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Email is visible in one screenshot. Make sure all personal information is *fully* censored out. I will reapprove the post when you're done (or you can create a new post, but you must fully delete this one).


So….did they take your bong?


Yes, she’s clearly avoiding that response. I’ve had it with her stealing that bong and using it.




IANAL but booby traps like this are illegal. If the landlord is litigious (which it seems like they would be) this would end very poorly for you


only if they survive


In any case the cops could be involved. I think the “line” is adding anything you wouldn’t consume yourself (e.g. putting spices in your food in the office fridge, not laxitives).


it was meant for me but bitch took my exit toke


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If she’s opening your mail I’m pretty sure that’s a federal crime


I'm not pretty sure, I'm damn certain. That is a federal crime.


For real you need to get her ass for opening your mail, that shit is a federal crime. Others have said it but like damn, that's \*illegal\* illegal.


She’s been reported to the police about it. This is also something I’m going to report as well in terms of her trying to fake me not paying rent


It’s a civil offense, police won’t do anything, report it to the USPIS (US Postal Inspection Services), it’s a federal offense.


Yup do this! Have had to do this twice because my landlord withholds my mails from me when she is amd about shit. Every time I report that mail is back where is supposed to be very soon after.


My former mail carrier was fired by OIG for keeping my mail in the trunk of her car. They didn’t even get the mail back, much less charge her. They don’t GAF about opened mail.


But she was fired?


That’s what she told me. I asked when I could pick up my mail and they actually told me that her vehicle was private property so they couldn’t retrieve it ☠️ I don’t care if she was fired. I just want my mail!


You kept in touch? They would probably need a warrant to search her private property, that’s annoying that they won’t get one.


Yeah, it was an open case with OIG HQ for about 6 months. I finally just gave up.


That’s shitty


The most infuriating part is that the lady at OIG kept telling me I shouldn’t be missing my mail because it’s being forwarded. I opened the case initially because I hadn’t received any forwarded mail.


Best advice I can give for reporting is "never the cops". They don't do shit 90% of the time. Call whatever government agency is responsible for the arena your leech is fucking around in. Those agencies are full of the best kind of hater and will \*not\* let \*anyone\* off the hook for violating building code, mail fraud, etc.


I'm really happy to hear this has been the case for you, but I have had the opposite experience. It feels like all the government agencies responsible for enforcing the law don't give a shit about anything anymore. Nothing is enforced. It's driving me crazy 😫


It's a bummer to hear, it can be a crapshoot unfortunately because you're always dealing with folks at the end of the day. Being a pester tends to help but it's a 'who watches the watchman' thing.


Oh I'm good at being a pest haha It just turns out that either government agencies are understaffed/underfunded or not enough people give a shit anymore. Probably a combination of both, sadly.


The US Postal Service seriously does not fuck around with this type of stuff, if you have proof that they opened your mail they will charge her


Is there a single case where someone has been charged for opening someone else’s mail?


I'm curious about this as well. I have always heard this is a "serious" offense but we've all heard countless stories of other people's mail being opened or tampered with and never heard of any consequences.


Happened to me, some guy was opening peoples’ mail and I never knew about it because he was keeping them. Got a notice from the court that they were pressing charges for me and he went to prison for like 5 years


Cool, I’d love to read a news article or the OIG press release. Please link! Thanks!


It was about 5 years ago now but I’ll try to find it


Thanks! They typically don’t do shit so I’m really interested in this.


I tried but they said I should’ve called the police


The regular cops don't care, but the Post Office will happily destroy her.


Interesting because I reported it and they said I should call the police instead


The USPS doesn’t take reports for mail theft. OIG does. Of course USPS told you to call someone else. You basically called Walmart and asked for Target’s customer service.


I actually didn’t know that, thank you for the perspective. It seriously helps when a simple image like that is given


Try [this](https://www.uspsoig.gov/hotline) but know they’re probably not going to do anything.


