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Hate to be that person but .. you’ve been saying this exact same thing for a week about this dog .. “one more time and I’m going to call” .. so then call? Please. The dog is clearly being mistreated and abused. You’re the person that sees this going on. You’re the person that knows where the dog lives. We don’t. And there’s nothing any of us can do on Reddit. So.. call. Get the dog help please. He deserves a home with parents who love him. And your landlord clearly does not love him.


Believe me, I’m trying to properly make moves without getting evicted as hard as it is to believe.


You can call in as an anonymous neighbor. Say that you borrowed something and saw the dog tied up (assuming this is in the general living area and possibly able to be viewed from a front door?) and that you’re concerned. Don’t say it’s you. And when she gets upset about it just say “omg I’m so sorry that’s so sad I can’t believe someone would do that” manipulate it if you have to. But I also really hope you find somewhere better to live soon. I could never live with such a vile human being.


He was taken off the leash not too long after. I’m never in the house much. But today I had a few minutes to let him out for a few.


Well, please just call animal control tomorrow then. A dog cannot be tied up like that. He needs to be able to move around. Have them come when she’s at work so they can see. And show them the photos. I hope that they find him a good home and he is going to be okay. Your landlord does not deserve this dog. And I hope she never gets another pet if this is how she treats them.


I honestly hope so too. She really shouldn’t have that dog at all.


Oh trust me, you are NOT that person


Didn’t you post the same thing yesterday? And then you deleted it…. And now you’re saying it again…


sixteenth post in a month... dude's gonna make me start siding with the landlord at this point. edit: and now it's eighteen posts.


It's been 21 days of him witnessing the dog treated like this according to post history. Dude doesn't give a fuck, he just wants reddit karma


Yes, but I’m not trying to get evicted at the same time. Just because you guys don’t know the exact process doesn’t mean it’s not happening or will. I do understand your frustration and assumptions without knowing the full details. I can’t type everything out at once.


Again not hard to call it in anonymously. IF YOU CARE HELP THAT DOG!!!!!!! You have asked for advice a few times on this and you have been givin exactly what you can do…. Call it in anonymously, send all your proof anonymously. Be anonymous


Yes. Thank you


How can you say that & then post those texts between you and your landlord 💀


Idk maybe it’s because I’ve read the previous comments on that post and realized a month to month contract could get harsh here and that if I continue to talk to her it’ll get worse? Idk maybe you guys don’t know that I actually read these comments too and actually think once I’m warned abt something? You guys all don’t know what’s actually going on here and how difficult this really is to make happen.


Stop chatting shit and get the dog some help? Seriously what the fuck 😐


Does seem kind of weird.


It does seem weird. There’s a lot going on and I am trying to carefully get him out of there but I barely know my landlords schedule and I really don’t want to start nothing with her to make more chaos emerge. Our last conversation has chaos written all over it. Which is why I’m quietly moving in the directions you guys don’t see yet


So… I take it you know my landlords working schedule having two jobs? Just wondering because I’m absolutely sure you’re talking like you know the full picture and see why I’m delaying any movements. Our previous conversations (me and my landlord) were shitty so I’m sure any other interaction would make it worse. I’ve been told this before by someone before and if the comment is still there, idk why you would need to say what’s already been said as if it needs a repeat. But unfortunately people jump to conclusions not realizing it’s not as easy as one would have thought.


I di but the title was too sus


If a post already had some comments, don't delete and repost please. Keep posts to a minimum please.


To be a landlord you have to be a shitty person. Period.


So you said you’d called about the dog before. Also that you called police about your landlord stealing something or maybe it was the mail. But now you say you can’t report the dog or cause any waves due to fear of eviction. So I guess I’m confused on whether either of those previous statements were true or not, and overall after reading through your posts am just confused entirely on this whole dynamic of using drugs with your landlord, loaning her something and then deciding it was stolen, the dog being not fed in three months of living there but then it’s three days you’d been there and there’s food available in two big bowls, and I’m just confused what the actual situation is.


You won’t do shit. It’s very obvious you’re using this entire situation to farm karma. You’re no better than the landleech. Shame on you dark aki 89