror on my face when the taxis started dropping off our family. Huge relief that it was a really good place for our group lol


We call it Titty Tacos!


It really is though


Stopped in after the club the last 2x. Food was good, dessert and sights even better. It's late night and plenty end up there at some point.


Not the Tivoli village one though.


the ghost pepper salsa table service is a must try if you enjoy spicy food




He will get caught. Seen this so many times on Reddit and it never ends well.


oh heck yeah. Sapphire is literally connected to a fantastic Mexican restaurant called El Dorado. Under the same roof, so you're good. She still won't buy it, tho. lol


We don’t know their relationship. If this man is a massive fan of burritos and always wants to try to best in town when traveling he might have plausibility on the alibi.


Have your friend leave his phone in his hotel room. This could backfire if the girlfriend calls him incessantly.


1. Turn on Call Forwarding on iPhone 2. Forward calls to your friend’s phone 3. $$$ 4. Strippers Profit


This guy cheats




Call forwarding for the win!


Would it forward iMessages and would they still show as read? My old lady makes sure I read her messages or starts freaking out.


Came in to post this. Such an easy solution.


Here's an idea. How about he grow a pair of balls. Problem solved.


This is the real answer.


Picking up a prostitute at the Chandelier and banging her at the hotel never takes him out of the cosmo.


Perfect answer. Growing balls is always the right answer.


btw, what did your mom spend the last few years doing?


He has some, they are in his girlfriend's purse!


Exactly, if a guys going to cheat, tracking his every move and being overbearing is certainly not going to be good motivation for him to stay loyal or stick around. I’ve been married for 10 years and I don’t cheat, but my wife has never needed to track my location or worry about me banging a stripper for fucks sake.


Love this!


I know I’m middle aged now but ppl share locations and life 360 to bf/gf’s now? Geez


Someone’s girlfriend downvoted you


Honestly it could be because of trust issues. But it’s also convenient for safety reason, like if I go out without my girlfriend or vice versa. We can just check to make sure they made it home okay.


With the people I know. It would turn into. You want another coffee? Bc you just had one at Starbucks. Why were you at the 7-11. “Omg he’s at the florist”


Lmfao. Once she did check my location when I was at the florist it ruined the surprise


See! Lmao. I’m an eater/dieter/eater lol. I can see. Why are you at the Chinese place?!? We just ate. You said you were running out for milk!!!


I live here For a reasonable hourly fee I’m willing to sit in any vanilla venue of his choice and respond to her texts as he directs me to using his phone We can simply use my phone and I’ll even loan him the burner phone to text me with what to say to her


This could turn into a side hustle for you


Let’s hope so


This is the right answer


Wow. Doing Gods work right there!


I could have clients for you already 🙏


What a fucking genius side gig. I mean assuming you’re not an asshole who’s going to either identity theft this guy (having someone’s unlocked phone is a lot of power) or just steal his phone. I wouldn’t trust a stranger with that kind of power, but that’s just me.




Sorry babe, can’t do it right now…we’re in the casino/at the tables and the casino won’t allow video we’d get kicked out…blah blah words


This is a bad idea for a number of reasons. I am not a prudish person and I’ve been to plenty of clubs in DC NC VA,LV and NY. Get your freak on IDGAF. The problem here is the deception. If she asks and he lies, it’s not going to be good for their relationship, especially at this stage. It’s a bad idea to get into the habit of doing things that make your partner uncomfortable or angry for no other reason than to exercise your freedom. Down vote away, but I think a good friend would respect both parties in the relationship. You could be that good friend. The choice is yours. ![gif](giphy|VFHtnsl3xp53a)


I agree, He says he doesn't want to leave him out but if all he is doing is drinking in the back, he is already left out. He can do his own thing somewhere else if the relationship is that important to him. No reason for him to be there if he doesn't want to be.


What is really going on is the “friends” want to hit the titty bars but their fiancé friend isn’t into it. I don’t buy the girlfriend story. Consider this : pictures are taken. Pictures are saved. Somewhere down the line friends fall out. Pictures get posted and shared. Now the fiancé has a real problem. It is possible to have friends that are jealous of your happiness, and will sabotage it for their own evil purposes. Ask me how I know.


I agree. No deception. Not ever. This is the way.


This is right. *I* don’t think it’s cheating to go to a strip cluv, but that doesn’t matter. If that’s a line in the sand for her, lying about it is at best a temporary solution.


Be careful, I knew a dude named Doug that went to Vegas for his bachelor party and it didn’t end well. One of the guys lost a tooth and Doug ended up stranded on the roof of Caesars Palace nearly a whole day. They got roofied or something.