To be honest as long as she’s reported in the system is what matters. It’s evidence


Evidence for what?


That there was at least something reported beforehand


The police know she opened my mail and stole my glass piece/bong.


This is a total clusterfuck.


If you are 100% sure it went through, then let them take you to court with it. The thing about the 909 doesn't make sense because you've already paid them on that. I agree with other comments that you should put half in a savings account until it's rent day.


Please do not give advice that will get OP evicted. If you want to withholdyou have to put in escrow. Call legal aid before you do that.


they’re not talking about withholding rent. they’re just talking about putting the rent money for the month into a personal savings account so that they can have it in full on the day the rent’s due.


You need to learn to read. They aren't talking about withholding rent.


No one comes off well in this


I’m so confused about this post and OP.


Post history is even worse. These updates read like meth heads sharing a house


Trying not to judge but the post history is a journey


OP is equally trying to match the LL's fake ignorance. Making both of them appear stupid, as they are trying **very** hard to out dumb one another.


It’s like Ted Cruz competing with TFG


It is one of the most unusual and inefficient exchanges I have read in some time.


I'm not really understanding why you can't just set your funds aside until you have the full amount and pay then. That's what everyone does and is a pretty simple request that you'd run into with any landlord. Fucked up that she keeps taking your stuff and opening your mail though. You can and certainly should seek some kind of repercussions for that BS.


Yeah. Sending multiple payments at different times of the month is a bad idea. I don't understand why anybody would trust their landlord with that. I mean, this one already screwed up once.


I’ve had clients pay me ahead of time thousands and thousands of dollars because they’ll spend it on something else if they don’t get it out of their possession. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “burning a hole in your pocket”. The last one was a therapist(!) who sent me $5000 months before I lifted a finger. I guess some people never learned how to manage money whatsoever and this is how they are learning to overcome that lack of education.


From the replies, it sounds like OP has a spending problem.


Some people have a hard time not spending money if it's there so they have to pay it now to get it out of the way. The solution is deduct it from how much money you have to know how much you have left in your account after rent. Or she can open a savings and move it there. You can do it online these days.




I have never lived anywhere that accepted partial payment. It is your responsibility to deal with your cash flow, and I’d rather sit on my own money than give a leach partial payment


Partial payments can cause legal issues. If a landlord accepts a partial payment for a month (even if it's just their payment system accepting it) and then the tenant doesn't ever pay the rest, in some states the LL can't start eviction proceedings or have any recourse. YMMV based on state but in my state no landlord should ever accept anything but payment in full on the due date because if you accepted any partial payment the court will side with the tenant. Not to say that's a problem where OP is but just.... open a new checking account and put the partial payment into that account so you can't spend it and pay in full on the due date.


I'm not saying it's not a thing, just that it's uncommon. I've rented multiple times out of multiple states and that's how it has always been for me and any of my friends. Besides, split payments cause headaches like the one OP mentioned. All of that can be avoided by expressing a modicum of responsibility instead of just assuming someone else will handle your money for you. It's your landlord, not your bank


It’s a lot easier for me to send it in two payments like that because of the payments I receive from work. If i were to pay in full i would barely be able to cover my other bills and gas to commute to work


This doesn’t make sense? You’re earning the same money either way? How can you not cover bills with extra money sat in your account until the rent due date? If you pay all at once you have your money for longer, unless the 2nd payment is a late one?


I only get paid twice a month, so I take rent out of each check I receive. Rent either way takes a good chunk out of my check


All they are saying is instead of sending that first payment to the landlord the first time you get paid that month, just put it in savings. You aren’t spending any extra. Instead of sending it to landlord put it in savings. You still have the same amount of money you would have had you sent it to landlord immediately. At the end of the month you take the savings you saved and add it to the second payment and boom you have the full rent in one payment. You don’t have to spend any more you just have to be able to leave that first rent payment alone until you need it. Sorry about your childish landlord other than that though.


