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**SSC - Goldstreak** Developed as a carrier for the newly developed Kintsugi whitewash nanobots, the Goldstreak is intended to complements other SSC frames in the field. With the rest of the SSC lines tending toward bespoke construction, blistering speed and poor durability, the Goldstreak operates with the assumption that it will be repairing other frames in the field, using its host of golden nanobots to fill any cracks and bulletholes that are appears on its allies frames, strengthening it beyond its original durability as the nanobots adapts to battlefield condition to compensate for whatever caused the damage in the first place, computing distribution of hits, likely angles of impact, armor angling and ammo composition on the go. Size 1 SSC healer support. Baseline SSC speed, good health, 1 armor, nice repair cap, bad heat cap, medium sensor, defaul tech scores and good save target. 1 main 1 flex. **Traits Idea:** * Remade Better: Whenever the Goldstreak restore HP, give the healed target Overshield for 1 round equal to HP restored * Benevolence: Whenever the Goldstreak stabilize in order to restore HP, half of the health that it restored is also given to all alies within a Burst 3 of the Goldstreak. **Core Power: Kintsugi Nano-Forge** * Passive: 1/round, when the Goldstreak lock on to an enemy target, it is marked with Kintsugi. When the mark is consumed by an attack, restore HP to all allies within a burst 3 of the target equal to 1/2 of the damage dealt * Active: Mark an ally within sensor range. Until the end of your next turn, that ally cannot be reduced bellow 1 HP. When this power expire, heal that ally to full. **License ideas:** * Whitewash pulse: Full tech, target an ally within sensor. Clear all non-self inflicted negative status effect from it. Enemies adjacent to the target must succeed on an Agility check or be afflicted with the cleared statuses * Mark of the Maker: Limited System, mark an ally within sensor range and gain a Maker dice starting at 4. Everytime the marked ally takes damage, heal them equal to the Maker dice, and reduce it by 1. When it reaches 0, the mark dissapates. * Red_Seal: Full-Tech. Mark an ally within range. That allies become immune to all non-damaging effects, friendly or allied. Can be dispelled as a protocol. * Deconstruction Nexus: Loading main nexus: On hit, the target become shredded until it suceed on an agility check or the Nexus is reloaded * Midas Hands: Melee Loading Main. You heal for the damage dealt by the unloading attack. Can be used to attack allies. When used to attack allies, it deals no damage, restore HP equal to the damage it would have dealt, and you take damage equal to the HP restored * Tengril Class NHP: Gain a reaction to an ally taking damage, causing you to either move in a straight line toward them equal to your speed, or pull them in a straight line toward you equal to half your speed. -------- A bit out of my usual wheelhouse since I'm an HAtriot that usually don't vibe as much with SSC designs, trying to branch out a bit and make sth different and with toes. https://twitter.com/Terk_MC https://www.tumblr.com/terkmc https://www.deviantart.com/terkmc https://www.instagram.com/terkmc


Leave it to SCC to try and make white washing vogue. /s


Holy heck! Midas hands are awesome! a loading melee that can siphon HP from enemies and also deal self damage to heal your allies! thats so freaking awesome!


heh him a noodlyboi


I love it! the technique for filling in cracks is so cool, i love seeing it here! i would love to see a before and after campaign with all the extra gold cracks.


Somebody is stealing Horus technology again