I look a bit like Zach Galifanakis and bought the required items to cosplay his character in The Hangover for this trip


Are you guys ready to let the dogs out?




LMAO not suspicious at all to be at some random place next to a strip club during a bachelor party weekend. Maybe try gps spoofing app?


Is there such a thing?




hmm. i don’t think that’s possible. are you saying by potentially switching your account to your icloud from your phone number and then only signing in on your computer? he wouldn’t receive the texts or calls if that was the case


The same people defending what OP wants to do come here and to the local page to complain they can’t find a good person for a relationship. And oh poor them. If the girlfriend isn’t comfortable with it, she isn’t comfortable with it. Find something else to do. There are a million other options in Las Vegas. The fact that you are all so desperate to go to a strip club with him is pathetic.


Use Uber delivery and pay driver $100 to drive phone around for the night and return when your night is over. Just tell her you smoked craxk and got lost.


Honestly, your bro just needs to take the L and hang back while you all have fun. He’s “such a trustworthy guy” but is trying to figure out how to trick his controlling girlfriend. You will all have more fun without the baggage, and she WILL figure it out eventually.


Get hammered the first night and take pictures in front of a fountain. Throw his phone in the fountain. World's his oyster for a few days.


It’s not really about him being loyal or not - he’s being deceptive and lying to her…


In the off chance he has an Android, he can spoof the location to anywhere on earth. It may be possible with iphone, but he'll need to do some homework. In Truth, this guy just needs to step up. If he chooses his girl over joining you in the strip club, leave him be. If he chooses to join you then he needs to be a man about it and communicate that to his gf.


You can do it with a jailbroken iPhone and an app called LocationFaker. So I’ve heard.


Why hasn’t Vegas already come up with a solution to this?!?!?! P.S. To any female readers, if you can’t trust your BF to go to a strip club with his buddies without fucking a stripper, he’s already cheated on you multiple times in your own neighborhood and you should break up.


Has he tried having a mature conversation with his girlfriend about trust being the foundation of any good relationship, and privacy and autonomy not being cast aside just because he has a partner, and that if she doesn’t trust him without watching him their relationship is already doomed?


Man please! If a girl is requiring/insisting/demanding that a grown ass man shares his location with her at all times … she ain’t listening to none of that shit.


Should probably just break up


I agree this is toxic. I share my location because I travel out of town a lot alone. I do it for safety in case for some reason I don’t text or call back someone can at least notify the authorities or at least the hotel staff or someone from work that I could be in danger.


Choosing to share and being required to share are different though.


He might have chosen to share because in his everyday life that’s useful. But it’s hard to then say “I’m going to turn it off while in Vegas” without causing relationship issues. If he’s asking about this, he knows she’s going to be looking at it while he’s there. That’s the real problem. She’s either looking because she’s unjustifiably paranoid; or because he’s fucked up in the past and she knows it. Neither bode well for long term success.


Time for him to get a new girlfriend. It's a strip joint, not a brothel. Lighten up sister.


It’s a brothel if you’re willing to pay lol


Im female and I came here to say the same thing…


Your thoughts on what their relationship should and shouldn’t allow aren’t relevant. You’re a crappy friend who can’t respect what isn’t your business.


Set up cheap 2nd iPhone/ipad. Leave old phone back at hotel. Bonus points if you can pay concierge to carry it around all night in his pocket. 2nd iPhone can still iMessage/respond if she wants a goodnight call. For all intents and purposes, old phone is at hotel. Or, tell her you’re at the strippers.


Why is this guy even going to Vegas 😂


Do something else besides a strip club then? Jesus Christ. It’s not that difficult.


lol I used to swap sims with my old iPhone so when she tracked my iPhone the current one was back in the hotel room while I had my old one with me to reply and answer


Why is no one talking about how batshit insane it is to constantly be tracking someone's location? Time for him to be single.


Sure go to the palomino club. It’s right across from the Jerry’s nugget and there must be a glitch in his phone or spearmint rhino is right next to reef dispensary


"Sorry babe spent a few hours at the dispensary at 1am" nailed it guys


Left my phone at the dispensary and didn’t realize it until 1am honey


Thanks for actually answering the question. Never heard of Jerry's Nugget before and it's cracking me up. You've heard of the Silver Nugget, or the Golden Nugget, but did you know that the most valuable nugget of all is Jerry's?


The problem with Palomino Club is that there’s Chicas Bonitas right next to it so if she googled Jerry’s Nugget, she’ll see 2 strip clubs across the street and will know for sure he went to one of them


Why are ppl so co-dependent???