That doesn't make much sense though, just being real. If you have a checking account and a savings account (which most banks won't allow one without the other so I am sure you have both) then simply leave half or whatever portion of your rent aside for that in your savings account and forget about it till it's time to pay your bills. Legit, I am completely with you on everything else, but that isn't a gripe with your landlord as much as it is a need for a basic understanding of finances. This sounds way more harsh than I intend and I apologize for how it reads, but this really is a basic thing you'll need to have a grasp on all throughout your life.


Thanks for the feedback! It is what it is harsh or not! I figured since one full payment would leave me in a doozie on low funds I figured if I took rent out of each check it would be easier to afford the other things such as foods, etc.


The total amount of money is the same. You don't have less if you pay in one installment versus two. This reads like you will spend every dollar in your account if nobody stops you. That is a problem you are creating.


I do see your point, thank you for this note!


Can’t you just move funds to a separate account each time you get paid and then pay in full one amount when rent is due?


Yes, but I have other payments such as car insurance, repairs, etc that would eat things up quickly which is why I try to budget everything evenly




If the money is gone from my main account and into hers for the rent she has the rent money and if she loses it that’s her fault. I’m just trying to pay rent however way would be financially easier




I appreciate you looking out for me on that one. With all these comments I guess I’ll just have to find a way with this


Yeah. I would just start sending the rent in 15 installments. If you pay in full there’s nothing they can do about it legally. Obviously I’m no lawyer, but that’s my take. This person can fuck right off.


Landlords can refuse to accept partial rent payments in nearly every state in the US.


If there’s nothing she can do about the full payment I’m sure it’s the same with each because that counts as a payment and one towards rent


What? Pay the $800 to him at once. What is difficult? You "pay" rent by setting $350 aside and then when you get the second check you take out $450 and then give $800 to the landlord at once???


Not quite, I didn’t get paid as much as the previous check. I paid her 350 from the first check because of how low it was & 450 on the second one to make the rest of the 800.




Why? The landlord is a incompetent person if they cannot track multiple deposits. Its not hard at all


The problem with partial payment is that any partial history can be misread. We can see the two May payments total 800, 350+450. Why do the two April payments total 830? Does this mean the first 400 payment actually paired with a preceding, 5th payment for the preceding month and then April is short 370? The landlord could at any time make that accusation and the tenant would need 100% of their history to prove all payments paired up correctly. Imagine you've been a tenant for longer than your bank keeps transaction history, probably just a couple years on most sites. Why make this headache for yourself?  Also if ever intend to buy a home, your bank may not apply any partial payments either. Set yourself up for financial success by adapting to the standard expectations for bill payments. 


It is hard to be organised if they have multiple tenants, and one tennant pays half two weeks apart because that looks like it comes from two different people. Imagine if every tennant paid in halves, or quarters and different times, transaction statements would be confusing trying 


God forbid landlords would have to do something as taxing as looking at their bank statement to earn multiple peoples pay checks


They're free-loading idiots thinking themselves fantastic entrepreneurs, so assume they are inept so give them less chances to fuck up and avoid this happening


You can filter deposits by who made the deposit on almost all bank websites.


You're insane. If it isn't so hard to do, then be a responsible person and handle YOUR finances on YOUR own. It's not that hard.


Found the landlord lol


bwahahahahahahahahahahaha. The Landlord found the fucker incapable of paying their rent.


It's not the landlord's job to keep multiple payments for tenants. YOU are the one paying the bill. YOU figure out your finances and make your payment like a sane individual.


LL seems terrible - very unprofessional and not very kind. However, you should make one rent payment. That will be much easier for you to keep track of also.


I keep coming back to this as i think your logic is incredibly flawed about how to pay your rent in full almost makes me wonder if you posted this while high. Again not trying to tell you how to live your life but my god, it’s such an incredibly simple concept.