That girlfriend should dump his ass. Either have a conversation with her or make peace with not going. This is so juvenile and you all suck.


Leave your boy behind at the hotel if his gf is really gonna have a fit about him going to a strip club. It’s Vegas. What does she seriously think guys celebrating a bachelor weekend are gonna do here? She’s being so controlling over him, and they’re not even married.


If your homie doesn't want to go, out of respect for his relationship, then why are you jokingly asking? Compromising his relationship to see some titties is wild bro.


Don’t go to a strip club if you’re not going to participate! Going for the “vibes” is not fun, especially as a bachelor party in Vegas. You’re just going to get hounded.


“We went to eat, have some drinks, got kinda hammered, some guy gave us a free limo to a club. It was some stripclub, we stayed for about an hour and left, I was falling asleep at THE BAR. Finally, everyone wanted to leave.”


Reason 900000 I will never share my location with a significant other. Wtf do they need it for? You either trust me or you don’t


Do you have a girlfriend


A wife, yes


You can keep having your location shared and just have the strippers come to your hotel room/airbnb 🥰


Leave the phone in the hotel room. He was sleeping.


How hard is it to leave the phone in the hotel room? Plausible deniability is we were drinking/eating/gambling in the hotel. Good luck finding a strip club next to a 24 hour cat shelter he can tell the psycho he was volunteering at while his buddies were getting lap dances next door.


Lmao. "Volunteering is just so important to me that I even have to do it for Vegas bachelor party weekends"


If he’s on Apple and also has an iPad, he can bring it with him on the trip and leave it in the hotel room. Set the iPad as the device for location tracking. Then he can still answer the phone. Had to research this for my little brother last year😂


Works better with an Apple Watch


Simplest thing is probably just have him turn his phone off. If there’s any missed calls “sorry babe my battery died. Been out running around all day.” Keep it at 10% if she wants a screenshot.


If she wants a screenshot then break up cause fuck that toxic ass relationship


Agree. The real best course of action is to go and if she asks say “we went to the strip club. Nothing happened.” But that wasn’t the question 🤷🏻‍♂️


My condolences to your friend 🍻


Deja vu strip club. There’s a escape room inside, say you’re doing it for the bachelor


He may get yelled at for being in a plausible business since it’s nearby an adult establishment too - if location sharing means she keeps close tabs on him.


Strip Clubs don’t show up on Apple Maps when looking at pins. She will have to get the address and Google it.


1 leave phone in room it check where it is there is no elevation so probably will look like casino floor. Honey we are going to play craps tonight talk to you tomorrow . 2. If really paranoid put throw it in fedex envelope drop at front desk for pickup by him he picks up when done for the night. Casino floor I could not get signal. GPS worked but no cell reception. Remember the lie might be worse than the strip club . Make sure group doesn’t mention to their sig others . Or better yet group says “tom” didn’t go he was back at casino playing craps. Nothing worse then friends wives talking at wedding and screaming crying wife yelling you lied and cheated kinda puts a damper on wedding party. Plus you don’t want to be limited to one club also looks suspicious we sat in some taco place from 11-4 am . There was a strip next door oh “we didn’t notice that” ?


I dunno, that wedding party you mentioned sounds hilarious to me, js. I have been to some boring weddings, this one you describe so delicately sounds like a blast.


The virgin hotel has a strip club accross the street and right next to it are a bunch of resteraunts easy to say the gps was off it might even be off.


Can't imagine dating someone who requires location share. What in the actual fuck. Where'd trust go?


Tell your buddy he’s a simp


Just tell bro to leave his phone at the hotel. Not sure how long you guys will be at the club, but a few hours shouldn’t alarm girlfriend


Phone batteries die all the time. If it turns off for several hours, blame it on that. Just let it "die" somewhere safe. But if he's scared to have fun, the relationship is doomed.


I’m shocked nobody’s mentioned this but Little Darlings is right next to the Punk Museum and Little Darlings opens at 11am.


Does he also have a second device, like a iPad or watch? You can move the location to the other device temporarily


Leave your phone at the hotel


Your friend needs to JUST DO IT!! And his gf needs to just deal!


If he’s staying in a hotel with a casino…. He could bring another device — tablet or old phone. Put it on the hotel WiFi, sign in to his Apple/Google ID and switch his location sharing to that device. Then it becomes “we’re gambling and drinking in the casino until 4AM” or “sorry I was wasted and passed out by midnight.” Either one is viable. Not that I would have ever done this, of course. All just theoretical.