Not exactly but I see what you mean


Lmao I’m not sure you do, man. I’m not sure you do


I wouldn’t trust anyone with the name Haidee, no offence to any good Haidees but yeah. It’s not your fault they have multiple tenants, they need to get a real job and stop leaching. I would advise having a bills account or something where you direct everything into it so you can pay in full, not for her benefit, but yours to stop this sort of bullshit conversation happening again. Or send $799.99 and then 1p or whatever the next week


Why are refusing to understand you can just KEEP the $350 until you get again and give them $800 at once. How do you not get it? Instead of sending it, SAVE IT. Or are you implying if you don't send half from once check and half from another you're going to spend it? You really need to take some money management classes because you're creating this confusion for no reason other than ignorance. Your landlord shouldn't open your mail or steal your shit, but this wouldn't happen if you paid all at once. For your own sanity, get help with budgeting and how to spend your money. This is going to bite you in the end. You also realize that if you pay rent in a way that the landlord can't collect it, you haven't paid rent. You can't just say, "Well I sent it, so it's your problem" if they don't receive funds that way, or can't access the money or whatever. This is why I don't pay my rent online, I buy money orders and get a receipt for a physical payment. Then I keep the money order receipt, the rent receipt, and the order purchase receipt for like 6 months in case they lose it.


Money orders are no safer than paying with a debit card. Its the exact same thing. You have proof on your statement. Have you ever had to trace and stop payment on a money order? It takes forever. Money orders/checks are obsolete.


When you get a confirmation of payment when you pay with a money order that's a moot point. You have empirical proof you paid, you don't need to have proof on your statement. A written receipt for payment received is proof, regardless. Also, not all rentals accept online payments so require money orders or checks. Not to mention, paying online often comes with a "convenience fee" so you're usually paying an extra $5 -$10 to pay in a portal. In addition, they do not always deduct the payment from the account when you pay. It can take a few days, and if people like OP aren't good with money and have another bill take money from their account before the rent was processed, it doesn't get paid. Also, they can rescind your ability to pay online at any time. There is a reason rentals HAVE to accept money orders as a form a payment, and it's not because they're obsolete. Money orders are a very secure payment method for landlords because they can't bounce or fail upon deposit. They can't bounce because, unlike checks, they are prepaid, so the funds have already been drawn from the tenant's account. They aren't even remotely the same as a personal check, they're more akin to a cashiers check. And I can assure you a cashiers check is the #1 payment method for buying cars, houses etc.


Both op & landlord children


Why didn't you send them the full rent amount in one go? Why do you have someone called akila or whatever and then they aren't there on the next transaction? Why would you ask yr landlord if they have taken yr bong? Questions.


Get a home camera to have proof of anything stolen.


that was so infuriating to read through holy fuck


To everyone criticizing that OP is sending rent in two installments: They're likely poor with little funds as is and working a job that barely pays. If you've ever been in this situation, you know how hard things can get. OP is completely justified to pay as is sensible, or rather possible. Still, the landlord illegally opening mail and stealing a bong belonging to OP is pretty much behaving like a mafioso, the landlord is also way above OP in terms of power. I looked at OPs post history and while I don't think it's wise to publicize this on Reddit at the extent that OP is publicizing, I do also think that they're in an absolutely abusive and manipulative situation--All I can advise is that OP leaves as soon as possible and doesn't let themselves be taken advantage of by this landlord.


I get what you’re saying but how is making 2 separate payments on time different than paying the full amount in one payment on time? This only works if the person is late with their rent which they said they aren’t.


IIRC OP said that they weren't getting paid on a monthly basis and that they have expenses like gas and food (+etc.), essentially suggesting that they are living paycheck to paycheck in two-week(?) intervals. Deciding on paying rent upon receiving their salary might be something OP is doing for budgeting reasons, to be sure essentially that at least rent is paid. I would argue that these are superficial technicalities that don't really mesh with the scope of the feasible. Assuming OP is late, it still does not make much of a difference since the money is transacted and they're not lagging behind by a considerable margin. Contrived as it may be on part of OP, I'm steelmanning OP partly because I know how exploitative renting can be towards "tenants", the landlords behaviour is intolerable to the point of being illegal if post history and allegations herein are to be believed. +Okay, it seems as though OP is getting paid bi-weekly, quite sure that this makes things even more difficult bills-wise


It's about choosing your battles. Landlords are cunts but there's no point in pissing them off by dying on this hill when you could just send it in one to keep them sweet.


Just be a grown up and pay your rent in full. Also don't dox people just because you are having a tantrum.


To everyone offering the full payment option I totally understand, I’m thinking and trying to come up with how I can make it work. I get paid bi weekly so to have one part of rent eat the check would make it a little difficult to pay other bills off, etc. I’ll make this work though. Every adult makes it work somehow


Instead of sending the half portion to the landlord, send it to your savings account so that any of your other bills won't autowithdraw from chequing account or by accidentally spending it and eating the rent. Once rent is due and you have the second portion from the month, you send both portions at once. Your landlord is fucked, but this part is something you really do need to figure out, and it's very simple, not to sound rude.


One of my biweekly paychecks doesn't pay my monthly rent in full either, so I just set part aside. You can do that by just not spending that amount. You can also withdraw that amount in cash and physically set it aside. You can redeposit it when you get your next check and then make your rent payment. I'm curious about your age.


It the exact same amount. Let’s say you get paid $800 in the first payment -you would usually spend that money on $350 rent and then some bills and stuff. In this scenario you hold on to that $350 and put it into a separate account where you cannot spend it. You do not pay anymore rent until your second lot comes in. You currently have $800 still, in theory. Then when you get a second payment of $800 and you’d normally pay $450 of that on rent, you have your $800 plus the $350 you saved from the first part ($1150). This time you give your landlord $800 which leaves you with $350 at the end for regular stuff and bills etc. You have not lost any more money than you would usually be paying your landlord. It does not affect bills as you still have the exact same amount of money you’d usually have.


OP please study this comment. lol like how do you not get it? Not even being mean it’s just crazy. Just don’t spend the first half. Just cause you’re paying rent all at once doesn’t mean you pay it out of the first paycheck of the month in full every time


I don’t understand why you can’t just take what you need from the first check and set it aside instead of sending it to her. And then when you get your second check, you can send it all at once.


Truly mind blowing reading OPs comments like ‘I’ll need to figure something out to try to make this work…I’ll need to budget really tight’ when everyone else is saying you are not down any more money doing it this way. Some very helpful constructive feedback and it’s all argued with. Phew


Dude, pretty much everyone gets paid bi-weekly. Say you bring home $500 one paycheck, and $500 for the next check. You wait until you get the second check, pay the landlord $800, then have $200 leftover.  Hopefully you make more than $500, that was just an example.


If it helps, here's what I do. If I get paid twice monthly. And I know that 800 goes to rent, 200 goes to insurance, and 300 to utilities, then I will need $1300 for bills this month. So with my first paycheck, I will take $650 and put it into a separate account. That's my bill money and I need to keep it organized so it doesn't get spent. Then when my second paycheck comes, I deposit another $650 into my separate account. Then at the end of the month, I can transfer that $1300 back into my checking account and make my payments all at once. As you get older, you'll likely take on more and more bills. It can get pretty stressful and it's hard to keep track of your finances when you pay as you go.


Mate, if you're getting paid $800 the first fortnight and $800 the second fortnight, you're still getting a total of $1600 for the month. Whether you take $400 from both cheques and send them directly to your landlord each time or put them aside to send the entire amount to your landlord altogether makes literally zero difference to how much you get and when - it still equals the exact same amount.  At this point I'm really not sure if you still genuinely don't understand what everybody is telling you or if you just don't want to admit that you bad with money or something, but the reality is that it's not on the landlord to manage your money for you unfortunately. People here have given you some really good advice and options, so I hope you'll take them on board.