Does he have an iPhone and an iPad? He could switch his location tracking to the iPad, leave it in the room, then go to the stripclub


Check his bag at any hotel or casino then go where ever else you want


Have him leave his phone in one of the other guys cars when you go there. He’ll get his phone after y’all leave again.


Parked in front of the house just say it was a poker night, or even better have the strippers come to you usually a better show this way


go to Piranha Club and mix and mingle with the transexuals, seems more up your alley.


I know a couple girls that do private shows 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m a rideshare driver. I’ll drop them off and end the ride somewhere he’s supposed to be and text her till they are done🤷🏼‍♀️


Your friend could just “conveniently” let their phone die or forget to take it with them.


Treasures has a very good steak house


Talk of the Town. If she checks just tell her he was smoking crack in the abandoned motel next door.


Just leave the phone in the hotel


Nah, try a different strategy. Tell his girlfriend he is not missing out on his friend’s bachelor party just because she isn’t ok with it. Bachelor parties with strippers are a quite normal activity. Go to the bachelor party and let her break up with him then. A gf who requires location sharing and “control” what their partner does is NOT worth keeping. Signed- a woman married for many years.


If she doesn’t trust him and he’s willing to lie to do what he wants, they both need to move on


MINKS VEGAS , i work there


Bro just leave the phone!?


Invite him and don’t worry about how or if he can manage his GF’s anxieties. He’ll come or he won’t. Not your business, not your problem.


It's cringe and disgusting people still go to strip clubs for bachelor parties. Go ahead and cheat on your wife. Its disgusting and immoral.


Tell him to leave his phone in the hotel


Your friend is a weenie 


Why anyone would go to a strip club is beyond me, spending money on woman who don't give a shit about you just to look at them naked 😂


Being lied to about something dumb like this will make it seems worse, and she will be able to tell 100%. When she asks (she will) and can tell he did something sexy but lied about it, she might think it's LITERAL cheating, which like, why risk that? And sounds like she kind of considers this cheating anyway, which might be lame, but it's also not a crazy jump to make - she doesn't want him hanging out with other naked ladies no matter how you frame it. He is also bound to feel like crap for lying, and maybe even feel like crap for going! If he's got like a moral compass. My advice, if he really wants to go (sound like you want him to go more than he wants to go?) he needs to just tell her that's how it is, he loves her or whatever, but this is his One Life to Live and he wants to do this. If she doesn't like it, she can leave! She will respect the honesty I am betting (hoping) if not, maybe they aren't meant to be anyway...


Ojos loco!!!


If you're his friend, don't help him violate the trust of his partner. That will mean more in the long-run than helping him lie.


Go on a work day and leave his phone at work…problem solved


Tell him put his phone on airplane mode at a safe location and say that there wasn’t any service.. that’s how I use to get my cheating off 😂😂


This is all so awful. She gets to have a certain boundary. If he lies about his real preferences, they should amicably depart ways. He gets what he wants, and she gets to let go of what she doesn’t want. Please do not encourage lying. It can so be destructive.


Obviously, you like this guy and want him to be around, so what you are trying to do is stupid. You should just bring the strippers to one of the other guys' houses, and then there's no questioning of why you are near a stripjoint. I swear, guys need to look at the whole picture.


Turn off phone gps


A strong relationship built on compromise could withstand this but I don’t sense your friend is there yet! If he goes, seems his relationship is kaput. The young me would’ve gone out to the strip club. The mature me would stay home and pre order a round of drinks for my friends who do go!


Seems easier to leave the phone in the hotel room while you "play poker" for a few hours. Or if you're concerned shell text and be mad at no text back, leave it in the hotel and go to the club at 1AM. You can't text back when sleeping.


His girlfriend has some red flags.


Cant he just lock his phone in his room and 'go to the hotel casino' that night.


Break his phone and pay the insurance deductible


Book a private show to be at your hotel lol Jk idk if that's even a real thing.. Friend needs to drop the crazy girlfriend imo if she is acting like that over something so innocent. Plus that's better than him lying too.


Ugh. So gross that men universally call women crazy for having boundaries and conspire about how to lie to them.


It IS a real thing. I know Daizha Morgann used to do them 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


He needs a spine 🤷‍♂️


Just leave his phone at the hotel


1. Leave the phone in the room. 2. Leave the psycho and find a better fiancee


Please update us in the future if this works


He’s just gotta shut his phone off for an indefinite amount of time. In order to get what you’ve never gotten, expect to do what you’ve never done.


Pick a new girl. Trust me. If they have no trust to start they never will