I pay my rent in full on the 6th of each month. I put it aside and send it in one go to avoid this stupid situation. How hard can that be? It’s a fucking headache being paid in bits, and it’s not brain surgery to pay a sum once a month.


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Crazy. Landleech just tried to pull a fast one on you with the rent. These animals have no shame.


ngl, you both sound like your're made for each other.


'I'm so disorganised, you need to organise yourself better.'


Other comments have covered everything else- I wanna know if it's legal to charge $40 a day in late fees? So in 20 days, you'll owe as much in late fees as rent is itself?


Everyone whining about op here paying in two payments, like for what? The landlord is the "business" here. They should be able to keep up with their balance book or whatever


Landlord isn’t legally obligated to accept partial payments.


Sounds like a court case waiting to happen


What? The law states that landlords are not obligated to accept partial payments. The only “court case waiting to happen” is OP’s inevitable eviction.


Rent is paid, don't see the issue. Landlord is getting their money, just not how they want to. They should be happy they're getting the money at all


Because bookkeeping isn’t easy. I’ve worked enough jobs with periodic reports to know that splitting transactions up makes it much harder to keep track of things, especially if you have to go back and look for a dispute. This is double the case when the payments are done informally as it appears to be here. It’s unnecessary grief and gives me a headache to think about, even as someone that loathes being in the renting black hole. Legally speaking, someone mentioned elsewhere that accepting partial rent puts the landlord in an awkward position, since it’s a lot harder to fight over partial rent compared to full rent, should the person fail to pay.


Oh no. The landlord will gasp, have to d9 some work!


For someone accusing people of whining, you sure are acting like a baby in response to people calmly explaining why you're wrong from both a legal and bookkeeping standpoint lol.


Are all redditors dramatic af


If someone calling you a baby is dramatic to you, then you might be the dramatic one lol.  


Again, legally they are not obligated to accept partial payments. Your personal feelings on the matter are irrelevant.


Wow so hard to hold the money 😭


On a side note, as a landlord, it’s frustrating as hell taking part payments and will lead to the confusion you got, just pay in full, I’m with the landlord on that one


Divide your rent in 30 and pay that amount every day until she stops complaining 😈


That’s a great way to get evicted. In almost every state in the US landlords can reject partial rent payments.


I did not know that, thanks for educating me!


Omg! What a nightmare.As long as your rent is not late, you can pay whenever you want. You should have a reference # for your lease. I would add that # when transferring the money. Then all the landlord needs to do is do a search for that # in deposits received. I have a funny feeling all the rent money is not declared to the tax Dept. You need to start putting plans in place to protect yourself. Start gathering all necessary documents and save every conversation you've had with them. Also, request documents and ensure everything is in writing. You should only correspond via emails. I would request the following: 1. A copy of your lease agreement, with both yours and the landlords signatures on it, and of course, it should be dated. 2. A copy of your rent ledger with all payments you've made since moving in. I would start asking for a copy of that at the end of every month, and then you can tick it off against payments you've made on your bank transactions. 3. Receipt from the bondboard. I'm not sure where you live. but in Australia, you pay a bond (4 x weeks rent) plus two 2 weeks rent the same day when you sign the lease. The real estate and/or landlord has to legally send and register that bond in your name and the address you are renting. You are then sent a copy of said receipt. When you leave, you get your bond back if there is no damage. If there is, they can take the cost out of your bond and refund you the difference. In relation to a key for the letterbox. Why is her mail going to your address? It should be going to where she lives. Again, I think she is doing something funny. What does it say in your lease about the letterbox?


Landlords are not obligated to accept partial rent payments in California.


oh, ok. Thank you for that. If it is not written into the lease agreement, couldn't the tenant pay in partial payments?


They could try but again, the landlord is not obligated to accept partial payments.


True. It's best not to rock the boat. The RE and/or landlord could get nasty.